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- Advanced Clamp-on Transit-time Technology for Accurate Flow Measurement
STUF-300H Ultrasonic Flowmeter is one of the most powerful portable flowmeters available for liquid flow m e a s u r e m e n t. It is carefully designed so that it is very compact a n d e a s y t o u s e . Y o u c a n u se o n e hand to hold as well as to operate t h e f l o w m e t e r . T h e u s e r in t e r f a c e i s self-explanatory and very easy to follow. The unique clamp-on fixture design makes the installation very simple and no special skills or tools required. Shenitech offers StufManagerTM PC software for data logger download and to explore the full potential of STUF-300H flowmeter.

Features and Benefits:

Hi gh a ccu racy me asu rem ent No n -i nt ru siv e . C l amp -on i n stall ati on . E as y and f ast No mo ving p arts . Mainte nan ce f ree Light wei ght , co mpa ct d esi gn Sui t abl e fo r a ll co mmonl y u s ed pipe mat eri als and l iquid s Sui t abl e f o r pip es f ro m 1 ~ 120 (DN25 ~ DN30 00 mm) Re ch a rg eable b at te ry for 10 hou rs o f op e rati on Buil t -in d at a logg e r and fl o w tot al i zers Se lf -expl ana to ry u ser int e rfac e. Easy to op e rate Stu fM an ager T M PC so ftwa re fo r d at a do wnlo ad and real -ti me d ata a cq uisit ion Sig n al qu alit y t ra cking and s elf - ad apt atio n f o r r obu st pe r fo rm an ce USB int erf ac e fo r PC link

Th e STUF-300 H h an dh el d flo wmet er i s on e of th e mo st po rt able bu t yet po we rful flo wmet e rs on th e mark et . Th e u tili zatio n of ou r prop ri et ary ult rasoni c si gn al p roc es sing , t ran sit -t i me d et e ction , si gn al qu ali ty t ra cking as well as se lf -adapt ati on t echnolog i es allo ws th e fl o wmeter to me asu re li quid fl o w r a te f ro m o utsid e o f a pi p e reli abl y and accu rately . I t i s an i d eal tool f o r f lo w su rvey s and c losed -pip e a ppli cation s wh e re non-inv asiv e me asu re ment of li quid s i s es sen tial . Ex ampl e s o f ap pli cat ions includ e: W ate r, in cludi ng ho t wa te r, chi lled wa t e r, ci ty wa te r, se a wat er, e tc . Se wa ge and d rain age wat er with sma ll p a rt i cle qu antit y . Oil , i ncl uding crud e oil, l ub ri cati ng oi l , di esel oil , fuel oil , e t c . Che mi cals, in cl uding alco hol , a ci ds, e t c . So lv ents. Bev e rag e and fo od p ro ces s o rs . HVAC hot and cool water, wat er/gl y col so lutio n s . W ate r and was t e t r e at men t . Po we r pl ant s (nu cle ar, t h ermal & hyd ropo wer, e tc .) h eat en ergyCarrying Case wat er. boil e r f e ed En e rgy con su mp tion supe rvision and wa t e r conse rv at ion man age ment . Met allu rgy and mi ning app lic at ions (e.g ., ac id re cov ery ) Ma ri ne ope rat ion and ma inten anc e. Pu lp and pap er . Pi p el in e l eak d et ection , in spe ct ion , t ra cking and coll ection. En e rgy me as u rem ent and b al ancing . W ate r d ist ribut ion n et wo rk mon ito ring .

Linearity Repeatability Accuracy Response Time Velocity Pipe Size Pipe Material Units Totalizer Liquid Types Liquid Temp Better than 1% 0.5% 1% of velocity reading or 10mm/s, whichever is bigger 0-999 seconds, user-configurable -52ft/s ~ +52ft/s (-16m/s ~ +16m/s), bi-directional 1" ~ 120" (DN25mm ~ DN3,000mm) All metals, most plastics, lined pipe English (U.S.) or metric Three 7-digit totalizers for totalizing net, positive and negative flows Virtually all liquids (full pipe) 32 F ~ 176 F (0C ~ 80C) or 32 F ~ 312 F (0C ~ 155C), depending on transducer type Setup Modification Lockout. Access code needed for unlocking 4x16 letters

Security Display

Digital Interface

USB interface: serial communication port with simplified protocol StufManager TM Windows PC software for data download and real-time data acquisition Refer to Optional Transducers section for more details Standard 2x15' (2x5m). Extension cable available upon request 3 AAA Ni-H built-in batteries. When fully recharged, it will last over 10 hours of operation USB power charger Built-in data logger can store over 2,000 lines of data Aluminum alloy protective case. Suitable for normal and harsh environment 7.9"x3.6"x1.3" (200mmx92mmx32mm) 1.2 lbs (538g) with batteries

Transducers Transducer Cord Power Supply

Data Logger Housing Material Case Size Handset Weight

How does the STUF-300H flowmeter work?

Th e ST UF- 300 H f lowmet e r i s b as ed on t r an sit t i me m easu re me nt p ri n ci pl e , as shown in the foll o wing fi gu re . A typi c al t rans it -ti m e f lo w m easu r e me nt s y st em ut ili ze s t wo t ran sduc e rs (A a nd B) t h at fun ction a s both ult ra soni c t r ans mitt er and rec eiv e r. The t ransdu c e rs a re cl amp ed on the out sid e of a closed pi p e at a spe cifi c di stan ce f ro m e ach oth e r . The flo w met e r op e rat e s by alt ern at ely trans mitt ing a nd rec ei ving a cod ed bu r st of sou nd en e rgy b et we en th e t wo t ran sdu ce r s and me asu rin g th e t ransi t t i me t h at it t ake s fo r sound to t rav el b et we en th e t wo t ran sdu ce r s . Th e dif f erenc e in t h e t ransit ti me me asu red is di rect ly and ex actly re lat ed to the v el oci ty of th e l iquid in th e p ip e . Th e t ran sd uce rs c an b e mount ed in th ree met hods, Z-me thod , V-me thod and W -method , d epending on pip e si ze . Z-me thod is u sed fo r l arge pi pe. Th e t wo t ran sdu ce rs a r e inst al l ed on op po site side s o f th e pi p e. V-metho d i s u sed fo r medi u m si ze pip e . The t wo t ran sduc ers are o n t h e sa me si d e, thu s , t h e sound t ran sv erses the f lo w t wi c e . W - metho d is us u all y u s ed f o r s mall pi p e. Th e sound t ran sverse s ac ross th e flo w c hann el four ti me s.




Type HS Handheld small size transducer (magnetic) Dim 7.9x1x1 (200x25x25mm3), handle length 3.9 (100mm) For pipe size: 1 ~ 4 (DN25 ~ DN100mm) Temperature: 32 F ~ 176 F (0C ~ 80C) Type S1HT Small size, high temperature transducer Pipe size: 1 ~ 4 (DN25 ~ DN100mm) Temperature: 32 F ~ 312 F (0C ~ 155C) Type HM Medium size transducer (magnetic with mounting rack) Dim 11x1.6 x1.6 (280x40x40mm3) for each Pipe size: 2 ~ 28 (DN50 ~ DN700mm) Temperature: 32 F ~ 176 F (0C ~ 80C) Type M1HT Medium size, high temperature transducer Pipe size: 2 ~ 28 (DN50 ~ DN700mm) Temperature: 32 F ~ 312 F (0C ~ 155C) Type TL1 Large size transducer Dim 3.1x2.7 x2.2 (80x70x55mm3) Pipe size: 11 ~ 240 (DN300 ~ DN6,000mm) Temperature: 32 F ~ 176 F (0C ~ 80C)

Model Selection:
S T U F 3 0 0 H HS Handheld type for pipe 1 ~ 4 * S1HT High-temp type for pipe 1 ~ 4* HM Mounting-rail type for pipe 2 28 M1HT High-temp type for pipe 2 ~ 28 TL1 Standard type for pipe 11 240 *Note:
For pipes smaller than 2 (DN50), and the pipe is metal or copper, please inform us when place the order.

PC Software 0 No (Default) 1 Yes

Extension Cable 0 No (Default) 1 Yes

Example: STUF-300H-HM1-1-0: handheld ultrasonic flowmeter with mounting-rail type transducer for pipes from 2 to 28 and PC software.

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