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Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 40, No.

5, 2011
DOI: 10.1007/s11664-011-1514-3
 2011 TMS

High-Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Co4Sb12-Based

Skutterudites with Multiple Filler Atoms: Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12



1.—Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634,

USA. 2.—Department of Physics and Astronomy, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA.
3.—School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan 430074, People’s Republic of China. 4.—e-mail:

Void-filling in the CoSb3 skutterudite lattice with different kinds of heavy

elements has proven to be an effective mechanism to enhance thermoelectric
performance due primarily to a reduction in lattice thermal conductivity.
Specifically, our findings on the series InxYbyCo4Sb12 [0 £ (x, y) £ 0.2] have
further motivated an attempt to form triple-filled skutterudites Ce0.1InxYby-
Co4Sb12 with In and Yb concentrations [0 £ (x, y) £ 0.2] and with the Ce con-
centration held constant (Ce0.1). All of these samples have been prepared via a
simplified melting–annealing–sintering procedure and were first character-
ized by means of x-ray powder diffraction and scanning electron microscopy,
followed by measurements of the Hall coefficient, electrical and thermal con-
ductivities, and Seebeck coefficient. Our aim is to further elucidate the roles of
the three elements (Ce, In, and Yb) in these materials. Compared with the
addition of just In or Yb, we found that simultaneous addition of both In and Yb
reduced the lattice thermal conductivity without significantly degrading the
power factor. Further addition of the third element (Ce), along with In and Yb,
also produced a similar result. However, we noticed that some of the In and Yb
were also observed in the form of secondary phases (InSb and Yb2O3), not
entering entirely as filler atoms. As a result of our investigation, several
compositions achieved increased sustainability and enhanced thermoelectric
performance, with maximum ZT values of about 1.3 to 1.4 obtained at around
800 K.

Key words: Cobalt triantimonide, triple-filled, skutterudites,

thermoelectrics, figure of merit, thermal conductivity

INTRODUCTION thermal to electrical energy conversion process.

This conversion efficiency is proportional to 2the
In the 19th century, Thomas Johann Seebeck,
quantity known as the TE figure of merit, ZT ¼ a jrT,
Jean Charles Peltier, and William Thomson (Lord
which represents the various important electrical
Kelvin), better known as the founding fathers of the
and thermal properties of the given material. Thus,
field of thermoelectrics (TE), discovered the funda-
the higher the ZT obtained, the higher the conver-
mentals of converting thermal energy into electrical
sion efficiency. Increasing interest in TE applica-
energy and the use of electrical energy to move
tions of power generation and refrigeration has
heat.1 The theories of these founding fathers were
prompted significant advancements in obtaining an
later translated into an efficiency description of the
ultimate efficiency value, or figure of merit, ZT. The
salient qualities of the dimensionless figure of merit
(Received May 14, 2010; accepted January 6, 2011; require us to maximize the Seebeck coefficient (a in
published online February 15, 2011) V K1) and electrical conductivity (r in X1 m1)

High-Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Co4Sb12-Based Skutterudites 697
with Multiple Filler Atoms: Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12

rattling atoms, or thermal vibrations, causing

increased phonon scattering. Single filling10–12 and
double filling of the void spaces in the skutterudite
material have been proven successful with the ele-
ments indium, ytterbium, and cerium (In, Yb, and
Ce) from the single filling of In by He et al., Yb
filling by Nolas et al., and Ce filling by Fluerial
et al. Motivation for the triple-filling approach of
Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12 came from successful results by
Peng et al.9 Peng’s successful attempt at double
filling of Yb0.2InyCo4Sb12 yielded a reduction in
lattice thermal conductivity, due to Yb, in compar-
Co-Cobalt Atoms (Metals) ison with the single-filled approach as well as an
enhancement of electrical conductivity because of
Sb-Antimony Atoms (Pnicogens) an increase in the In content. Because of a higher
solubility limit in these materials, the triple-filling
X-Filler Atom/Holes approach can be implemented to further increase
Fig. 1. Im3 space group, CoSb3.
thermal vibrations without significantly deteriorat-
ing the material’s crystalline electrical properties.
The third filler element, Ce, used in the Ce0.1Inx-
YbyCo4Sb12 samples successfully improves effi-
while minimizing the thermal conductivity (j in ciency by enhancing the concentration of charge
W m1 K1), where j = jE + jL, the electronic jE carriers, thus improving the Seebeck coefficient.
and lattice jL contributions, respectively. Skutter- Also, compared with the double-filled samples of
udites, such as the CoSb3 structure, are being Peng et al., the lattice thermal conductivity is low-
investigated as potential state-of-the-art TE mate- ered further by thermal vibrations from the rare-
rials with the ability of achieving such increasingly earth fillers, which in turn enhances ZT at high
high efficiency values. These narrow-bandgap temperatures. It is important to note that the
semiconductors have been studied for their high presence of the secondary phases Yb2O3 and InSb
efficiency performance for over a decade and gained may also be contributing to the increased scattering
increasing popularity through Slack’s (1995) postu- of phonons and the increased number of charge
lation of the phonon glass electron crystal (PGEC) carriers, respectively. It is not entirely conclusive
model.2–4 that triple filling is being achieved, as the indium
PGEC materials form a regular periodic cage-like may substitute on the Sb site and may also form the
crystal lattice, by which electrons move rather InSb phase previously discussed. However, TE
freely, characteristic of an ideal electron crystal, improvement in the prepared Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12
enclosing a larger, heavier, and more loosely bound [0 £ (x, y) £ 0.2] samples is achieved, and the results
‘‘guest’’ atom (Fig. 1). The guest atom, or ‘‘rattler,’’ are discussed herein.
causes disturbed oscillations through the cage of the
material due to large local anharmonic vibrations,
which reduces heat conduction in the material to a
value that is nearly characteristic of glasses.4,5 Preparation began by mixing, evacuating, and
MX3 skutterudites (M representing transition- sealing stoichiometric amounts of Co powder
metal elements such as Ir, Rh, and Co; X repre- (99.998%; Alfa Aesar), Sb shot (99.9999%; Alfa
senting pnicogen atoms such as P, Ar, and Sb) Aesar), Yb powder (99.9%; Alfa Aesar), In ingot
consists of 32 atoms with a cobalt cubic structure, (99.99%; Alfa Aesar), and Ce powder (99.99%; Alfa
six occupied antimony rings, and two absent cells. Aesar). The sealed quartz tube was heated to 873 K
Taking a PGEC approach with the XCo4Sb12 atomic and held for 3 h, then heated to 1323 K and held for
lattice structure, the absent cells can be filled with about 30 min. The quartz was then cooled to 923 K
heavy elements (rattlers) to reduce the lattice and held for 72 h; afterwards, furnace cooling
thermal conductivity, without significantly affecting occurred. The resulting ingots were removed from
the electrical properties. the furnace, pulverized using a mortar and pestle,
One of the major drawbacks for additional and examined by powder x-ray diffractometry
improvement in the efficiency of these materials is (XRD) using a Rigaku Miniflex diffractometer with
the ability to reduce their thermal conductivity. Cu Ka radiation. The resulting powders were then
Double filling and triple filling of various guest made into pellet form (15 mm diameter, 3 mm
atoms have since been used as methods of reducing thick) using a spark plasma sintering (SPS) tech-
lattice thermal conductivity and are the inspiration nique (Dr. Sinter Lab, SPS-515S) at 873 K for 15 min.
for the work presented herein.6–9 Progressions are Densities (q*) were measured using dimensional
being investigated through a multiple filling process analysis (Table I). The pellets were then tested
of the skutterudite void spaces, introducing the for their thermal conductivity (j) properties by
698 Graff, Zhu, Holgate, Peng, He, and Tritt

system for thermal conductivity measurements;14

Table I. Nominal composition, carrier concentration and (3) 4 mm 9 3 mm 9 1 mm rectangles for
(n), and density (q*) of all samples at room determination of carrier concentration (n) and car-
temperature rier mobility (l) by a Quantum Design Hall system
Carrier using the van der Pauw method with a magnetic
Nominal Concentration Density field strength of 0.5 T (5 K to 300 K).
Composition (cm23) (g cm23) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-
dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were performed
In0.2Yb0.2Co4Sb12 2.2 9 1020 7.564 using field-emission scanning electron microscopy
Ce0.1In0.15Yb0.15Co4Sb12 2.1 9 1020 7.633 (FESEM; Hitachi S4800) to understand the micro-
Ce0.1In0.1Yb0.2Co4Sb12 1.7 9 1020 7.616 morphology and topology of the fractured bulk
samples, as well as grain size and location of pos-
sible InSb nanoinclusions and Yb-rich nanoclusters
measurements of the thermal diffusivity (D) using a (believed to be Yb2O3).
Netzsch Microflash 457 transient technique and
heat capacity (Cp) using the Dulong–Petit high- RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
temperature limit. These measurements were used
to calculate thermal conductivity through the The first triple-filling approach utilized the element
equation j = q*CpD. Ce in the previous double-filled In0.2Yb0.2Co4Sb12
The pellets were then cut into measurable sam- system to create Ce0.1In0.15Yb0.15Co4Sb12. Efforts
ples for high-temperature properties, low-tempera- were then made to alter the In and Yb content with
ture properties, carrier concentration/mobility, and the third filler element Ce remaining stable. High-
for microscopy purposes. Four sections of a 15-mm- resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD) patterns of the
diameter pellet were cut into: (1) 10 mm 9 3 mm 9 SPS pulverized powders showed single-phase skutt-
2 mm rectangles for determination of their high- erudite structures along with traces of Yb2O3 and
temperature electrical resistivity (q = 1/r) and See- InSb clusters (Fig. 2). The traces of Yb2O3 that are
beck coefficient (a) values using an Ulvac-Riko present in the HRXRD patterns are a result of excess
ZEM-2 (300 K to 800 K); (2) 7 mm 9 2 mm 9 2 mm Yb that was unable to fill all cages.15 In recent stud-
rectangles for low-temperature resistivity, Seebeck ies, InSb clusters have appeared as a second phase in
coefficient, and thermal conductivity measurements In-doped CoSb3, rather than entering the Sb-icosa-
within the temperature range of 2 K to 300 K hedral voids, illustrating improvements in electrical
using a custom-designed four-probe measurement performance and thus TE efficiencies.16–17 Li et al.
system13 for resistivity and Seebeck coefficient published images of InSb islands found evenly dis-
measurements and a custom-designed steady-state tributed on the grain boundaries of an In,Ce-doped

+ Yb2O3
InSb In0.2Yb0.2Co4Sb12
Intensity (arb. units)



20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
2θ (°)
Fig. 2. Cu Ka radiation x-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern for all samples (Rigaku Miniflex diffractometer).
High-Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Co4Sb12-Based Skutterudites 699
with Multiple Filler Atoms: Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12

Fig. 3. SEM and EDS results for the Ce0.1In0.1Yb0.2Co4Sb12 sample showing the presence of Yb-rich secondary phase.

Hall mobility scattering of the charge carriers. As plotted, lH

1000 decreases with increasing In concentration, and it is
900 important to note that lH also increases with
800 increasing filling concentration. For a given carrier
Hall mobility (cm2/ V-s)

Ce0.1In0.15Yb0.15Co4Sb12 density, an increase in the scattering parameter
T-1.5 may suggest enhancement of the Seebeck coefficient
as well.18 The temperature dependence of the See-
beck coefficient and electrical conductivity are
400 shown in Fig. 5a and b, respectively. An increase in
300 the Seebeck coefficient is evident in the Ce0.1I-
200 n0.1Yb0.2Co4Sb12 sample and is verified by lH. Also,
compared with the double-filled InxCeyCo4Sb12
samples of Li et al., as well as the Yb0.2InyCo4Sb12
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 samples of Peng et al., there is an increase in the
Temperature (K) Seebeck coefficient from 210 lV K1 to about
240 lV K1 when the third filler is introduced. The
Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of Hall mobility for Ce0.1InxYby-
Co4Sb12 samples. electrical conductivity, in Fig. 5b, is similar at high
temperatures. At low temperatures, however, there
is a decrease in electrical conductivity with respect
skutterudite structure.16 Field-emission scanning to the amount of In induced in the samples. The r
electron microscopy (FESEM Hitachi S4800) images of Peng’s double-filled Yb0.2In0.2Co4Sb12 has a
confirm Yb-rich sites on the grain boundaries of the maximum around 0.9 mX1 cm1, whereas the
fractured bulk ranging from approximately 20 nm Ce0.1In0.15Yb0.15Co4Sb12 sample (Fig. 5b) has a maxi-
to 400 nm in size (Fig. 3). To date, we have not veri- mum r at 1.1 mX1 cm1. Thus, we can conclude
fied the presence of InSb through SEM/EDS analy- that introduction of Ce as the proposed third filler
sis even though it is clearly visible in the HRXRD has improved the skutterudite’s electrical perfor-
analysis. mance at low temperatures. This improvement,
All of the samples discussed herein show n-type therefore, may be partially attributed to the InSb
heavily doped semiconductor behavior. As shown in secondary nanophases formed due to the Ce filling
Table I, densities are all greater than 97% of their more of the voids. Further studies to investigate the
theoretical value. Nominal composition, carrier role and location of the InSb nanophases are cur-
concentration (n), and density (q*) values at room rently in progress.
temperature are also listed in Table I. Mobility (lH) Figure 6a displays the temperature dependence
versus temperature is plotted in Fig. 4 for the of the total thermal conductivity (jT) from 300 K to
various samples. All of the samples exhibit a T3/2 850 K. Recall that jT is derived from measure-
behavior that is consistent with acoustic phonon ments of thermal diffusivity (D) using the equation
700 Graff, Zhu, Holgate, Peng, He, and Tritt

Seebeck Coefficient Lattice Thermal Conductivity

(a) 0 (a) Total Thermal Conductivity

Total Thermal Conductivity (W/m-K)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Lattice TC (W/m-K)
Seebeck Coefficient (microV/K)

In0.2Yb0.2Co Sb12 3.9 4

-50 3

Ce0.1In0.1Yb0.2Co4Sb12 3.7 1

Ce0.1In0.15Yb0.15Co4Sb12 0 200 400 600 800
-100 3.5 Temperature (K)

-200 Ce0.1In0.1Yb0.2Co4Sb12
300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (K) Temperature (K)

(b) Electrical Conductivity

(b) Figure of Merit ZT (24 minute program)
6 1.6
Electrical Conductivity (1/mohm-cm)

In0.2Yb0.2Co4Sb12 1.4
4 1

3 ZT 0.8
2 Ce0.1In0.1Yb0.2Co4Sb12
1 0.2

0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Temperature (K) Temperature (K)

Fig. 5. Temperature dependence of (a) Seebeck coefficient and (b) Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of (a) thermal conductivity (jT)
electrical conductivity for Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12 samples. with inset of lattice thermal conductivity (jL = jT  jE) and (b)
dimensionless ZT for Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12 samples.

jT = Dq*Cp, where Cp is the heat capacity. As shown

applicable over a broader temperature range. Thus,
in Fig. 6a, jT decreases with increasing doping
noting from Fig. 6b, the temperature regime for the
content and concentration of Yb. Furthermore, in
multiple-filled samples is increased from about
the inset to Fig. 6a, the lattice thermal conductivity
600 K > T > 800 K compared with Peng’s samples.
(jL) additionally proves that, as the amount of
ZT reaches a maximum value of 1.4 at 800 K.
doping increases from double filling to triple filling,
Therefore, we can conclude that an increase in the
the rattling effect is enhanced, thus lowering jT. jL
Seebeck coefficient coupled with the reduction in
is found through the equation jL = jT – jE, where
thermal conductivity yields an increase in ZT for
jE is the electronic contribution to the thermal
the entire temperature range above 600 K.
conductivity. jE is given by the Wiedemann–Franz
relation jE = L0rT, where the Lorenz constant is
given by L0 = 2 9 108 V2 K2, which is typical for
heavily doped semiconductors. jE should not be Synthesis of Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12 samples was
ignored, however, because as the number of charge performed by a melt-anneal process followed by
carriers increases in each sample, so does jE. densification using spark plasma sintering, result-
Therefore, it can be concluded that phonon scatter- ing in electrical and thermal stability of all samples
ing by carriers is also occurring, as seen by Yang reported herein. Improvement with multiple filling
et al.19 Additionally, the Yb-rich nanophases seen in compared with double filling was found in both the
Fig. 3 may also play a role in further lowering the electrical and thermal performance of the materi-
thermal conductivity. The figure of merit, ZT, als. Introducing the third filler element Ce signifi-
from 300 K to 850 K (Fig. 6b) is enhanced by cantly reduced the total thermal conductivity.
the multiple filling in the Ce0.1In0.15Yb0.15Co4Sb12 The formation of possible InSb nanophases as well
and Ce0.1In0.1Yb0.2Co4Sb12 samples compared as the presence of Yb-rich (verified as Yb2O3 by
with the double-filled In0.2Yb0.2Co4Sb12 sample. HRXRD analysis) nanoclusters may also contribute
The multiple-filling approach ultimately enhances to the improved electrical and thermal performance
ZT by approximately 40%. It is equally important of the materials. Future work will attempt to
for ZT to be less temperature dependent and more understand the role and location of these secondary
High-Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Co4Sb12-Based Skutterudites 701
with Multiple Filler Atoms: Ce0.1InxYbyCo4Sb12

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