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International LightWorkerS

Grace, Purity and Rapture Elohim LightWorker Series

Channelling & manual by Rev. Dr. Mariah Napieralski Layout by Rev. Dr. Jens Seborg

Grace, Purity and Rapture Elohim (LW Series)

Rev. Dr. MariahWindsong Napieralski are making some attunements and shakti which are very different from the other thing we have here in the LightWorker Series. This is yet another exciting system from Mariah Windsong, which we have placed in her own series LightWorker Mariah Windsong Systems (all from Rev. Dr. Mariah Napieralski) Background, Foreground Reality Alignment (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LW Series) Calla Lily Flower Attunement (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LightWorker Series) Circuitry Resonance Activation (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LightWorker Series) Fractal Delivery System (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LW Series) Grace, Purity and Rapture Elohim (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LW Series) Harmony, Mercy and Peace Elohim (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LW Series) Highest Divine Sacred Locations Attunement (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LW Series) Hope, Faith and Love Elohim (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LW Series) Improved Allergy Protection (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LightWorker Series) Lavender Plant Shakti System 1-3 (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LightWorker Series) Liberty, Alpha-Omega and Victory Elohim (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LW Series) Optimal Bone Density Field (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LightWorker Series) Pulse Resonance Shakti (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LightWorker Series) Random Generated Shield Overlay (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LightWorker Series) Strength Movers of the Light (Mariah Windsong Napieralski) (LightWorker Series)

Grace, Purity and Rapture Elohim

The Elohim of Emanation are Forces of Divinity whose jobs it is hold hold the frequencies Divinity throughout all creation. They emanate out from the level of Divinity that, in Kaballa terms, would be the Ein or Ain Soph. Ain Soph is the ineffable, unknowable part of God that is Eternal Sacred Source. Up higher than you may think of as Father God. These Elohim emanate out from the still center that unfathomable to our currently finite awareness. Here are descriptions of the first three Elohim of Emanation who you shall be attuned to, and may call upon at any time to work with in Synergy or individually for yourself or others.

Grace, Purity and Rapture are as a trinity. The connection to their energies, unlike other empowerments, does not give you the ability to run their energy for others, but to call them and ask them to bring their energies to bear influence upon and render assistance to those you wish to be helped by their presence in a very real way. Ive enjoyed working consciously with all 12 Elohim of Emanation very much since 2002 and it is these Beings with which I am most familiar with energetically for daily interactions. As you read through here, notice the 4 ways you have of callingupon each of their energies, by Name, by their colors/images, by the movements their energy moves in, and by the Hebrew Names of God.

Grace Elohim
Is known fondly as Cosmic Crisco, for she lubricates things. She helps mechanical engines run smoother also. Her energy looks like iridescent snow, falling in spirals. She creates a complete break from the past and a fresh start in each now moment. As a Divine lubricant, her energy unlocks blockages in your bodies and ends past referencing, at what ever amount you are ready to release attachment to at this time. She sanctifies the Now. Being present is Graces gift to you.

Yahweh; Yoshua Yahweh; Yahweh Tsidkennu; Adonia Elohenu Adonia; Vod-yeDod, Yod-ye-Dod, Kadamuh Kadmon

Purity Elohim
She looks like bars of neon-blue parallelograms (blue-ultraviolet Light). She dissolves and lifts out traumas, by expanding the condensed energy. She purifies all parts of your wholeness so that all of you can vibrate in unison. She is excellent to call in and use in healing sessions and works well with all other Divine healing energies.

Adonia; El El; Daniel Elohai Ariel; Rokeb Ba-Arabot; Yehezekel Malkut; Esah Meshiakh

Rapture Elohim
Looks like iridescent metallic honey, with all the Rays blended together just before they go into White Light. Once structures are unlocked, obsolete structures are dissolved, and everything is fully in the Now, Rapture redeems all parts of your wholeness so it can communicate and co-create. She is Divine Connectivity, causing one form of Light to Bridge to another. That which would not normally be able to connect can, with her help connect well. Her energy is sticky, like honey, thick and will hold things together that want to be together, beings who want to communicate, though have not seen how to prior to her Bridging Presence. She also helps us communicate with parts of ourselves.

Yahweh Shalom; Ruach Elohim; Melek Bnai Or; Shemesh Yahweh; Yeshivah Zaddikim, Yeshivah Harizim; Zohar Hadash, Zohar Metsulot.

Receiving the Attunements

The system consists of 3 connecting attunements: Grace Elohim Attunement, Purity Elohim Attunement, and Rapture Elohim Attunement. To receive your attunements, simply be aware of what method your teacher is using and follow his/her directions.

Passing on the Attunements

If you are already a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher, your 3 Elohim of Emanation attunements confers upon you the ability to pass these empowerments onward to other sincere seekers. You may use the attunement method of your choice. Living Life in Spectrum Light, Rev. Mariah Napieralski, DD, RMT June 1st, 2009

This system is for self healing and no promises are made about how it will work for you. It is not meant to diagnose nor treat any disease or illness. Please always seek the properly licensed professionals if you are in need of medical or psychological care. The Alchemical Mage 2004 catalogue was consulted for some of the descriptions of these Elohim and for the corresponding Hebrew Names of God. Further info on the Elohim of Emanation may be able to be found at that companys website:

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