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Dental Mnemonics And Dental Library heey 1. Which cranial nerve not carrying PSN stimulation 3M an ” o” pose 2. Intrinsic factor by parietal cells 3. A patient diagnosed with increase in LOL. His father and brother also have the same diseases. Whats the name of diseases. a, LDL receptor mutation b. Familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency 4, Allexcept are approaches to health ‘education Provision of incentives Service approach Education Health approach aoge All are dimorphic fungus except Blastomyces dermat Histoplasma PN marneffi Phialospora © apogee Culture media for leptospirosis korthoff Perkin Baker Tinsdale aogee Microaerophilic Campylobacter Vibrio Bacteriods Pseudomonas aogen Autoinfection is seen in Giardia 2% 9. pose anse pose 13, aoege Gas gangrene all except Ch. Histolyticum Cl. Septicum Cl. Sporogens © Cl. Nowi Page | 1 ). Which organ posterior to pancreas Kidney Stomach Colon Duodenum All the structure pierced buccinator muscle except Parotid gland Molar gland of cheeks Buccal branch of facial netve Buccal branch of mandibular nerve In which area gall stone pain not percieved Epigastrium Right hypochindrium Right iliac Shoulder Increase in false positive case in ‘community Cefepime Cefoperazone Cefotaxime |. A drug both anti resorptive and bone formation Calcitonin Strontium renelate € Ibaddronate Teriperatide AIIMS MAY 2011 Page 1 Dental Mnemonics And Dental Library OE ne mmm ity 15. Golgi spindles detect 2. Muscle length b. M.tension Motor n, stimulation 16, Not associated with natal teeth Van de wounde syndrome Sotos syn Cleft palate Ellis van crevold noge 17. Allare feature of systemic inflammatory disorder except a. Oral temp>38C b. Leucocytosis c. Thrombocytopenia 18. Max complication is seen in which fracture Condylar Body Angle Symphisis aoge 19. TMI development a, 2week b. 10 week € c. 20week d. 22week 20. To restore acid eroded non carious lesion which is used Ic RM-GIC Composite Compomer aoge 21. Chronic gingivitis H/P features 2. Distuption of gingival fibre and infiltration of lymphocytes plasma cells. Page | 2 22. Alveolar grafting in cleft palate patient a, After maximum expansion, cross bite correction before canine correction 23. Most common impaction a, Mesio angular b. Vertical c. Distoangular 4. Horizontal 24, Best treatment for condylar fracture ‘One plate ant and one posterior € ‘One plate lateral Anterior Posterior aose 25, Treatment of communited fracture a. Reconstruction plates b. Dynamic compression plates with eccentric screws ¢. Multiple miniplate 4. Single miniplate 26. Lubricating gel used while rubber dam placement all except Vaseline Shaving cream Scrub gel Soapy water pegs AIIMS MAY 2011 Page 2 Dental Mnemonics And Dental Library OE ne mmm ity 27. While Rubber dam placement, following technique is not used ‘a. Place clamp on tooth and insert dam b. Place dam on the tooth then place clamp over it . Place dam and frame outside oral cavity and then on tooth using forcep over the dam d. Place dam and frame outside the oral cavity and then on tooth using forcep under the dam, 28. In caries which structure is more prominent Striae of retzius © Pickerill, Hunter shreger lines Stie of wickhem, aege 29, Bonding of GIC to tooth structure a. Metal ions b. OH tons c. COO-ions d. Micromechanical bonding 30. Most common cyst a. Median ant palatal cyst b. Globutlo max cyst c. Median mand cyst 31. Ceph raiology distance b/w film and source 8. 5 feet from mid sagittal plane 32. Anesthetic drug injected for paravertebral block least likely diffuse to Epidural space Inter costal space Sup and inf paraventral space d._ Subarachnoid space 33, Route not used in children a. YM b. Subdermal Sub mucosal Page |3 aw 34, Nitrous oxide acts by ‘a, Non specific depression 35. When a minimal injury as. glancing blow is struck to what variable its related Angulation € Position Location ‘Area of strike aos 36, IF histologic slide and contents of canal space could be obtained most ‘common finding in radiolucency region is Normal pulp Osteociastie activity Al Decrease in cellularity apse 37. Which structure detected in radiograph a. Mental foramené 38, Most common cyst a. Median ant palatal cyst b. Globullo max cyst c. Median mand cyst AIIMS MAY 2011 Page 3

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