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DIARRHOEA DEF: Passing of three (3) or more watery stools within 24hrs.

CAUSES: Food processing, parasitic/helmisthic infestation, bacterial infection (cholera, salmonella typhy, etc), viral infection e.g. measles etc. TYPES: Mild Moderate Severe MANAGEMENT TYPES SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Mild


Not enough signs to classify some or severe dehydration. Moderat Some dehydration restlessness & Give fluid e irritability, skin pinch goes back slowly. and food Severe Sunken eyes lithergy and unconscious, Referral unable to drink or drinks slowly, skin pinch goes back very slowly.

DEF: Reduction in quantity & quality of food intake. TYPES: - Severe complicated malnutrition - Severe uncomplicated malnutrition - Very low weight - Not very low weight CAUSES: - Inadequate food intake from the food group. - Low proteinous food intake - Disease conditions like, typhoid, diarrhea, anaemia, worm infestation. TYPES Severe complicated mal-nutrition


SIGNS & SYMPTOMS TREATMENT - If age up to 6 - Give Vit A. month, visible - Treat the child severe warting, to prevent low oedema of both blood sugar feet.. - Refer - If above 6 months, immediately. MUAC less than 110mm, poor appetite, pneumonia, persistent diarrhea or dysentery. Severe Age 6mths and above - Give Vit A. uncomplicate MUAC less than 110mm - If child is d malnutrition or visible severe wasting 12mths and or oedema of both feet above give and some appetite mebendazole. - 1st line of antibiotics - Assess the

Very weight


Very low weight for age.

Not very low weight

- Not very low weight for age and no other sigus malnutrition.

feeding Counsel the mother on pattern of feeding. Advise mother to come for following in 7 days. Assess childs feeding & counsel the mother on childs feeding. If less than 2 yrs assess the childs feeding and counsel the mother. If there are feeding problems follow-up in 5 days.

RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION (RTI) DEF: Any disease condition that affects the respiratory tract which could be bacterial, viral, parasitic. CAUSES: - Bacterial organisms - Viral organisms TYPES: - Very severe - Severe - Mild TYPE S Very Sever e SIGNS & SYMPTOMS TREATMENT Give 1st dose of analgesics and antibiotic then refer (i.e. PCM injection)

Central cyanosis, inability to breastfeed or drink, or vomiting everything, severe respiratory distress, unconsciousness or lethargy. Sever Cough or difficulty in e breathing and at least one of the following signs, lower chest in drawing, nasal flaring, grunting in infants, fast breathing ( 2mths > 60b/m, from 2-11mths 50 & above, 12 5yrs > 40b/m).


Treat the child with 1st line of antibiotics, if failed 2nd line and if failed after 48hrs then refer. (from 0 2mths ampiclox drops as 1st line, than erythromycin as 2nd line, from 2mths 5yrs give contrimoxazole as 1st line & Erythromycine 5yr as 2nd line). Cough, nasal discharge, Treat the child as an mouth breathing, outpatient, sooth the throat sometimes fever and relieve cough with a safe remedy, then also treat fever.

DEF: Is a reduction in quantity and quality carrying pigment i.e. hemoglobin in the blood. CLASSIFICATION: Severe illness or severe anaemia. - Anaemia - No Anaemia CLASSIF Y Severe Anaemia Anaemia SIGNS & TREATMENT SYMPTOMS Severe Refer Urgently palmar pallor Some - Give iron and fta (if child has Palmar sickle disease, give only F/A); pallor - Give oral antimalarial * Follow in 14 days * Advice mother to put the child to sleep under ITN. * Give mebendazole if child is 12mnths and . * Advice mother when to return immediately. No Pallor - If child is 2yrs old, assess the childs feeding & counsel the mother on feeding

No Anaemia

NEONATAL INFECTIONS DEF: Infections in children from birth to 2mths. CLASSIFICATION: - Possible serious bacterial infection or severe dx. - Local bacterial infection. - Bacterial infection unlikely. CLASSIFICATI SIGNS & SYMPTOMS TREATMENT ON st Possible serious - Convulsion - Give 1 dose bacterial - Having difficulty of infection or feeding or; intramuscular severe dx. - Fast breathing antibiotics (60c/m or more) (Ampliclox inj) - Severe chest in - Treat, to drawing or; prevent low - Grunting or; blood sugar. - Fever (37.5C or - Advice mother ) or how to keep - Low body temp the infant (35.5) or warm on the Jaundice seen or way to the - Movement only, hospital. when stimulated - Give or no movement paraldehyde if even when convulsing. stimulated. - Refer urgently - Look to see if the if condition is young infant is very bad. convulsing Local bacterial - Red umbilicus or - Give an infection draining pus or appropriate - Skin pustules oral antibiotic. - Teach mother to treat local

Bacterial Infection Unlikely - None of the signs of very severe disease or possible serious or local bacterial infection. -

infections at home. Advice mother to give home care for the young infant. Follow-up in 2 days. Advice mother to give home care for the young infant. If infant is less than 28 days, follow-up in 1 day. Oral antibiotics might be given

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