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Lab#3. Investigation of nonlinear system an armature-controlled dc motor Goals: 1. Investigation of nonlinear control system of a dc motor 2.

Study the superposition 2. Receive 3D-graph of linear systems The following example presents a mathematical description of an armature-controlled dc motor driving an inertial load through a spring coupler and a gearbox. The system schematic is shown in Fig. 1. The voltage, applied to the motor, is viewed as the system input, and the load position is the output.

Figure 1 - Schematics of an armature-controlled dc motor driving an inertial load through a spring coupler and a gearbox ( )

The following Fig.1.2. presents a close-loop scheme with feed-back. The system schematic with an electronic amplifier, reference potentiometer and control generator ( , ) is shown in Fig. 1.2.

Control dc EA + R generator motor

Figure 2 - Schematics of a dc motor with feed-back The transfer functions for all blocks of system:

WDCM ( s ) =

K DCM (1 + TM s )(1 + TA s )

WCG ( s ) =

K CG (1 + TCG s )

WT ( s ) =

KT s
or nonlinear block (see table 1. Fig.3);

WEA ( s ) = K EA
where T and K are constants dependent on the electrical and mechanical system parameters: Gains: KEA gain of the electronic amplifier; KCG gain of the the control generator; KDCM gain of the dc motor; KT gain of the tachogenerator. Time constants: CG time constant of the control generator; A time constant of the armature coil of dc motor; M time constant of the magnetic circuit of the motor;

Table 1 System parameters CG A M EA 2 0.15 0.05 0.25 0.55

CG 3

DCM TG 4 0.04

nonlinerity a

V (Voltage) 3

1 02 C=20 C=30 v C +2V +V b) ) c) 2V =80 C V U

Figure 3 - Nonlinear characteristics of the electronic amplifier ASSIGNMENT 1. Investigation of the linear system !Transfer function of the electronic amplifier -

W EA ( s ) = K EA
You need to receive: 1) Transfer function of the Open-loop linear system (1)
u Linear system y

Wol(s)=WEA(s)*WCG(s)*WDCM(s)*WT(s)=KEA*(KCG/(1+TCGs))*(KDCM/(1+TMs)*(1+TAs))*(KT/s). Wol(s)=0.55*3*4*0.041+0.15s1+0.25s1+0.05ss =

2) Transfer function of the Close-loop linear system (2)

u y Linear system

Wcl(s)=Wol1+Wol = 0.2640.001875s4+0.0575s3+0.45s2+s+0.264 3) (Homework) Transfer function of the Close-loop linear system of the relative error W(s) = y(s)(s) = Wol(s) = 0.2640.001875s4+0.0575s3+0.45s2+s

4) (Homework) Transfer function of the Close-loop linear system of the relative disturbance f Wf(s) = 11+Wol(s) =

3) Step responses of all systems For open loop

For closed loop

For relative error the step response is the same as open loop systems. For relative disturbance f:

In the open loop systems step response the curve is straighter increasing curve. However, in the closed loop systems step response we see smoother curve. For relative disturbance the step response is smoothly decreasing line. 2. Investigation of the nonlinear system and linear systems.

LS (Tg(Tg nonlinear NLS linear block) block)

Figure 4

I constructed the above scheme using open loop system with negative feedback, and then I also added the nonlinear (saturation) block.

The yellow is the output of initial linear block, and the pink is the output of the nonlinear block. As we can see the saturation block somehow changed the input signal of linear part. They have almost the same character, but there is some delay between them. 3. Investigation of the superposition principle for the nonlinear system. You need to compare the step responses of the systems:

Figure 5

Saturation block before linear system:

There we have just smooth increasing line. Saturation block does here some a little delay of the input signal as we saw before. Saturation block after linear system:

At this graph we have cutting the amplitude of input signal at upper limit 0.5. And at 0.5 we have a constant signal. It is possible to interchange linear block and nonlinear block, it depends what result we want. If we want to limit signal by cutting its amplitude, we should use the saturation block after a linear block. In the other case we use saturation before linear block for something like delaying. The superposition principle, also known as superposition property, states that, for all linear systems, the net response at a given place and time caused by two or more stimuli is the sum of the responses which would have been caused by each stimulus individually. So that if input A produces response X and input B produces response Y then input (A + B) produces response (X + Y). In process control, the superposition principle is used in model predictive control. The superposition principle can be applied when small deviations from a known solution to a nonlinear system are analyzed by linearization. 4. 3D-graph of control systems I took my transfer function of closed loop system and obtained state-space model to receive 3D graph of phase trajectories for the control systems (2). 0.001875y(t)+0.0575y(t)+0.45y(t)+y(t)+0.264y(t)=0.264u(t) y(t)+30.67y(t)+240y(t)+533.33y(t)+140.8y(t)=140.8u(t)

When initial conditions are (0,1,1,1) 3-D and 2-D graphs:

When initial conditions are (0,0,0,1) 3-D and 2-D graphs:

When initial conditions are (0,-1,0,-1) 3-D and 2-D graphs:

Conclusion: In this laboratory work I have investigated nonlinear system an armature-controlled dc motor. I obtained the open-loop, closed-loop, relative error, relative disturbance systems transfer function, and built for them step response. An open-loop system, also called a nonfeedback system, is a type of system that computes its input into a system using only the current state and its model of the system. A characteristic of the open-loop controller is that it does not use feedback to determine if its output has achieved the desired goal of the input. This means that the system does not observe the output of the processes that it is controlling. Consequently, a true open-loop system can not engage in machine learning and also cannot correct any errors that it could make. It also may not compensate for disturbances in the system. A closed-loop transfer function in control theory is a mathematical expression (algorithm) describing the net result of the effects of a closed (feedback) loop on the input signal to the circuits enclosed by the loop. Sometimes there relative errors and disturbance occur, so we took them into account in this lab.

For nonlinearity I took the saturation block which just limits and cuts the input signals amplitude at appropriate upper and lower bounds. Also, I studied the superposition by interchanging linear and nonlinear (in my case saturation block). In process control, the superposition principle is used in model predictive control. The superposition principle can be applied when small deviations from a known solution to a nonlinear system are analyzed by linearization. The interchanging of blocks depends on what we want to receive. Finally, I learnt to build 3-D graphs and 2-dimension plot. For building graph I receive statespace model of my closed-loop system in this lab. For 3-D graph, I used the functions odeset and ode45. odeset is just setting or options for ode45. ode45 contains the m.file where we can get the dependence of values (functions), vector of initial conditions, from start value with definite step to finite value and the options from odeset. For 2-D graph I used just plot command. So changing the initial conditions give us the different beautiful graphs with different trajectories.

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