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Mechanics : Equation sheet D'Alembert's principle:

March 2, 2012

(Fi pi ) ri = 0


where pi refers to the constraint forces.

Calculus of variation: Assume a path y(x, ) = y(x, 0) + (x), try to minimize the path by taking derivative of t2 dI d = L(x, , ..., t)dt (2)

Hamilton's principle / Least action principle:


S =

L dt

(3) (4)

Lagrange Eqn of motion:

L d L =0 q dt q

Lagrange Eqn of motion with Lagrange multipliers:

L d L + qk dt qk j

fj =0 qk


where j is the number of constraints. Constraint forces:

Qk =

fi qk


Canonical force:
Qk pk =


ri qk

(7) (8) (9)

V L = qk qk L T = qk qk

Canonical momentum:
pk =

The second equal sign holds for the above two eqns if there is no weird T or V. Legendre transformation:
L(q, q, t) = pq H(q, p, t)


Hamilton's equation of motions:

H p H q H t = q = p = L dH = t dt

(11) (12) (13)

The three partial derivatives on the left form the total derivatives of H w.r.t time. Page 1 of 4

Mechanics : Equation sheet Can write the Hamilton's equation of motion as:
i = {i , H} i H H i = qi pi qi pi i = J H

March 2, 2012

(14) (15) (16) (17)

where {} is the Poison bracket, = (q, p)T and

J= 0 I I 0


Canonical transformation (phase space transformation):

L = L + pq H(q, p, t) dF dt

(19) (20) (21)

dF = P Q K(Q, P, t) + dt

Can also write it with = (Q, P )T such that

= M

with M being the Jacobian matrix Mij = i /j . Innitestimal Canonical transformation:

= = + G J

(22) (23)

Hamilton-Jacobi equation - if Hamiltonian is conserved, transform to cyclic coordinates P, Q such that:

K Pi K Qi = Qi = Pi =0 =0

(24) (25) (26)

where J is dened in (18), is a small number and G is the generating function. Similarity transformation: Rotational matrix for anti-clockwise rotations:
A= cos sin sin cos A = M AM 1

(27) (28)

Rotational matrix are orthogonal M M 1 = I . 5 Rotatng (non-inertial) frame: d d | = | + dt space dt body


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Mechanics : Equation sheet Euler equation of motion for rigid body rotation:

March 2, 2012

di j k (Ij Ik ) = Ni dt di Ii + ijk j k Ik = Ni dt d d I | +L = N =I | dt body dt space

(30) (31) (32)

No sum over i.
T = 1 I 2 mi ri

(33) (34) (35)

Center of mass:
rC.M. = rC.M. =

1 M

1 M


Coriolis eect:
as Fef f = = dvs dvs |s = |b + vs dt dt ar + 2( vr ) + ( vr )

(36) (37) (38)

= mar

Inertia tensor:
Iij = = (r)(ij
k 2 rk ri rj )dV

(39) (40)

mi ( r) ( r) 2

where r points from the intersection of the rotational axis and the center of mass to some where inside the rigid body Parallel axis theorem: Iij = Jij + M r2 (41) where Jij is the original inertia tensor and r is the displacement. System of particles: (1) Find generalized coordinates. (2) Find two matrices Tij and Vij (beware of summation):
V T = = 1 Vij i j 2 1 Tij i j 2

(42) (43)

Let i = Ck aik eik t so that the equation of motion becomes:

2 |Vij k Tij |ajk = 0


With normalization as coordinates by:


Tjk akr ajs = rs . And the normal coordinates are related to the generalized = A


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Mechanics : Equation sheet Also for two diatomic molecules can write:
p2 /2m1 + p2 /2m2 = p2 /2M + p2 /2 1 CM

March 2, 2012


where M = m1 + m2 ; And = m1 m2 /(m1 + m2 ) ; x = x1 x2 such that

p = x

(47) (48)

pCM = M xCM = m1 x1 + m2 x2

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