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suatu kebiasaan membaca akan meningkatkan ketrampilan test reading anda. - baca instruksinya dengan jelas.

- baca pertanyaan sebelum membaca text yang sesungguhnya. - cobalah ingat-ingat apa yang telah anda baca sementara anda kembali mengecek bacaan. - temukan rangkaian kejadian, cari tanda-tanda dari kata-kata seperti pertama, kemudian, terakhir (First, next, then, last) - buat gambaran tentang makna kata, cari kata kunci dalam kalimat. Baca konteks (sebelum dan setelah kalimat) - temukan sebab dan akibat, cari kata-kata tanda, seperti karena, dikarenakan, sebagai akibat, jadi, sejak (because, because of, as matter of fact, so, then). - untuk menemukan ide umum, lihat di judul, kata kunci, dan gambar.

Strategi Pilihan Ganda - Yang terpenting dalam pilihan ganda ialah test menggunakan eliminasi. - Saat anda membaca pertanyaan, cobalah memikirkan jawaban sebelum anda memilih pada pilihan jawaban. - Perhatikan kata-kata negatif, except, not, oppisite. Untuk Mendapatkan Informasi Spesifik Scanning yang melibatkan gerakan mata anda secara cepat untuk mencari kata-kata spesifik dan frase. Scanning juga digunakan ketika anda menemukan suatu sumber untuk menentukan apakah itu jawabannya atau bukan Ketrampilan scanning diperlukan untuk membaca cepat sementara anda mencari informasi spesifik. Untuk menscanning text, anda hendaknya mulai dari atas halaman lalu gerakan mata anda dengan cepat ke bawah. Umumnya tehnik scanning sangat menolong ketika anda sedang mencari jawaban untuk mengetahui pertanyaan yang diketahui. Bacalah dulu pertanyaannya.
Untuk menemukan "main idea". Kadang-kadang, penulis paragraf (sering penulis baru) akan menulis "main idea" secara langsung dalam teks dan biasanya diletakan di beberapa kalimat pertama. Dalam kasus ini, akan sangat mudah menemukan "main idea" yaitu hanya dengan melihat kalimat yang menyimpulkan semua paragraf.

Contoh Main Idea : Juan loves to play games. His favorite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Juan also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. If hes alone, Juan likes to play action video games as long as they arent too violent. "Main idea" disini ialah "Juan loves to play games." Contoh "Main Idea" yang diimplikasikan: When you're with your friends, it's okay to be loud and use slang. They'll expect it and they aren't grading you on your grammar. When you're standing in a boardroom or sitting for an interview, you should use your best English possible, and keep your voice respectfully quiet. Try to gauge the personality of the interviewer and the setting of the workplace before cracking jokes or speaking out of turn. If you're ever in a position to speak publicly, always ask about your audience, and modify your language, tone, pitch and topic based on what you think the audience's preferences would be. You'd never give a lecture about atoms to third-graders! Disini, tidak ada "main idea" yang ditulis, jadi anda harus bertanya pada diri sendiri "Apa yang penulis berusaha sampaikan pada saya?"

Kursus Bahasa Inggris "my english" Telp. 021.4036.8181 / 0811.968.0678 www.latihan-english

INFORMASI UNAS BAHASA INGGRIS 2006 Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya bahwa Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Terdiri dari: Listening, Reading, dan Language Focus/Tata Bahasa. LISTENING: Materi listening diperkirakan masih 20 soal yang gampang-gampang susah. Dikatakan gampang bila mengerti apa yang dibicarakan, tetapi bisa susah untuk menentukan pilihan jawaban yang benar karena di dalam Listening sebenarnya ada 2 unsur; yaitu meaning( makna) dan tata bahasa. Anda harus ada balancing kemampuan antara meaning dan tatabahasa. Anda bisa mengerti apa maksud soal tapi justru dalam soal itu yang diujikan bukan dituntut maksudnya saja tapi unsur tata bahasa atau ungkapan apa yang digunakan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perbanyaklah berlatih listening yang mengarah ke Achievement Academic, dan saya sudah membuat prediksi atau gambaran soal latihannya, memang agak sulit tingkatannya,

dengan maksud; Lebih baik anda susah di waktu latihan daripada mendapat kesusahan di ujian sebenarnya. Kalau anda bisa benar 10 saja diprediksi ini, itu di UNas nanti anda akan salah maksimal 5 soal saja. READING: Mengerjakan Reading tidak sesulit Listening karena materi Reading secara fisik anda bisa melihatnya. Yang penting anda tahu bahwa soal Reading sebenarnya hanya ada 5 jenis pertanyaan, yaitu ; 1. Menanyakan Main Idea, 2. Menanyakan Jenis Reading, 3. Menanyakan untuk menentukan mana yang benar/salah, 4. Menanyakan Refering, dan 5. Vocabulary. Ada cara/strategi khusus mengatasi ke lima jenis pertanyaan ini dan tidak mungkin saya jelaskan satu persatu. Tapi jika anda berminat silahkan kontak saya melalui email. TATA BAHASA: Kedengarannya agak aneh Tata bahasa; Dalam UNas Bahasa Inggris mencakup 2 pengertian; yaitu Ilmu tata bahasa itu sendiri atau Grammar dan Ungkapan. Singkatnya; bahwa grammar/structure yang pasti keluar adalah seputar penggunaan kaidah tata bahasa yang dimasukkan dalam unsur dialogue. Atau dalam dialogue tersebut anda diuji untuk bisa menentukan ungkapan apa yang digunakan. Daftar ungkapan dan grammar yang sering keluar di tiap UNas juga ada di Prediksi ini. VOCABULARY: Soal - soal vocabulary atau kosa kata secara otomatis ada pada setiap Reading, selama ini Reading pada UNas Rata-rata 4 sampai 5 bacaan, berarti ada 5 soal vocabulary yang berhubungan dengan Reading teks. Soal lainnya bisa diluar Teks tersebut. Tetapi semua itu pasti masih dalam koridor di kurikulum anda. Intinya mengerjakan Vocab anda harus bisa membedakan; verb, adjective, adverb, noun, past, dan participle. Jadi Jumlah soal adalah 20 untuk Listening, 5 untuk vocab yang berhubungan dengan reading teks, 4 soal x 5 jenis teks = 20 soal, 10 soal untuk Language Focus/Tata Bahasa dan 5 soal vocab lepas. Total 60 Soal. Saya yakin anda pasti sukses untuk UNas B.Inggris karena sudah tahu gambarannya, anda tinggal bertanya pada diri sendiri di bagian mana anda lemah? silahkan ditutupi dari sekarang kelemahan anda tersebut. Jika masih meragukan kemampuan anda silahkan kontak saya di: email:, Hp : 0816 432 0757 ============================================================ In early societies money was unknown and man relied on a simple system of exchange. Perhaps a good hunter had more animal skins than he could use. His neighbor, a good fisherman might have too many fish, but needed furs to protect his children from the cold. Both soon realized that to solve their problems they could exchange their surplus. This method of exchanging is called 'barter'. The word comes from the French barater.

Barter was important when the needs were mostly for clothing, food, and shelter. but the system had its problems. For example, a weaver who wanted to change his cloth for a good catch of fish might not be able to find a fisherman who needed cloth. And a farmer with too much corn might not be able to find a hunter with too many deer. When labor and services became more specialized, barter no longer could function of 'payment'. A new system had to be found. 1. People bartered because ............. A. they like a simple system B. they realized their problems C. they had a surplus and they needed something D. they had money to fulfill their needs E. they did not want to pay cash 2. Paragraph 3 is about .................... A. the fisherman who needed cloth B. the society that became more specialized C. the weaver who wanted to exchange his cloth D. the problems of the bartering 'system' E. an example of barter 3. 'Both' soon realized that to solve their problems they could ...... ( par 1) Both refers to ................... A. the hunter and the fisherman B. the hunter and his fish C. the neighbor and the animal skin D. the fish and the fur E. the neighbor and the hunter 4. Barter was important until .......... (Par 3 ) A. the fisherman had enough cloth B. the hunter had enough fish C. the society become more specialized D. the farmer had not enough corn E. the weaver started to grow corn himself 5. An antonym of 'to protect' is ................ A. to satisfy B. to abolish C. to develop 6. Who wanted to exchange his corn? A. a trader B. a neighbor C. a farmer D. E. to educate to neglect

D. E.

a good hunter a good fisherman

7. Barter was a means of exchange when the primary needs of man were clothing, food and shelter only. But the system had many ...................... A. gaps D. advantages B. numbers E. satisfaction C. problems Computers are machines that handle information automatically. They can perform calculations and process data. Computers can work with numbers to solve problems in a few seconds. Computer can remember a great deal of information and make practically no mistakes. That is why computers are used in places such as banks, offices and companies. Computers work like calculators. But most calculators can do only one thing at a time. we tell them what to do by pressing buttons so that it processes, we can give a series of instructions to a computer. Other information such as a list, numbers, letters, words or even graphs or pictures. Once we provide a programme, the computer can do all this work automatically without further help or instruction. A computer stores and handles number. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or numbers in columns of figures. Numbers can also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, words or instructions to the computer. 8. Paragraph 1 tells us about the ........ of a computer A. construction D. framework B. process E. function C. network 9. Paragraph 2 tells us about ............... A. how to provide a pronoun B. how to operate computer C. how to set up a programme for computer D. how to get the information from a computer E. how to get a series of instructions 10. Which answer is wrong A. Computer can remember a great deal of information B. to some extent, a computer is the same as a calculator C. banks, offices, companies will not run smoothly without computers D. Computers can do all work automatically without a program E. Computers are machines that can handle information automatically 11. We can give the computer ........ according to our need ( paragraph 2) A. a program D. the calculation B. the information E. the memory C. an instruction 12. Why are computers used in Banks, in public and private offices? Because; A. they work automatically B. they do one thing at a time

C. D. E.

they do the work without help they can remember a great deal of information they work the same way as calculators do

13. A computer stores and handles number( Paragraph 3). To store is ........ A. to make D. to process B. to give E. to take C. to keep 14. We call this a computers programme. This refers to .......... ( Paragraph 2) A. giving instruction B. further help or instruction C. pressing various buttons D. a series of instructions given to a computers E. information provided by a computer 15. This Machine works automatically, it does not ........ an operator. A. claim D. employ B. obtain E. require C. supply 16. If you work with a computer remember to blink your eyes from time to time. In that way you ........ eyestrain. A. increase D. reduce B. solve E. relax C. avoid The Torajan people of South Sulawesi have a unique way of burying the dead. They believe that if somebody dies, she/he enters puya, a place for the dead. They also believe that someone who enters puya must show her/his social status when alive. That is way the funeral ceremony for a person who had a high position in the community may look like a big party or even a carnival. Someone is only really dead when a complete funeral ceremony has been held. Before that, the dead body is considered to be a sick body . The Manggarai people of Flores believe that the spirit of the dead, called poti, stay where they used to stay when they were alive, especially near the bed. After some time, the poti ' live ' in well, big trees, or crossroads near the house. The spirit are there to help them. However, this is believed to last only five days, for then the poti will leave for Mori Karaeng. Mori Karaeng is a place for the dead. The Manggarai people believe that everything in Mori Karaeng is the opposite of the world of the living. So, people break dishes and glasses on the day the dead is supposed to leave for Mori Karaeng, so that when entering Mori Karaeng, she/he has utensils in a good condition. 17. In Tanah Toraja a dead body is ........ to be sick before a complete funeral ceremony is held. A. treated D. believed

B. C.

considered behaved



18. .............. a person who had a high position in the community.(par 3). Community means.... A. the people D. The men B. the Torajan People E. the society C. the women 19. According to the Manggarai people the spirit of the dead go to Mori Karaeng ............ A. on the first day of the death D. on the fourth day of the death B. on the second day of the death E. on the sixth day of the death C. on the fifth day of the death 20. Why do the Manggarai People break dishes and glasses on the day that the dead is supposed to leave for Mori Karaeng? A. to honor the dead person B. to honor the Mori Karaeng C. to complete the funeral ceremony D. to accompany him/her to go to the last place E. to have utensils in good condition in Mori Karaeng. 21. Everything in Mori Karaeng is the opposite of the world of the living. Another noun for the opposite is ......................... A. the same D. the preference B. the difference E. the reverse C. the alternative Many people now have a card which enables them to withdraw money from an ATM. You just insert your card into the machine and key in your PIN (Personal Identification Number). Then, tell the machine how much money you want. 22. The purpose of the text is ............. A. to tell how to use an ATM B. to persuade the readers to have credit card C. to check the customer's account D. to explain to the readers how to use PIN E. how to get ATM registration 23. "many people now have a card which enables them to ........" The word enables means ............. A. forces D. allows B. supports E. put C. asks HOW TO MAKE BALLOON FACES

YOU WILL NEED; flour balloons yarn glue

funnel felt-tip pens

STEPS: 1. Pour as much flour as you can through a funnel into a balloon. 2. Tie a knot in the balloon 3. Glue on some yarn for hair 4. Draw a face on the balloon with felt-tip pens 5. Mold the balloon with your fingers See what funny faces you can make 24. What is the purpose of the text? A. to describe a place B. to tell you about past events C. to tell you a story D. to tell you how to make something E. to report the events To : Mr. Tri Gunarto I found some viruses attack my documents. Please tell me how I can eliminate them. Sorry, I wrote this memo because you were not in your office. Thank you. Mr. Siswanto 25. What is the purpose of the text? A. to give information B. to ask services C. to ask information 26. Who is the writer of that memo? A. Mr. Tri Gunarto B. Mr. Siswanto C. The secretary I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, D. E. to give services to have something

D. E.

The receptionist His Friend

Brownie plays with my cat. They get along well, and never fight maybe because Brownie does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eat shoes. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal 27. What type of text is used by the writer? A. Report B. Recount C. Narratives D. E. News Items Descriptives

28. "Brownie is a Chinese breed, it is small, fluffy, and cute." The underlined word means................ A. thin D. thick B. soft E. awkward C. hard 29. The communicative purpose of this text is.................. A. to describe a particular animal B. to share an amusing incident with others C. to present two pooints of view about an issue D. to inform the readers about the beauty of Brownie E. to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining 30. Speaker 1 : Let us join my uncle's business, shall we? Speaker 2 : Do you think we will get profit? Speaker 1 : Sure, his business has a good prospect. __________ of getting a lot of profit A. It is likely D. we will get a chance B. It is impossible E. It is very doubtful C. There is a good chance 31. Arrange the sentences into a readable paragraph. 1. Difficulties subsequently arose over exact values. 2. A cow or a sheep must be fed and cared for. 3. But the buyer might not be willing to part with two cows. 4. A man who wanted to sell something might find that what he owned was worth more than one cow. 5. Some animals are fat and some are lean A. 1-3-5-4-2 D. 5-4-2-3-1 B. 4-2-5-3-2 E. 2-5-4-3-1 C. 2-3-5-4-1 32. Widya : what do you think about the dry season? Bobi : I think it lasts a very long time. The drought is felt everywhere. Widya : what about the water supply in your village? Bobi : The people must use it ........, it means that they must be very ........ when using water. A. economy; economist D. economical; economically

B. C.

economize; economical economic; economically


economically; economical

33. Banks receive money from their ........, on current 'account' or on a deposit account. A. people D. workers B. borrowers E. employees C. customers 34. The manager of the factory has decided that they must increase their ........ of packets of soap powder. A. produce D. productive B. producer E. production C. productivity 35. If one talks about money and one says interest, it means ........ A. one has to pay a lot of money B. one receives money from the bank or one has to pay charges to the bank C. one gets money from the bank D. one has to pay commission E. one receives commission 36. If in a common talk one says: "That interests me very much", It means ........ A. one does not care at all B. one is going to pay money to the bank C. one is getting interest from the bank D. one is waiting to get money from the bank E. one is curious to know more about it 37. A commercial bank is lending at a higher interest rate than the interest it pays for borrowing money. It does so ........ A. to please the customer D. to charge for services B. in order to make profit E. to pay the customer C. to pay for commissions 38. If a bank extends credit, it means that the bank ........ A. makes money available to customers on certain conditions B. pays interest C. is making profit D. implements monetary policy E. is losing money 39. Now you have ........ it in a Javanese way. Your living room looks very artistic. A. decorated D. made B. carved E. designed C. painted

40. In the internet you can see a monitor The popular word for a monitor is ........ A. a television D. a screen B. a display E. a recorder C. a station 41. The scientiest had carried out their experiment and the result ........ a lot of people. A. carried D. developed B. improved E. astonished C. attempted 42. A : There are many youngsters who want to study abroad, but some of them fail. B : some of them fail because ........... of speaking good English. A. they have a chance D. they are capable B. they are incapable E. they have a good chance C. they have a little chance 43. "If women in the late 1960's had been given equal rights as men, there would not have been 'women's liberation movement!" This sentence means that ....... at that time. A. women will not have equal rights as men B. women didn't have equal rights as men C. women do not have equal rights as men D. women have not had equal rights as men E. women might not have equal rights as men 44. The best arrangement of the following sentence is ..... 1. We have to jog at least three times a week or every other day. 2. We can jog on the streets, in the big squares, in the park, etc. 3. We only need a pair of running shoes, a sport shirt, shorts, and socks. 4. So, don't jog only on Sundays. 5. Jogging does not need a lot of money. 6. If we want to make our body fit. A. 6-1-2-4-5-3 D. 6-1-5-3-2-4 B. 5-2-6-1-3-4 E. 5-3-6-1-4-2 C. 5-3-2-6-1-4 45. Rita : Hi Rin. Have you finished your English paper ? It's is too difficult for me : I can't do it. Rini : Let's do it together. Rita : O.K. In the dialogue above Rita expresses her ........ A. Impatience D. Disappointment B. Uncertainty E. Dissatisfaction C. Incapability 46. Yunus : Dedi, let's spend this weekend for fishing. I have found a good spot. Dedi : I am sorry, I hate fishing. From the above sentence, Dedi shows his ....... for fishing. A. disagreement D. dissatisfaction

B. C.

dislike disappointment



47. X : Have you visited Bob? He got an accident last week. Y : Oh. poor Bob. I hope he'll be better soon. The underlined sentence expresses ........ A. sadness D. expectation B. pleasure E. satisfaction C. sympathy 48. Nadi : Can you help me typing my English Task ? Rudy : Sorry, I am not able to type it using computer. From the dialogue above we can conclude that ........ A. Nadi will help Rudi B. Rudi has ability to type using computer C. Rudi is very disappointed D. Rudy does not have capability of typing using computer E. Nadi is pleasure to ask Rudy 49. Mother : Clean your room Siska! Siska : Yes Mam Vinda : What did your mother tell you Siska? Siska : She told me ........................ A. clean my room D. B. to clean my room E. C. to clean your room

cleaned my room cleans his room

50. Dona : Tony left for Bandung this morning Tom : What did you say? Dona : ............................ A. I said that Tony leaves for Bandung B. I said that Tony will leave for Bandung C. I said that Tony would leave for Bandung D. I said that Tony had left for Bandung E. I said that Tony is going to leave for Bandung

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