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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 2 Disusun oleh : Nama Npm Kelas Dosen : Windy.C.Girsang : 19211164 : 1EA26 : Dicky Dwi Prakosa


Bab 1
The meaning of tenses is a description or explanation of when an event, and actions. Events or actions occur in a sentence: current past or future. Or change the verb form in accordance with the time occurrence of an event and change the time information. Jadi artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia Yang dimaksud dengan tenses adalah gambaran atau penjelasan kapan suatu peristiwa atau tindakan. Kejadian atau tindakan terjadi dalam sebuah kalimat : sekarang masa lalu atau masa depan. Atau mengubah bentuk kata kerja sesuai dengan waktu terjadinya suatu peristiwa dan mengubah informasi waktu. Dan berikut macam macam tenses : A. Present Tense 1. Simple Present Tense 2. Present Continuous Tense 3. Present Perfect Tense 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense B. Past Tense 1. Simple Past Tense 2. Past Continuous Tense 3. Past Perfect Tense 4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense C. Future Tense 1. Simple Future Tense 2. Future Continuous Tense 3. Future Perfect Tense 4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense D. Past Future Tense 1. 2. 3. 4. Past Future Tense Past Future Continuous Tense Past Future Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense


Types of tenses
Ada 16 bentuk tenses. Berikut ini contoh-contoh tenses serta rumusnya: KELOMPOK PRESENT (WAKTU SEKARANG) 1. Simple Present Tense (waktu sekarang) - used to indicate a customs

She writes some letters now (active) Dia menulis beberapa surat sekarang [S + Verb1 + O/C] Some letters are written by her now (passive) Beberapa surat ditulis oleh dia sekarang [S + To Be(am,are,is) + Verb3 + O] 2. Present Continuous Tense (sedang berlangsung) - used to indicate an event that is happening She is writing some letters now (active) Dia sedang menulis beberapa surat sekarang [S + To Be(am,are,is) + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters are being written by her now (passive) Beberapa surat sedang ditulis oleh dia sekarang [S + To Be(am,are,is) + being + Verb3 + O] 3. Present Perfect Tense (telah dikerjakan) - used to indicate an event that occurred

She has written some letters (active) Dia telah menulis beberapa surat [S + have,has + Verb3 + O/C] Some letters have been written by her (passive) Beberapa surat telah ditulis oleh dia

[S + have,has + been + Verb3+ O] 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (telah sedang dikerjakan) - used to indicate an event that happened in the past but still continues to this day

She has been writing some letters for two hours (active) Dia telah sedang menulis beberapa surat selama 2 jam [S + have,has + been + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters have been being written by her for two hours (passive) Beberapa surat telah sedang ditulis oleh dia selama 2 jam [S + have,has + been + being + Verb3 + O] KELOMPOK FUTURE (YANG AKAN DATANG) 1. Simple Future Tense - used to indicate an event that occurs in the future

She will write some letters tomorrow (active) Dia akan menulis beberapa surat besok [S + shall/will + Verb1 + O/C] Some letters will be written by her tomorrow (passive) Beberapa surat akan ditulis oleh dia besok [S + shall/will + be + Verb3 + O] 2. Future Continuous Tense - used to indicate an event that has been in the planning

She will be writing some letters tomorrow (active) Dia akan sedang menulis beberapa surat besok [S + shall/will + be + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters will be being written by her tomorrow (passive) Beberapa surat akan sedang ditulis oleh dia besok [S + shall/will + be + being + Verb3 + O]

3. Future Perfect Tense - used to indicate an activity that has been completed in the future

She will have written some letters (active) Dia akan telah menulis beberapa surat [S + shall/will + have + Verb3 + O/C] Some letters will have been written by her (passive) Beberapa surat akan telah ditulis oleh dia [S + shall/will + have + been + Verb3 + O] 4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense - used to indicate an event that began in the past

She will have been writing some letters (active) Dia akan telah sedang menulis beberapa surat [s + shall/will + have + been + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters will have been being written by her (passive) Beberapa surat akan telah sedang ditulis oleh dia [S + shall/will + have + been + being + Verb3 + O]

KELOMPOK PAST FUTURE (YANG AKAN DATANG DI MASA LAMPAU) 1. Past Future Tense She would write some letters when you came (active) Dia akan menulis beberapa surat ketika kamu datang [S + should,would + Verb1 + O/C] Some letters would be written by her when you came (passive) Beberapa surat akan ditulis oleh dia ketika kamu datang [S + should,would + be + Verb3 + O] 2. Past Future Continuous Tense She would be writing some letters on Monday last week (active) Dia akan sedang menulis beberapa surat pada hari Senin minggu lalu [S + should,would + be +(Verb1+ing) + O/C]

Some letters would be being written by her on Monday last week (passive) Beberapa surat akan sedang ditulis oleh dia pada hari Senin minggu lalu [S + shoul,would + be + being + Verb3 + O] 3. Past Future Perfect Tense She would have written some letters if you hadnt come here (active) Dia akan telah menulis beberapa surat jika kamu belum datang kesini [S + should,would + have + Verb3 + O/C] Some letters would have been written by her if you hadnt come here (passive) Beberapa surat akan telah sedang ditulis oleh dia jika kamu belum datang kesini [S + should,would + have + been + Verb3 + O] 4. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense She would have been writing some letters by March this year (active) Dia akan telah sedang menulis beberapa surat menjelang Maret tahun ini [S + should,would + have + been + (Verb1+ing) + O/C] Some letters would have been being written by her by March this year (passive) Beberapa surat akan telah sedang ditulis oleh dia menjelang Maret tahun ini [S + should,would + have + been + being + Verb3 + O]

BAB 3 Formula and examples tense

1. Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang) a. Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang Sederhana) Rumus : + } S + V1 + O/C - } S + Do/does + not + V1 + O/C ? } Do/does + S + V1 + O/C

Example : + } Sisca Reads book everyday - } Sisca does not Read book everyday ? } does Sisca Read book everyday Yes He does / No He does not (doesnt) For I, We, You, They = do He, She, It = Does Contoh kalimat : (+) She is a new people here. (+) He plays football every morning (-) She isnt a new people here. (-) He does not playing football every morning. (?) Is she a new people here? (?) How playing football every morning? b. Present Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sekarang) Menerangkan suatu perbuatan yabg sedang berlangsungpada waktu sekarang. Rumus : + } S + Be + V1 + ing + O/C >> + } They are playing badmintoon now } They are not playing badmintoon now ? } Are they palaying badmintoon now ?

- } S + Be + not + V1 + ing + O/C >> ? } Be + S + V1 + ing + O/C Yes They are / no they are not For I = am They, we, you = are He, She, It = Is Contoh dalam kalimat : (+) He is playing badminton now >>

(-) He isnt playing badminton now. (?) Is he playing badminton now. c. Present Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Sekarang) Rumus : subject+auxiliary verb+main verb Contoh : (+) you have eaten mine. (-) she has not been to Rome (?) have you finished? d. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Sekarang) Rumus : (+): S + have/has + been + Ving (-): S + have/has + not + been + Ving (?): Have/has + S + been + Ving Contoh : (+) She has been going to Malang since evening. (+) We have been riding a horse for three days (-) She hasnt been going to Malang since evening. (-) We havent been riding a horse for three days. (?) Has she been going to Malang ? (?) Have He been riding a horse for three days ? 2. Past Tense (Waktu Lampau) a. Simple Past Tense (Waktu Lampau Sederhana) Rumus : +} S+Be+Was/Were+O/C -} S+Be+Was/Were+not+O/C

?} Be+Was/Were+ S+O/C Example : +} We were at school yesterday -} We were not at school yesterday ?} were we at school yesterday ? For I, He, She, It = Was They, we, you = were Contoh : (+) I saw a good film last night (+) He came here last month (-) I saw not a good film last night (-) He came not last month (?) Saw I a good film last night (?) Came He here last month b. Past Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Lampau) Rumus : (+): S + was/were + Ving (-): S + was/were + NOT + Ving (?): Was/Were + S + Ving Contoh : (+) He was watching television all afternoon last week (+) They were talking about sport when I met him (-) He wasnt watching television all afternoon last week (-) They werent talking about sport when I met him (?) Was He watching television all afternoon last week (?) Were they talking about sport when I met him

c. Past Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Lampau) Rumus : subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb (+): S + had + V3 (-): S + had + not + V3 (?): Had + S + V3 Contoh : (+) When my brother arrived , I had painted my motor cycle (+) The ship had left before I arrived (-) When my brother arrived , I hadnt painted my motor cycle (-) The ship hadnt left before I arrived (?) Had I my motor cycle , when my brother arrived ? (?) Had the ship left before I arrived? d. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Lampau) Rumus : subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb Contoh : (+) They had been living there for two month (+) When they washed my drees , your father had been playing badminton (-) They hadnt been living there for two month (-) When they washed my dress , your father hadnt been playing badminton (?) Had they been living there for two month? (?) When they washed my dress , had your father been playing badminton ? 3. Future Tense (Akan Datang) a. Simple Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Sederhana) Rumus :


subject+auxiliary verb WILL+main verb Contoh : (+) I will visit to yogyakarta tomorrow. (+) he will met girl friend by seven oclock (?) Will he go to America next month? (+) President shall at Nederland the day after tomorrow. (-) President shall not at Nederland the day after tomorrow. (?) Shall President at Nederland the day after tomorrow? b. Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Akan Datang) Rumus : subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb BE+main verb Contoh : (+) I will be writing a comic. (+) I will be studying tomorrow night. (-) I will not writing a comic. (-) I will not be studying tomorrow night. (?) Will I be writing a comic ? (?) Will I be studying tomorrow night ? c. Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Akan Datang) Rumus : subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb Contoh : (+) Iwill havefinishedby 10am. (+) Youwill haveforgottenme by then. (-) Shewillnothavegoneto school. (-) Wewillnothaveleft.


(?) Willyou havearrived? (?) Willthey havereceivedit? d. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Akan Datang) Rumus : subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb Contoh : (+) I will have been reading a news paper. (+) He will have been listening music. (-) I will havent been reading a news paper. (-) He will havent listening a music. (?) Will I have been riding a news paper ? (?) Will He have listening a music ? 4. Past Future Tense (Akan Datang Di Waktu Lampau) a. Past Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Di Waktu Lampau) Rumus : Positif: S + would + V1 Negatif: S + would + not + V1 Tanya: Would + S + V1 Contoh : (+) He would come if you invited him. (+) They would buy a home the previous day. (-) He wouldnt come if invited him. (-) They wouldnt buy a home the previous day. (?) Would He come if invited him ? (?) Would they buy a home the previous day ? b. Past Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Akan Sedang Terjadi Diwaktu Lampau)


Rumus : Positif: S + would + be + Ving Negatif: S + would + not + be + Ving Tanya: Would + S + be + Ving Contoh : (+) I should be swimming at this time the following day. (+) I shall be sliping at 10 oclock tomorrow. (-) I shouldnt be swimming at this time the following day. (-) I shallnt be sleeping at 10 oclock tomorrow. (?) Shall I be swimming at this time the following day ? (?) Shall I be sleeping at10 oclock tomorrow ? c. Past Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Akan Sudah Selesai Di Waktu Lampau) Rumus : Positif: S + would + have + V3 Negatif: S + would + not + have + V3 Tanya: Would + S + have + V3 Contoh : (+) He would have graduated if he had studies hard. (+) Nonok will have studied moth by the end of this week. (-) He wouldnt have gone if he had met his darling (-) Nonok will have not studied month by the end of this week (?) Would He have gone if he had met his darling ? (?) Will Nonok have studied month by the end of this week ? d. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Yang Sudah Sedang Berlangsung Pada Waktu Lampau) Rumus :


Positif: S + would + have + been + Ving Negatif: S + would + not + have + been + Ving Tanya: Would + S + have + been + Ving Contoh : Rianawati would have been speaking English for two years (+) Mrs. Anisa Munif would have been walking here for seventeen years (+) Rianawati would have been speaking English for two years (-) Mrs. Anisa Munif wouldnt have been walking here for seventeen year (-) Rianawati wouldnt have been speaking English for two years (?) Would Mrs. Anisa Munif have been walking here for seventeen years? (?) Would Rianawati have been speaking English for two years?

1.Simple present tense + He listens to the radio - He doesnt listen to the radio ? does he listen to the radio?

2.Present continuous tenses + He is Listening to the radio - He is not listening to the radio ? Is he listening to the radio?

3.Present perect tenses + He has listened to the radio - He hasnt listened to the radio 14

? Has he listened to the radio?

4.Present perfect continuous tense + He has been listened to the radio - He hasnt been listened to the radio ? Has he been listened to the radio?

5.Simple past tense + He listened to the radio - Hesnt listened to the radio ? Is he listened to the radio?

6.Past continuous tense + He was listening to the radio - He wasn;t listening to the radio ? Was he listening to the radio?

7.Past perfect tenses + He has listened to the radio - He hasnt listened to the radio ? Has she listened to the radio/

8.Past perfect continuous tense + He has been listened to the radio - He hasnt been listened to the radio ? Has he been listened to the radio?


9.Future tense + He will listen to the radio - He willnt listen to the radio ? Will he listen to the radio?

10.Future continuous tense + He will be listening to the radio - He willnt be listening to the radio ? Will he be listening to the radio?

11.Future perfect tense + He will have listened to the radio - He will havent listened to the radio ? Have he will listened to the radio?

12.Future perfect continuous tense + He will have been listening to the radio - He will havent been listening to the radio ? Have he will been listening to the radio?




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