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Volume 4 No. 1 Januari 2010 ISSN No.

1978 6034

Politeknik Negeri Lampung

EKONOMI, SOSIAL dan INFORMATIKA Jurnal Ilmiah ESAI diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Lampung, bertujuan untuk menyajikan hasil penelitian maupun kajian ilmiah dalam bidang ilmu ekonomi, sosial dan informatika. Jurnal Ilmiah ESAI hadir ditujukan bagi pembaca dari berbagai kalangan, terutama bagi para pelaku ekonomi, akademisi, maupun praktisi yang berorientasi pada perkembangan teknologi informasi. Redaksi akan menyeleksi, menilai, dan menerbitkan suatu artikel dengan pertimbangan keteraturan penyajian jurnal tanpa menghilangkan ide/gagasan yang telah dituangkan oleh penulis.

Pembina Ridwan Baharta Pemimpin Redaksi Irmayani Noer Redaksi Pelaksana: Fitriani (Ketua) Imam Asrorwadi (Sekretaris) Nia Kurniawati (Editor) Damayanti (Editor) Tim Ahli (Penelaah) Hanung Ismono (Bidang Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian) Tri Joko Prasetio (Bidang Ekonomi dan Manajemen) Machudor Yusman (Bidang Informatika) Mitra Bebestari: Wan Abbas Zakaria (Guru Besar bidang Ekonomi Pertanian pada Fakultas Pertanian UNILA) Bustanul Arifin (Guru Besar bidang Ekonomi Pertanian pada Fakultas Pertanian UNILA )

Alamat Redaksi Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Lampung Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 10 Rajabasa Bandar Lampung Kode Pos 35144 Telp. (0721) 703995, Fax. (0721) 787309 e-mail: website:
Jurnal Ilmiah ESAI terbit dua kali dalam setahun. Edisi Pertama Terbit Juli 2007

Volume 4, No. 2 April 2010 ______________________________________________________________________ _____ Struktur Pendapatan dan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Tani di Empat Agroekosistem yang Berbeda
M. Eti Wulanjari dan Sarjana

Karakteristik Individu Perilaku Komunikasi dan Penggunaan Jenis Media dengan Pemahaman Petani tentang Kredit Ketahanan Pangan (Kasus Kelompok Tani di Tanggamus)
Anna Gustina

Pegadaian Syariah dalam Tinjauan Konseptual Nurmala, Damayanti dan Rusmianto Dampak Flu Burung terhadap Produksi dan Pendapatan Peternak Ayam Ras Pedaging
Fadila Marga Saty dan Irmayani Noer

Perilaku Petani dalam Menghadapi Risiko Usahatani Jagung di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan
Marlinda Apriyani dan Bina Unteawati

Sistem Pendukung Berfikir Kreatif dalam Proses Perancangan Produk Widyat Nurcahyo dan M. Yusman


Alhamdulillahirobbilalamiin, segala puji dan syukur senantiasa tercurah ke hadirat Allah SWT, yang telah memberikan nikmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga Jurnal ESAI Vol. 4 No. 2 April 2010 dalam rangka Dies Natalis Polinela ke-26 dapat terbit sesuai dengan rencana. Pada edisi kali kajian ekonomi mengedepankan tentang Pegadaian Syariah, bidang Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian mengangkat tema tentang Karakteristik Individu dan Perilaku Komunikasi, Struktur Pendapatan dan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Tani, Dampak Flu Burung terhadap Pendapatan Peternak serta Perilaku Petani dalam Menghadapi Risiko Usahatani Jagung . Bidang informatika mengangkat tema Sistem Pendukung Berfikir Kreatif dalam Proses Perancangan Produk. Rangkaian tema yang dikedepankan pada edisi kali ini diharapkan mampu menambah khasanah ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang senantiasa berkembang dinamis menuju perubahan peradaban yang lebih baik. Terima kasih setulusnya disampaikan kepada dewan editor pelaksana, mitra bebestari, dan segenap tim pengelola jurnal atas segala jerih payah, kerja keras, dan sumbangan pemikirannya sehingga edisi kali ini dapat terbit sesuai rencana. Semoga dapat memberikan kemanfaatan bagi pihakpihak yang berkepentingan.

Bandar Lampung, April 2010


BIDANG EKONOMI: Pegadaian Syariah dalam Tinjauan Konseptual Sharia Pownshop in Conceptual Review Nurmala 1) Damayanti1) dan Rusmianto1) 1) Staf pengajar pada Program Studi Akuntansi Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Lampung Abstract This review discusses what sharia pawnshop is and its legal basis, therefore this review can be used as reference and give satisfaction for those who will have transaction in sharia pawnshop. Further, people will choose sharia pawnshop as trusted financial institution to increase their prosperity. Key words : Sharia Pownshop

BIDANG SOSIAL EKONOMI PERTANIAN Struktur Pendapatan dan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Tani di Empat Agroekosistem yang Berbeda The Income Structure and Farmer Household Food Security in Four Different Agroecosystems
M. Eti Wulanjari 1) dan Sarjana 1) 1) Staf Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian/BPTP Jawa Tengah Bukit Tegalepek, Sidomulyo, Ungaran

The authorizing of land is gradually narrowed because of rice field farming system is inefficient and couldnt be counted on as the main farmer income. This paper is part of economic rural indicator of development analysis resume in four different agroecosystems, especially focused on the income structure and the food security of farmer household. This location is determined through purposive system, because it represents the different agroecosystem area.The observation was held in several location represented different kinds of land, Banjarnegara district for dry lowland, Magelang district for dry upland, Grobogan for intensive rice field and Pati district for semi intensive rice field. This research was conduted using survey method, with 30 samples at Banjarnegara district, Magelang district and Pati district. Meanwhile, 29 samples were used at Grobogan district. The results of the research show that (1) the segment of income farming system to farmer income household is 67,65% in the dry upland (Magelang) and the lowest is 25,03% in the dry lowland (Banjarnegara); (2) The highest of food consumption is 47,5% in the intensive rice field (Grobogan) and the lowest is 24,93% in the dry upland (Magelang); (3) the ratio value of food production compare to food need is more than 1, which indicated that farming system still quarantee food security of farmer household. Key words: income structure, food security, farmer household

Karakteristik Individu Perilaku Komunikasi dan Penggunaan Jenis Media dengan Pemahaman Petani Tentang Kredit Ketahanan Pangan (Kasus Kelompok Tani di Tanggamus) Individual Character Communication BehaviouraAnd Media Type Use with Farmer Understanding about Food Security Credit (Case Study at Farmer Group in Tanggamus)
Anna Gustina 1) 1) Staf Pengajar Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Lampung Jl.Soemantri Brodjonegoro 1, Bandar Lampung Abstract The success of Credit Resilience Food program (KKP) has been the Governmental cymbal since year 2001. Its target is to guarantee the availability of food (rice). Liquidation Indonesian Bank credit facility (BLBI) program has to be comprehended better by all farmers so that it would be exploited more optimally. Based on the experience of management, the credit of farm faces communication distortion as the biggest problem. It includes individual characteristic factor, communication behavior, and media type which is used in adopting food resilience credit program information (KKP). This research is to know the factors related to understanding of farmer about the KKP. This research used descriptive correlative method from March to August 2007. The result indicates that there is real relation among individual characteristic, communication behavior, and media type use, with understanding of farmer about KKP program. Key words : Credit Resilience food program, farmers understanding, Communications Credit Resilience food program, Understanding of farmers, Communications

Dampak Flu Burung terhadap Produksi dan Pendapatan Peternak Ayam Ras Pedaging Avian Influenza Effect to Production and of Broiler Farmer Income
Fadila Marga Saty1) dan Irmayani Noer1)

Staf pengajar pada Program Studi Agribisnis Politeknik Negeri Lampung Jl. SoekarnoHatta Rajabasa Bandar Lampung

This research is aimed at finding the following ;(1) Testing heteoskedasdicity, multicolinearity, normal distribution and autocorrelation at Cobb-Douglas production function (2) Identifying production factors which influence broilers production in the avian flu infected area, using Cobb-Douglas production function analysis (3) Finding out the natural environment effect of avian flu to productivity and income of broiler farmer. This research was conducted in Tanjungkarang Barat, Telukbetung Barat, Sukarame, and Tanjung Senang. The method used was survey method. The number of the sample was 25 chicken farmers. Cobb-Douglas function analysis was applied to view avian influenza effect to the income by using total output, total cost and output price variables. The result shows that the influencing factors are area, poultry and food at < 0.05 real point. Meanwhile vaccine and labor have no effect to the broiler production at > 5% real point. The dummy variable also has no effect. The effect of avian influenza to the average income at the infected area is bigger than at the uninfected area.

Key word:, income, production, avian influenza(AI)

Perilaku Petani dalam Menghadapi Risiko Usahatani Jagung di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Farmer Behaviour in Facing Corn Farming Risk in South Lampung Region
Marlinda Apriyani1) dan Bina Unteawati1)

Staf pengajar pada Program Studi Agribisnis Politeknik Negeri Lampung Jl. SoekarnoHatta Rajabasa Bandar Lampung Abstract

Rrisk in farm production is caused by the dependency of farming activity to the nature, in other words the bad influence of the nature has affected the total farming production greatly. The farmer behavior in facing the risk and uncertainty will affect the food farm production efficiency. the courage of the farmers to take risk is very influenced to the continuity of their corn farming business. The research showed that most of the farmer samples in south lampung region are neutral in facing the risk. meanwhile, the use of production factors in south lampung region has not been technically efficient, since the average of efficiency rate is below 100 percent. Key words : Corn Farming Risk, Farmer Behavior, Use Of Production Factors

BIDANG INFORMATIKA Sistem Pendukung Berfikir Kreatif dalam Proses Perancangan Produk Creative Thinking Supporting System in Product Planning Process
Widyat Nurcahyo1) dan M. Yusman2) 1) Dosen PNS-Dpk. Kopertis Wilayah III Jakarta.Fakultas Teknik Univ. Tama Jagakarsa, Jakarta. 2) Dosen Program Studi Manajemen Informatika Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Politeknik Negeri Lampung Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No.10 Rajabasa Bandar Lampung.

Innovation has been acknowledged as the key for business success. Creativity as the core in innovation process has a strategic role. A number of creative thinking methods have been created to help people to be more creative. This thesis proposes an information system that supports creative thinking process in the idea-generation phase in the product design environment. This system is based on a few creative thinking methods such as TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), Tony Buzans Mind-Map, and Edward de Bonos Lateral Thinking. When a problem is registered, the system will present TRIZ solutions from the contradiction matrix, related ideas that have been stored in the database, a random picture to generate left-brain/right-brain association, and a random word as a trigger for de Bonos random input and provocative operation. Users, as a team, will discuss it in a brainstorming session, and then input the generated-ideas into the system. As the results, we hope that the idea-generation phase in the product design environment will be more productive. Finally, with the creative ideas repository, the company could maintain knowledge as its most valuable asset. Key words : Creative Thinking Supporting System, Product Planning, TRIZ, Lateral Thinking, Mind-Map.

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