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o many people have

come up to me and
started the conversa-
tion with: "Oh, how I
wish I could ...... (fill in the

My blunt reply was always,

Their response was always
almost the same: "But I
can't... I am not like so and
so... I don't have the talent /
time etc. (whatever it may
be, you name it!)"

Instead of harnessing their
inner talents and all the re-
sources available out there,
they simply choose to dwell
on what they think to be the
source of their mediocre
life. These are merely ex-
cuses used to account for
their complacency. Saying
you wished you were some-
one else is as good as stand-
ing in front of a wishing
well, wishing for one mil-
lion dollars to rain on you!
Face it! You will never be
like someone else, at least
not entirely! Different peo-
ple have different likes and
dislikes. You may have an
inclination towards some
interests, which others do
not feel the passion for. So
find that thing! What makes
your heart thump? What is it
that really makes you feel

If you want to achieve
something, go all the way
out to achieve it. Otherwise,
don't even say how you
"wished" for it to be so,
because in reality, you
don't! If you are not serious
enough to go all the way to
achieve something, then you
are not really "wishing"
deep down for it to material-
ise. You are just comparing
yourself with another indi-
vidual, feeling that you have
fallen short of his / her
achievement. You did not
really "want" to have that
person's life, you are just
accustomed to the feeling of
self-pity! Be very careful
there - this also poses a dan-
ger for one to breed the
negative qualities of envy
and jealousy.

So why all these unneces-
sary baggage when you can
live the life that you really
want to? Ask your heart,
what is it that you really
want to achieve in your life?
Write it down, and look at it
every day to remind your-
self of your goal! Visualise
in your mind how your life
would be when your goal
has already been achieved.
And what is more impor-
tant, don't just sit back and
do nothing! Do something
every day to bring yourself
closer to your goal!

If it is a book that you want
to write, do some research
to see if other people have
written the book already. If
you were to write another
book that is similar to the
others, determine the key
areas as to why your book is
better than theirs?! If your
book is to be 300 pages
long, you can complete the
book within 1 year if you
were to write 1 page per
Page 2
( C H E N N A I , I N D I A M A R C H 2 0 1 2 )
Vol ume 1, Issue 3 ( Apr i l 2012)
I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :
Stop Wishing! Just Do
What is Life? 3
Beyond Time, We Are 4
Dont Serve Late On
Your Mind-Plate
Dream Big! 7
Treat Stomach Acidity
with Potato Juice
How to Treat Cracked
Ushtrasana (Camel
Pose) to Correct Posture
Welcoming A Newborn 11
Turmeric: One of
Natures Most
Powerful Healer
Turmeric Milk Remedy
For Cough, Cold &
Sore Throat
Descale Your Kettle
South Indian
Homemade Dessert:
Rava Kesari
Negative Ions for
Positive Health
It may be a small step, and
it may seem slow, but every
step will bring you closer to
the Ultimate result! Isn't that
better than just sitting
around doing things that do
not give you the sense of
fulfilment of purpose? Tak-
ing one step at a time will
eventually bring you to the
end of the ladder
(whichever one you chose
to climb), and you will then
find another ladder to begin
your new adventure. Having
done that, you would no
longer need to remain in the
realm of "wishful thinking"
for you would have already
achieved what you had
wanted to achieve.
So start now! Dream your
wildest dreams! Regardless
of what others have to say,
just do your part, and you
will reap exactly what you
have sown.
Founder & Editor-in-Chief:
Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Wong Eileen
Silambarasu Karuppiah
Nicoleta Buru

Special thanks to:
Tey Sze Chze (Contributor)
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
Page 3
eople often ask the question,
"What is Life?"

There is but a simple answer.
Life is just what you make out of it, is it
not?! So many have searched the mean-
ing of life in all the wrong places, when
the real answer lies within! They have
searched everywhere else, except
within. It is like you searching for a pin
in the farm when you have lost it in your
own house.

Everything is from within, not without.
There is no purpose of life that can be
found 'out' there if you were not
prompted from within in the first place.
Or else, why is it that some fight more
strongly towards a certain goal, which
others do not? That is because each of
us have different roles to play according
to our inner calling. So judge not other
people's interests for you may not have
even discovered your very own.

There is nothing out there that can offer
you the definition of Life except that
which you have set yourself. Everything
depends on your own perception. You
can live life in 3 different ways:
1) Positive,
2) Negative, or
3) Indifferent

Positive-thinking people have disci-
plined minds. Come what may, their
spirits would never be broken. Their
minds do not give way to anything
negative to govern the pattern of their
thoughts, which we all know is respon-
sible to shape our outer reality for
thoughts give rise to feelings, which in
turn direct our actions. Actions repeated
over time form habits, and habits build
our characters, which is the determinant
of our destiny.

On the other hand, those who have the
habit of focusing on the glass being half
-empty would only see life a full of mis-
ery. They see lack in everything. Hence,
the feeling of dissatisfaction arises and
this feeling of discontentment engulfs
their being until they reach a point of
having no mental peace.

These people will always seek excuses
for all the seeming 'black holes' in their
life, whereas a positive person will al-
ways own up to any mistake they have
done, and remind themselves never to
repeat the same mistake again.

A negative-centered person will search
for a thousand and one reasons as to
why things did not go his or her way,
whereas a positively-geared person will
find a thousand and one solutions to the
existing dilemma instead.

We call these positive people Proac-
tives! Due to their 'never-give-up atti-
tude', they will always turn every obsta-
cle into a challenge, which will bring
them one more step further in life. They
do not dwell on the past. They move
forward with open arms, knowing that
more challenges are to come their way,
to continuously increase their mental
aptitude, so much so that problems of
the past will no longer seem as prob-
lems. We are all in this vast Universal
school. We are given riddles and puz-
zles to solve so that we can expand our
awareness to realise that we are infinite
beings. Therefore, shedding our limited
thoughts is vital!

At the end of the day, it is our attitude
towards life that cradles us or breaks us.

Is it that difficult to be positive? In fact,
it is the easiest thing to do. You are
much better off being positive than
negative. Try gripping your hand into a
fist tightly, doesn't that tire you? Simi-
larly, don't hold on too tightly to what
has happened, or what is happening now
in your life. Let go! Let the river within
guide you. Let it flow through you. It is
easier to follow the flow of the river
(which is within) than to fight its

Did you know that it costs you much
more 'etheric energy' outflow when you
are negative? Why waste that energy
dwelling on unfruitful thoughts and feel-
ings instead of using it to develop the
areas of your life instead?

When you grasp something so tightly, it
is because you are afraid that what you
now hold will soon be gone. You are
unsure of your capabilities, doubting
that nothing better will come your way.
Golden opportunities are often lost that
way, because you become so focused on
that small thing that you fail to see the
bigger picture.

I have had conferences whereby stu-
dents spent so much of their time telling
me why they were not worthy of their
goal. This included the lack of educa-
tion, skill and many more. The thing is,
why waste all that time listing all your
CAN'Ts instead of using that time to go
fill in all the necessary gaps, which you
believe are missing from your life? If it
is a language skill that you lack, instead
of spending 1 hour in your attempt to
justify that this is the reason why you
cannot achieve what you want, isn't that
1 hour better spent by actually learning
( L O N D O N , U K J U L Y 2 0 1 1 )
Life is just what you make out of
it, is it not?!
Proactives have a never-give-up
attitude and will always turn every
obstacle into a challenge, bringing
them one step further in life.
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
the language? If you could spend 1 hour
telling me why you can't do something,
you must have also spent way more time
dwelling on it within yourself, plus you
could have also wasted time telling oth-
ers about it!
Imagine, how much time has been
wasted that way over something futile
and unproductive. Idle talk will never
help you ascend the ladder of success!

To adopt a negative or positive attitude
is a choice. You can choose to be happy,
or unhappy. It is really that simple. If
you choose to be positive, without a
doubt, you will be happy for you will
give way to nothing to bother you. On
the other hand, if you choose to be nega-
tive, then every single little thing will
agitate you. So at the end of the day,
happiness is a choice.

Release all tension and worries. Use
minimal force to handle the drama of
your life. Do whatever that is necessary
to bring your dreams into reality. When
you do something that really resonates
with what you feel within, you will no
longer feel it is a chore because it is part
of you. It is unnecessary to exert any
additional force when you are flowing
according to the course of the river
within. In fact, with the aid of its cur-
rent, the river will bring you to the end
of the destination of your inner calling
even faster.

Hence, my advice for you people today
is to go out and live life filled with posi-
tivity for you are a glorious being!
Nothing can fail you but yourself. So,
dont fail yourself. Pursue your dreams
to its maximum, always believing in
your own capabilities. Even the sky is
not your limit!
Page 4
hat is time? The term refers to
the indefinite continued progress
of existence and events in the
past, present and future regarded
as a whole.

Do we 'exist' only in this time-frame of
which we are now conscious of, or do
we actually also exist in other time
frames? The Great Einstein was a very
wise scientist who believed in an undi-
vided solid reality. He rejected the exis-
tence of the division of time such as the
past and future. He proposed that there
is only a single existence for "the
(belief) in the separation between past,
present and future is only an illusion,
although a convincing one."

With that, I now tell you that we are
infinite beings. Time is in fact, not lin-
ear. We exist in multiple time frames, in
all dimensions be it in the past, present
or future. All exist NOW!
Having said that, why should we limit
ourselves to our current circumstances
then? What exists in objective reality, is
not conclusive. When we talk on the
level of our physical existence, your so-
called "past" determined your NOW,
and what you do NOW will affect your
so-called "future". Since that is so, if
you are experiencing something
unlovely in your life right now, it was a
result of the actions in the past. And I
submit to you that you can revise the
past in your mind to change your current
circumstances. If the tree you have
planted is not to your liking, un-root it
and re-plant another seed that is worthy
of you!

Let me give you a true life example of
the power of revision. I was rehearsing
some difficult dance moves for the In-
dian traditional dance, Bharat-Natyam,
in July 2009 when I suddenly thumped
my left foot a little harder that I should
have and injured it. The pain was like an
The (belief) in the separation
between past, present and future is
only an illusion, although a
convincing one. - Albert Einstein
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
electrical shock. No matter how I mas-
saged my foot, the pain did not go away.

I believed that the vein must have been
dislocated, so I paid a professional Indo-
nesian masseuse to return it to its origi-
nal position, but also to no avail. Nine
months later, I left for Dubai and the
pain was still there. Just before my all-
Dubai tour, I went to a local mall with a
friend wearing a sandal, which was
quite high. It was uncomfortable, so I
ended up buying a new pair of slippers.
I had wanted to change my footwear
there and then, but the seal was just too
tight. My friend offered to break open
the seal for me, but I declined as I did
not want to trouble her. Nevertheless,
she kept insisting all the way until we
reached the car, but still I refused.

Not long after that, as we were exiting
from the car to take the Metro, I acci-
dentally slipped and twisted my ankle.
Guess what? I injured the same ankle
again! That made the pain even worse
than before! I had an all-Dubai tour the
next day, but I could not walk properly.
Each step I took was an agony as the
pain shot through my entire body.

Days passed, and still the pain was
there. Weeks also passed, but the pain
did not go away.

I finally got fed up of it, and decided to
do something. Since the past, present
and future are all embodied within US,
and the mind knows not the difference
of any of these three, I could definitely
revise history.

Having relaxed the body, I allowed my-
self to 'revisit' July 2009, back in the
living room of my house when I was
practicing that dance. I tried to re-
experience myself in my mind, doing all
the dance moves once again, but instead
of thumping my foot too hard on the
floor, I felt myself stop praticing just
before then. I played it a few times in my
mind until the vision became vivid
enough to convince me that that was
exactly what happened.

I then 'revisited' the scene at the parking
lot in 2010. Instead of rejecting my
friend's offer, I saw myself putting on the
new slippers there and then, so I did not
slip from my old sandals.

After the 'revision', I forgot all about it
and went to sleep.

Few days later, a colleague was telling
me that she too had sprained her ankle,
and remembered about mine. When she
asked me about my sprain, I suddenly
realised that it was completely gone. For
days I had not even bother myself to
think about that sprain, therefore I did
not even notice that the injury was no
longer there. For 10 months, even with
professional therapy, the pain did not
leave. But a single session of 'revision' in
the mind resulted in a miraculous heal-
ing! That came as a remarkable surprise
as I did not even bother to check my foot
if it was healed or not after revising the
scenes that night.

So you see, this is a confirmation that
the mind is indeed limitless. We are
beyond past, present and future. We can
'time travel' back and forth any time to
change any residual state that we are
experiencing now.

A Mental Science student of mine had a
very bad fall from trying to climb a wall
when she was young. She had suffered
from a shooting pain on the right hand
side of her back for 10 years. Having
visited so many specialists in the hospi-
tals, they could do nothing to cure her

After my lecture one day, she decided to
use the same technique to revise the
scene. She imagined herself in front of
that same wall as vivid as possible in her
mind. Instead of climbing it, she visual-
ised herself walking away. She repeated
the scene several times until she fell
asleep every night for 1 week. When she
woke up one day, she too had not real-
ised when she was healed, but the pain
was completely gone!

If we can revise scenes of the past to
change our present experience, how then
can time be linear? Think about it

Excerpts of the spiritual lecture
delivered by Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Chennai, INDIA (March. 2012)
Page 5
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
ver experienced running out of
time and rushing for something,
saying to yourself all the time that
youre late, late, LATE?! You
hurried yourself into finishing whatever
you were doing and gasping for breath,
you later realised that you have forgot-
ten to pack some important items. For
this, you hurried back home again sim-
ply because you cannot go without it,
and found yourself even MORE LATE
than ever for the bus?!

Because of this you had to hire a taxi,
who took a seemingly shorter path to
reach your destination, but an unex-
pected accident slowed down the traffic,
which again made you reach your desti-
nation even later!! Everything just
seemed to have gone wrong that day,
and nothing could have been worse!

Sounds familiar? Everyone must have
experienced such scenario at least once
in their lifetime, and I am very sure it
was not only ONCE!

Our society has been shaped in a way
that everyone rushes for practically eve-
rything. From a traffic rush to a sales
rush, everyone seems to be straining
their bodies to meet something called
TIME, a concept that has been estab-
lished by Man.

If you want to be on time for anything
at all, my advice for you is to NOT
serve the late meal on your mind-
plate! What does this mean? It simply
means DO NOT think you are late!

When you focus on being late, you are
more likely to be late. Since our mind is
the instrument that shapes our circum-
stances, what you focus on must come
to pass. The more agitated you are on
being late, the more likely you are going
to be late because you focus on being
late with such intense energy, unneces-
sarily fueling it with your anger, frustra-
tion and worry.

Whatever you serve on your plate is
what you are going to enjoy or suffer
from. If you serve fresh fruits, thats
exactly what youll be enjoying. If you
serve yourself a rotten apple, the conse-
quences are that you will be suffering
from an upset stomach.

Whenever things do not go your way,
take a breather. Calm your mind, and
focus: I am on time. Thank you! Feel
the gratitude that you would feel when-
ever youre on time.

When you serve this on your plate, this
is exactly what you will be enjoying.

I will relate to you what happened to me
in early May 2010. I had just finished
my medical training one afternoon, and
I wanted to go home. I got out of class
early to wait for the bus. As I was tired
and had not gone home for nearly 1
week, I felt agitated that I had to wait
for so long before the buses actually
started moving. Naturally enough, the
bus left very late that day (more so than
In the evening, after placing my laundry
in the washing machine, a friend invited
me over to her house. It was already
9.15pm, and the girl was chasing me to
go to her place early. But the washing
machine was taking quite some time to
complete its cycle, and I NEEDED the
clothes for the next day. I kept thinking
to myself: "Oh my... I'm late.. I'm late.
I'm late!"

After the laundry was ready, I put them
up to dry and left for R's place. I tried to
catch a taxi outside my building, but to
no avail. This, I must add, is very un-
common because there are normally
plenty of taxis waiting like a line of
sharks for passengers. But just that day,
every single taxi seemed to pass by me
as though I was invisible.

I had to walk all the way to the other
side to stop one. The route was sandy.
What was I to expect anyway? I lived in
Dubai; it's a desert for goodness sake!
After boarding, I shook my feet off the
sand and told the taxi driver my destina-
tion, and he acted as if he knew the
place. But halfway through, he detoured
from the normal road, and brought me
around the city. The meter was already
running high this time. He suddenly told
me to get down the car at a particular
place, which I was not even familiar of.
He was stalling time by telling me all
the rubbish excuses as to why he could
not bring me to my destination.

Reminder: This is VERY COMMON
in Dubai. Beware of taxi drivers around.

Finally I won the argument and he
brought me to my desired location. And
another argument started as I was NOT
going to pay him double the price of
what it would have cost me had he used
the normal route. I told him I would pay
him only that certain amount, which I
would normally pay other taxi drivers to
reach that destination.

Looking at the watch, it was already
10:30pm! It took me about 1 hour to
reach R's place that day, which would
normally take only me about 15-20 min-
utes! All these so-called bad coinci-
dences happened one after another be-
cause I was focusing on being late!

Since then, I do my best never to serve
"Late" on my "mind-plate". Even when
everything on the outside reminds me
Page 6
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
that I am late for something (even for
flights), I close my eyes and imagine
that I am on-time. I do not have to rush
because I have all the time in the
world... Guess what? Taxis have done
their best to rush me to work by overtak-
ing other cars during a heavy traffic
(something that is not common at all for
Dubai taxi drivers). After all, it is not
their responsibility to bring us to our
destination on time. I have also experi-
enced being the last "lucky" passenger
to check-in for my flight just before the
counter closed (30 minutes before take-
off)! It was embarrassing though, as the
entire aircraft was waiting for me alone,
but I HAD to catch that flight immedi-
ately after work due to an emergency-
back home!

So remember, focus on being on time
and you will be! When you do, circum-
stances will be shaped in a way that will
allow you to be on time. It could be that
the facilitator of a particular meeting
was caught in a traffic jam. It could also
be that the chairman was stuck in a lift.
Whatever it is, there is no need to com-
prehend how it will happen, but it will!
You may then appear to others that you
are 'lucky' that such coincidences took
place and had prevented you from being
"late" for an event, but you know better
that it was you who made it so!
Page 7
hen something goes wrong in
life, people have a tendency to
blame others for their own cir-
cumstances. Whatever it may
be, they will always come up with some
reasons as to why they have failed.
Never do these narrow-minded people
ever want to take responsibility for their
failure, which is why they cannot mould
themselves to success.

There is this story of a professor who
brought a jar, along with some pebbles
and sand into his classroom to demon-
strate to his students why people fail!

He said: "Look at the sand, it is found at
the bottom of the jar. It is saying that if
only it was not the first to fill up the jar,
then it will end up on the top. So let us
take out everything, and fill the jar with
pebbles first, followed by the sand."

The professor did exactly that. After
filling the jar with pebbles, he began to
throw in the sand. He shook the jar rigor-
ously, and the sand ended at the bottom

With a smile, the professor again said:
"Now the sand says that there are too
many pebbles in the jar. If we were to
take out some pebbles, the sand will
definitely stay at the top."
So, he removed some pebbles and re-
peated the above. After shaking the jar,
the sand still fell to the bottom.

What is the moral of the story? The sand
represents narrow-minded people. They
always find excuses to account for any-
thing that goes wrong in their life. Such
people always think that without any
'opponent', they would fare much better
in life. But it is not so! Why is it that
some people still thrive and do so well
despite the strong competition? The an-
swer lies in their ability to think big!

Those who limit themselves to circum-
stances and think narrowly always end
up at the bottom and there is no one else
to blame but themselves! Life always
shakes you up. It is a drama full of mo-
tion. In order to remain stable even with
life's shake-ups, your mind have to be

When the mind is weak, any situation
can be a problem. When the mind is bal-
anced, life becomes a challenge. But
when the mind is strong, any situation
will become an opportunity for excel-

You lose nothing by thinking or dream-
ing big. Haven't you heard? When you
aim for the star, you may fall on a tree.
But if you aim for the tree, you may fall
onto the ground!


By Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
o you feel a burning sensation in
your stomach? This is caused by
excessive acid produced by the
gastric glands in the stomach. The
acid is vital for the digestive process.
However, it can be a danger if the stom-
ach produces excessive volume of acid
than what is required. This leads to a
case of heartburn.

Heartburn is a burning sensation felt
between the stomach and the chest. This
is also known as acid reflux, when the
oesophageal sphincter muscle is not
functioning properly in preventing acid
from shooting up into the oesophagus.
The sufferer often experiences a sour
sensation along the oesophagus, bloat-
ing, gas, nausea and even shortness of
breath. Frequent experiences of heart-
burn can lead to chronic cases of Lar-
yngitis, Pharyngitis and Bronchitis. If
left untreated, repeated flow of
acid through the oesophagus
can also injure and scar the
cells lining, and even lead to
cancer later in life.

There are many natural reme-
dies to relieve the condition.
This article will however focus
on the use of potato juice. Pota-
toes contain many vitamins and
nutrients that are beneficial to
ones health. They contain al-
kali-producing mineral nutri-
ents, which is invaluable for
stomach and intestinal disor-
ders. Its juice helps normalise
the excessive acid production in
the stomach. Potato starch is
often administered as an anti-
inflammatory for gastrointestinal dis-
eases. Apart from that, potatoes have
also been proven beneficial in prevent-
ing kidney and heart diseases, curing
acne and pimples as well as preventing
the spread of cancer cells.

Research on the impact of potato juice
with lowering acidity level has been
conducted all around the world, includ-
ing universities in Germany and Austra-
lia. It was concluded that the vegetable
is indeed effective in relieving symp-
toms related to gastritis.

The treatment is simple. Peel 2 medium-
sized potatoes, and rinse them. You can
use either a juice-blender, or even grate
the potatoes fine enough that you can
squeeze the juice.

You require around 4 Tbsp of raw po-
tato juice. The juice is to be consumed
IMMEDIATELY after juicing it. It is
ideal to carry out this treatment on an
empty stomach in the mornings, 30 min-
utes before food. The taste may be bad,
but you will get accustomed to it after
some days. Repeat the treatment for 10
days, and you will begin to feel the pain
in the stomach disappearing.

It is preferable that you drink the potato
juice on its own. However, for those
who really cannot bear its pungent taste,
add a little bit of honey to the juice.

By Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Page 8
Nobody gets to live life backwards.
Look ahead. That is where your
future lies.
- Ann Landers

Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
he cause for cracked heels is
more than merely the lack of
moisture. Dry scaly skin can re-
sult from merely a change of cli-
mate to living in an unhygienic environ-
ment. Even contact with bacteria from
our sandals, shoes and socks can also
affect the health of our skin. The condi-
tion can also signal other problems such
as fungal infections, diabetes, dehydra-
tion, deficiency of vitamins and more.
There is a possibility that you may be
deficient of Zinc and Omega-3 fatty acid
if you suffer from cracked heels.

Cracked heels are generally not harmful
unless the fissures or cracks are deep
enough to cause pain and bleeding,
which can lead to an infection. The eld-
erly are among the population who are
prone to this problem as their sebum
production decreases with age. It is an
important reminder that Diabetics
should do their level best to prevent
cracked heels from becoming severe as
they may find a hard time healing their
wound should it get infected later on.

Signs and symptoms that appear on the
skin are simple indicators of a faulty
internal activity or an external abuse.
Some of them could be: red or flaky
patches, peeling and cracked skin, itchi-
ness, bleeding or discharge from cracks.
If you suffer from any of these unpleas-
ant signs, it is time to treat them before
your heels deteriorate any further!

What causes cracked heels?
- Excessive feet activity.
- Prolonged standing. Hard floors may
also cause cracks in the feet.
- Being overweight may increase the
pressure on the normal fat pad under the
- Back-open sandals or shoes allow the
fat under the heel to expand sideways,
hence increasing the possibility of
cracks on the heels.
- Other disease and disorders such as
Athletes foot, Psoriasis, Eczema, Thy-
roid disease, Diabetes etc.
- Over-exposure to water; especially
running water, can rob the skin of its
natural oils.
- Standing for prolonged periods in a
damp area such as a bathroom can cause
dry and cracked heels.
- Exposure to dry / hot weather.
- Unhygienic environment.

Here are some of the best remedies to
treat cracked heels yourself:
- Make a healing mixture of 1 tsp of
Vaseline along with the juice of 1
Lemon. Rub this mixture onto the af-
fected area until it is completely ab-
sorbed. It is recommended to do this
before you go to bed so you can put on a
pair of thick woollen socks, which will
help build up useful heat around the
heels to increase the effectiveness of the
mixture. Oil is useful in softening dry
and cracked heels. You can then easily
slough off the dead skin the next morn-

- Regular application of a mixture of
glycerin and rosewater is known to
soothe and cure cracked heels;

- Melt paraffin wax and mix it well with
a little mustard oil. The, apply on the
dry or cracked area of the heels and
rinse it off in the morning. To achieve
desirable results, follow this regime for
10-15 days.

- Apply hydrogenated vegetable oil after
washing the feet and wear a pair of thick
socks. Leaving this application over-
night can provide obvious results in a
few days;

- You may also apply the pulp of a ripe
banana and leave it on the affected area
for 10 minutes before rinsing and clean-
ing your feet;

- Pamper your feet. Prepare a mixture
rich in vitamins and oils to soften and
moisturise the feet: Blend 1 banana with
half an Avocado or half a coconut
(flesh) to form a creamy paste.

- Lemon is another miracle fruit for
cracked heels. Soak your feet in Lemon
juice for 10 minutes and voila ~ You
have happy feet. Lemon juice is a mild,
natural acid which can help dissolve dry
and dead skin for easy removal. It is
best to soak your feet in Lemon juice
solution and then lightly scrub it with a
loofa or soft foot brush to gently exfoli-
ate the top layers of dead skin that cause
dry cracked heels;

- Prepare a natural homemade scrub
with a few spoons of honey, apple cider
vinegar, and rice flour. Mix all to form a
thick paste. To treat very deep cracks, it
is necessary to add a spoon of Olive oil
or sweet Almond oil to make the rem-
edy more effective. Soak your feet for
20 minutes in warm water, and then
gently massage your feet with this natu-
ral remedy. The vinegar is a perfect
treatment to dissolve the thickened lay-
ers of dead skin while the rice flour will
gently abrade the top layer of the dead
skin. Honey and olive oil on the other
hand act as natural moisturisers, which
will help keep the skin on your feet soft
and moisturised, and prevent any further

- You can also do another moisturising
heel cream on your own by mixing to-
gether a spoon of olive oil along with a
few drops of Lemon oil or Lavender oil.
Pour all of this into a small bottle and
add an equal amount of water to it.
Shake the content thoroughly so that the
water and oil form a thick milky
Page 9

Cracked heels suggest a possibility of
Zinc and Omega-3 fatty acid
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex

NOTE: Make sure that you shake the
solution before you use it each time.

Internal cure is also important in treating
cracked heels. Ensure that your diet does
not miss out any important nutrients,
which will ensure the health of your
heels. You can obtain the important nutri-
ents to have happy feet from the follow-
ing examples:

Vitamins (Vitamin E):- Vegetable oils,
green vegetables, cereals, wheat germ,
whole-grained products and nuts;

Calcium:- Milk, cheese, yoghurt, goats
milk, fortified soya milk, mineral water,
ice cream, juices, cereals and broccoli.

Iron:- Iron is also available in cereals,
eggs, vegetables and beans.

Zinc:- Kidney beans, yoghurt, brown rice,

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:- Purslane herb,
Flaxseed oil or flax seeds.
Page 10
Does this look familiar to you? Most people become hunchbacks in 15 minutes work-
ing at their computers! In no time, we may be known as the Hunchbacks of "Noted

Time to practice the Ushtrasana (Camel Pose) in Yoga to correct your posture before it
is too late! (See below)
This Ushtrasana (The Camel Pose) is
known as Queens of back bends. It is
composed of a strong and inspiring, yet
elegant posture. This Asana concen-
trates on the throat, chest, backbone and
the abdominal region, helping to
strengthen the nerves and muscles, as
well as slimming and toning the waist
and neckline. This postures expands the
chest area, hence improving the respira-
tory system. It also stretches the ab-
dominal region, which enhances the
digestive and reproductive systems.
Last but not least, Ushtrasana helps to
correct ones posture. By correcting the
curvature of the spine, backache is re-

Be cautious for every movement, espe-
cially the back muscles during the final
position and returning to Vajrasana
position. Do not make any abrupt
movement. Keep it slow.

NOTE: This Asana should not be per-
formed by people who suffer from high
blood pressure, heart diseases, knee
injury, abdominal ulcer, and hernia.
Pregnant women should also not at-
tempt to perform this pose.
1) Assume Vajrasana (Diamond Pose: see
below) and relax the whole body.
2) Raise the buttocks with the knees sup-
porting the whole body.
3) Placing the palms on the buttocks and
push the body forward.
4) Inhale slowly while leaning the upper
body backwards.
5) Place the left palm on the left heel and
the right palm on the right heel.
6) Push the chest, hips, and abdomen for-
wards as far as possible with the support
from the palms holding the heels and keep
the neck and the throat soft.
7) Hold the breath and remain in the final
position for few seconds.
8) Exhale slowly while bending the knees
to return to Vajrasana.

Repeat this exercise 3 to 5 times.

**Vajrasana pose: A kneeling position
with knees, ankles and big toes touching
the ground. Sit on the heels and place
palms on the knees. Make sure the spine is
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
newborn child. Ahh yes, a dif-
ferent, yet wonderful experience.
How would you feel when you
know you are going to have a
new member in your family? For me,
the wait was filled with suspense and

I felt the tension as I observed my fam-
ily members busy themselves preparing
for the arrival of our tiny little princess
(at least, it is my parents' first tiny little
princess grandchild). The fresh grand-
parents were even more apprehensive
than the new parents themselves. They
have long anticipated for a special-
relationship with this child, so much so
that they volunteered to do almost eve-
rything such as housekeeping, meals,
babysitting and so on. They even gave
the new set of parents endless ideas on
baby care.

Oh my, the arrival of this little Messy
Tey has indeed brought an enormous
change to our entire family. It was not
easy for each of us to cope with our new
roles and responsibilities for this dy-
namic change. Nevertheless, the family
teamwork has brought us closer to each
other by giving us more opportunity to
spend more time together. We can see
how powerful the birth of a child is
when one little tiny figure can bring so
many adults together.

The situation is however more compli-
cated living with a young hyperactive
puppy at home. We had to ensure that
the puppy is flea-free for the safety of
the baby. The puppy too is part of the
family. Will the puppy be able to accept
the new family member who is on her
way? Well, that can be sorted out later.

Ahh yes, the preparation was chaotic,
but it was all worth it.

When she was born, her tiny figure cap-
tivated me. She could hardly open her
eyes. At a closer glance, I noticed she
looks just like me. We share the same
eyebrow, the same eyes... So that is
what we call genes! I sat beside her for a
moment and whispered in her ears:
"Welcome little one." I guessed she un-
derstood what I said because she re-
sponded with a smile.

Without a doubt, preparing to greet a
newborn can indeed be quite hectic. A
newborn baby can easily cause much
tension and distress amongst family
members, making them fall prey to ar-
guments over petty things such as where
would be the most suitable location to
place a baby cot and so on. Such cycles
of arguments can be avoided if all fam-
ily members work together as a team.
We must remember that each and every
member of the family is equally excited
over the baby's arrival, and would love
to play a role in giving a warm welcome
to the little one. Therefore, family mem-
bers have the responsibility to work
towards avoiding negative emotional
challenges. After all, welcoming a new-
born is a happy event worth rejoicing!

Although the opinions of extended fam-
ily members are valued, we must always
remember that the parents of the new-
born are the primary people responsible
over the baby's welfare. It is therefore
advisable that any suggestion related to
the baby is to be discussed with them
first as a form of respect.

No doubt the baby is the star of the fam-
ily when he or she arrives, but family
members should also be empathetic to-
wards the new parents' needs, especially
if this is their first baby.

We should also not forget to familiarise
your pet(s), if you have any, with the
newcomer to avoid any form of jeal-
ousy. Oh yes, animals can get jealous
too. Haven't you observed a dog snarl-
ing, growling and barking at another
when the owner gives attention to the
other one? Human beings cannot even
control themselves when tempted with
jealousy, so we should be even more
careful when it comes to dealing with
Page 11
The Holistic Living Annex team takes this opportunity to welcome baby Miss Tey into
the world and heartiest congratulations to her proud new parents.
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex

A timetable can also be drawn so that
each family member takes a turn in
feeding / bathing / cradling the baby.
This would at least offer some time-off
for the new parents to cope with their
own personal matters. Delivering a baby
is no joke. This also gives an opportu-
nity to the new mother to have adequate
rest to regain her strength so as to avoid
any future health problems.

When all the necessary precautions and
steps are taken, we can be sure that the
experience of welcoming a newborn in
our home is a great one that everyone
cherishes for it is a moment of joy and
happiness. The child is the symbol of
hope for the family. Along with the birth
of a child is a flicker of new hope that
he or she shall walk down the path of
righteousness to uplift humanity. This
child is a potential pillar of society. Oh
yes indeed, every newborn is special...
Page 12
urmeric (Latin Name: Curcuma
Longa), which is also popularly
known in India as Haldi, is used
extensively in all Indian medici-
nal systems such as the practices of Sid-
dha, Unani and Ayurveda. Its potential
as a healing herb has also become in-
creasingly popular even with Western
Medicine practitioners in recent years.

Due to its anti-bacterial and anti-
inflammatory properties, Turmeric was
the first choice for First Aid in Medici-
nal Herbalism for cases ranging from a
minor cut to even concussions. Immedi-
ate application of Turmeric is known to
effectively prevent wound infection as
well as curbing bleeding. Researchers
have outlined that Turmeric is useful in
treating arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
injuries, trauma and stiffness. Used be-
fore and after any surgery, it can help
decrease the pain and inflammation as
well as accelerate the healing process.

Also known as a cooling herb, Tur-
meric can be applied directly onto the
skin, helping to remove excessive heat
from the body. This also alleviates skin
conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Turmeric is a popular ingredient used in
Indian cuisines. The consumption of
Turmeric is known to cleanse the liver,
treat dyspepsia and indigestion, sup-
presses inflammation in the stomach and
prevents / treats stomach ulceration of
all kinds. The spice is claimed to protect
the liver from toxins and pathogens, as
well as normalizing blood sugar and
cholesterol levels. Its anti-bacterial
property also makes it suitable in clear-
ing cough, sinus, congestions, bronchitis
and asthma.

Ayurvedic Medicine uses Turmeric to
purify and regulate the blood cycle to
maintain a healthy heart. Therefore, it is
also commonly used by women as a
mild menstrual regulator to move stag-
nant blood.

The spice is not only used for its internal
health benefits, but for external beauty
as well. Being a powerful antioxidant,
Turmeric also contains anti-ageing prop-
erties which allow better absorption of
beneficial nutrients by the skin. Your
skin is deeply cleansed while its elastic-
ity is maintained during a Turmeric
beauty treatment. That is why many
rural Indian folks rub Turmeric lavishly
all over their faces from time-to-time.
Applying Turmeric on the face rids one
of blemishes, acne, pimples, stretch
marks, dead skin cells and more.

Ayurveda has long recommended Tur-
meric for the treatment of tumours and
cancer of the female reproductive sys-
tem. Various scientific evaluations have
been carried out to test the claims of
Turmeric possessing anti-carcinogenic
and anti-mutagenic properties. The re-
sults from these researches seem to
point positively towards that direction.
Turmeric is considered to be anti-cancer
for its triple action:
(1) neutralising substances and condi-
tions that cause cancer;
(2) directly helps a cell retain its integ-
rity if threatened by carcinogens; and
(3) its ability to destroy tumours.

Recent headlines also pronounced that
Turmeric, the indispensable ingredient
of most spicy dishes of South Asia,
shows promise for treating Alzheimers
and the Parkinsons disease.

By Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
aldi, also known as Turmeric, is
known in India for its healing
properties. The practice of Ay-
urveda (Indian traditional medi-
cine) regards Turmeric as one of its best
wonder-healing herb. Turmeric is also
famous for its anti-inflammatory and
anti-carcinogenic properties. Combined
properly with other ingredients, we can
have a home-made remedy effective in
overcoming cough, cold and sore throat.
The mixture that I am about to introduce
you is also good for strengthening the
body immune system.

What you need is:
A cup of boiled milk
1 tsp of Turmeric powder
Few slices of ginger / ginger powder
1 Tbsp of honey (optional)

1) Boil the milk.
2) Add the Turmeric powder and ginger.
Stir thoroughly.
3) You can also add honey to improve
the taste if you cannot stand the bitter-
ness. Alternatively, you may add sugar.

NOTE: Too much sugar is bad for

Drink this mixture whilst it is hot. It is
best consumed before going to bed. Re-
peat the procedure for 3-5 days for best
Page 13

Have you always wondered what to do to
remove the white patches in your kettle?
Those chalky deposits are actually
limescale due to the evaporation of 'hard-
water'. To prevent damage to the kettle
itself, you have to constantly get rid of the
limescale. If you allow the limescale to
continuously build up in the kettle, it may
also start to appear repulsive for boiling
drinking water. I would never drink water
from such jugs, would you?

Fortunately, there is no need to buy any
expensive limescale remover available in
the market today. Rescue is here. The
steps to remove these patches are as easy
as A-B-C, not forgetting that it is cheap

Many people opt to use distilled vinegar.
But I would suggest that you try boiling a
couple of lemons first before resorting to

Fill the jug / kettle with water. Then slice
two lemons into half, and throw them in.
Start boiling your kettle. Once the water
is boiled, switch the kettle off and leave it
aside overnight. In the morning, you will
find that the internal part of your kettle is
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
now sparkling bright without any trace
of chalky patches.

Sometimes deposits may be stubborn. If
required, just repeat the same procedure
with another two lemons. However, to
deal with really stubborn deposits, resort
to white distilled vinegar instead.

For this, boil the water in the jug / ket-
tle. Then add in 1/4 portion of the vine-
gar (to water) and leave it aside. After 1
hour, wash the jug and voila - it is

This is how we clean black stains off
aluminium / stainless steel cooking pots
too. For best results, we combine both
the vinegar and lemon when we boil
water in the aluminium pots to remove
stubborn stains. Before we know it, the
base of these pots have become spar-
kling clean.
Page 14
"Rava Kesari" is a popular dessert item
from South India, especially in the Tamil
Nadu and Karnataka region. It is one of
the easiest dishes to prepare if you are
rushing for time. This dessert is ideal for
an everyday family dessert or can even
be served during a party.

1 measure of Bombay Rava
2 Tbsp of Ghee
1/4 measure of Cashew Nuts
1/4 measure of Raisins
3 measures of Water
3/4 measure of Sugar (!Too much sugar
is bad for health. You may reduce the
1 Tbsp Butter

Note: 'Measure' means a cup or con-
tainer of your choice.

1) Dry fry the Bombay Rava on a non-
stick pan until aroma rises. Store and
leave it aside.
2) Add Ghee into a non-stick pot and fry
Rava as you stir gently.
6) Add Butter to give the Kesari a finer
texture. Continue to stir thoroughly until
mixture appears evenly mixed.
7) Pour into bowl and allow it to cool.
8) When it is cooled, the mixture hard-
ens, and it is now ready to be served.
NOTE: If you prefer a softer texture,
add 4 measures of water instead. Colour-
ing is not good for the health, but if you
like, you can add some.

By Genevieve Tan Shu Thung
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
any research have proven that
negative ions are beneficial for
the health. Negative ions or ani-
ons are electrically charged natural par-
ticles in the air, formed by the gain of
one or more electrons. Examples include
O- ions (from Oxygen) and OH- ions
(from moisture in the air).

Microbiologist and experimental pa-
thologist Dr. Albert P. Krueger discov-
ered that even a small quantity of nega-
tive ions is capable of eliminating bacte-
ria in the air, therefore reducing its
chances of infecting people. That is why
negative ion generators are gaining
popularity to be used for homes, facto-
ries, cars, clothes, water filters, bedding
materials, jewellery, computers, light
bulbs and many more.

Negative ions are generated by light-
ning, plants, tourmaline, bamboo, char-
coal, shower taps, pyramid shaped ob-
jects, ocean and waterfalls. Negative
ions can help change the mood of a per-
son. That is why people feel uplifted and
relaxed when walking at the beach, gar-
den or woods. Only 15% of negative
electric ions are absorbed through the
lungs, whereas 85% of it is absorbed
through the skin.

The normal negative ion count in fresh
country air is 2,000 to 4,000 per cubic
centimeter (approximately the size of a
sugar cube). At Waterfalls (Yosemite
Falls), there are over 100,000 negative
ions per cubic centimeter. It is also in-
teresting to highlight that the level is far
below 100 per cubic centimeter on the
Los Angeles freeways (any other roads
in the world will give more or less simi-
lar readings) during rush hour.

Positive ions on the other hand have
been shown to contribute adverse effects
to the human body, causing bodily
pains, headaches, dizziness, allergies,
asthma, nausea, fatigue, respiratory dif-
ficulties, heart and circulatory disorders,
and more. The source of these positive
ions are such as electrical equipments
(TV, Radio, Computers), emission from
vehicles, harmful toxins and chemicals
etc. Almost all cities in the world have
more positive ions than negative ions
floating in the air!

Contrary to its name, negative ions have
been shown in scientific researches to
bestow many positive effects, which
will be introduced in this article.

Negative Ions Strengthen the Immune
Researchers propose that one cc of in-
haled air containing 5,000 to 50,000 of
negative ions strengthens the body's
resistance and immunity whereas one cc
of inhaled air having negative ions of
100,000 to 500,000 relieves illnesses. It
can stimulate the reticulo-endothelial
system, a group of defense cells in our
bodies that increases bodys resistance
to diseases. Negative ions have been
shown to reduce respiratory rate and
enhance the metabolism of water-
soluble vitamins.

Negative Ions Clean the Air of Bacte-
ria, Viruses and Dust (including aller-
Negative ions have a biologically lethal
effect on airborne micro-organisms that
can cause infections and diseases (eg.
Salmonella that can cause food poison-
ing). Negative ions cause allergens such
as pollen, mold spores, dust, and animal
dander floating in the air (which have
either a neutral or positive charge) to be
attracted to and stick to each other,
forming 'clumps'. As more are gathered
over time, these 'clumps' of particles
become heavy and get pulled down to
the floor, which can then be cleaned
with a cloth / mop / broom.

A study showed that ionising a room led
to 52% less dust and 95% less bacteria
in the air. Another group of scientists
also found that the use of negative ions
can reduce the presence of airborne vi-
ruses by about 40%.

The United States Department of Agri-
culture (USDA) has stated:
"These results indicate that negative air
ionisation can have a significant impact
on the airborne microbial load in a
poultry house and at least a portion of
this effect is through direct killing of the

As allergens in the air cannot sustain
themselves in the air high with negative
ions, negative ions effectively help pre-
vent allergy symptoms, influenza,
asthma and other bronchial diseases. Dr.
I. Kombluch mounted experiments at
the Northeastern Hospital and Frankford
Hospital in Philadelphia, whereby he
was able to report that 63% of the pa-
tients suffering from hay fever or bron-
chial asthma "have experienced partial
or total relief" from negative ion ther-

Negative Ions Help Supply More Oxy-
gen to the Body
Negative ions absorbed in the blood-
stream can accelerate the delivery of
oxygen to cells and tissues in the human
body. Healthy cells contribute to a
healthy body. An increased flow of oxy-
gen to the brain also increases an indi-
vidual's level of alertness and focus.
Page 15
B Y S I L A M B A R A S U K A R U P P I A H & GE N E V I E V E T A N S H U T H U N G
Hol i st i c Li vi ng Annex
Negative Ions Induced Rapid Recovery
for Patients Suffering from Burns
Patients suffering from burns have been
shown to heal and recover much faster
after being exposed to high quantity of
negative ions than those that didn't.
They also claimed to have experienced
lesser pain. A study showed that ionisa-
tion has reduced bacterial levels in burns
and plastic surgery units by over 96%
after a two-week period. This implies
that negative ions can help accelerate
recovery of patients in hospitals. It is
also interesting to note that there are
already some hospitals that use negative
ion machines.

Negative Ions Create Positive Feelings
Negative ions accelerate oxidation of
serotonin (5-hydroxtryptamine) in the
blood that is responsible for creating a
positive mood, pain relief and sexual
drive. Overproduction of serotonin in-
side the brain is the cause of fatigue,
migraine and headaches. Inhaling nega-
tive ions regulates the production of
serotonin inside the brain, therefore ef-
fectively relieving one from these symp-

A study at Columbia University sug-
gested that negative ion treatment is
more effective than anti-depressant
drugs such as Prozac and Zolof. Expo-
sure to high quantities of negative ions
was associated with feeling better about
oneself and less sensitive, and more
responsive or innervated (energized). So
far, negative ions have not been shown
to produce any side effects.

Negative ions improve sleep quality
Inhaling air filled with negative ions
improves the quality of sleep, specifi-
cally promoting deep sleep. This is
achieved from the regulation of the pro-
duction of the chemical Serotonin in the
brain. As a result, many people have
claimed to feel refreshed after waking

Negative Ions Improve Memory, Con-
centration and Cognition, and De-
creases Fatigue
Negative ions have been shown to im-
prove memory and attention even in
learning-disabled and mentally retarded
children. As for other normal individu-
als, those exposed to negative ions tend
to perform much better in mentally-
oriented activities than those who are
not. Negative ions are responsible for
inducing alpha brain waves. These
waves are generally found to be high in
meditators. These waves are also associ-
ated with alertness and rapid ability in
learning. Thus, not only can negative
ions can help deepen one's meditation
experience, the individual can also bene-
fit from becoming a better learner and
observer. Subjects in negative ions re-
searches have reported experiencing
faster reaction times and feeling signifi-
cantly more energetic. A study by Toy-
ota Central R and D Labs, Inc. found
that negative ions can improve fatigue
and cognition of drivers. This has paved
the way for negative ion generators for

Negative Ions Improve Metabolism
Negative ions can improve metabolism
by increasing the permeability of the
cell's prototype plasma membranes. A
weak metabolism is the root cause of
nearly all health problems. If you are
suffering from a serious illness or dis-
ease, strengthening your metabolism
will help you increase your chances of
fighting it. Having a strong metabolism
is also a good preventive measure
against major diseases related to the
heart, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis.
Negative ions have also been observed
to effectively lower blood pressure.
Therefore, it is suggested that patients,
suffering from hypertension (high blood
pressure), use an ion generator to com-
plement their blood pressure lowering

Negative Ions for Cancer Treatment
Another study carried out by the Univer-
sity of Frankfurt illustrated the physical
effects of negative ions to cancer cells.
Different types of cancer cells were
transfused into the bodies of mice. To
have a base of comparison, one group of
mice was placed in an environment ex-
posed to plenty of negative ions,
whereas another group was left to live
under normal conditions. The result
from this experiment showed that the
mice in the first group lived, on average,
for 59 days (with a maximum of 80
days), whereas mice from the second
group lived no longer than 34 days.
Conclusively, the mice from the first
group lived, on average, 25 days longer.
This experiment therefore suggests that
negative ions may also be beneficial for
patients undergoing cancer treatments.
Page 16
Wong Eileen, B.QS (Hons), M.D. (A.M.), specialises in the practice of Yoga for the Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources circle.

Coming from a traditional Chinese family, Wong's interest in herbs, and the relationship between the breath and the physical body prompted her to
further her studies in Alternative Medicine. Wong proposes that the proper regulation of vital energy within a body is crucial in maintaining good

With years of experience in the practice of Yoga, she will be sharing her knowledge and expertise through her articles to be published in Sandhya
Maarga Holistic Living Resources' official online magazine: 'Holistic Living Annex'. Wong is also the chief instructor of Yoga for Sandhya
Maarga Holistic Living Resources.

A vegetarian for some years now, Wong will also share her interest in cooking by sharing with readers various vegetarian recipes from different
Silambarasu Karuppiah, B.Pharm (Hons), completed his degree in Pharmacy and is a student of Mental Science and the Sandhya Maarga Medita-
tion under the guidance of Genevieve Tan.

Possessing a strong link to the practice of spirituality and meditation since a young age, he holds on to his strong interest in Quantum Physics,
believing that everything in the entire cosmos is vibrating with infinite energy.

Silambarasu has also deep interest in alternative methods of healing. Although he is a pharmacist in conventional medicine (Allopathy), Silamba-
rasu views that pharmaceutical drugs may not be the best option in maintaining health because of their accompanying side effects. He believes that
the practice of holistic medicine such as Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Alternative Medicine systems offer
better treatment in the long run as they aim to treat each disease from its root, instead of just alleviating the symptoms.

Genevieve Tan Shu Thung / Sandhya, LL.B (Hons), M.D. (A.M.), Ph.D, is the founder and director of Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources.

As a spiritual guide, she is known for her meditation technique named after her - "Sandhya Maarga Meditation", which brings about rapid transfor-
mation within an individual to realise that the innate consciousness is the cause of every activity within the Universe. It helps align an individual
with the natural Universal forces and expand the awareness of the infinite Being within each and everyone to maximise their self-potential in all
areas of life..

Genevieve has written many inspirational articles related to the power of right-thought and personal development to motivate all to cultivate confi-
dence in the Self of which physical reality manifests from. She has delivered lectures and speeches around the world pertaining to Mental Science
and Spirituality, and has disciples of different nationalities.

Also a long practitioner in Alternative Medicine, Genevieve specialises in mind-body medicine. She is currently authoring a book on the relation-
ship between the mind and diseases.

Genevieve is also the creator and Editor-in-Chief of Holistic Living Annex, the official magazine for Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources.
She writes articles focusing on Spirituality, Mental Science, and Holistic Health and Lifestyle.
Nicoleta Buru, a graduate in Bachelors of Journalism and Mass Communication (B.J.M.C.), and Masters of Marketing and Business Communi-
cation, is a freelance writer who will be contributing some of her articles on natural beauty to be published on Holistic Living Annex. (Click
"Read more..." to continue)

Her curiosity and tireless thirst for knowledge pushed her to experience many interesting facets of life. Having lived in many different countries,
she has been exposed to different cultures and traditions, and has gained invaluable knowledge of their practices, applicable in one's daily life.

Nicoleta was once a reporter and the editor for the Moldavian Business Magazine and was also cabin crew with Emirates Airline. Both jobs
were stressful with irregular working hours and also demanded high-standards of image and style.

The young professional believes that everyone is a diamond who needs to be polished from all the negativity that taint their inner being. One's
external beauty is reflected from the inside. It is therefore important to feel good even when working under pressure. Nature is Man's best friend.
There are plenty of sources to help maintain beauty the most natural way possible, as well as uplifting the spirit so that beauty will shine from
Syaza Shakh, a graduate in International Trade and Marketing, is also a professional photographer. Her love for photography led her to
further her studies in the art after her first degree. Since then, Syaza has been travelling around the world, capturing special moments with
her professional Canon camera. Her work has been published in magazines and newspapers.

She has also recently returned from her photography expedition in Saudi Arabia. She had won this opportunity to travel to Saudi Arabia to
create an artistic portrait of the Kingdom to be shared with youth audiences from around the world. Out of 500 entries from talented young
artists, designers, film-makers and photographers in the U.K., Egypt, Malaysia, Qatar and UAE, only the top 9 were selected, and Syaza
was one of them! Link:

Inspiring photographs contributed by Syaza will be shared on Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources' site for readers to enjoy and
downloaded to be used as their desktop wallpaper.

For any enqui ri es, feel free
t o cont act us at :
Admi n[ AT]
hol i sti cl i vi ngannex. com
Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources organisation aims to align all with the
natural Universal forces and expand the awareness of the infinite Being within each
and everyone, the determinant of all realities.

Information shared on Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources official maga-
zine, Holistic Living Annex ( is to help you maintain
balance in every aspect of your life to shape it according to the ideal you desire.

Workshops, seminars & lectures are constantly conducted to raise the awareness of
the link between the mind and body in various areas of one's life including shaping
circumstances to attain goals and objectives, and preserving health in holistic ways.

Also receive inspirational updates by subscribing to Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living
Resources Page:

NOTE: All information and photographs found on Holistic Living Annex are

Holistic Living Annex (HLA) is
not responsible for the use or
misuse of the information pro-
vided under any circum-
stances. The information con-
tained here within Sandhya
Maarga Holistic Living Re-
sources website(s) are strictly
for educational and informa-
tional purposes and are solely
the opinions of the author(s)
and publisher(s). Therefore, if
you wish to apply ideas, infor-
mation, products, or anything
else found in Holistic Living
Annex, you accept full responsi-
bility for your actions and the
results of those actions.
Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources has just started a new Video Channel
called Sandhya Maarga TV. Subscribe to our online channel for future educational
productions that will enrich your life in all ways on:

Want to stand a chance to win a FREE Tele-Seminar session with Genevieve on
how to improve your life in all areas? Just submit your comments on any post
found on Holistic Living Annex to enter the lucky draw and stand a chance to win
this 1 hour exclusive life-changing session! For more information, log onto:

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