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Enrolment No: MBMRAK 10716247.

Q.1, a) what is a matrix? Explain the addition and multiplication of matrices giving an example for each. Definition A matrix is an arrangement of items into labelled rows and columns within a table. It shows the relationship between two categories of features that are relevant to the items in the matrix. The row headings represent features belonging to one category. The column headings represent features belonging to another category. Each column or row contains items having the feature described in the heading. Each cell in the matrix represents an item characterized by the features in the corresponding column and row.

Addition of matrices.
To add matrices, we add the corresponding members. The matrices have to have the same dimension Example: _ _ _ _ 1. Problem: | -5 0 | | 6 -3 | | | + | | |_ 4 1 _| |_2 3_| Solution: Add the corresponding members. _ _ | (-5 + 6) (0 - 3) | | | |_( 4 + 2) (1 + 3)_| _ | 1 | |_6 _ -3 | | 4_|

Subtraction of matrices is done in the same manner as addition. Always be aware of the negative signs and remember that a double negative is a positive!

Multipication of matrices.
You can multiply a matrix by another matrix or by a number. When you multiply a matrix by a number, multiply each member of the matrix by the number. To multiply a matrix by a matrix, the first matrix has to have the same number of columns as the rows in the second matrix.

Enrolment No: MBMRAK 10716247.


1. Problem:

_ _ | -3 0 | 3| | |_ 4 5_|

Solution: Multiply each member of the Matrix by 3. _ _ | -9 0 | | | |_ 12 15 _| 2. Problem: Multiply the matrices shown Below. _ _ _ _ | -2 1 || x | | || | |_ 4 -1 _||_ y _| Solution: Multiply the first member of each Row in the first matrix by the Top member of the column in the Second matrix. Multiply the Second members of the rows by the Bottom member of the second matrix. _ _ | -2x y | | | |_ 4x -y _|

b) Find the inverse of the following matrix.

2 A= 1 3 4 5 4 6 8 6

Adjoint: -2 0 2 18 -6 -10 -11 4 6

Enrolment No: MBMRAK 10716247.

Inverse: -1 0 1

9 -3 -5 -55 2 3

Q, 1 a) Explain the correlation between two variables. How it is measured?

Purpose The correlation is a way to measure how associated or related two variables are. The researcher looks at things that already exist and determines if and in what way those things are related to each other. The purpose of doing correlations is to allow us to make a prediction about one variable based on what we know about another variable. For example, there is a correlation between income and education. We find that people with higher income have more years of education. (You can also phrase it that people with more years of education have higher income.) When we know there is a correlation between two variables, we can make a prediction. If we know a groups income, we can predict their years of education.

Direction There are two types or directions of correlation. In other words, there are two patterns that correlations can follow. These are called positive correlation and negative correlation. Remember that in a correlational study, the researcher is measuring conditions that already exist. She or he is asking questions of a sample of participants, and finding out in what way pairs of variables are related. For example, a researcher could ask about the participants yearly income and years of education, to see if those two attributes are correlated. Positive correlation In a positive correlation, as the values of one of the variables increase, the values of the second variable also increase. Likewise, as the value of one of the variables decreases,

Enrolment No: MBMRAK 10716247.

the value of the other variable also decreases. The example above of income and education is a positive correlation. People with higher incomes also tend to have more years of education. People with fewer years of education tend to have lower income. Here are some examples of positive correlations: 1. SAT scores and college achievementamong college students, those with higher SAT scores also have higher grades 2. Happiness and helpfulnessas peoples happiness level increases, so does their helpfulness (conversely, as peoples happiness level decreases, so does their helpfulness) This table shows some sample data. Each person reported income and years of education. Participant #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 Income 125,000 100,000 40,000 35,000 41,000 29,000 35,000 24,000 50,000 60,000 Years of Education 19 20 16 16 18 12 14 12 16 17

In this sample, the correlation is .79. We can make a graph, which is called a scatterplot. On the scatterplot below, each point represents one persons answers to questions about income and education. The line is the best fit to those points. All positive correlations have a scatterplot that looks like this. The line will always go in that direction if the correlation is positive.

Enrolment No: MBMRAK 10716247.

Negative correlation In a negative correlation, as the values of one of the variables increase, the values of the second variable decrease. Likewise, as the value of one of the variables decreases, the value of the other variable increases. This is still a correlation. It is like an inverse correlation. The word negative is a label that shows the direction of the correlation. There is a negative correlation between TV viewing and class gradesstudents who spend more time watching TV tend to have lower grades (or phrased as students with higher grades tend to spend less time watching TV). Here are some other examples of negative correlations: 1. Education and years in jailpeople who have more years of education tend to have fewer years in jail (or phrased as people with more years in jail tend to have fewer years of education) 2. Crying and being heldamong babies, those who are held more tend to cry less (or

Enrolment No: MBMRAK 10716247.

phrased as babies who are held less tend to cry more) We can also plot the grades and TV viewing data, shown in the table below. The scatterplot below shows the sample data from the table. The line on the scatterplot shows what a negative correlation looks like. Any negative correlation will have a line with that direction. Participant #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 GPA 3.1 2.4 2.0 3.8 2.2 3.4 2.9 3.2 3.7 3.5 TV in hours per week 14 10 20 7 25 9 15 13 4 21

In this sample, the correlation is -.63.

Enrolment No: MBMRAK 10716247.

Strength Correlations, whether positive or negative, range in their strength from weak to strong. Positive correlations will be reported as a number between 0 and 1. A score of 0 means that there is no correlation (the weakest measure). A score of 1 is a perfect positive correlation, which does not really happen in the real world. As the correlation score gets closer to 1, it is getting stronger. So, a correlation of .8 is stronger than .6; but .6 is stronger than .3. The correlation of the sample data above (income and years of education) is .79. Negative correlations will be reported as a number between 0 and -1. Again, a 0 means no correlation at all. A score of 1 is a perfect negative correlation, which does not really happen. As the correlation score gets close to -1, it is getting stronger. So, a correlation of -.7 is stronger than -.5; but -.5 is stronger than -.2. Remember that the negative sign does not indicate anything about strength. It is a symbol to tell you that the correlation is negative in direction. When judging the strength of a correlation, just look at the number and ignore the sign.

Enrolment No: MBMRAK 10716247.

The correlation of the sample data above (TV viewing and GPA) is -.63.

Imagine reading four correlational studies with the following scores. You want to decide which study had the strongest results: -.3 -.8 .4 .7

In this example, -.8 is the strongest correlation. The negative sign means that its direction is negative.

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