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e l e c t r i c a l a c t i v i ty. T h e s e n s o r i s t h e n c o n n e c t e d t o a c o mp u t e r v i a a s ma l l wi r e a t t a c h e d t o a p e d e s t a l mo u n t e d o n t h e s k u l l . We n o w h a v e e a r l y e v i d en c e t h a t a person unable to move their arms hands and legs can quickly gain control of a systemw h i c h u s e s t h o u g h t s t o c o n t r o l a c o mp u t e r a n d p e r f o r m me a n i n g f u l t a s k s .

Wi t h additional development this may represent a significant breakthrough for people withsevere disabilities. They have a research participant who is capable of controlling hisenvironment by thought alone-something we have only found in science fiction so far, said triehs. They hope that the trial will continue as successfully as it has startedand that all other candidates will have as great an experience as our first candidatedid. C OMMUNICATION WITH THE BODY M u s c l e s i n t h e b o d y s l i mb s c o n t a i n e mb e d d e d s e n s o r s c a l l e d muscle spindles that measure the length and speed of the muscles as they stretch andcontract as you move other sensors in the skin respond to stretching and pressure.Even if paralysis or disease damages the part of the brain that process movement, thebrain still makes neural signals. Theyre just not being sent to the arms, hands andlegs.A technique called neuro feedback uses connecting sensors on thescalp to translate brain waves in to information a person can learn from. The sensorsregister different frequencies of the signals produced in the brain. These changes inbrain wave patterns indicate whether some one is concentrating or suppressing hisimpulses or whether he is relaxed or tense. F EATURES Brain Gate is a brain implant system developed by the bio -techcompany Cyber kinetics in 2003 in conjunction with the department of Neuroscienceat Brown University. The device was designed to help those who have lost control of t h e i r l i mb s , o r o t h e r b o d i l y f u n c t i o n s , s u c h a s p a t i e n t s wi t h

a myo t r o p h i c l a t e r a l sclerosis (ALS) or spinal cord injury. The computer chip, which is implanted into thebrain, monitors brain activity in the patient and converts the intention of the user intocomputer commands.C u r r e n t l y t h e c h i p u s e s 1 0 0 h a i r - t h i n e l e c t r o d e s t h a t s e n s e t h e electromagnetic signature of neurons firing in specific areas of the brain, for example,t h e a r e a t h a t c o n t r o l s a r m mo v e me n t . Th e a c t i v i t y i s t r a n s l a t e d i n t o e l e c t r i c a l l yc h a r g e d s i g n a l s a n d a r e t h e n s e n t a n d d e c o d e d u s i n g a p r o g r a m, wh i c h c a n mo v e either a robotic arm or a computer cursor. According to the Cyberkinetics website,three patients have been implanted with the Brain Gate system. The company hasconfirmed that one patient (Matt Nagle) has a spinal cord injury, whilst another hasadvanced ALS. A DVANTAGES The brain crate system is based on cyber kinetics platformtechnology to sense, transmit analyze and apply the language of neurons.The Brain Gate Neural Interface System is being designed to oneday allow the interface with a computer and / or even faster than, what is possiblewith the hands of a person. The Brain Gate System may offer subs tantialimprovement over existing technologies.Currently available assistive device has significant limitations for both the pers and caregiver. For example, even simple switches must be adjustedfrequent that can be time consuming. In addition, these devices are often obtrusive a n d u s e r f r o m b e i n g a b l e t o s i mu l t a n e o u s l y u s e t h e d e v i c e a n d a t t h e s a me t i me contact or carry on conversations with others.Potential advantages of the Brain Gate System over other muscle driven or brain computer interface approaches include : its potential to interface witha c o mp u t e w e e k s o r mo n t h s o f t r a i n i n g ; i t s p o t e n t i a l t o b e u s e d i n a n i n t e r a c t i v e environment users ability to operate the device is not affected by their speech, eyemovement noise; and the ability to provide significantly more usefulness and utilitythan other approaches by connecting directly to the part of the brain that controls hand gestures. D ISADVANTAGES The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the Brain Gate Non Interface System for general use.The Brain Gate System is an investigational device in the UnitedStates, and is status (Investigational Device Exemption). In the United States, this investigate can only be used in pre-marketing clinical trials approved by the FDA.

C ONCLUSION C yb e r k i n e t i c s i s f u r t h e r d e v e l o p in g t h e B r a i n Ga t e s ys t e m t o potentially provide I movement to people with severe motor disabilities. The goal of this development would be to allow these individuals to one day use their own armsand hands are movement developments are currently at the research stage and are notavailable with the existing Brain Gate System. In addition Cyber kinetics isdeveloping product for robotic control, such as a thought-controlled wheel chair. In the future, the Brain Gate System could be used by t h o s e individuals whose in severe. Next generation products may be able to provide anindividual with the control device that allow breathing, bladder and bowel movements.* * * of 00 Leave a Comment
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