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ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Part of the Brain Function Alteration in Schizophrenic Patient Smaller cerebral and cranial size.

Decrease cortical blood flow.

Cerebrum a. Frontal lobe b. Parietal lobe c. Temporal lobe d. Occipital lobe Cerebellum Brain stem a.) Medulla b.) Pons c.) Midbrain

control the organization of thought, body movement, memories, emotions and moral behaviours interprets sensation of taste and touch and assist in spatial orientation. center for the sense of smell and hearing and for memory and emotional expression. assist in coordinating language generation and visual interpretation. center for coordination of movements vital center for respiration and cardiovascular function serves as a primary motor pathway includes most of the reticular activating system and extrapyramidal system. regulates activity, sensation and emotion.

Limbic system a.) Thalamus b.) Hypothalamus

Hypoplasia of the limbic system

involves temperature regulation, appetite control, endocrine function, sexual drive, and impulsive behavior associated with feelings of anger, rage or excitement. c.)Hippocampus and involves in emotional arousal and memory. amygdala Ventricles Filled with cerebrospinal fluid a.)lateral ventricle

Ventricles increased in size

Neuron -basic functional unit of the brain - composed of: a. Dendrites- receives information from other neurons and transmit it towards the neuron cell body. b. Axon- long cell process that carries impulses away from the cell body. c. Cell body- contains the information for protein synthesis and is responsible for survival of the cell The Synapse -Junction where the axon of one neuron interacts with another neuron or an effect organ


Chemical substances manufactured that aid in the transmission of information throughout the body either exciting or inhibiting an action\

Neurotransmission Way of communication of neurons

Neurotransmission 1. Action potentials arriving at the pre synaptic terminal cause calcium channels to open 2. Calcium diffuse into the cell and cause synaptic vesicles to release neurotransmitter molecules. 3. Neurotransmitter molecules diffuse fom the presynaptic terminal across the synaptic cleft. 4. Neurotransmitter molecules combine wit the receptor sites and cause sodium channels to open. Na channels diffuse into the cell and cause a change in membrane potential. 5. 1. Neurotransmitter are transported bacj from the synapse to the axon for later use. 2. Neurotransmitters are metabolized and activated by enzymes primarily monoamine oxidase. 3.Neurotransmitter diffuse away from the synapse 6. Neurotransmitter bind to presynaptic receptors for feedback regulation of transmitter release Type Acetylcholine Mechanism ofAction Excitatory or inhibitory Normal Functions Control sleep and wakefulness cycle Learning Memory Peripheral activation of muscles Involuntary muscle movement Mood state Pleasure components and reward systems Complex movements Motivation Cognition Emotional response Sleep and wakefulness Appetite Pain perception Vomiting Sexual behaviors Regulation of eemotions temperature regulation hallucinations Learnig Memory Sleep Alterations in Schizophrenia patients.



Increase dopamine levels:



Decreased serotonin





Wakefulnss Attention Mood Fightor flight Dilates pupil Increase Heart Rate Modulates other neurotransmitter Bulk of information flow

Gamma aminobutyric acid Glutamate

Inhibitory Excitatory

Phenicylidine and ketamine, which are antagonist of the glutamate N methyl D aspartate (NMDA) receptor can cause psychosis.

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