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Area of a rectangle can be expressed as A=bh where A = area (m2, ft2) b = width (m, ft) h = height (m, ft) (1)

Segment of Circle
Area of a segment of circle can be expressed as A = 1/2 (r - sin r) r2 = 1/2 ( d/180 - sin d) r2 (7)

Right Circular Cylinder

Lateral surface area of a right circular circle can be expressed as A=2rh where h = height of cylinder (m, ft) r = radius of base (m, ft) (8)

Area of a parallelogram can be expressed as A=bh (2)

Area of a triangle can be expressed as A = 1/2 b h (3)

Right Circular Cone

Lateral surface area of a right circular cone can be expressed as A=rl = r (r2 + h2)1/2 (9)

Area of a trapezoid (or trapezium) can be expressed as A = 1/2 (a + b) h (4)

where h = height of cone (m, ft) r = radius of base (m, ft) l = slant length (m, ft)

Area of a circle can be expressed as A = r2 where r = radius (m, ft) (5)

Lateral surface area of a sphere can be expressed as A = 4 r2 (10)

Sector and Segment of a Circle

Sector of Circle
Area of a sector of circle can be expressed as A = 1/2 r r2 = 1/360 d r2 where r = angle in radians d = angle in degrees (6)

(pi = = 3.141592...)


cube = a3 square = a2 rectangular prism = a b c rectangle = ab irregular prism = b h parallelogram = bh cylinder = b h = r2 h trapezoid = h/2 (b1 + b2) pyramid = (1/3) b h circle = pi r 2 cone = (1/3) b h = 1/3 r2 h ellipse = pi r1 r2 sphere = (4/3) r3 triangle = (1/2) b h equilateral triangle = (1/4) (3) a2 triangle given SAS = (1/2) a b sin C triangle given a,b,c = [s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)] when s = (a+b+c)/2 (Heron's formula) regular polygon = (1/2) n sin(360/n) S2 when n = # of sides and S = length from center to a corner ellipsoid = (4/3) pi r1 r2 r3

Surface Areas

cube = 6 a2 prism: (lateral area) = perimeter(b) L (total area) = perimeter(b) L + 2b

sphere = 4 r2

pi ()=3.1415926535 ...

Sphere (surface)

4 * pi * radius2

Perimeter formula
Square Rectangle Parallelogram Triangle Regular npolygon Trapezoid Trapezoid 4 * side 2 * (length + width) 2 * (side1 + side2) side1 + side2 + side3 n * side

Cylinder perimeter of circle * height (surface of side) 2 * pi * radius * height Cylinder (whole Areas of top and bottom surface) circles + Area of the side 2(pi * radius2) + 2 * pi * radius * height Cone (surface) pi * radius * side pi2 * (radius22 - radius12)

height * (base1 + base2) / 2 base1 + base2 + height * [csc(theta1) + csc(theta2)] 2 * pi * radius 4 * radius1 * E(k,pi/2) E(k,pi/2) is the Complete Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind k = (1/radius1) * sqrt(radius12 - radius22)

Torus (surface)

Volume formula
Cube Rectangular Prism Sphere Ellipsoid side3 side1 * side2 * side3

Circle Ellipse

(4/3) * pi * radius3 (4/3) * pi * radius1 * radius2 * radius3 pi * radius2 * height (1/3) * pi * radius2 * height (1/3) * (base area) * height (1/4) * pi2 * (r1 + r2) * (r1 r2)2

Area formula
Square Rectangle Parallelogram Triangle Regular npolygon Trapezoid side2 length * width base * height base * height / 2 (1/4) * n * side2 * cot(pi/n)

Cylinder Cone Pyramid Torus

height * (base1 + base2) / 2

Circle Ellipse

pi * radius2 pi * radius1 * radius2

Cube (surface)

6 * side2

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