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Feb 20th Year 1 Animals, how I say my favorite animal, what he eat.

The new alphabet ( a) read and writes the short and long vowels, new words. Year 2 Circus, power point presentation about the Circus, making 3 short sentences about the circus show. The new alphabet ( a) read and writes the short and long vowels, new words. Year 3 Beach, power point presentation about the beach, making 3 short sentences about that by using the present verb. The new alphabet ( a) read and writes the short and long vowels, new words. Year 4 Fruits and Vegetables, Practice book page 74 75 The new alphabet ( a) read and writes the short and long vowels, new words. Year 5 Kitchen, Youtube website presentation, studies the new vocabularies, and to identify the tools that is finding in the kitchen and cooking tools. The new alphabet ( a) read and writes the short and long vowels, new words. Year 6 Jobs make sentences about the places of each job. The new alphabet ( a) read and writes the short and long vowels, new words. See the Words Guidelines for each class below please.

Y1 guidelines Words

Meaning animals dog Cat Rabit Horse Fish Elephant Bear Pig Sheep Lion Tiger Giraffe Duck Mouse butterfly Bird

Pronouncation haiwanat Kalb Kittah Arnub Hisan Samakah Feel Dob Khanzeer Kharoof Asad Nimer Zarafah Buttah Far Farashah asfoor

Y2 guidelines Circus Circ Alard Khaimah Moharrej Rakis Habel Halakat nar Saher Khobbaah Orjooha Hisan Asad Nimer Kulb Feel Circus Show Tent Clown Danswer Rope Fire ring Magician Hat Swing Horse Lion Tiger Dog Elephant


The beach


Beach Sand Sea Water sun Shell Umbrella bucket Spade floating Beach chair Swimming suit Boat ball Juice Ice cream Sun glasses Sand palace

Shati Ramel Bahar Ma shams Sadafa Methalla Dalo Jaroof Awama Korsi shati Malabes sebaha kareb kora aseer bootha nathara Kalat ramel

Year 4

Fruits and vegetables Fawakeh Toffah Bortokal Mawz Ananas Karaz Batteekh Farawlah Inab Toot Ijas Khodar Batatah Tamatem Filfel Filfel har Kus Khiyar Basul Thoom Jazer Bathenjan Koosa Laimoon Fruits Apple Orange Banana Pineapple Cherry Watermelon Strawberry Grapes Berry Pears Vegetable Potato Tomato Capsicum Chilly Lettuce Cucumber Onion Garlic Carrot Eggplant Zoccini Lemon

Y5 Living room Curtain Vase Armchair Table Cat Lamp Table Carpet Pillow TV Chair Picture Sitrah Mazhareya Kanabeya Tawelah Qittah Misbah Tawelah Sijadah Wesadah Telfezyoon Qorsee Soorah


Yr 6 Jobs Meaning Jobs Policeman Doctors Teacher Artist Vet Singer Dancer Soldier Scientist Pilot Actor Nurse Astronaut Chef

Pronouncation Mehan Shorty Tabeeb Moulem rassam Tabeeb Baytary Moghanny Raqes Jondy Alem Tayar Momuthel Momured Raed Fadaa Tubbakh

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