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e blurred and gradually fail, this person will automatically turn towards the light, a very dark room may frighten them. NURSING INTERVENTION

Hearing is the last sense to go, ALWAYS remember the patient can hear you even when you think there is no way they could, they can! Nose, skin and oral hygiene


Keeping some light in the room is important, but not real bright lights. The eyes may stay half-open, this will cause dryness and accumulation of secretions in the corners, and frequent eye care is necessary. Talk to them, continue to explain what you are doing and why, keep your normal tone of voice, offer words of reassurance and comfort. Remember to never offer false promises. A dying persons mouth many times become very dry and their lips crack. Mouth care is important and needs to be done frequently with glycerin swabs, or toothettes. You do not want to put a lot of water, or fluids in the dying person's mouth. Many times they are unable to swallow and too much fluid can cause them to aspirate. When giving mouth care always have the head of the bed up and their heads turned to the side. Part of mouth care is applying lubricant to the patients' lips. The nostrils may become dry or crusted from drainage or oxygen, assess these areas frequently. The dying person may become incontinent of bowel and bladder. Remember DIGNITY. Bed protectors or attends may be needed. Perineal care is very important.

SPIRITUAL NEEDS The dying person may wish to see a priest, rabbi, minister, or other clergy. The person may also want to take part in some sort of religious practice. Privacy is necessary during prayer time and spiritual moments. The dying person should be allowed to have religious items around them, you need to respect their value to the patient. offer acceptance, support, validation, love support the individual's spiritual faith

Keith Jan Fantinalgo BSN3C NEEDS OF A DYING PERSON and/or altruistic outlook to develop confidence and peace of mind LISTEN and ACKNOWLEDGE WITHOUT JUDGEMENT WHAT IS SHARED FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE and ENCOURAGE REJOICING, which lifts the mind and increases one's spiritual strength (Acknowledge "regrets" as lessons learned but discourage guilt which is destructive.) SUPPORT 'LETTING GO' or SEPARATION and GIVING UP EVERYTHING (even "unfinished business" This assistance and the next two are used whether the person is conscious or unconscious.) CORROBORATE FAITH, DEVOTION and CONFIDENCE (remind them of their faith, spiritual teachers, particular meditation practices. Put their religious pictures, statues etc in their view; their meditation beads or rosary in their hands.) ENCOURAGE UNIVERSAL LOVE and the ALTRUISTIC ASPIRATION to serve others and continue one's spiritual practice through death and the after-life or heaven. remind them of what they have given others, reflected in the love others have for them. openhearted listening - let go of self- be the other person having permission to die from family and friends receiving help with unfinished business (physical and mental) finding meaning in life and death, making sense of suffering aspiring to a positive direction - eg. to complete "one noble act", to die in grace, to be the best one can be, to die without regrets faith in their spiritual path, their God / universal love / Buddha / etc. strong altruistic attitude which concentrates on other people and forgets



Keith Jan Fantinalgo BSN3C NEEDS OF A DYING PERSON self Acceptance moods & downs are natural, the patient feels safe to express them repressed emotions - anger, grief, jealousy, guilt etc. are all due to causes and conditions too complex to blame on any specific thing or person cultivate a non-judgemental attitude remember inherent perfect Buddha nature or pure goodness (God-likeness) of the person to feel special not damned or a failure, concentrate on positive virtues not faults acknowledge their courage which can inspire others, family and friends celebrate their good deeds - what will live on after they are dead built on the fore-mentioned, from empathy and true compassion sharing laughter makes hearts light and free compassionate touch - the nonsexual intimacy of unity with another human being or animal bonding with eye contact, with touch or laughter, beyond mortality, beyond words, heart to heart in universal oneness Arrange to find answers to questions about practical, financial, or other concerns. Answers to questions about insurance benefits or payment for palliative care or hospice services may also be given.




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