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Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni /*1.

Write A java Program To Print Following Pattern * @@ *** @@@@ */ class Program_1 { public static void main(String args[]) { int line; int row; char ch; for(line=1;line<=4;line++) { for(row=1;row<=line;row++) { if(line%2==0) ch='@'; else ch='*'; System.out.print(ch+" "); } System.out.println(); } } } /*Output* @@ *** @@@@ */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni /*2. Write A java Program To Print Following Pattern 1 23 456 7 8 9 10 */ class Program_2 { public static void main(String args[]) { int line; int row; int cnt; cnt=1; for(line=1;line<=4;line++) { for(row=1;row<=line;row++,cnt++) { System.out.print(cnt+" "); } System.out.println(); } } } /*Output:1 23 456 7 8 9 10 */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*3. WAP to choose the maximum of an array of "n" numbers. The numbers "n" & the array of n number are from keyboard input.*/ import java.util.*; class Program_3 { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in=new Scanner(; int array[]; int lim; int max; int cnt; int temp; System.out.println("Enter Limit For Array Elemnts= "); lim=in.nextInt(); array=new int[lim]; for(cnt=0;cnt<lim;cnt++) { System.out.println("Enter Element No "+cnt+" ="); temp=in.nextInt(); array[cnt]=temp; } max=array[0]; for(cnt=1;cnt<lim;cnt++) { if(max<array[cnt]) max=array[cnt]; } System.out.println("\n\nMaximum Element From Array Is = "+max); } }

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni /*Output:Enter Limit For Array Elemnts= 5 Enter Element No 0 = 1 Enter Element No 1 = 2 Enter Element No 2 = 3 Enter Element No 3 = 4 Enter Element No 4 = 5

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Maximum Element From Array Is = 5 */

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni /*4. WAP to check whether given number is perfect no or not.*/ import java.util.*; class Program_4 { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in=new Scanner(; int num; int temp; int cnt; int total=0; System.out.println("Enter A No To Check Whether It Is Perfect Or Not= "); num=in.nextInt(); temp=num; for(cnt=1;cnt<num;cnt++) { if(num%cnt==0) total=total+cnt; } if(total==temp) System.out.println("\nEntered No Is A Perfect No!"); else System.out.println("\nEntered No Is Not A Perfect No!"); } } /*Output:Enter A No To Check Whether It Is Perfect Or Not= 6 Entered No Is A Perfect No! Enter A No To Check Whether It Is Perfect Or Not= 5 Entered No Is Not A Perfect No! */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni /*5. WAP to check whether given number is prime no or not.*/ import java.util.*; class Program_5 { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in=new Scanner(; int num; int flag; int cnt; System.out.println("Enter A No To Check Whether It Is Prime Or Not= "); num=in.nextInt(); flag=0; for(cnt=2;cnt<num;cnt++) { if(num%cnt==0) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==0) System.out.println("\nEntered No Is A Prime No!"); else System.out.println("\nEntered No Is Not A Prime No!"); } } /*Output:Enter A No To Check Whether It Is Prime Or Not= 5 Entered No Is A Prime No! Enter A No To Check Whether It Is Prime Or Not= 6 Entered No Is Not A Prime No! */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*6. Create an abstract class Person. Derive two classes Employee & Worker From it. Use proper method to accept & display the details for the same. The fields of Employee are emp_no,emp_name,address. Similar fields Worker are name & worker_hours. */ import java.util.*; abstract class Person { abstract public void getData(); abstract public void putData(); } class Employee extends Person { String emp_name; int emp_no; String address; public void getData() { Scanner in=new Scanner(; System.out.println("\n\nEnter Emploee No= "); emp_no=in.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter Employee Name= ");; System.out.println("Enter Employee Address= ");; } public void putData() { System.out.println("\n\nEmployee No= "+emp_no); System.out.println("Employee Name= "+emp_name); System.out.println("Employee Address= "+address); } } class Worker extends Person { String name; int hours; public void getData() { Scanner in=new Scanner(;

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

System.out.println("\n\nEnter Worker Name= ");; System.out.println("Enter Worker hours= "); hours=in.nextInt(); } public void putData() { System.out.println("\n\nWorker Name= "+name); System.out.println("Worker Working Hours= "+hours); } } class Program_6 { public static void main(String args[]) { Employee obj_Employee=new Employee(); Worker obj_Worker=new Worker(); obj_Employee.getData(); obj_Worker.getData(); obj_Employee.putData(); obj_Worker.putData(); } } /*Output:-

Enter Emploee No= 1 Enter Employee Name= Swapnil Enter Employee Address= Pune

Enter Worker Name= Abhi Enter Worker hours= 8

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Employee No= 1 Employee Name= Swapnil Employee Address= Pune

Worker Name= Abhi Worker Working Hours= 8 */

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*7. WAP A class ExceptionDemo throws the following exception depending upon the following condition Take any integer from keyboard. i] If the integer is between 0 to 5, the exception of type Small Number is thrown. ii] If the number is between 5 to 10 Proper Number is thrown. iii] If number is greater than 10 Greaaater Number is thrown. Also find Factorial of that number. */ import java.util.*;

class SmallNumberException extends Exception { String error_msg; public SmallNumberException(String arg) { error_msg=arg; } public String getMessage() { return error_msg; } } class ProperNumberException extends Exception { String error_msg; public ProperNumberException(String arg) { error_msg=arg; } public String getMessage() { return error_msg; } } class GreaterNumberException extends Exception { String error_msg; public GreaterNumberException(String arg) {

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni error_msg=arg; } public String getMessage() { return error_msg; } } public class ExceptionDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner in=new Scanner(; int num=0; int fact; int cnt; try { System.out.println("Enter Number To Find It's Factorial= "); num=in.nextInt();

Class:- MCA-SY--53

if(num>=0&&num<=5) throw new SmallNumberException("Entered Number Is Between 0 to 5"); if(num>5&&num<=10) throw new ProperNumberException("Entered Number Is Between 5 to 10"); if(num>10) throw new GreaterNumberException("Entered Number Is Greater Than 10"); } catch(SmallNumberException e) { System.out.println(e+"\n"+e.getMessage()); } catch(ProperNumberException e) { System.out.println(e+"\n"+e.getMessage()); } catch(GreaterNumberException e) { System.out.println(e+"\n"+e.getMessage()); } finally { fact=1; for(cnt=1;cnt<=num;cnt++) fact=fact*cnt;

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

System.out.println("\n\nFactorial Of "+num+" Is= "+fact); } } } /*Output:Enter Number To Find It's Factorial= 5 SmallNumberException: Entered Number Is Between 0 to 5 Entered Number Is Between 0 to 5

Factorial Of 5 Is= 120 */

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*8. Write a class student with attributes roll no, name, age & course. Initialize values through parameterized constructor. If age of student it not between 14 & 23 then generate user defined exception "age Not Within The Range. If name contains number or special symbols raise exception "Name Not Valid */ import java.util.*; class AgeRange extends Exception { String error_msg; public AgeRange(String arg) { error_msg=arg; } public String getMessage() { return error_msg; } } class InvalidName extends Exception { String error_msg; public InvalidName(String arg) { error_msg=arg; } public String getMessage() { return error_msg; } }

public class Student { public static void main(String args[]) { String name; int age; int roll_no; String course; int cnt;

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni int flag=0;

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Scanner in=new Scanner(; try { System.out.println("Enter Student Roll No= "); roll_no=in.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter Student Name= ");; System.out.println("Enter Student Age= "); age=in.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter Student Course= ");; if(age<14||age>23) throw new AgeRange("Age Is Not Within The Range"); for(cnt=0;cnt<=(name.length()-1);cnt++) { if((name.charAt(cnt)<'A')||(name.charAt(cnt)>'Z'&&name.charAt(cnt)<'a')||(name.charAt(cnt)>'z')) throw new InvalidName("Name Not Valid"); } } catch(AgeRange e) { System.out.println(e+"\n"+e.getMessage()); } catch(InvalidName e) { System.out.println(e+"\n"+e.getMessage()); } } } /*Output:Enter Student Roll No= 1 Enter Student Name= sw@pnil Enter Student Age= 15 Enter Student Address= Mca

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni InvalidName: Name Not Valid Name Not Valid Enter Student Roll No= 2 Enter Student Name= abhi Enter Student Age= 12 Enter Student Course= MCA AgeRange: Age Is Not Within The Range Age Is Not Within The Range Press any key to continue . . . */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*9. Create a package MCA which will have 2 classes as Mathametics with a method to add two numbers, add three float & class Maximum with method to find maximum of three numbers*/ package MCA; public class Mathematics { public void add(int arg1,int arg2) { System.out.println("Sum Of Two Integer Is "+(arg1+arg2)); } public void add(double arg1,double arg2,double arg3) { System.out.println("Sum Of Two Integer Is "+(arg1+arg2+arg3)); } } package MCA; public class Maximum { public void max(int arg1,int arg2,int arg3) { if(arg1==arg2&&arg2==arg3) System.out.println("All Numbers Are Equal"); else if(arg1>arg2&&arg1>arg3) System.out.println(arg1+" Numbers Is Greater Number"); else if(arg2>arg1&&arg2>arg3) System.out.println(arg2+" Numbers Is Greater Number"); else System.out.println(arg3+" Numbers Is Greater Number"); } }

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni import MCA.*; class Program_9 { public static void main(String args[]) { Mathematics obj_Mathematics=new Mathematics(); Maximum obj_Maximum=new Maximum(); obj_Mathematics.add(1,2); obj_Mathematics.add(1.2,2.3,3.4); obj_Maximum.max(1,2,3); } } /*Output:Sum Of Two Integer Is 3 Sum Of Two Integer Is 6.9 3 Numbers Is Greater Number Press any key to continue . . . */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*10. Create an abstarct class Shape.Derive three classes Circle,Rectangle & triangle from it.Calculate Area & volume of all. */ abstract class Shape { abstract void area(); abstract void volume(); }

class Circle extends Shape { int radious; public Circle(int arg) { radious=arg; } public void area() { System.out.println("Area Of Circle= "+(radious*3.14)); } public void volume() { System.out.println("Volume Of Circle= "+(radious*radious)); } }

class Rectangle extends Shape { int length; int width; public Rectangle(int arg1,int arg2) { length=arg1; width=arg2; } public void area() { System.out.println("\nArea Of Rectangle= "+(length*width)); }

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni public void volume() { System.out.println("Volume Of Rectangle= "+((length*width)*2)); } }

Class:- MCA-SY--53

class Triangle extends Shape { int base; int height; public Triangle(int arg1,int arg2) { base=arg1; height=arg2; } public void area() { System.out.println("\nArea Of Triangle= "+(0.5*base*height)); } public void volume() { System.out.println("Volume Of Triangle= "+(base*height)); } }

public class Program_10 { public static void main(String args[]) { Circle obj_Circle=new Circle(5); Rectangle obj_Rectangle=new Rectangle(5,6); Triangle obj_Triangle=new Triangle(5,6); obj_Circle.area(); obj_Circle.volume(); obj_Rectangle.area(); obj_Rectangle.volume(); obj_Triangle.area(); obj_Triangle.volume();

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni } } /*Output:Area Of Circle= 15.700000000000001 Volume Of Circle= 25 Area Of Rectangle= 30 Volume Of Rectangle= 60 Area Of Triangle= 15.0 Volume Of Triangle= 30 */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*11. WAP to find exception MarkOutOfBounds. Create class Student if the mark is greater than 100, it must generate the user defined exception called Mark Out Of Bound Exception & throw it. */ import java.util.*; class MarkOutOfBounds extends Exception { String error_msg; public MarkOutOfBounds(String arg) { error_msg=arg; } public String getMessage() { return error_msg; } } public class Student_11 { public static void main(String args[]) { String name; int marks; int roll_no; Scanner in=new Scanner(; try { System.out.println("Enter Student Roll No= "); roll_no=in.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter Student Name= ");; System.out.println("Enter Student Marks= "); marks=in.nextInt(); if(marks>100) throw new MarkOutOfBounds("Marks Are More Than 100!!!"); } catch(MarkOutOfBounds e) {

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni System.out.println(e+"\n"+e.getMessage()); } } } /*Output:Enter Student Roll No= 1 Enter Student Name= Abhi Enter Student Marks= 100 Enter Student Roll No= 1 Enter Student Name= Vivian Enter Student Marks= 105 MarkOutOfBounds: Marks Are More Than 100!!! Marks Are More Than 100!!! */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*12. WAP to accept file name from user as command line argument & display every alternative character of file. Generate exception for insufficient number of argument. */ import java.util.*; import*; class InsufficientArgument extends Exception { String error_msg; public InsufficientArgument(String arg) { error_msg=arg; } public String getMessage() { return error_msg; } } class FileNotFound extends Exception { String error_msg; public FileNotFound(String arg) { error_msg=arg; } public String getMessage() { return error_msg; } } class Program_12 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { int ch; int cnt=1; try { if(args.length==1) {

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni File f=new File(args[0]); FileReader fr=new FileReader(f); if(f.exists()) { while((!=-1) { if(cnt%2==0) System.out.print((char)ch+" "); cnt++; } } else throw new FileNotFound("File Not Found!!!"); } else throw new InsufficientArgument("File Name Not Specified!!!"); } catch(InsufficientArgument e) { System.out.println(e+"\n"+e.getMessage()); } catch(FileNotFound e) { System.out.println(e+"\n"+e.getMessage()); } } } /*Output:C:\Java>java Program_12 Test.txt htnBaa steato ffu lcbse oes iePitSmoe(04 ,OeNgt@teCl etr(05 h itkso ie(08 tts( 09. C:\Java>java Program_12 InsufficientArgument: File Name Not Specified!!! File Name Not Specified!!! */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*13. WAP to copy contents of file1.txt to file2.txt into file3.txt using command line argument. */ import java.util.*; import*;

class Program_13 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { int ch; int cnt=1;

if(args.length==3) { File f1=new File(args[0]); File f2=new File(args[1]); File f3=new File(args[2]); FileReader fr1=new FileReader(f1); FileReader fr2=new FileReader(f2); RandomAccessFile ra3=new RandomAccessFile(f3,"rwd"); if(f1.exists()||f2.exists()||f3.exists()) { while((!=-1) { ra3.writeChar(ch); }; while((!=-1) { ra3.writeChar(ch); } } else System.out.println("File Not Found!!!"); } else System.out.println("File Name Not Specified!!!"); } }

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni /*Output:file1.txt Chetan Bhagat is the author of four blockbuster novels , file2.txt Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005) The 3 Mistakes of life (2008) & 2 States (2009).

Class:- MCA-SY--53

file3.txt Chetan Bhagat is the author of four blockbuster novels ,Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005) The 3 Mistakes of life (2008) & 2 States (2009). */

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/14. WAP to display content of the file in reverse order.*/ import java.util.*; import*;

class Program_14 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { int ch; long cnt; if(args.length==1) { File f=new File(args[0]);

if(f.exists()) { RandomAccessFile ra=new RandomAccessFile(f,"r"); cnt=(ra.length());; while(cnt!=-1) {; System.out.print((char); cnt--; } } else System.out.println("File Not Found!!!"); } else System.out.println("File Name Not Specified!!!"); } } /*Output:C:\Java>java Program_14 Test.txt ?.)9002( setatS 2 & )8002( efil fo sekatsiM 3 ehT )5002( retneC llaC eht @ thgiN enO ,)4002( enoemoS tnioP eviF ,slevon retsubkcolb ruof fo rohtua eht si tagahB natehC */

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*15. WAP to conver all lowercase character to uppercase & copy content of given file name the source file name & destination file name hasto be accepted from command line argument. */ import java.util.*; import*; class Program_15 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { int ch; int cnt=1; int diff='A'-'a'; if(args.length==2) { File f1=new File(args[0]); File f2=new File(args[1]); FileReader fr1=new FileReader(f1); RandomAccessFile ra3=new RandomAccessFile(f2,"rw"); if(f1.exists()||f2.exists()) { while((!=-1) { if(ch>='a'&& ch<='z') ra3.writeChar(ch-32); else ra3.writeChar(ch); } } else System.out.println("File Not Found!!!"); } else System.out.println("File Name Not Specified!!!"); } } /*Output:C:\Java>java Program_15 file1.txt file3.txt file1.txt Chetan Bhagat is the author of four blockbuster novels, file3.txt CHETAN BHAGAT IS THE AUTHOR OF FOUR BLOCKBUSTER NOVELS,

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni /*16. WAP to count uppercase,, lowercase, special character in file */ import java.util.*; import*;

Class:- MCA-SY--53

class Program_16 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { int uchar,lchar,ch,schar;

lchar=uchar=schar=0; if(args.length==1) { File f=new File(args[0]);

if(f.exists()) { FileReader ra=new FileReader (f); while((!=-1) {

if(ch>='A'&& ch<='Z') uchar++; else if (ch>='a'&&ch<='z') lchar++; else schar++;

} System.out.println("Uppercase Characters Are = "+uchar); System.out.println("Lowercase Characters Are = "+lchar); System.out.println("Special Characters Are = "+uchar); } else System.out.println("File Not Found!!!"); } else System.out.println("File Name Not Specified!!!"); } }

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni /*Output:C:\Java>java Program_16 Test.txt Uppercase Characters Are = 12 Lowercase Characters Are = 94 Special Characters Are = 12 */

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*17. WAP to accept number from textbox & check whether accepted number from client is prime or not display msg on client frame.*/ import*; import*; class Server_Program_17 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { String msg; int num; int flag; int cnt; try { Socket sck; ServerSocket ssck=new ServerSocket(8000); sck=ssck.accept(); System.out.println("Server Is Running..."); ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(sck.getOutputStream()); ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(sck.getInputStream()); String arg=(String)ois.readObject(); num=Integer.parseInt(arg); flag=0; for(cnt=2;cnt<num;cnt++) { if(num%cnt==0) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==1) msg=num+" No Is Not Prime No!!!!";

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni else msg=num+" No Is Prime No!!!!"; oos.writeObject(msg); ois.close(); oos.close(); sck.close(); } catch(Exception e) { } } } import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import*; import javax.swing.*; class Client_Program_17 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JLabel lbl_1,lbl_2,lbl_3; JTextField txtInput; JButton btnCheck,btnExit; public Client_Program_17(String str) { super(str); setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,4,2)); lbl_1=new JLabel("Enter Number"); lbl_2=new JLabel("Message"); lbl_3=new JLabel(); txtInput=new JTextField("",20); btnCheck=new JButton("Check"); btnExit=new JButton("Exit");

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni add(lbl_1); add(txtInput); add(btnCheck); add(btnExit); add(lbl_2); add(lbl_3); btnCheck.addActionListener(this); btnExit.addActionListener(this); setVisible(true); setSize(500,500); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getSource()==btnCheck) { try { Socket sck=new Socket("maddy-85c64ded7.",8000); ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(sck.getOutputStream()); ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(sck.getInputStream()); String arg=txtInput.getText(); oos.writeObject(arg); arg=(String)ois.readObject(); lbl_3.setText(arg); ois.close(); oos.close(); sck.close(); } catch(Exception e) { } } else if(ae.getSource()==btnExit) System.exit(0);

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni } public static void main(String args[]) { new Client_Program_17("Client Side"); } } /*Output:-

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Output:Server Is Running... */

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*18. WAP to accept number from client & calculate the sum of Digit & display output on server*/ import*; import*; class Server_Program_18 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { Socket sck; ServerSocket ssck=new ServerSocket(8000); System.out.println("Server Is Waiting..."); sck=ssck.accept(); System.out.println("Client Request Accepted..."); ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(sck.getOutputStream()); ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(sck.getInputStream()); String arg=(String)ois.readObject(); int num=Integer.parseInt(arg); int total=0; int rem; int temp=num; while(num!=0) { rem=num%10; total=total+rem; num=num/10; } System.out.println("Sum Of Digits Of "+temp+" = "+total); ois.close(); ssck.close();

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

sck.close(); } } import*; import*; import java.util.*; class Client_Program_18 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { Socket sck=new Socket("maddy-85c64ded7.",8000); ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(sck.getOutputStream()); Scanner in=new Scanner(; int num; System.out.println("Client Side...."); System.out.println("Enter The Number To Find Out Sum Of It's Digits= "); num=in.nextInt(); String arg=String.valueOf(num); oos.writeObject(arg); oos.close(); sck.close(); } } /*Output:Client Side.... Enter The Number To Find Out Sum Of It's Digits= 1234567890 Press any key to continue . . . Server Is Waiting... Client Request Accepted... Sum Of Digits Of 1234567890 = 45 Press any key to continue . . . */

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

/*20. WAP to accept file name from client. Check whether if file exist or not on server. If it exist then display the content of file on client side.*/ import*; import*; class Server_Program_20 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { Socket sck; ServerSocket ssck=new ServerSocket(8000); System.out.println("Server Is Waiting..."); sck=ssck.accept(); System.out.println("Client Request Accepted..."); ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(sck.getOutputStream()); ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(sck.getInputStream()); String arg=(String)ois.readObject();

File f=new File(arg); if(f.exists()) { arg="Yes"; System.out.println("File Existed....."); oos.writeObject(arg); FileReader fr=new FileReader(f); int ch; arg=""; while((!=-1) { arg=arg+(char)ch; }

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni

Class:- MCA-SY--53

oos.writeObject(arg); } else { arg="No"; System.out.println("File Does Not Exist on Server!!!!"); oos.writeObject(arg); } ois.close(); ssck.close(); sck.close(); } } import*; import*; import java.util.*; class Client_Program_20 { public static void main(String args[])throws Exception { Socket sck=new Socket("maddy-85c64ded7.",8000); ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(sck.getOutputStream()); ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(sck.getInputStream()); Scanner in=new Scanner(; String fname; System.out.println("Client Side...."); System.out.println("\nEnter The File Name= ");; oos.writeObject(fname);

Name:- Swapnil Kulkarni String reply=(String)ois.readObject(); if(reply.equals("Yes")) { System.out.println("\nFile Exist On Server Side!!!"); System.out.println("\nFile Content=\n"); String content=(String)ois.readObject(); System.out.println(content); } else if(reply.equals("No")) { System.out.println("\nFile Does Not Exist on Server!!!!"); } oos.close(); sck.close(); } } /*Output:Server Is Waiting... Client Request Accepted... File Existed.....

Class:- MCA-SY--53

Client Side.... Enter The File Name= Test.txt File Exist On Server Side!!! File Content= Chetan Bhagat is the author of four blockbuster novels, Five Point Someone (2004 ), One Night @ the Call Center (2005) The 3 Mistakes of life (2008) & 2 States ( 2009). */

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