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Pierre VOLLE, Universit Paris Dauphine

Ce sminaire a pour objectif dexplorer le marketing comme domaine de recherche, afin de mettre en perspective les principaux champs dinvestigation actuels (organisation marketing et orientation march, marketing des services, gestion des marques, marketing lectronique) travers le prisme de la mtaphore relationnelle. L'tude d'articles de recherche permettra de mettre en vidence le caractre complexe, contingent et volutif des concepts et des thories en marketing. Le sminaire sappuie sur les prsentations de l'enseignant, la discussion en sance darticles fondamentaux et les exposs des participants autour de recherches empiriques. Un doctorant du DMSP et un chercheur viendront prsenter leur dmarche de recherche.

Lvaluation repose sur trois notes : l'analyse et la prsentation d'une recherche (30 %), la rdaction d'une note de rflexion (30 %) et le contrle final (40 %). La lecture des articles avant les sances est imprative.


Il sagit dun travail effectu par groupes de 2 tudiants. Ce travail donne lieu une prsentation orale de 20 minutes maximum. Le groupe prpare une synthse de 3 pages maximum (distribue tous les participants), ainsi qu'un document d'environ 10 pages maximum qui est donn l'enseignant. L'valuation repose sur : la clart de la note de synthse, la pertinence de lanalyse, la prsentation orale (y compris le respect du temps imparti) et la qualit formelle du document remis. L'analyse comprend un expos descriptif des objectifs, de la mthodologie, des rsultats et des implications de la recherche puis d'une analyse critique de ces mmes points.

Il sagit dun travail effectu individuellement et qui donne lieu la remise d'une note de 5 pages maximum. L'objectif consiste proposer un sujet de recherche marketing d'une faon convaincante : intrt pratique du sujet, positionnement dans le champ thorique, concepts en jeu, hypothses sur les relations entre ces concepts (au maximum, 5 hypothses bien justifies), mthodologies possibles, contributions attendues. L'valuation repose essentiellement sur l'originalit de la proposition, la pertinence des justifications (pratiques autant que thoriques), l'intrt des rfrences analyses et la qualit du document remis.


[1] Epistmologie et pratique de la recherche en marketing [2] La perspective relationnelle [3] Les concepts relationnels : de la qualit perue la satisfaction [4] Les concepts relationnels : de la confiance lidentification [5] La gestion de la relation client [6] Marketing lectronique et gestion de la relation client

Dates : 8/11, 15/11, 22/11, 29/11, 6/12, 13/12 Examen final : 6/1


[1] Epistmologie et pratique de la recherche en marketing
Voir plus loin la liste de rfrences complmentaires.

[2] La perspective relationnelle


Kohli A.K. et Jaworski B.J. (1990), Market orientation : the construct, research propositions, and managerial implications, Journal of Marketing, 54, April. Coviello N.E., Brodie R.J., Danaher P.J. et Johnston W.J. (2002), How firms relate to their markets : an empirical examination of contemporary marketing practices, Journal of Marketing, 66, July.

Noble C.H., Sinha R.K. et Kumar A. (2002), Market orientation and alternative strategic orientations : a longitudinal assessment of performance implications, Journal of Marketing, 66, October.

[3] Les concepts relationnels : de la qualit perue la satisfaction


Fournier S. (1998), Consumers and their brands : developing relationship theory in consumer research, Journal of Consumer Research, 24, March.

Kennedy K.N., Goolsby J.R. et Arnould E.J. (2003), Implementing a customer orientation : extension of theory and application, Journal of Marketing, October. Rust R.T., Lemon K.N. et Zeithaml V.A. (2004), Return on marketing : using customer equity to focus marketing strategy, Journal of Marketing, January. Moore E.S., Wilkie W.L. et Lutz R.J. (2002), Passing the torch : intergenerational influences as a source of brand equity, Journal of Marketing, 66, April.

[4] Les concepts relationnels : de la confiance lidentification


Garbarino E. et Johnson M.S. (1999), The different roles of satisfaction, trust, and commitment in customer relationships, Journal of Marketing, 63 April. Hennig-Thurau T., Gwinner K.P. et Gremler D.D. (2002), Understanding relationship outcomes : an integration of relational benefits and relationship quality, Journal of Service Research, 4, February. McAlexander J.H., Schouten J.W. et Koenig H.F. (2002), Building brand community, Journal of Marketing, 66, January.


Sirdeshmukh D., Singh J. et Sabol B. (2002), Consumer trust, value, and loyalty in relational exchanges, Journal of Marketing, 66, January. Bendapudi N. et Leone R.P. (2003), Psychological implications of customer participation in coproduction, Journal of Marketing, 67, January. Bhattacharya C.B. et Sen S. (2003), Consumer-company identification : a framework for understanding consumers' relationships with companies, Journal of Marketing, 67, April.

[5] La gestion de la relation client


Tax S.S., Brown S.W. et Chandrashekaran M. (1998), Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences : implications for relationship marketing, Journal of Marketing, 62, April. Selnes F. et Sallis J. (2003), Promoting Relationship Learning, Journal of Marketing, 67, July. Winer R.S. (2001), A framework for CRM, California Management Review, 43, 4.

Reinartz W.J. et Kumar V. (2003), The impact of customer relationship characteristics on profitable lifetime duration, Journal of Marketing, 67, January. Verhoef P.C. (2003), Understanding the effect of customer relationship management efforts on customer retention and customer share development, Journal of Marketing, October. Narayandas D., Rangan V.K. (2004), Building and sustaining buyer-seller relationships in mature industrial markets, Journal of Marketing, July. Maxham III J.G. et Netemeyer R.G. (2002), A longitudinal study of complaining customers evaluations of multiple service failures and recovery efforts, Journal of Marketing, 66, October. Maxham III J.G. et Netemeyer R.G. (2003), Firms reap what they sow : the effects of shared values and perceived organizational justice on customers' evaluations of complaint handling, Journal of Marketing, 67, January. Johnson M.D. et Selnes F. (2004), Customer portfolio management : toward a dynamic theory of exchange relationships, Journal of Marketing, April. Aaker J., Fournier S. et Brasel S.A. (2004), When good brands do bad, Journal of Consumer Research, 31, June.

[6] Marketing lectronique et gestion de la relation client


Mathwick C., Malhotra N. et Rigdon E. (2001), Experiential value : conceptualization, measurement and application in the catalog and Internet shopping environment, Journal of Retailing. Reibstein D. (2002), What attract customers to online stores, and what keeps them coming back, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Feinberg R.A., Kadam R. Hokama L. et Kim I. (2002), The state of electronic customer relationship management in retailing, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 30, 20.

Shankar V., Smith A.K. et Rangaswamy A. (2003), Customer satisfaction and loyalty in online and offline environments, International Journal of Research in Marketing.

Rfrences complmentaires : pistmologie et pratiques de la recherche en marketing

Anderson P.F. (1983), Marketing, scientific progress, and scientific method, Journal of Marketing, 47, Fall. Bergada M. et Nyeck S. (1992), Recherche en marketing : un tat des controverses, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 7, 3. Daghous N. et Arellano R. (1994), Taxonomie de la littrature rcente en marketing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 9, 4. Deshpande R. (1983), Paradigms lost : on the theory and method in research in marketing, Journal of Marketing, 47, Fall. Gregory P. (1995), La recherche en marketing, Dcisions Marketing, 4, Janvier-Avril. Hunt S. (1983), General theories and the explananda of marketing, Journal of Marketing, 47, Fall. Hunt S.H. (1993), Objectivity in marketing theory and research, Journal of Marketing, 57, April. Kerin R.A. (1996), In pursuit of an ideal : the editorial and literary history of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 60, January. Marion G. (1995), Le marketing-management en question, Revue Franaise de Gestion. Micallef A. (1997), Thories du marketing, in Encyclopdie de Gestion, sous la direction de Y. Simon et P. Joffre, Economica. Peter J.P. (1992), Realism or relativism for marketing theory and research : a comment on Hunt's "scientific realism", Journal of Marketing, 56, April. Sheth J.N., Gardner D.M. et Garrett D.E. (1988), Marketing theory : evolution and evaluation, John Wiley & Sons.

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