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Influence of deep traps on the measurement of freecarrier distributions in

semiconductors by junction capacitance techniques

L. C. Kimerling

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 45, 1839 (1974); doi: 10.1063/1.1663500
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Influence of deep traps on the measurement of free-carrier
distributions in semiconductors by junction capacitance
L. C. Kimerling
Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jerser 07974
(Received 5 November 1973)
A generalized model is developed for the electronic behavior of deep traps in a p -n -junction
depletion region. The depletion region is shown to consist of two parts: (i) a space-charge region
which is totally depleted of free carriers and (il) a transition region which is only partially depleted.
The influence of this junction structure on free-carrier profiling measurements is considered in detail
for donor and acceptor traps with both homogeneous and inhomogeneous spatial distributions.
Experimental. observations of deep-trap distributions produced by proton bombardment of n -type
silicon are analyzed within the framework of the model. Implications of the model in the
measurement of junction capacitance transients and photocapacitance are considered in Appendices
It has been previously recognized that special
analyses are required for the interpretation of junction
capacitance measurements on semiconductors con-
taining deep traps. 1-5 A deep trap is defined as a trap
whose energy level is located below the Fermi level in
n-type material or above the Fermi level in p-type
material. In particular, deep traps have been found to
greatly influence apparent free-carrier profiles deter-
mined by capacitance-voltage (C- V) measurements. 3,4,6,7
In this paper the critical parameters involved in ac-
curate profiling measurements are defined and a sim-
plified theoretical model is developed which enables
one to choose the most favorable measurement condi-
tions. The implications of the model are related to the
more general use of junction capacitance measurements
in the analysis of deep defect states, In particular, the
theory will be applied to experimental examples of in-
homogeneous trap distributions in ion-bombarded
The following discussion is given in terms of a metal
on a n-type semiconductor Schottky barrier or a
one-sided p+n junction. Converse conclusions for p-type
material follow directly.
Under the assumption of a one-sided step junction, the
depletion region moves with applied reverse bias into
the lightly doped n-type material. Figures 1 (a) and 1 (b)
show the resulting electronic structure of the junction at
a given reverse bias V R for the cases of deep donors and
deep acceptors, respectively. The unique feature of a
structure with deep traps is the region (x - y) in which
generation-recombination processes are active in deter-
mining the equilibrium occupation of the traps. The
more general case is exemplified by the rest of the de-
pletion region, 0 < W < y, which is totally depleted of
mobile carriers, and in which trap occupation is con-
trolled only through emission processes. The existence
of these two regions results in a space-charge nonuni-
formity which is superimposed on the true charge dis-
tribution within the depletion retion. This nonuniformity
is represented in Fig. 1 by a staircase function similar
to that proposed by Sah and Reddi.l
1839 Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No.4, April 1974
The physical characterization of this transition re-
gion, (x - y), is a Gaussian-shaped "Debye tail" of
majority carriers which spills into the depletion region
from the neutral region bounded at x. It is this carrier
concentration, which is not swept out of the depletion
region, that acts to give a finite equilibrium population
probability for deep traps in that portion of the depleted
region. In addition, this fuzziness of the depletion
width boundary serves to limit the spatial resolution of
C-V profiles to about a Debye length even in materials
without deep traps. In Sec. ill a theoretical approach
will be developed in order to determine the role of the
Debye transition region in C-V profiling measurements.
A p+n junction under reverse bias may be considered
as a parallel-plate capacitor as depicted in Fig. 2. The
plq plq
w w
(a) (b)
FIG. 1. Electronic structure of a reverse-biased p+n junction
with one deep trap. VB is the junction barrier height, V
is the
applied reverse bias, Ec is the energy position of the conduc-
tion band edge, ED is the shallow donor level, FF is the Fermi
level, ET is the trap level, y is the point at which EF and ET
intersect, and x is the edge of the depletion region. The
boundary conditions are V(O) " 0 and V(x)" VB + V
. It is as-
sumed that en e/>. Deep donor traps are shown in (a) and deep
acceptor traps in (b).
Copyright 1974 American Institute of Physics 1839
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1840 L.C. Kimerling: Influence of traps on junction capacitance 1840
x Vi
FIG. 2. Parallel-plate capacitance model of a reverse-biased
p+n junction. N(x) is the concentration of charged ions in the
semiconductor. is the additional charge uncovered by ex-
tending the depletion region a distance
plate separation is equivalent to the depletion width x.
The neutral n-type region contains a fixed charge qN(x)
which is precisely neutralized by the free-carrier con-
centration n(x). As a reverse-bias voltage increment
V is applied, the plate separation is increased by an
amount and a charge density of qN(x)l:1.x is uncovered.
For this case Gauss's law may be written
(q/e)N(x)l:1.x. (1 )
Equation (1) is universally applicable for reverse-
biased junctions when (a) the ir drop due to leakage cur-
rent may be considered negligible in comparison to the
applied voltage and (b) lateral junction inhomogeneities
are not present,
The free-carrier concentration n in an n-type semi-
conductor may be expressed as
where Nc is the effective denSity of states in the conduc-
tion band, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the ab-
solute temperature.
Since the Fermi level EF is constant,8 the potential
variation between Ec and EF wi thin the depletion region
may be expressed, following integration of Eq. (1), as
(Ec - E
):::: (Ec - EF)n (3)
where (Ec - EF)n is the position of the equilibrium
Fermi level in neutral n-type material and x, varies
positively from pOint x, in Fig. 1, toward the p+
By substituting Eqs, (1) and (3) into Eq, (2),
n = no exp[ - (X,2 (4)
Where no is the free-carrier concentration in the neutral
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No.4, April 1974
n-type material and LD is the Debye length given by
LD = [ekT / q
N(x')Jl/2, 9
Thus, the leading edge of the depletion region is not
abrupt, but is marked by a spill over of electrons from
the neutral region, which is truncated with the charac-
teristic Debye screening length, The physical basis of
this spill-over concentration is a balance of the diffusion
of free carriers from the neutral region against the re-
tarding potential in the depletion region, When deep
levels are present the concentration of carriers defines
a steady-state occupation probability within the deple-
tion region. As one moves away from the edge region
and deeper into the depletion region, the Fermi level
falls below the trap level (point y) signifying a negligible
concentration of free carriers available for capture
processes. In this case deep-level occupation is de-
scribed solely in terms of carrier emission probabilities
as outlined by Sah et al.
To be rigorous, there is also a spill-over effect from
holes on the p-doped side of the junction. However, in
the approximation of a one-sided step junction, the
volume of the depletion zone affected is very small due
to the high electric field near the junction.
The capacitance C is normally measured at some
fixed voltage V by superimposing a small oscillating
voltage l:1. V

on the applied bias. The depletion width
W remains approximately constant, and the junction
capacitance, C:::: V, is determined by measuring
the current induced by the oscillating voltage,
As shown in Fig. 1, when deep levels are present
l:1. VOle will uncover charge at both x and y. At x, free
carriers are swept away, and at y, electrons are
emitted to the conduction band (and swept away) from
traps at E
, This system was analyzed in detail by
Sah and Reddi, 1
If the voltage osc illations are slow, then the traps,
NT' at y can follow the voltage variations by emission
and capture processes, In the case of acceptors, for
example [Fig. 1(b)], both charge at x, ND -NT' and y,
NT' contribute so that the measured capacitance de-
pends primarily on N

This condition is defined by
where w(l:1. V

) is the frequency of the voltage variation
and en is the emission rate of electrons from traps at
The emission rate is the limiting process because
it is always slower than the capture process when the
Fermi level is above the trap level, From detailed
balance considerations
where O'n is the capture cross section for electrons and
vn is the electron thermal velocity.
At frequencies high compared to en' w(l:1.V
) > en'
only the untrapped charge at x can respond and the ca-
pacitance depends on ND - NT' The use of this frequency
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L.C. Kimerling: Influence of traps on junction capacitance
effect to determine trap parameters has been discussed
by Sah and Reddi1 and recently by Gwyn. 11 A correlative
temperature effect is implicit in Eqs. (5) and (6).
It is well known that the spatial distribution of free
carriers on the lightly doped side of a step junction may
be determined from the measured C- V relation of the
By rearranging Eq. (1),
For a parallel-plate capacitor with unit area
differentiation results in
By substituting Eqs. (8) and (9) into Eq. (7),
In the actual measurements and V are derived
from a point-by-point measurement of C versus Vc'
Special measurement techniques have been reported,
however, in which Vc is varied at rates of 300 Hz 12
and 5 MHz. IS The junction structure responds to the
variation in bias voltage in essentially the same manner
as for the small Vosc' In all measured systems the
range of frequencies employed is such that
These two time-varying voltages lead to three frequency
or temperature domains of measurement:
case 1: en > Vosc) > Vc);
case 2: 08C) > en>
case 3:
Case (2) is most frequently encountered in measure-
ments and will be discussed in detail for both donor and
acceptor traps. In the interest of space the implications
of cases (1) and (3) will be drawn from the analysis of
case (2).
A. Case 2: w (.::lVoa:) >e
> w(.::lV
The oscillating voltage employed in the capacitance
measurement is fast compared with trap emptying
times. Thus, only charges at x contribute, C=e/x, and
the depletion width is measured at x. The application
of the voltage increments is slow, however, com-
pared with trap emptying times. Thus, the uncovered
charge consists of contributions at both x and y_
By integrating Eq. (1), one derives that the potential
difference (E
- ET is related to the transition region
width x - y) according to
)/qN(x)]1/2. (12)
For n-type silicon doped to a level of 10
, Ec - EF
=0.25 eV at room temperature. If a trap level were 10-
.J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No.4, April 1974
cated at E
=0.45 eV in this material, (x-y) would
be -0.5 /lm. This distance represents a minimum in-
terval over which nonuniformities in N(x) can produce
major errors in N(x) measurements. Spatial variations
in trap densities associated with ion implantation fre-
quently fall into this range, and hence must be analyzed
with extreme care.
B. Case 2(a): Profiling with deep donors
Referring to Fig. l(a),
= +
= qNT + qND

= (q/ e)[N
(y + ND
As discussed earlier, N(x)meas is determined accord-
ing to Eq. (1) under the assumption that all charge is
uncovered at x. Thus,
Because deep donors do not contribute charge to the
transition region, (x- y) is a function of only ND(x).
Thus, for a homogeneous background doping N
, (x - y)
is a constant and Equation (15) may be further
reduced to
N(x)meaa = NT (y)[l - (k/ x)] + ND (x) ,
where k = (x - y).
Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show the resulting measured
profiles for the cases of homogeneous and inhomoge-
neous trap distributions, respectively. For a homo-
geneous distribution of deep traps, N(x).".as <:$ ND at small
x where the transition region occupies the major portion
of the depletion region. At large x, (x - y) x and N(x)
- ND + NT' The distribution is also shifted into the
solid by an amount (x - y) since NT is measured at y and
-:...:::or.--L--------- No +NT

N(x) N( x)meas
____ No
-1 f- (x-y)
FIG. 3. Measured free-carrier profiles for (a) a homogeneous
and (b) an inhomogeneous distribution of deep donor traps .
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1842 L.C. Kimerling: Influence of traps on junction capacitance 1842
not at x. A similar result has been alternately obtained
by Glover. 14 As shown in Fig. 3(b), an inhomogeneous
distribution is affected similarly.
C. Case 2(b): Profiling with deep acceptors
Referring to Fig. 1(b), Eq. (15) may be modified for
the case of deep acceptors:
For the case of a homogeneous distribution of accep-
tor traps, N(x)=ND(x) -NT(x) is constant; by Eq. (12)
(x - y) is, therefore, constant so that and Eq.
(17) may be reduced to
The measured profile is shown in Fig. 4(a) and be-
haves in the same manner as the case of deep donors.
For an inhomogeneous acceptor distribution, the
errors in the measurement of N(x) can be quite extreme;
Eq. (17) applies. ND(x) is taken to be constant, but
varies and NT(y)*NT(x).
An exact solution of Eq. (17) for a specific trap dis-
tribution is extremely cumbersome and, consequently,
of questionable value. The errors in N(x), however,
may be investigated by considering each term in Eq.
(17) separately as an assumed trap distribution is mea-
sured. The triangular distribution of NT in Fig. 4(b) is
to be studied.
On the upslope, NT(y) <NT(x) and The con-
verse is true on the downslope. Thus,

- - -- - - - - - - - - - No-NT

'1 r(x-
I- (x-y)
FIG. 4. Measured free-carrier profiles for (a) a homogeneous
and (b) an inhomogeneous distribution of deep acceptor traps.
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No. 4,Apri11974
Equation (20) is strictly true only for large x where
y/ x
1. At low biases or small x when x y, the first
term on the right-hand side of Eq. (17) approaches
zero. In this case Eq. (20) is applicable only for very
sharp distributions where and NT(y) take
on determining values. This situation is evident in the
studies by Schulz
of germanium-implanted silicon.
The implant produces a very sharp trap distribution
near the sample surface. Peaks were observed only for
high trap concentrations, whereas dips were reported
for lower trap densities.
The curve for N(x)meas depicted in Fig. 4(b) was de-
rived by applying the inequalities (19) and (20) directly
to Eq. (17). As point x enters the trap distribution,
NT (y) is still zero and N(x)meas follows the triangular
shape. When point y enters the trap distribution,
N(x)meas is truncated gradually until pOint x reaches a
position on the downslope of the trap distribution where
>NT(x). N(x) then makes a rapid
transition to values greater than N
This increase is
tempered somewhat as decreases with the de-
creasing trap concentration. When point x reaches x
N(x)meas begins to decay slowly to a value of Np where
point y reaches x
The peak in N(x) is clearly anoma-
lous and has no real relation to net donor behavior of
any kind. In addition, the distribution is broader by an
amount (x - y).
D. Case 1: en > >
The junction capacitance is effectively measured at
dc with respect to the emission rates for traps in the
depletion region. Therefore, charges located at both
x and y contribute, and the measured depletion width
represents a charge-weighted average between points y
and x. In profiling measurements this effect is second-
ary to that described for case 2 and merely spreads or
contracts portions of the distribution derived earlier,
Assuming a homogeneous trap distribution and NT
< N
, the following values for xmeas apply and may be
used to qualitatively predict effects:
= (NTy + NDx)/ (NT + N
) (donors)
= [NTy + (N
Both Eqs, (21) and (22) predict contraction of the mea-
sured trap distribution with increasing NT and expan-
sion with decreasing NT' Thus, for example, the peak
of the donor distribution in Fig. 3(b) would be skewed to
the left if the conditions for case 1 were satisfied.
E. Case 3: VQ6C) > Vel> en
In this case a third class of free-carrier profiles is
measured. Figure 1 is no longer applicable. The rele-
vant charge distributions are shown in Figs. 5(a) and
5 (b). The only mobile charge present is located at x.
Thus, for donors, ND (x) is measured and for acceptors
ND(x) -NT (x) is measured.
A representative measurement of the trap distribution
created by bombardment of n-type silicon by 950-keV
protons is shown in Fig. 6. A very steep trap gradient
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1843 L.C. Kimerling: Influence of traps on junction capacitance 1843
........ ++
0 +
0 +++. ------ Ec
0 00 Q +++++++++ Eo
0 00 EF
Y 00000 ET


y w
(a) (b)
. .. _EC
y x w
FIG. 5. Space-charge distribution in a reverse-biased p+n
junction with en = O. Deep donors are shown in (a) and deep ac-
ceptors in (b).
is produced by the well-defined penetration depth
characteristic of charged-particle bombardment. Sever-
al key features of the theory presented earlier are
In Fig. 6 temperature rather than measurement fre-
quency is the variable so that en is decreasing with
temperature while w(a V
) and w(a V
) remain constant.
The measurements were taken using Au-Si Schottky bar-
riers and the Miller feedback profiling technique de-
scribed in Ref. 12. In this case w(av
) = 300 Hz and
w(aVC>= 1 MHz.
Traps introduced along the initial part of the particle
track are approximately uniform in spatial distribution.
However, at high temperatures case 2(b) is operative
and the effect depicted in Fig. 4(a) is apparent, showing
the presence of deep traps only very close to the junc-
tion. At lower temperatures en is reduced, case 3 is
operative, and the true trap distribution is measured.
At the end of the particle range an inhomogeneous trap
distribution is measured in the form of a dip followed
by a peak. This behavior is characteristic of an inhomo-
geneous acceptor distribution described as case 2(b)
and shown in Fig. 4(b). As the temperature is lowered
from 300 to 243 oK the distribution moves to the right
as the shift in xmeaa characteristic of case 1 is relieved
by the reduction in en' At 155 oK no peak is observed
because the trap represented by the peak now possesses
an emission rate en residing in case 3, so that a true
distribution is measured.
By 105 OK a new peak has appeared. The Fermi level
in the neutral material moves toward the conduction
band with decreasing temperature and it now intersects
a shallow acceptor. This event is discussed in detail
in Appendix C. Finally, at 80 oK both traps have en
values characteristic of case 3 and a trap distribution
is measured which shows the combined compensation
effect of the two traps.
The energy positions of the two traps have been mea-
sured at Ec -0.430.03 eV for the high-temperature
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No.4, April 1974
trap and at Ec-0.ll0.02 eV for the low-temperature
trap. A detailed analysis of proton-bombardment effects
in silicon is presented in Ref. 7
It has been shown that great care must be exercised
in the capacitance measurement of free-carrier distri-
butions in semiconductors containing deep traps. De-
rived spatial distributions are anomalous unless mea-
surement conditions are carefully determined based on
the physics of the junction structure and the electronic
nature of the trap.
For deep donors an approximate free-carrier profile
can be obtained when the emission rate of the trap is
large relative to the sweep rate of the applied bias but
small relative to the rf oscillation employed in'the
capacitance measurement (case 2). However, the true
profile, ND(x) +NT(x), may only be measured when the
donor states are empty under equilibrium conditions in
the neutral material. This condition is satisfied for
higher sample temperatures at which EF > E

For deep acceptors an accurate profile, ND (x) - NT (x),
is obtained when the trap emission rate is small relative
to both the bias sweep and the rf oscillation (case 3).
This condition is obtained by lowering the sample tem-
perature to reduce en' or using high-frequency signals
for both voltage changes, aVe and a Vose'
0 8
o 4 8
FIG. 6. Proton damage distribution in n-type silicon. Mea-
sured free-carrier concentration vs distance into the material
from the bombarded surface. The sample was bombarded at
K with 950-keV protons. Measurement temperatures are
shown for each curve.
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L.C. Kimerling: Influence of traps on junction capacitance 1844
The author would like to thank A. Goetzberger, C. H.
Henry, D.V. Lang, G.L. Miller, R.A. Moline, and
J.C. North for helpful discussions, and E.B. Uggerhoj,
W.M. Gibson, and R.A. Levesque who took part in the
The depletion width has been shown to be composed
of two regions: (0 a space-charge region, 0 < W < y, and
(ii) a transition region, y < W < x. Following modification
of trap occupation statistics by changes in diode bias or
illumination, a nonexponential capacitance transient
may be observed as a result of the mixing of space-
charge changes in the two regions.
The statistics of charging and discharging processes
in the two regions have been described by Sah et al. 9 for
the space-charge region and by Shockley and Read,r6
and Hall
for the transition region. As an example, we
consider a trap located in the upper half of the energy
gap in n-type material for which en e
' The diode is
pulsed to V R = 0, filling all traps, and then to - V R in
order to monitor emisSion processes.
In the space-charge region
dt =enNT
In the transition region
where NT is the concentration of traps filled with elec-
trons, P T is the concentration of empty traps, and n is
the concentration of electrons in the transition region
[given by Eq. (4)].
The two transients are mixed according to the frac-
tional volumes of the depletion region represented.
Thus, a field dependence of the observed transient may
be apparent. At large reverse biases, the space-charge
region dominates and the transient is approximately
exponential. At small biases the transition region domi-
nates and the decay time is reduced by the action of
recombination processes. The above behavior follows
the general trend expected for field-ionization phenom-
ena but is in no way related to them. This problem has
been recently considered by Braun and Grimmeiss. 18
Kukimoto et al. 19 have recently noted that the charac-
teristic decay, "droop", following photocapacitance
excitation can be interpreted in terms of transition-re-
gion behavior. A reverse bias is applied to a diode and
emission processes are stimulated by photo excitation
with monochromatic light. Following the termination of
the excitation, a slight decrease in the total capacitance
change is noted. This "droop" was attributed to recom-
bination processes within the transition region. ThUS,
the accessible region for photocapacitance measure-
ments is a few Debye lengths shorter than the total de-
pletion width. It is readily apparent that at small total
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 45, No.4, April 1974
depletion widths the "droop" can erase a major portion
of the photocapacitance signal. This effect produces an
apparent decrease in the measured trap distribution
near the junction as the transition region intersects the
junction interface. This type of behavior may have been
responsible for the anomalous decrease in the measured
oxygen content near the GaP p-n junction reported in
Ref. 19.
A very powerful technique for the determination of
trap energy levels is the measurement of dark capaci-
tance transients corresponding to carrier emiSSion
As described in Appendix A, nonexponential
decays and field dependences can make the interpreta-
tion somewhat involved. In the case of acceptor levels
introduced in inhomogeneous distributions, as in ion
implantation, the difficulties can be even more severe.
However, one may take advantage of the inhomogeneous
structure to determine an approximate energy position
for the trap. As discussed earlier, acceptor distribu-
tions under the conditions of case 1 or 2 are character-
ized by an anomalous peak. The height of this peak is a
function of temperature and indicates the trap energy
For example, in n-type material at high temperatures
EF < ET, en > W ( ~ Va)' and no peak is observed. As the
temperature is reduced the Fermi level passes through
the trap level and a peak is observed. As the tempera-
ture is further reduced the peak disappears as e
< w ( ~ Va)' n
The appearance of the peak on the high-temperature
side indicates that I EF - ET I r:. kT. The peak height
maximum corresponds to I EF - ET I r:. kT on the other
side of the trap. The midpoint between these two tem-
peratures represents EF = E
. Thus, ET may be deter-
mined according to
ET =Ec +kTln(n/N
where n is the free-electron concentration measured
beyond the trap distribution.
In Fig. 6 the presence of a trap is apparent from the
peak at 105 OK. A series of profile measurements
around 105 OK indicate a midpoint temperature of 115 OK.
With n=1.4xl0
, the trap energy position is de-
termined to be Ea - 0.11 eV. This result is in excellent
agreement with the capacitance transient measurements
reported in Ref. 7.
IC.T. Sah and V.G.K. Reddi, IEEE Trans. Electron De-
vices ED-11 , 345 (1964),
2R.R. Senechal and J. Basinski, J. Appl. Phys. 39, 3723
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5y. Zohta and Y. Ohmura, Appl. Phys. Lett. 21, 117 (1972).
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SM. Bleicher and E. Lange, Solid-State Electron. 16, 375
7L. e. Kimerling, W. M. Gibson, and E. Uggerhoj
(unpublished) .
8p. H. Ladbrooke, J. Phys. D 6, 637 (1973),
9Equations (3) and (4) assume a constant value for N(x') within
the region (x - y). However, both are correct to the first
order provided that the variation in N(x') does not cause sig-
nificant local bending of the energy bands.
10C.T. Sah, L. Forbes, L.L. Rosier, andA.F. Tasch, Jr.,
Solid-State Electron. 13, 759 (1970),
11e. W. Gwyn, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-19, 355 (1972).
12G. L. Miller, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-19, 1103
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13J .A. Copeland, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-16, 445
14G. H. Glover, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-19, 138
15M. Schultz, Appl. Phys. Lett. 23, 31 (1973).
16W. Shockley and W.T. Read, Jr., Phys. Rev. 87, 835
17R. N. Hall, Phys. Rev. 83, 228 (1951); 87, 387 (1952),
18S. Braun and H. G. Grimmeiss, Solid State Commun. 11,
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19H. Kukimoto, C.H. Henry, and F.R. Merritt, Phys. Rev.
B 7, 2486 (1973),
Downloaded 21 Mar 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

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