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Security Methods To Prevent URL Forgery

Threat and security measures go hand in hand in the history of internet era. We have improved a lot in security measures to make hacker's life really hard. Here I am expalining a method which prevents the submission of any malformed URL request (forged URL) to a web application. The idea is simple that any URL request to the secured application spacecan be verified for its identity. So that our application knows this request is trustable. Generally we have checksum and hash for protecting files and data transmission in a secured transaction. But it is not a general practice to use this method on a URL request. This article explains the threat of URl forgery and how an URL hash is a useful solution with an example. Though it is general concept this example developed with Visual Studio Express 2010, C#, ASP.Net MVC 2 (These plateforms are freely available for download).

Security Methods In ASP.Net MVC

Before jump in to the sample application let us brush up the security methods available with ASP.Net MVC. 1) Authorize attribute: This is useful to authorize a user or role to access any resource in the application after authenticated. So we can have seamless flexibility to control user/roles based restrictions without any additional codes. 2) Http Referrer Check: This is a general method not confined to .Net. This is to prevent an URL request which is not from the site, but from an external link or the link directly pasted at the navigation bar. 3) Anti Forgery Token: This is a powerfull option to prevent any hidden field manipulation while form posting and prevents Cross-Site Request Forgery 4) Html Encoding: It is advised to encode all user inputs to prevent Cross Site Scripting attack/ XSS attack etc., 5) Encryption of Query string parameters. This is good way to prevent manipulation of query string parameters. But this is not a complete protection, still vulnerable for a brute force attack. But there is no inbuilt support to check the URL or part of the URL is manipulated before


Proof Of Concept:
This is a small proof of concept question bank application where it has students. Each student is assigned to subjects and they should allow to view questions belong to the subjects assigned to them. Below is the database relationship diagram.

Fig 1: Showing the Database relationship in the sample application This database is very simple and nothing much to explain. The work flow like user logged in,

select a subject and it display the exams conducted in that subject. The exams contains questions. Note the below user interface shows a questions link, which is the key place we are going to talk further.

Figure 2: List of exams with link to questions showing secure and unsecure links The above picture shows the secured link and a unsecured link which are as follows. http://localhost:49510/Questions/QuestionsView/2/RayZZsXb1M8fjToWiVgEkQGr%2bI0% 3d http://localhost:49510/Questions/UnsecuredQuestionsView/2 *(change the localhost:port number to your URL) The only difference between these two URLs is the second parameter which is a hash. Before looking into how the hash is formed let us have a word about the threat here. What if the authorized user change the id (exam id here) parameter to another value, for example like http://localhost:49510/Questions/UnsecuredQuestionsView/7 which is an

exam id belongs to a subject not assigned to the logged in user (albin, password: test123). Let us see the ways to prevent it. If this URL pasted to the navigation bar or access this link from a different website , it won't work because it checks for http referrer.But still it doesn't prevent the threat. But still (when you are on the exams page) you can use the following javascript pasted in the navaigation bar and hit enter, which will give you an link. javascript:document.getElementById('testplace').innerHTML='<a

href="http://localhost:49510/Questions/UnsecuredQuestionsView/7">Test Me</a>'; We can have the id parameter encrypted then it is secured, but once the database is bigger then the chance of getting hit by brute forcing by random manipulation of the hash is higher. We can verify the parameter by checking through parent-child table relationship. But this tedious and need specific logics for each method. So is it a better method available where the URL can't be forged?!. Yes it is. We can compute a hash out of the URL and pass that hash as a parameter and then verify it in the called method. It is a simple technique. Let us have a look how we can implement it in MVC.
//This method accepts the partial path, starts from the controller and end with the parameters. Also It accepts a password public static string generateUrlToken(string controllerName, string actionName, ArrayList argumentParams, string password) { string token = ""; //The salt can be defined global string salt = "#testsalt"; //generating the partial url string stringToToken = controllerName + "/" + actionName + "/"; foreach (string param in argumentParams) { stringToToken += "/" + param; } //Converting the salt in to a byte array byte[] saltValueBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(salt); //Encrypt the salt bytes with the password Rfc2898DeriveBytes key = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, saltValueBytes); //get the key bytes from the above process byte[] secretKey = key.GetBytes(16); //generate the hash

HMACSHA1 tokenHash = new HMACSHA1(secretKey); tokenHash.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (stringToToken)); //convert the hash to a base64string token = Convert.ToBase64String(tokenHash.Hash); return token; }

The above method accepts part of the URL the controller name, action name and the parameter array. It returns a hash that can be added to the URL as below.
<% ArrayList args = new ArrayList(); args.Add(Convert.ToString(item.ExamId)); string token = SecureUrl.Models.SecureUrlToken.generateUrlToken ("Questions", "QuestionsView", args, "QuestionList"); %> <%: Html.ActionLink("Questions- Secured Link", "QuestionsView", "Questions", new {id = item.ExamId,urltoken=token }, null)%> The same way it can be veryfied in the controller as follows. public ActionResult QuestionsView(string id, string urltoken) { //The url token is generated by the same way it is generated for the link ArrayList args = new ArrayList(); args.Add(Convert.ToString(id)); //This method employs a common business logic for all urls, but only the parameters are different //It helps the url password protected string token = SecureUrlToken.generateUrlToken("Questions", "QuestionsView", args, "QuestionList");

//The url token is cross checked here to ensure that url parameters are not forged if (token == urltoken)

This method can be resued anywhere in the application. Be secure!!. As a final word if errors there forgive me. In my next article I will write about how this can be implement in ajax requests.

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