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ERT 3036 Advanced Robotics Trim 3 Session 2011/12

Dr. Wong Eng Kiong FET Building R4/007

Learning Outcomes

LO1: Know the concepts of perception and control architecture and AI based robot control LO2: Model the mechanics of mobility and apply the algorithms used in navigation of mobile robot LO3: Understand the interaction between human and machine and the concept of human machine interfacing LO4: Apply robot concepts in different life aspects LO5: Undertake laboratory experiments for robot design


Ch 1. Perception and Reactive Behaviour Ch 2. Autonomous Robots Ch 3. Multi Robots Systems Ch 4. Human Robot Interactions Ch 5. Robot Applications


Lab 1: 5% Lab 2: 5% Mid term test: 15% (Wk6, Wed, 18/4/12, 2pm) Assignment: 15% (Wk7, Fri, 27/4/12, 12noon) Final exam: 60%


Group of 3

Deliverables: 1. 1 page summary (Wk4, Fri, 12noon) 1. Review essay with recommendations (Wk7, Fri, 12noon) 2. Presentation (Wk 8, Mon, 4pm)

Assignment (15 marks) (group of 3)

Essay (7 marks)

Problem background Literature review Recommendation Bill of materials

Presentation (5 marks) Peer Review (2 marks) Participation (1mark) Example: Robotics, Education, and Sustainable Development (use IEEExplore to search this paper)

Rubber plantation

Rubber tree is a cash crop for Malaysia Natural rubber is particularly demanded for to make reliable tyres There is a lack of young people in this field (in agriculture industry in general)


State the employment opportunities in the rubber tapping industry State the problems or difficulties as a rubber tapper Propose a robotic solution to make rubber tapping attractive enough for young people Select a module of the robotic system and get at least 3 recent papers (2010-2012) from IEEExplore on this topic Compared the techniques and justify why you select / follow a particular solution/method Write appropriate conclusions and abstract to promote your ideas

Source: %28near_Pechiparai%29.JPG


Some potential scopes / keywords

Stereo vision to cut the rubber tree Biped locomotion to move around the terrain Rain detection to collect latex Robotic arm for tapping tree and collect latex Behavioural robotic architecture Exoskeleton robot to assist rubber tapper 1 Master, many slave robot systems Stability sensors IR camera vision system Security / self defense of the robot

Due dates

1 page list of papers and project scope: Wk4 Friday 12noon (6th Apr 12) Written report: Wk 7 Friday 12noon (27 Apr 12) Presentation: Wk 8 Monday 4-6pm (30 th Apr 12)

Format of the essay

Abstract Introduction scope of this essay Elaborate on the development in the field within your scope based on 2010 and 2011 papers Propose your implementation and justify your choice Conclusion Reference

Format of presentation

15-20 minutes presentation 5 minutes Q&A from peers Peers evaluation The presentation is based on the essay but show the details of:

Design / Technical details Costing Element of sustainability?

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