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Th1. qaestion paper consistsof three sections: Section A, Section B and Scclim C. tll for rlnsvyer questionsin Section A. Write your answers Section A clearly in provided in the questionpaper. tu spaces

from Section C. Write your 3- Answer onequestion from Section B question (mswers/or Section B and Section C on the lined pages at the end of the question-paperin detail. You may use equations,diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable rnethodsto explain your answer. 4. Showyour working, it may help you to get marks. 5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer. in 6, The d.iagrams the questionsare not drawn to scale unlessstated. 7. Marks allocatedfor each questionor part questionare shown in brackets. to 8. The time suggested completeSection A is 90 minutes,Section B is 30 minutes and Section C is 3O minutes. g. You may use a non-programrnable scientific calculator. 10. this questionpa.perat the end of the examination.

Section A 160 marksl Answer all questions. The tirne suggested completethis section is 90 minutes. to

Examiner's Use

P. Q and R in Figure 1 show three types of interactionsbetween organisms.



(a) (i)


Name the type of interaction representedby P and Q. P: Q:

I (aXi)

12marksl [Lihat sebelah

(a) (ii) Describethe interactionrepresented P. by

I (aXii)

[3 marksl (b) (i) In the interactions represented Q andR, what termsareusedto describe by organisms and Y? X Organism X: Organism Y: [2 marksf (ii) Stateone characteristic organismX that adaptsit for the interaction. of

1 (bxi)

1 (bxii)

U markl (c) The rubber tree in the interactionrepresented e dies. by Explain what will happen organism to X. 1 (c)

[2 marksl

@ Saw dust can be usedin the interactionrepresented R for the commercial by

cultivation of mushrooms. Explain how mushrooms can grow on saw dust.


[3 marksl


ll.ihat sebelah

Figure 2 showscells P and Q undergoingcell division.

Exarniner's Use

Cell P


(a) (i)

Name the structures labelled K and L. K:


2 (a)(i)

(ii) State the phase of division of cells P and Q. Cell P: Cell Q:

2 (a)(ii)

12marksl ll,ihat sebelah

(b) Cell P undergoes three consecutive divisions. How many daughter cells are produced?

Exarniner's Use

2 (b)

ii *"in
(c) (i) Cell Q undergoesthe first nuclear division and produces two cells. C om p le te the diagram to show t h e c h ro mo s o me s in o n e o f t h e cells produced.

2 (c)(i)

ll markl 2 (c)(11)
(ii) Name one organ where cell Q is found.

(iii) The number of chromosomes in a somatic cell of a fly ts 12. State the number of chromosomes in a daughter cell produced at the end of the type of cell division as shown by cell Q.

2 (c)(iii)


@ Cancer is a disease which causesuncontrolled growth of tissues.

Radiotherapy is a method to treat cancer by using radiation. Explain how this treatment stops the growth of cancer cells.

Examiner's Use


12 marksf (e) An oil palm planter wants to produce a large number of oil palms in a shorttime. Statethe best techniqueto be used by the planter and one problem to be in considered using the technique. 2 (e)

f2 marksl TOTAL

Figure 3.1 represents model of the humanlungs in the respiratorymechanism. a

rur Etwminer's Use

Rubbercork Bell jar Glasstube Balloon

Thin rubber sheet String

FIGURE 3.1 (a) Based on the model of the lungs in Figure 3.1, what are the equivalent structures to the glass tube and the bell jar in the human respiratory system?

3 (a)
Glasstube: ....... B ell ja r : ................. 12 marksl (b) (i\ The thin rubber sheet represents the diaphragm in the human respiratorysystem. What is the function of the thin rubber sheet in the model of the lungs?

3 (rxi)

ll marld (ii) The balloons representthe human lungs. Explain one characteristic of the balloons which is similar to the human lungs.

3 (rxii)

[2 marks]

(c) (i) The string in the model of the lungs is pulled down.
Draw the changes to the thin rubber sheet and the balloons in Figure 3.2 below.

Exatniner's Use

3 (cXi)
FIGURE3.2 lL mark) (ii) Observeyour drawing in (c)(i). Explain the relationship between changes the model of the lungs the in you have drawn and the real humanrespiratorysystem.

3 (cXii)

[3 marks]

of in @ (i) The percentage oxygenandcarbondioxidegases inspiredandexpired air is determingd using the J-tube. by Why is the end of the J-tubedippedin potassium hydroxidesolution and pyrogallolsolution? then followed by potassium

Examiner's Use

3 (dxi)

ft markl
(ii) Table 3.3 shows the result of a study on the content inspiredand of expired air. Type of gas Oxygen Carbondioxide
Nitrogen gas Water vapour

Inspired air lo/o 2t-0 0.04 7 8 .0 Vary


Expired air lo/o

16.0 4.0 78.0 Saturated

Explain why there is an increase in percentage of carbon dioxide in the expired air.

3 (dxii)

12 marksf


Figure 4.1 shows the organellesinvolved during the synthesisand secretionof an enzyme in an animal cell.

Exsrniner's Use

FIGURE 4.1 (a) Name the organelleslabelled P and R. P: R:

4 (a)

12 marksl

(b) (i)

State the function of organelle S'

4 (bxi)


( i i ) E x p l a i n th e ro l e o fo rg a n e l l e Qinthesynthesisoftheenzym e.

4 (bxii)

12 marksl

Enzvmesare widelY usedin our daily life and industries' act Explain how enzYmes in: (i) helping to cook meat.

a (cXi)

(ii) extracting agar from seaweeds'


of W, @ Figure4.2 showsthe structure an enzymeand threesubstrates X and Y.

Exnminer's Use


ilf lil

Based on Figure 4.2, complete the schematic diagram below to show the mechanism of enzyme action on a suitable-.substrate.

Enzyme+ Substrate

Enzyme-Substrate Complex


Enzyme+ Product 12 marksl ll,ihat sebelah TOTAL

Figure 5 shows part of the circulatory system and the lymphatic system in the human body.

Examiner Use

Vein -

Tissue fluid

Capillary Y Body tissue

VesselQ Fluid X

Lymph node FIGURE 5 (a) (i)

s (aXi)
What is fluid X?

lI markl (ii) What happens to the components of fluid X when it passesthrough the lymph node?

s (aXii)

ll markl

(b) (i)

Fluid X originates from the blood. Describe how fluid X is formed from the blood.

s (bxi)

(ii) State one difference between fluid X and the blood.

s (bxii)

ft markl
(c) (i) A part of vessel Q is blocked.
Explain its effect on the system in Figure 5.

s (cXi)

(ii) Vessel Q in the leg is blocked. What would happen to the leg?

s (cXii)

II mark] (d) The blood circulatory system and the lymphatic system function to maintain the composition of the tissue fluid. Explain how the composition of the tissue fluid is maintained by stating the s ubstan ce s transported by the blo o d c irc u la t o ry s y s t e m a n d t h e lymphatic system.


TOTAL 13marksf ll.ihat sebelah

Section B [2A marks) Answerany one question. this sectionis 3o minutes. to The time suggested complete its habitat. (a) Figure6.1 shows

FIGURE 6.1 Explain the adaptationsof the plant which enable it to float on the water surface. 14 marksf (b) Figwe 6.2 shows the movements of an earthworm and a fish in different habitats.

FIGURE 6.2 Explain how the skeletal system of each organism is adaptedfor its movement 16 marks;1

(c) Figure6.3 showsmovement activitiesin a human.


FIGURE6.3 Based Figure6.3(i) andFigure6.3(ii),explainhow the above on movement takes placewhichinvolvesmuscles, tendons, bones, ligaments joints. and [I0 marksl

Figure 7.1 shows a physiological processin a human.


( (

(a) Describe the

process shown in Figure 7.1.

f4 marksl


Human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone (HCG) has a similar role to luteinising hormone (LH). A woman has a problem conceiving due to failure in ovulation. The woman becomespregnant after a doctor has given her injections of HCG.

Based on the above statement,explain how the HCG injections enable the process of pregnancy. [6 marks]



Figure 7.2 showsthe formation of two pairs of twins.





TwinsP FIGURE7.2

Twins Q

in Explain the similaritiesand differences the formationof the two pairs of twins. 14 marksl



Figure 7.3 shows anothertwo pairs of twins.

Twins R FIGURE 7.3

Twins S

Explain the differences between the two pairs of twins. Your explanation should be basedon the following aspects: . Types of twins . The formation of twins . Characteristicsof twins


Section C 120 marks] Answer any one question. The time suggested to complete this section is 30 minutes. 8 (a) A pure breeding tall pea plant is crossed with a pure breeding dwarf pea plant. All of the offsprings produced are tall. Describe the above cross based on Mendel's First Law. 13 marksl (b) A dihybrid cross between two varieties of oil palm, Dura and Pisifera, produces a new variety, Tenera. Tenera has better quality fruits compared to Dura and Pisifera as shown in Table 8.

oil palm variety


Characteristics of the trait Phenotype


Thin husk

Thick flesh

Thick husk Pisifera H Hff Thin flesh

Thick husk

Thick flesh

TABLE 8 Key: H - representsdominant allele for thick husk F - representsdominant allele for thick flesh Self-crossing between the Tenera variety does not produce offsprings of the same quality as their parents. Explain why.

[7 marksf ll.ihat sebelah

(c) Genetic engineering is a technique whereby the genetic content of an organism is manipulated. Based on your knowledge of genetic engineering,explain whether this technique should be developed further. Your explanations must include examples of the advantagesand disadvantages based on the concept of genetic engineering. [I0 marks]

(a) Figure 9.1 shows one of the environmental phenomenawhich has become a current topic of discussion.

FIGURE 9.1 Name this phenomenon and explain how it happens. If you are an environmentalactivist, suggesthow would you explain to society about the measuresneeded to overcome the phenomenon' lI0 marksl

out near a residentialarea with the intention tbl Figure 9.2 showsan activity car:ried to develop the area.However, the residents are worried about the bad effects of the activity.

Extracted from "Our Changing World" by Sobel and Oliver(1969).

FIGURE 9.2 If you were a resident of the area, discuss the good and bad effects of tl} marksl the activity.



Bahagian/Section:...... No. Soalan/QuestionNo.:

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