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The business world, the church, and government are filled with leaders. Too many of them are doing only an adequate job. Leaders who rise above mediocrity are the ones who excel in their personal lives as well as making positive changes for those around them. The qualities of a GOOD leader

A leader strives for excellence. o They are not satisfied with status quo; average, ordinary, or OK are not good enough. o They constantly evaluate. "Is this my best effort?" o They attend to the smallest details. They know that all aspects of a task require attention to the best, not just the most visible aspect of the job. o They know that excellence is a reflection of God. They begin with the knowledge of God's excellent character. (Read Psalms 8:1; 36:7; 148:13; and 150:1). A leader has initiative. Initiative is defined as the spirit needed to originate action. Leaders don't wait for things to happen; they help make things happen. They must be willing. When the call goes out, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" a leader will respond, "Send me." (Is. 6:8) They take the first step toward reconciliation. If they have offended a Christian brother or sister they take the initiative to ask for his or her forgiveness. If a person has offended them, they take the initiative to go to that person and talk it over and get it straightened out. They see down the road. A good leader sees more than others see, further than others see, and sees before others do. They train themselves to think ahead, not only to avoid snares and pitfalls down the road, but to allow time to set goals for themselves and their group. The greatest example of initiative is from Christ Himself, that "while we were still sinners, He died for us" (Rom. 5:8). A leader is creative. People try to be like others in speech, dress, and what they buy. The Lord loves variety. As we reflect on this, it is sad that our work for God is so repetitious in comparison to the creative work done by Him. Leaders are not afraid to try new and different things. They will always be looking for a better way, a better approach. They train themselves to think, "If it works, it will soon be obsolete." They pray for the boldness and courage it takes to try something new. They are willing to break new ground and step out of the established mold. They live in constant, close, intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ. He is supremely creative. "For by Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible" (Col. 1:16).

A leader leans on God. All of this presupposes that leaders are in vital daily fellowship with the Lord through the Word and prayer. Otherwise, they may be led by their own understanding or set up plans using the wisdom of the world as their guide.

I Do Believe. 1. You have to make a decision to be a leader. 2. You have to make a decision to lift people up, encourage and empower them to discover the potential already existing within them. 3. You have to make a decision to sacrifice your time and many of the pleasures that you want to enjoy in this moment. 4. You have to become a learner and listener. 5. You have to be willing to get your fingernails dirty and get involved in the doing as well as the telling.

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