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The Centre for Development Studies and Advocacy

Thomas P. Fuller, Director of Operations Inter-Africa Development Company September 01, 2011


Executive Summary
I want to invite you to assist in facilitating a dialogue between children and young people, because the life of a young child, and a young person, is totally decided by whether he finds somebody who puts the creative spark into his soul. If you decide to help make this project a success, I am absolutely certain that this terrible crisis attacking civilizations can be turned into a chance, albeit a gigantic chance and overcome a childhood disease of mankindoligarchismforever. The Centre for Development Studies and Advocacy was established in 2011, as an outlet and space for the Governments and the University communities to access policies, resources and information on development related issue. Through Development Advocacy, we seek to shape policies that ensure respect, dignity and human rights. Additionally, we provide a well-equipped Resource Centre, supplying current books, journals and on-line resources to support faculty and students in their Development related study projects. Teaching and learning on Development is further improved by the Centre's assistance in curricula reforms that mainstream development throughout the Tertiary Educational System. Mentoring programs for faculty and students aim at the empowerment of students and researchers to enhance their ability to pursue further courses of study for more effective teaching and learning, especially at post-graduate level. However, INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY moves beyond the academic sphere: Advocacy and Mentoring Programs and outreach to NGOs, public and private institutions as well as interested individuals make INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY a source of information, a site of knowledge production and competent advice, in short a center for change. INTERAFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY starts by addressing its immediate surroundings as it relates to the universal dynamic forces influencing them: The University community constitutes a microcosm of society within a universal macrocosm. INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY seeks to formulate investment, planning, development, agriculture and development policies that will mark the university as a pacesetter in creating an empowering and equitable working and living environment.



Mission statement .......................................................... 3 Research and Documentation ........................................ 3 Policy .............................................................................. 4 Mentoring and Professional development..................... 5 Emergency Food Development and Adovcacy6 Curriculium..7 Extension and Advocacy.9 Resource Centre10 Inter-national School of Development Studies11



Our Mission:

Our mission is to create an interdisciplinary space that positions INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY as a leader in key areas of university policy making but also in curriculum development and service provision.

Research & Documentation

The Research and Documentation Committee within INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY was established to carry out the following: Establish a well-equipped Resource Centre to support faculty and students with their teaching and learning needs. Provide current books, journals, films and other audio-visual materials and on-line resources to enhance the quality of academic work produced at the University. Compile and make available small grant applications to female graduate students and female faculty members to enhance graduate students access to small grant applications for research and theses production and female faculty members access to research grants. Develop questionnaires and other survey instruments; the setting up of Focus groups, the conduct of interviews, analyses of data, write-up and dissemination, to document the functioning and effectiveness of Centre activities; assess the impacts of the Centres programs and activities; assess impacts of policy changes on named groups within the University; and flag emerging areas of concern. Carry out research on topical research areas


Aims for the semester: Newsletter Auditing of Development Courses

Activities to be implemented: Scientific and Cultural Research Establishment of a well-equipped Resource Centre to support faculty and students with their teaching and learning needs Date

Title Future plans: Provide current books, journals, films and other audio-visual materials and on-line resources to enhance the quality of academic work produced at the university Compile and make available small grant applications to female graduate students and faculty members to enhance their access to small grant applications for research and theses production and female faculty members access to research grants. To document the functioning and effectiveness of the center activities; assess the impacts of the centers programs and activities; assess impact of policy changes on named groups within the University; and flag emerging areas of concern. Carry out research on topical research areas

Committee Members:

The Policy Committee within INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY was established to carry out the following:
Formulate policies on development within the University to create a conducive learning and working environment that ensures respect for the dignity and human rights of all the members of the University community. Review existing policy documents of the University and the functioning of University Boards and Committees Consultations with University administrators, faculty, staff and students Production of information materials Draft policies and documents Print and distribute policy booklets

REPORT ON ACTIVITIES OF THE POLICY SUB-COMMITTEE Planned Programs: Review of existing policy documents of the University Work on the two policies (Planning & Economic Policy) Advocacy and dissemination Identify the people for the advocacy and prepare a budget for it.



Activities to be implemented: Contributed to drafting of Development Policy for the University Drafting of Development Policy for the university. Hiring of consultants to review existing university policies. Consultations with University administrators, faculty, staff members and students on development policy.

Future plans of the Committee: Formulate policies on development within the university Production and distribution of policy booklets Ensure that development is integrated into all facets of the universitys policies and structures

Committee Members:

Mentoring and Professional Development

The Mentoring and Professional Development Committee within INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY was established to carry out the following:

REPORT ON ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN BY THE MENTORING & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Aims for the Semester: To develop mentoring programs for faculty and students in order to increase their confidence, skills and enhance their ability to pursue further courses of study for more effective teaching and learning, particularly at the post-graduate level. To create a database of all female faculty members with an assessment of their skills and training needs. To develop training programs, including writing workshops, teach-ins, seminars and workshops for proposal writing and research collaboration.


Title To develop independent study programs and a series of sustained interactions, both formal and informal, designed to facilitate interaction between senior and junior faculty as well as faculty and students.

Activities to be implemented: Regularly interactions between faculty, guest faculty and students in the form of teach-ins, workshops, conferences and/or seminars on a weekly or monthly basis.

Planned Programs: A Social Science seminar, January 2012, at the INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Chalets. The facilitator is Dr. Maxine Mimms, President of the African American Universal Evaluators Association (AAUEA). .

Future Plans: Lunch meeting with young female faculty and administrators to take place at the INTERAFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY chalets. Training in the art of Public speaking -TOASTMASTERS

Committee Members:

Emergency Food Development and Advocacy

The Emergency Food Development Committee within INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY was established to carry out the following:

REPORT ON ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN BY THE EMERGENCY FOOD DEVELOPMENT AND ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Aims for the Semester: Re-train counselors to sensitize them to development issues and equipping them with skills to deal with emergency food development" and he process of application as well as a nutritional health issues including Malnourishment and HIV/AIDS.



Create a well-equipped "emergency food development" crisis advocacy and counseling unit to create space for University staff and students who have been victims of Development or malnourishment cases. Provide professional counseling and services.

Activities to be implemented:

Development Colloquia for Staff and Students: On Friday, October 23, 2011, a student colloquium will be held at the Boma Auditorium of the University of President Kasa Vubu Business School. The theme is Bio-sphere Technologies. The staff colloquium is scheduled to take place Friday, October 30, 2011. Film Show: A film on Congos Future was included in the monthly film show. The title of the film was Africas Imperative. This takes place on Friday, November 6, 2011 at the Patrice Lumumba Conference Room at the Institute of African Studies Complex. Mr. Thomas Fuller will be the moderator.

Committee Members:


The struggles for social equality between the West and Africa remain an area of continuing relevance to any quest for a holistic understanding of economy, society, culture and politics in contemporary Africa - as, indeed, in every other region of the world. And yet, the general, instinctive but misleading assumption has persisted, even in otherwise knowledgeable circles, that any reference to development is little more than a code word for raising narrow, even parochial concerns that are specific to the interests of reflection on development issues among African social researchers, INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY will assist instructors of existing courses to deepen development analyses in ways that address this ambiguity. INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY sees its role in this context as a coordinating and capacityenhancing one. Specifically we will: Assist in the development of an efficient system of cross-listing of relevant courses on development across the President Kasa Vubu University University at Boma. Assist faculty to offer a wider array of courses to meet their own, as well as students' varying interests and needs. Introduce training for faculty in development analyses and teaching methodologies to improve teaching and learning, and hopefully attract more


female faculty as well as faculty from the Physical sciences. To this end we have begun a series of curriculum development workshops, the first of which will be held in President Kasa Vubu University in November 2011.

Work with faculty across our state universities to develop a university-wide introductory course on development platforms as agreed by the vice-chancellors of Congo (DRC) in a communique in 2011. Provide training and building capacity for practitioners.


Develop courses on development at both the graduate and the under graduate levels across disciplines. Develop teaching and research methodologies relevant to the Congolese and African situations. Develop short courses to be offered on a fee paying basis for Ministries, Inter Governmental Departments and Agencies (ICDAs), District Assemblies and NGOs. Purchase books and materials for teaching of the courses.

Activities to be implemented: Development Courses: The INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY will submit to the Board of faculty of Social Studies, a proposal for the two Development courses. The courses will be referred to as the American System of Political Economy and Emergency Food Development; the Committee will complete its work and submit its report to the Executive Committee.

Future Plans:

Reading and monthly discussions of reading list for Development courses. Write proposal to solicit funds for workshops Teaching of Development courses (the committee proposed that the participants of the 2nd curriculum workshop held at Boma should start teaching the new courses)

Curriculum Development workshops:



Title The first Curriculum Development Workshop scheduled for April 2012, at the Lumumba Hotel in Boma. The facilitator is Dr. Mohd Peter Davis from the Network for Biosphere Technologies Studies in Malaysia. The aim of the workshop is two-fold, 1) to review and update existing courses on development currently being taught at the University of President Kasa Vubu; and 2) for participants to collectively design a new introductory course(s) in development which could be taken by students in Congolese public universities. The participants in this workshop are scheduled to be from the following universities: University of Development Studies, Evergreen State University, University of Kinshasa and University of Brazzaville.

SECOND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPA second Curriculum Development Workshop is scheduled in May 2012, at Best Hotel, in the Boma Region. Participants are scheduled to come from the following universities: University of Oregon, Evergreen State University, University of Kinshasa, President Kasa Vubu University and University of Lubumbashi. The facilitator is Prof. Hal Cooper from the INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Studies Center, near the President Kasa Vubu University. The intention of the workshop is to: Review two draft courses on Development and Culture and Economics and Development and discuss materials provided from a collection of readings on economic pedagogy. Review and revise existing courses on development in the participating universities Discuss how to teach courses on development taking into account the relatively large class sizes, the low levels of consciousness of students and the different degrees of familiarity with the subject of economic pedagogy among workshop participants.

Committee Members:

Extension and Advocacy

The Extension and Advocacy Committee is established to carry out the following: Develop and organize student outreach programs on issues of development, particularly as it relates to their unique situation as young people located in an academic environment. Network and collaborate with Government Ministries, Inter Governmental Departments and Agencies (ICDAs), District Assemblies and NGOs to share information and work on issues of common interest



Title Activities to be implemented: Student Orientation: Mr. Thomas Fuller and Dr. Vital MBambi, are the two facilitators for the 2012/2013 orientations for the students. This is an opportunity to introduce the center and its core mandate to the incoming student body.


Monthly Film Show: In accordance with the Centres mandate to increase development awareness in the university, during the year under review INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY in collaboration with NGOs and Womens Organizations shall organize film showings for the students. These film shows should enjoy a great turn out due to the publicity to be given by the staff of the university, the INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, the NGOs and Womens Organizations. At end of each film an animated discussion by students which will be moderated by senior members and graduate students of the university community is expected. The following films will be shown: 1. Emergency Food Development Dr. Vital MBambi, Guest Lecturer, Agriculture Dept. 2. Africas Imperative 3. Deep Tropical Agriculture Mr. Thomas Fuller. Dr. Hal Cooper, PhD., Guest Lecturer, Engineering Dept.

Future Plans: Continue with students film shows and advocacy work.

Committee members:

Resource Centre
The Resource Centre is a space for students and faculty members to gain access to books, newspapers, video archives and other media sources pertaining to topics that fall under notions of development, planning, American System vs. British System of economics, transforming women and children, international law etc. The Resource Centre has put particular emphasis on resources pertaining to Africa, and more specifically Congo (DRC). With the creation of INTERAFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, it is apparent that there is a need for a space to promote research on development-related issues, and to support faculty and students with their teaching and learning needs. Our Research and Documentation sub-committee strives to bring current material to our Centre, in order to establish a well-equipped resource unit, promoting documentation and dissemination of development-related research.


Title All are welcome to visit our INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Resource Centre located at our office at The University of President Kasa Vubu, behind College of Agriculture and Science Lecture, Bungalow 12.


International School of Development Studies, Advocacy and Agricultural Sciences at Boma, Democratic Republic of Congo.
INTER-AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is a co-educational secondary school locates near the President Kasa Vubu Universitys expanse of land on Boma Road, Bas Congo. It is a full boarding school with well-qualified and experienced teaching staff that stands in loco parentis to the pupils. The school opened with President Kasa Vubu University in September, 2012. When fully developed, the total number of pupils in both junior and senior sections is expected to be 540. The location of the school is serene and conducive to learning. When fully developed the facilities provided on the master plan are sure to further enrich the pupils school experience. The school is a unifying factor for the high and low. Apart from the academic curriculum, a wide range of co-curricular activities are put in place to encourage the development of the pupils natural talents and creative abilities. At the end of 6-year sojourn in the school, a total child would have evolved and be fully groomed to stand-out tall among his/her peers in academics, commitments to duty, high moral values and service to the Nation and mankind.


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