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NTRODUCTION The company chosen for analysis is Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) fast food restau rants.

The company's headquarters are found at Kentucky in the US. Additionally, it is one of the most well known restaurant chains in the world especially with reference to chicken.It boasts of over eleven thousand restaurants located in ov er eighty countries of theworld. Examples here include, UK, China, Thailand, Kuw ait, Spain and Barbados,Puerto Rico, Pakistan and many more. The company's jar m aproduct is chicken. Theseare served in various forms such a Chunky chicken hot pie, chicken fillets, chickensandwiches among others. On top of these, the compa ny also serves a variety of burgersand other non-chicken related foods. In total , there are three hundred products that thecompany offers the public. KFC is par t of a global restaurant system known as Yum!This is the reason why the company normally teams up with other restaurants under the Yum! Brand like Taco Bell and Pizza Hut. KFC UNETHICAL ISSUES OR BEHAVIORS KFC is responsible for the suffering and brutal slaughter of over 800,000,000 ch ickens ayear. This is well known, and well documented fact.KFC employs harsh con ditions for their chickens throughout their entire lives, from beingtrapped in a n extremely small cage(smaller than all legal cages in Europe) with up to fiveot her chickens, to being scalded alive at the slaughter house. These are common ab uses inKFC factory farms, and even worse abuses, such as chickens being stomped on andhaving their limbs ripped off, have been documented by animal rights organ izations suchas PETA, and even KFC's own animal welfare advisers agree that thes e conditions areunethical and need to be changed.KFC is an industry leader, and as such is an example for other chicken restaurants. This iswhy KFC has to chang e its inhumane treatment of chickens, because if we do not forcethem to change, it will be matter of time before other restaurant chains change their practices to resemble KFC's in an attempt to reduce costs. The lives of hundreds of milli ons of chickens (intelligent, sentient beings capable of feeling pain) are morei mportant than corporations like KFC making more money.The simplest way to show t hat you don't support KFC is by boycotting them until theychange their ways. A m ore effective and wide reaching approach is to no onger eat meat products all t ogether. Some people find this too much of a stretch, but those who make the cha nge rarely look back. KFC's Entry in India Foreign fast food companies were allowed to enter India during the early 1990s d ue tothe economic liberalization policy of the Indian Government. KFC was among the firstfast food multinationals to enter India.On receiving permission to open 30 new outlets across the country, KFC opened its firstfast-food outlet in Bang alore in June 1995. Bangalore was chosen as the launch pad because it had a subs tantial upper middle class population, with a trend of families eatingout. It wa s considered India's fastest growing metropolis in the 1990s. Apart fromBangalor e, PepsiCo planned to open 60 KFC and Pizza Hut outlets in the country in thenex t seven years. However, KFC got embroiled in various controversies even before i tstarted full- fledged business in India. When the issue of granting permission tomultinational food giants to set up business in the country came up for discus sion in theIndian parliament, some members from the opposition parties were voca l in their displeasure.. From the very first day of opening its restaurant, KFC faced problems in the for m of protests by angry farmers led by the Karnataka Rajya Ryota Sangha (KRRS). T he farmers leader, Nanjundaswamy, who led these protests, vehemently condemnedKF C's entry into India, saying that it was unethical to promote highly processed ' junk food' in a poor country like India with severe malnutrition problems. Nanju ndaswamyexpressed concern that the growing number of foreign fast food chains wo uld depleteIndia's livestock, which would adversely affect its agriculture and t

he environment. Heargued that non-vegetarian fast-food restaurants like KFC woul d encourage Indianfarmers to shift from production of basic crops to more lucrat ive varieties like animalfeed and meat, leaving poorer sections of society with no affordable food. KRRS held aconvention on November 01, 1995 to protest the en try of fast food multinationals and theWesternization of local agriculture...The case highlights the ethical issues involved in Kentucky Fried Chicken's (KFC) b usiness operations in India.The regulatory authorities found that KFC's chickens did notadhere to the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954. Chickens contai ned nearly threetimes more monosodium glutamate (popularly known as MSG, a flavo r enhancingingredient) as allowed by the Act. Since the late 1990s, KFC faced se vere protests byPeople for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an animal rights protectionorganization. PETA accused KFC of cruelty towards chickens and releas ed a video tapeshowing the ill-treatment of birds in KFC's poultry farms. However, undeterred by the protests by PETA and other animal rights organization s, KFC planned a massive expansion program in India.Issues: Understand the significance of cultural, economic, regulatory and ecological is sueswhile establishing business in a foreign country Appreciate the need for protecting animal rights in developed and developing co untrieslike India Understand the importance of ethics in doing business Examine the reasons for protests of PETA Identify solutions for KFC's problems i n India KFC and Yum Brands sued for false statements People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are seeking an injunction to stop "d eceptivestatements" by KFC and its parent company on animal welfare issues.Peopl e for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) filed a complaint in CaliforniaSup erior Court today, seeking an injunction against the KFC and its parent company, Yum! Brands (Yum), for making "false statements with regard to its animal welfar e practices".The controversial campaign group claims to have proof of grotesque abuses inflictedupon chickens by KFC suppliers.PETA contends that statements KFC are making about animal welfare mislead animal-friendly consumers and are unlaw fully deceptive. They are asking the court for aninjunction to stop the defendan ts from continuing to make such statements. KFC using oil which contains Tran's fatty acids Being one of the most popular fast food restaurants and with millions of people patronising the products and foods offered by the company, it is important the c ompanyadheres to ethical standards specifically in terms of providing healthy fo ods. However, ithas been observed that Kentucky Fried Chicken is using oil which contains Tran's fattyacids. This kind of oil is noted to increase cholesterol and even increased the risk of having he art disease. As authorities discovered this, the case was being carried over byt he consumer group Center for Science in the Public Interest and told the company to usehealthier cooking products than the one they are using. Tran's fatty acids have been the topic of much debate among nutrition scientists . Theyare by-products of hydrogenation of liquid vegetable oils in the manufactu re of margarines and hydrogenated fats to formulate commercially prepared baked goods andfried foods (1995) like what have been accused to KFC.Gram for gram, th ey are believed to be twice as damaging as saturated fat. The NutritionAction He alth letter, published by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), reported in 1997 that in clinical studies Tran's fat raised people's blood chole sterol aboutas much as saturated fat did. Because trans-fatty acids are not list ed on food labels, theyare invisible to consumers. The CSPI found that the trans -fat content in most chains'French fries equaled or even exceeded the amount of saturated fat. That means a bigorder of fries has as much bad fat as a signature burger. With the negative effect of this tothe people, KFC has been faced with problems in terms of following business ethics andfinding ways to find solutions to these kinds of issue.

KFC does business with facilities that torture chickens Amounting to about 850 million chickens a year, even though KFC claims to have a nanimal welfare board. By doing business with inhumane companies, KFC is condoni ngunnecessary chicken suffering.Before being crammed into dangerous cages result ing in broken body parts, chickens'sensitive beaks are chopped off without any p ainkillers. They are left suffering inunsanitary conditions reeking of ammonia a nd feces. Once taken out of the cages,chickens endure further torment by obvious ly sick individuals who need to prove their socalled human superiority by beatin g, burning and ripping off chickens' heads while theyare still alive.KFC claims on its site that consumers around the world "enjoy more than 300" of its product s. I wonder if those same people would enjoy visiting KFC's "Supplier of theYear " slaughterhouse in West Virginia to witness all the violence against defenseles schickens?Boycott KFC and its affiliates. Show KFC that it must adopt and enforc e an animalwelfare program if it intends to keep any customers Another issue that the company is currently grappling with is firmly tied to the nature of the industry that the company operates in; fast food restaurant. Acco rding to healthexperts and other nutritionists, the type of fats utilised when c ooking foods highly affectsthe nutritional and health value of the food. One par ticular type of fat that has received somuch attention from the corresponding in dividuals is Trans fats. Trans fats are thosetypes of fats that are emanated fro m oil during the hardening process. The purpose of these trans fats is to prolon g shelf life and to make commodities prepared through bakinglast longer. Despite these good qualities, trans fats can bring about complicated healthdiseases tha t many people in the UK are fighting, these include; Obesity Diabetes Coronary heart disease Other disorders Suggestions to improvement 1.According to PETA or another animal right organizations animal shouldslaughter ed in the Islamic way or zibah or don't cruel with chicken(animal).2.Indian prot est against the KFC is well known so now the KFC needs to acquaintwith the envir onment of country and its culture because Indian has protestedagainst this Junk food which leads to many diseases.3.KFC take some actions to improve the quality of chicken according to's a practically experience that KFC( D-ground branch) employees behavior with customer is not good and customer also claim to their headquarter throughweb site claim boxes so they should behave properly wit h customers.5.KFC must not doing their business to torture the chickens and sati sfy their customers according to their needs Conclusion As a restaurant operating under the fast food industry, there are some ethical i ssuesthat come into play when considering the nature of the industry itself. Thi s isespecially since the Health Ministry in the region announced a battle agains t obesity.Also, KFC also has to deal with different ethical issues in their capa city as a businesscorporation. Any company worth its salt should have a code of ethics and must be prepared to stick by it KFC has breached a substantial number of their ethics codes.However, one must not assume that the ethical issues faci ng KFC are one sided. Mosttimes, individuals tend to focus on the negative aspec ts of ethics and fail to look atthings from another angle. The purpose of this r eport on KFC unethical issues was to provide an in-depth analysis of the fast fo od industry through two contrary ideas; themoral and legal obligations that KFC has adhered to and also the ethical misgivingsthat the company has engaged in to

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