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komunisme adalah ideologi politik dan struktur sosio ekonomi yang menggalakkan penubuhan masyarakat yang egalitarian, tanpa kelas, dan tanpa negara berdasarkan pemilikan dan kawalan sama ke atas faktor pengeluaran dan harta secara umumnya. Karl Marx menganjurkan komunisme sebagai peringkat akhir dalam masyarakat manusia, yang boleh dicapai melalui revolusi golongan proletariat. "Komunisme tulen" menurut Marx merujuk kepada masyarakat tanpa kelas, tanpa negara dan bebas penindasan di mana keputusan tentang pengeluaran dan dasar yang dibuat secara demokratik bermakna membenarkan setiap ahli masyarakat mengambil bahagian dalam proses membuat keputusan dari segi ekonomi, politik dan sosial.

Karl Marx, Pengasas Komunisme. Sebagai ideologi politik, komunisme dianggap sebagai satu cabang sosialisme; satu falsafah luas berkenaan ekonomi dan politik yang dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai gerakan politik dan intelektual dengan asalnya dari hasil kerja mereka pada Revolusi Perindustrian dan Revolusi Perancis. Komunisme cuba untuk memberi satu alternatif kepada masalah dalam ekonomi pasarankapitalisme dan warisan penjajahan dan nasionalisme. Marx menyatakan hanya satu jalan untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah ini adalah bagi golongan pekerja (proletariat), yang menurut Marx adalah pengeluar utama kekayaan dalam masyarakat yang dieksploitasi oleh kelas kapitalis (borjuis), menolak golongan borjuis ini daripada kelas pemerintah bagi menubuhkan masyarakat bebas tanpa pembahagian kelas dan kaum. Selain Karl Marx, tokoh penting lain adalah Friedrich Engels. Fahaman dominan komunisme sepertiLeninisme, Stalinisme, Maoisme dan Trotskyisme adalah berakar dari Marxisme. Akan tetapi wujud juga fahaman bukan Marxisme dalam komunisme seperti komunisme Kristian. Dalam gunaan zaman moden, komunisme selalu merujuk kepada Bolshevisme atau Marxisme-Leninisme.

Era kegemilangan komunisme ialah antara akhir Perang Dunia II dan tahun 90-an apabila komunisme berkuasa di Kesatuan Soviet. Komunisme juga mempunyai pandangan bahawa "agama adalah racun yang boleh mengongkong pemikiran rakyat". Ideologi komunis Menurut Manifesto Komunis,Komunisme terdiri daripada sepuluh tiang utama[1]:

Penghapusan Hakmilik Persendirian. Cukai Pendapatan Progresif yang Berat. Penghapusan Hak Harta Pusaka.

Perampasan Hak Pemilikan Harta.

Kewujudan Bank Pusat. Sistem Komunikasi dan Pengangkutan Milik Penuh Kerajaan.

Kilang dan Kawasan Pertanian dimiliki Kerajaan.

Golongan Pekerja Dikawal Kerajaan.

Perancangan Serantau dan Perladangan yang Dikorporatkan.

Pendidikan di bawah Kawalan Kerajaan.

Ideologi komunisme mula diterapkan ketika meletusnya Revolusi Bolshevik di Rusia pada 7 November 1917. Sejak itu komunisme disebarkan sebagai sebuah ideologi ke negara lain. Komunisme tidak percaya kepada kewujudan Tuhan. Ini menyebabkan ramai penduduk beragama tidak menyokong komunis. Kerajaan komunis juga sering menindas mereka yang berpegang kepada agama. Secara rasminya ada 9 buah negara yang pernah ditubuhkan berpegang dengan fahaman komunis:
1. Kesatuan Soviet (Kesatuan Republik Sosialis Soviet) 2. China (Republik Rakyat China) 3. Cuba (Republik Cuba) 4. Laos (Republik Demokratik Rakyat Lao) 5. Vietnam (Republik Sosialis Vietnam) 6. Korea Utara (Republik Demokratik Rakyat Korea) 7. Yaman Selatan (Republik Demokratik Rakyat Yaman ) 8. Myanmar/Burma (Republik Sosialis Kesatuan Burma)

9. Kemboja/Kampuchea (Demokratik Kampuchea)

Communism - Marxism & The Communist Manifesto Communism, which is also described as "Revolutionary Proletarian Socialism" or "Marxism," is both a political and economic philosophy. The abridgment of Communism is enclosed in two primary writings: (1) The Communist Manifesto, which was first published in 1848 by Karl Marx, and (2) Principles of Communism, by Friedrich Engels. At the request of the Communist League, an activist group they were members of, Marx and Engels together authored The Communist Manifesto. The main goal of The Communist Manifesto was to focus on class struggle and motivate the common people to riot. Even more so, it was designed to envision a model government, whose economics would destroy the upper class freeing the lower class from tyranny. According to The Communist Manifesto, Communism has ten essential planks: Abolition of Private Property. Heavy Progressive Income Tax. Abolition of Rights of Inheritance. Confiscation of Property Rights. Central Bank. Government Ownership of Communication and Transportation. Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture. Government Control of Labor. Corporate Farms and Regional Planning. Government Control of Education.

Fundamentally, The Communist Manifesto was a rebellion against the extreme poverty of the lower class. Communism - Atheism and Amorality Communism doesn't end with economic and political reform. By definition, it further demands the abolition of both Religion and the Absolute Morality founded upon Religion. The irony is that Communism supposedly attempts to enhance civility within society, but removes all notions of Absolute Morality, the very cornerstone of civility. Furthermore, after Communism is instituted by the people, the system becomes Totalitarian, resulting in greater oppression of the people it was designed to "serve." This fact is well documented throughout the history of Communist nations. Communism - Foundation in Czarism Communism, though distinctive, is thought by some to have been heavily influenced by Czarism, a Totalitarian regime replaced by Communism after Russia's 1917 Revolution. While most of Europe's history has been symbolized by the rule of limited centers of power, Russia resisted Europe's movement to limit monarchical power. Legal historian Harold Berman writes regarding historical European political policy, "It also has been, or once was, a source of freedom. A serf might run to the town court for protection against his master. A vassal might run to the king's court for protection against his lord. A cleric might run to the ecclesiastical court for protection against the king." (Law and Revolution). Russians under

Czarist rule had no such protection from the wiles of an unjust Czar. And so it is for Communists. Under Communism, the government is absolute. Under Stalin, perhaps the most notorious Communist, around 40 million Russian citizens were murdered for "the good of the state." Communism - The Practical Results The practical results of Communism have been horror and atrocity for those under communist rule. So much so, advocates of the Marxist Worldview have made every attempt to point out where communist leaders have strayed from the fundamental teachings of Karl Marx, in an attempt to absolve Communism. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that Marxist influence brought about many of these horrors. The irony is, Marxism renounces religion, not because of religious doctrine, but because of the actions of "religious" men. No one could accuse a religion such asChristianity of evil doctrine. However, it seems that men are intrinsically evil and need only an opportunity to express this inherent reality. One must look at the overall outcome of a philosophical doctrine on society, both good and bad, not specific instances of abuse. Christianity, for example, has been used by wicked men to do much evil, but its underlying doctrine has been the cause of much good in the world. Communism, on the other hand, has brought only atrocity into the world. Communism has not brought relief to the majority as promised, nor has it ended oppression as purposed. Communism has only served to removeMorality from the masses -- a dangerous and costly experiment. What is the Communist Manifesto? The Communist Manifesto is a declaration of the intentions of a communist organization. In the Manifesto you will find a detailed and succinct explanation of the ideas that form the basis of communist and socialist ideologies. Written in 1848, it has survived as an important historical document. Even though the passing years have proven this Manifesto did not work, its principal concepts are studied for even more ideas that may work or to see why it has failed. The owners of the means of production (the bourgeoisie and the industrial laborers) were called proletariats, which made up the vast portion of society. The bourgeoisie were the ones who maintained control of the politics and the proletariats were basically without a voice in government. Marx believed that each class of people had an opposing class that was trying to destroy the lesser one. His theory was to eventually eliminate all classes of people and thereby abolishing all forms of government, money, and nation-states. The way that Marx preferred to establish this doctrine is by force. War and domination of business, government, and working class would eliminate any need for competition among industry. He also advocated re-education of those under socialism and conditioning them away from the Its all about me attitude. He failed to realize production of goods and services would eventually be less expensive allowing more of the working class to become bourgeoisie themselves and start new small entrepreneur enterprises that would drive the economies further up the industrialized ladder raising the standard of living for the whole world. Communist revolutions, as history shows, happened in those countries with little economic development. This was contrary to his theory that industrialized nations would be easier to force into socialism.

The Communist Manifesto has had great influence on historians and scholars throughout the world.

Walau bagaimanapun hanya 5 buah negara yang kekal memerintah di bawah komunis iaitu:
1. China 2. Laos 3. Vietnam 4. Cuba 5. Korea Utara

Sungguhpun begitu, fahaman komunis yang diperjuangkan dahulu sudah mula luntur dimamah usia selepas pencetusannya. Hal ini dapat dilihat di Negara China sendiri, polisi pemerintah China terhadap pelabur (kapitalis) yang dianggap musuh rakyat telah berubah semenjak 90-an lagi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan kebanjiran kilang-kilang di dalam negara China sendiri. Walaupun ramai yang menganggap ideologi komunisme sudah lemah berikutan jatuhnya Kesatuan Republik Soviet pada tahun 1991, namun ideologi itu tetap wujud dalam bentuksosialisme. Masih terdapat Parti Komunis di negara-negara lain seperti di barat yang memperjuangkan hak pekerja, pelajar dan bersikap anti-penjajah.

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