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All About VERTICAL ANTENNAS Theory, design, construction, operation The secrets of making verticals work Verticals and “slopers” for the best DX How to use your tower as a vertical antenna Compact verticals for restricted locations How to make an efficient “radio ground” All about loading coils and antenna tuners Short verticals that cover 40-160 meters WILLIAM |. ORR, W6SAI STUART D. COWAN, W2LX All About _ VERTICAL ANTENNAS William |. Orr, W6SAI Stuart BD. Cowan, W2LK Ace AAUIO AMATEUR CALUBOOR Gaution: Werking on antennas er towers can be dangerous. All swemings on the equipment end ell cperating and use instructors should be adhered te. Make sure that tne entering is disconnected from the station equipment before you bagin io work on it. Make sure that your atenna is nol closs to power linge, and that itcannst drop on a powar line # wires or supports tail, Do not attempt te climb a tower withouta salety belt. It ls best to werk on your antenna with someane who can assist you with tools and wil be able to help in the event of & problem or an emergency. ‘Copyright & 1986 by Radio Publications, Ina. Published in 1994 by Rado Amateur Calbook {an imprint of Watson-Guptill Publicalions, a division of BPI Communications, Inc.}, Pi. Box 2013, Lakewned, Mew Jersey O8701 Likrary of Congress Catalog Card Number: #6-061489 ISBN 0-8230-8710-7 All rights reserved, Ne pari ol this publication may be raproduced of used In any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or machin cluding photocopying, recording, ieping, of infarmation storage and relrieval sysiems—without written permission of the publisher. Manulaelured In the United States of America 12945676 9/01 00 999097 96 95 94 a3 CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER a. TABLE OF CONTENTS THE REAL-LIFE VERTICAL ANTENNAssseresaeee? How vertical antennas work. THE RADIO GROUND. eeseeesresseeseeeeteasedd How ground affects antenna operation, PRACTICAL MARCONE ANTENNAS ss:eareeaseaaed? DX antennas for the "low bands", ANTENNA MATCHING DEVICES. scessusneeeeeaaD? Matching the antenna to the transmitter. GROUND PLANE ANTENNAS sssss0e0seee cece e 11D Popular designs for the hf-vhf bands. PHASED VERTICAL ARRAYS "Gain antennas" for DX operation seweee laa MULTIBAND VERTICAL ANTENNAS.....--+000+157 Antennas for the space-limited amateur. ANTENNA ROUNDUP... . see ee eee eee el TF Ideas to make your antenna work better.

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