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{\rtf1{\fonttbl {\f2 Times New Roman Bold;} {\f3 Times New Roman;} {\f4 Arial;} {\f1000000 Times New

Roman;} }{\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue0; }\viewkind1\viewscale100\margl0\margr0\margt0\margb0\deftab80\dntblnsbdb\expshrt n\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg1}{\bkmkend Pg1}\par\pard \ql \li3068\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3068\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ ql\li3068\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3068\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql \li3068\sb108\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f 2\fs24 Independence and Accountability of the Judiciary in Kenya \par\pard\ql \l i5305\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li5305\sb268\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 Winluck Wahiu \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ ql\li1440\sb268\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2 \f3\fs24 Introduction \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li144 0\ri1248\sb15\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 In today\u8217?s world , few doubt the constitutionality and international validity of independent \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judiciaries. As an increasing number of stat es begin to uphold the rule of law, at the centre of the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\c harscalex100 creation and strengthening of its institutional guarantees, is the necessity for judiciaries that will \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 be the cu stodians of the rule of law. Judiciaries that uphold the rule of law serve a pol itical \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 function in the state, by providing a neutral arbiter of disputes outside the political processes, \line \up0 \expndtw -2\charscalex100 hence creating an important apolitical arena of state action. J udiciaries protect and enforce legal \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 and huma n rights, enforce the contracts of laissez faire economy, define and interpret t he law, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 impose and release individuals and state actors of legal responsibility, free from political \line \up0 \expndtw -3\charscalex100 interference. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-412\slmult0 \par\pard \qj\li1440\ri1249\sb16\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Due to the i nternational consensus regarding the need for independent courts, and as a resul t of \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 the development of the international ru le of law, the normative principles of a free, independent \line \up0 \expndtw-2 \charscalex100 and impartial judicial tribunal are quite advanced. The internati onal system has its own judicial \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 tribunals, s ome permanent such as the International Court of Justice and the World Trade \li ne \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Organisation Court, while others are temporary, specialised and ad hoc, such as the UN Criminal \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex 100 Tribunals for Rwanda and for the former Yugoslavia . Such tribunals share in common with \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 municipal courts, the norma tive principles regarding independence, accountability and \line \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex104 impartiality. States have committed themselves in a huge numb er of qualitatively different \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 conventions an d treaties to create national judicial tribunals in which all individuals within their \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 jurisdiction can have access to justic e and the fair determination of legal disputes. What is \line \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex100 consistent in these different standards is the intolerance for politi cisation and militarization of \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 judiciaries, as well as the non acceptance of the false notion that the degree of independenc e of \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 courts and access to justice should be determined by the cultural reality of any given state, or its \line \up0 \expndt w-2\charscalex100 material condition. Given the unique conceptual uniformity in these normative principles of the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 independen t judiciary, it has become acceptable among jurists to conclude that these princ iples

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3068\shptop1685\shpright9171\shpbottom1709\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz11\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 6103}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(6103,24);(6103,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1440\shptop3336\shpright2626\shpbottom3356\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz66\shplid1 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1186}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1186,20);(1186,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart P g2}{\bkmkend Pg2}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0 \sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1249\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\c harscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 are now part of the jus cogens, that is , principles so commonly agreed to and accepted that they \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex107 have attained the status of customary international law, binding upon all states within the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 international system, and from which derogation or non compliance are impermissible. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri124 9\sb405\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Kenya is bound by internati onal normative principles and by its obligations to the international \up0 \expn dtw-3\charscalex100 community, and not least the constitutional status of the ru le of law, to establish and preserve an \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 independent and impartial judiciary. Under her formal law, starting with the constitution, and \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 incorporating legislation and subsidiary r ules, the independence and accountability of the \up0 \expndtw-1\charscale x100 judiciary are declared. In practice, such independence and accountability h ave had a chequered \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 history in the period between 1920 to 2004, predominantly disposed toward the subordination of \up0 \expndtw-1 \charscalex100 these principles. This suggests that there is a lag between the f ormal declaration and the actual \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 practice, suggest ing further, that the declaration is inadequate. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1238\sb4 06\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 In the period between 1920, when Kenya was formally ruled as a British colony , until 1964, \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex100 when a republican constitution was adopted, the judiciary was in l aw and behaviour, an \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 instrument of the col onial power, designed for purposes of administering an occupied people \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex104 with limited legal rights. The judiciary then, to the extent that it determined legal disputes, \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 applied itself to the settler class, confining its contact with the native to the crimin al jurisdiction \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 in terms of colonial penal p urposes. Judges, and indeed the bar, were exclusively European, and \up0 \expndt w0\charscalex100 continued to be largely so for years after independence. Beginn ing from 1964 until 1990, the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 judiciary serv ed the purposes of political administrations that shaped the country\u8217?s con stitution to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 authoritarian and then autocrati c ends. With the onset of democratisation, at least formally in \line \up0 \expn dtw-2\charscalex100 1991, progressively until 2004, the judiciary has enjoyed su

ch independence and accountability \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 as could be, in a complex structural relationship designed for maximisation of political patron age \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 and clientelism, but with some pro-independenc e and accountability gains won by increasingly \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 act ive and influential reform champions. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1245\sb407\sl-413\s lmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 There are therefore areas in which progress has been made, mostly reflecting the dimensions of \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charsc alex100 democratic change being realised in the country. The removal of corrupt judges and the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 recommendations con tained in the draft constitution come to mind. What gaps exist in this \line \up 0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 progress manifest some normative principle defic iencies in the reform exercise, not least \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw 12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg3}{\bkmkend Pg3}\par\pard\qj \li1 440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li144 0\ri1258\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\ f3\fs24 consensus in the objective of reform, and conformity to rational goals. A few of them arise from \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 the methodology of refo rm implementation, which remains introspective and leaves the \up0 \expnd tw-2\charscalex100 centralised command structure not merely undisturbed, but str engthened. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb243\sl276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Overview o f factors affecting the independence of the judiciary \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\s l-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb12\sl -276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Deficient normative provisions \par\p ard\qj \li1440\ri1240\sb11\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nos upersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Although the Constitution sets out some constituent elements of independence such as personal \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 independence and security of tenure, the standards and content are deficient in comparison with \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 prevailing international standards. Provisions regarding the Judicial Service Commission, \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 ap pointment, the role of the Chief Justice, fiscal autonomy are weak and incomplet e. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb265\sl-276\slmu lt0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Corruption of pers onnel \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1238\sb10\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex 100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The judiciary and its observers are unanimous th at judicial personnel - judges, magistrates and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex1 05 court staff - is corrupt, and that judicial corruption is a serious problem affecting judicial \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 independence from the exe cutive and litigants. Judicial accountability is therefore overwhelmed \line \up 0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 by the anti graft war, even though it is larger than purely fighting bribery. Issues of case revision, \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscal ex100 judicial review, supervision and procedures that make them work have recei ved less attention. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\ sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 D istorted jurisprudential precedent \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1247\sb9\sl-416\slmult 0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Arising partly from c orruption and partly from incompetence is the problem of distorted and \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex100 sometimes erroneous precedent and jurisprudence. Conflicting precedents offer little guide to \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 junior officials in a system founded on the doctrine of precedent as a function of accountabilit y. \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Because Kenya as with other common law countrie s strictly follows the doctrine of stare decisis, \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 distorted jurisprudence has had a commonly perceived negative impact on judicial accountability \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 through reasoned judgements. \par\ pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Awareness of the role of t he judiciary \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1251\sb14\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\cha rscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Among policy makers in the parliament and executive, the role of the judiciary in a constitutional \line \up0 \expndtw-3\ charscalex100 system is not well understood. That means there is low understan

ding of the obstacles that need \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 to be remo ved even among judicial administration, to enhance judicial independence and {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1440\shptop3341\shpright7879\shpbottom3365\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz46\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 6439}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(6439,24);(6439,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart P g4}{\bkmkend Pg4}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0 \sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1237\sb245\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\ charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 accountability. Many suggested reforms aimed at removing administrative inconvenience rather \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex 100 than improving access to justice e.g. the barricading of the courts in antic ipation of terrorism \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 trials. Awareness is even lowe r among lay folk who see the judiciary as a colonial relic, even \up0 \expndtw0\ charscalex100 though they are in desperate need of amicable dispute resolution. With the ongoing debate on \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 constitutional governme nt, the role of the judiciary as the custodian of the constitution and the \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 rule of law needs more promotion and defending. \par\pa rd\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \ expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Reforms are adversarial \par \pard\qj \li1440\ri1247\sb14\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\n osupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Comprehensive judicial reform is mostly fronted by e xternal champions against a deeply \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 conservative judiciary and impeded by judicial doubts, first against external interference a nd \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 secondly, fears of exposure of wrongdoing or ot her detrimental result. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1 440\sb265\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs 24 Reforms are conditional \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1249\sb9\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \ expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Adversarial processes have r esulted in conditional reforms requiring negotiations between judges \up0 \expnd tw-3\charscalex100 and magistrates, individually and less so, collectively. Cond itional reforms are aimed at slowing \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 down the pace of reforms and are necessitated by fair trial and other constitutional guarante es, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 which are far from revolutionary, but are in fa ct meant to establish the system of rules and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 compl iance even as it is reformed, again according to established rules. Judges have not been \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 powerless objects of reform, but have turn ed to engaging reformers conditionally. Moreover, \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 there has been need to proceed with care not to jeopardize the political order. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb244\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Accomplishments so fa r \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb12\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Tribunal enquiries \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1236\sb11\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charsc alex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Constitutional procedures were used to remove corrupt judges, even though due to their \up0 \expndtw-3\charscale x100 normative and practical deficiencies, politics may have determined some dec isions, for instance, \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 to remove housing and other benefits in order to force resignations. But the purge was nominally \up0 \expnd tw-3\charscalex100 constitutional, if not within the spirit of the law. That is a learning lesson. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\r i1251\sb38\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The tribunals and their

operations have helped one to understand what removal entails. Tribunals \line \ up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 have never been used in Kenya, and are rare in the Commonwealth. Cases surrounding review of {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1440\shptop10380\shpright3894\shpbottom10404\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz182\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2454}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2454,24);(2454,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart P g5}{\bkmkend Pg5}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0 \sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1248\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\c harscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 tribunals and recommendations for remov al are also healthy, allowing some new jurisprudential \up0 \expndtw-2\charscale x100 thinking while spotlighting behaviour of the courts when dealing with remov al questions. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl -276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-2 76\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb255\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex10 0 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Case management \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1253\sb6\sl -420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Administra tive divisions may have helped ease case delays and for the new rules of procedu res, \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 some progress has been made in reaching conse nsus on scope and effect. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\l i1440\sb263\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\ fs24 New Chief Justice \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1246\sb6\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expn dtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The appointment of Chief Justice Gicheru has been hailed within the legal and judicial sector as \line \up0 \exp ndtw-1\charscalex100 meritorious. It is different from the appointment of DPP Bernard Chunga and Electoral \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Commi ssioner Zacheus Chesoni \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 (deceased) previously. More importantly, the process of \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1236\sb0\sl-420\slm ult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 appointing the Chief Justice has reaffirm ed the seniority rule, which will make future \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex1 00 appointment more predictable. Reforms are needed of this office to clarify it s role and powers. \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Consultations were also made al beit on ad hoc basis regarding new judicial appointees. Bringing \up0 \expndtw-3 \charscalex100 in the Law Society is a plus, but the consultation needs institut ionalising. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb224\sl -276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Contribut ions of donor community \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1239\sb30\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Donors have become involved in judicial reform, permitting legal experts to be drawn into the \up0 \expndtw0 \charscalex100 exercise. Important financial resources have also become availabl e, not just for administration \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 and commercial divis ion reforms, but for access to justice for indigent individuals who are \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex102 forced to seek recourse to the courts. Donors involved incl ude the World Bank, DFID, Sida, \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Cida, and Danida. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1255\sb401\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 Wh at emerges from reviewing judicial independence and accountability in Kenya are three \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 overarching concerns: \par\pard\qj \li1440\r i1257\sb409\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 First, to the extent that existing normative and compliance standards are deficient, more \ line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 promotion is still urgently needed within and outside judicial power centres regarding the \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 personal independence of judges and lawyers. A system of periodic review would

strengthen this \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-24 0{\bkmkstart Pg6}{\bkmkend Pg6}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard \qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1258\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \u p0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 promotional work. It is critical that reforms are also premised on construction of the rule of law, \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 which also needs more promotion as much as defending. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1239\sb19\sl-410\s lmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Second, there are laws and practices establi shed over the single party era, which remain in use, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex10 5 that undermine judicial independence and accountability. The most nihilistic a re within the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 judiciary administrative structure an d its outlook. Critical involvement of more stakeholders \up0 \expndtw0\charscal ex103 remains below par, and evidence-based change is difficult to verify due to a mixed culture of \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 secrecy and power plays within the judiciary. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri12 46\sb21\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 Third, the role of the offic e of the Chief Justice in undermining and determining the scope of \up0 \expndtw -1\charscalex100 judicial independence and accountability needs more detailed sc rutiny and points to the need for \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 urgent reforms i n the office. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb265\ sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Princip les of Judicial Independence and Accountability \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\ slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1254\sb6\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex1 05 International Normative Principles and Meaning of Judicial Independen ce and \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Accountability \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl -276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb243\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex 100 Meaning of Judicial Independence \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1238\sb32\sl-412\slm ult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judicial independ ence and accountability are juridical concepts that today enjoy universal \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 recognition and acceptance. They are an integral co nstituent element of the United Nations \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 Charter of 1945, which is based on the international rule of law and establishes judi cial \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 resolution of disputes between states. Since 1945, the UN Charter has expanded to lay the basis \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 for an international criminal jurisdiction exercisable by states and internation al tribunals in \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 respect of defined a category of c rimes against humanity. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1 440\ri1245\sb20\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Judicial independenc e as a juridical concept means two things: An impartial state of mind or \up0 \e xpndtw0\charscalex100 attitude of a judicial officer in the exercise of a judici al power (personal independence) and a \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 special qua ntitative as well as qualitative constitutional status or relationship between t he judicial \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 arm of government and other arms of gov ernment, with special attention to the executive arm \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex1 00 (institutional or structural independence). {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1440\shptop7067\shpright7106\shpbottom7091\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz116\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 5666}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(5666,24);(5666,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart P g7}{\bkmkend Pg7}\par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0 \sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\s l-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb232\s

l-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Meaning of judicial Accountability \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1240\sb30\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Although used interchangeab ly, judicial independence and accountability refer to different \up0 \expn dtw-1\charscalex100 things. The latter is a more modern usage arising from a hig h reported and observed incidence of \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 judicial corru ption globally. Accountability is a function of democracy. Judicial accountabili ty \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 entails scrutiny of the usage of judicial power by judicial officers by judicial and non-judicial \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 a ctors. Both independence and accountability are at the root of public credibilit y and trust in the \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 judiciary, and are mutually rei nforcing two sides of the same coin. Accountability arises because \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex102 independent but responsible exercise of judicial power re sts on objective guarantees or \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 conditions as m uch as on perceptions of justice by ordinary citizens. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\ sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb244\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscal ex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Meaning of Judicial Power \par\pard\qj \li1440 \ri1251\sb32\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\ fs24 Judicial power is a strict doctrine confined entirely to the law. In Kenya, as in most other \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 countries, judicial power i s not derived from direct representation of the people, in terms of a \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 popular vote, but is instead insulated from popular cl aims. Judicial independence means that the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 le gitimacy and legality to exercise judicial power is confined to judicial offic ers, and not \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 administrative, police, military or other governmental tribunals. Strict separation will require \line \up0 \exp ndtw-3\charscalex100 that-\par\pard\ql \li1800\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\l i1800\ri1243\sb15\sl-413\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex 100 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Decisions that a re determinative of rights are within the exclusive final jurisdiction of the \l ine\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 courts. Although other administrative and l egislative bodies may determine rights to a \line \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex 100 degree, such determination should never oust or negate the exclusive remedie s one may \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 obtain from the courts throug h a judicial determination. \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1240\sb10\sl-410\slmult0\tx21 61\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 2.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosup ersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judicial decisions involve ascertaining rights through strict reference to past facts and \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 applying ex isting law to those facts alone. This requirement also implies that the judiciar y \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 is insulated and protected from polit ics and popular demands. \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1247\sb8\sl-413\slmult0\tx2161\t x2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\no supersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The power to make a judicial determination exclusively is reinforced by the power to \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 enforce the de termination by order of court. Penalties are provided for non-compliance \line \ tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 with court orders regardless of the status or p osition in society occupied by the person \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex1 00 against whom court orders are directed. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240 \paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg8}{\bkmkend Pg8}\par\pard\ql \li1440\s b0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0 \sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb108 \sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Normat ive International Principles \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1239\sb6\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Normative international p rinciples of judicial independence are revealed by international \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex105 conventions and treaties, as well as the customs and habits of states in which constitutional \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 government has been established. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri 1269\sb17\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 The UN Declaration on the Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary in the first \up0 \expndtw

-1\charscalex100 principle declares -\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \pa r\pard\qj\li1440\ri1245\sb22\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \u8216 ?Independence of the judiciary shall be guaranteed by the State and enshrined in the Constitution \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 or the law of the country. It is the duty of all governmental and other institutions to respect and \up0 \expndt w-2\charscalex100 observe the independence of the judiciary\u8217? \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1242\sb11\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \ expndtw0\charscalex100 Both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the In ternational Covenant on Civil and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 Political Rights, which together with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 Cultural Rights referred to as the International Bill of Rights, obligate every State Party to \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 provide ind ependent judicial means of enforcing rights. The UN Committee for Human Rights \ up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 has interpreted the State obligation as a non-derog able obligation. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1251\sb407\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw1\charscalex100 More elaboration is revealed in regional human rights and govern ance guidelines. The Latimer \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 House Guidelines for t he Commonwealth adopted in the United Kingdom on 19 June 1998 \up0 \expndtw-2\ch arscalex100 situate judicial independence within the doctrine of separation of p owers. This doctrine requires \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 each of the executiv e, legislative and judicial arms of government to exercise responsibility and \u p0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 restraint in the exercise of power within its own con stitutional sphere so as not to encroach on \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 the le gitimate discharge of constitutional function by the other institutions. The L atimer House \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Guidelines provide in part that -\par \pard\ql \li1800\ri1255\sb10\sl-410\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex102 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 In jurisdicti ons that do not already have an appropriate independent process in place, \line\ tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judicial appointments should be made on merit by a judicial service commission or by an \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex1 00 appropriate officer of state acting on the advice of such a commission \par\p ard\qj \li1800\ri1249\sb2\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 2.\ ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judicial appointments s hould be permanent. If contract appointments are made, they \line\tab \up0 \expn dtw-3\charscalex100 should be subject to security of tenure. \par\pard\sect\sect d\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg9}{\bkmkend Pg9}\par \pard\qj \li1800\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1800\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\ pard\qj\li1800\ri1253\sb234\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f 3\fs24 Sufficient funding to enable the judiciary to perform its functions to t he highest standards \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 should be provided. \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1253\sb1\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscale x100 4.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The administrat ion of monies allocated to the judiciary should be under the control of the \lin e\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Judiciary. \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1248\sb0\s l-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 5.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 A Code of Ethics should be developed and adopted b y each judiciary as a means of \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 ensuring accountability of judges. \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1252\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 6.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2 \f3\fs24 The criminal law and contempt proceedings are not appropriate mechanis ms of restricting \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 legitimate criticism o f the courts. \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1252\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndt w-2\charscalex100 7.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 An independent organized legal profession is an essential component in the protect ion of \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 the rule of law. \par\pard\qj \li 1440\ri1248\sb368\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 The African Commi ssion on Human and Peoples Rights (ACmHPR) adopted in March 1996 at \up0 \expndt w-3\charscalex100 the \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 19th Ordinary Session, a resolution calling for the respect and strengthening of the \up0 \expnd

tw0\charscalex104 independence of the judiciary. This resolution led in part to the proclamation of the AU \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Principles and Gui delines on the Right to a Fair Trial and Legal Assistance in Africa adopted by \ up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 the ACmHPR, which provide elaborate stipulations un der Clause 4 as follows -\par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1242\sb401\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \ expndtw-2\charscalex100 The independence of judicial bodies and judicial officer s shall be guaranteed by the constitution \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 and laws of the country and respected by the government, its agencies and authorities; \ par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1255\sb9\sl-410\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\chars calex100 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judicial bo dies shall be established by law to have adjudicative functions to determine \li ne\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 matters within their competence on the basis of the rule of law and in accordance with \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex 100 proceedings conducted in the prescribed manner; \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1261\ sb11\sl-410\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 2.\ul0\nosupersu b\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The judiciary shall have jurisdictio n over all issues of a judicial nature and shall have the \line\tab \up0 \expndt w0\charscalex103 exclusive authority to decide whether an issue submitted for a decision is within the \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 competence of a judicial body as defined by law; \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1253\sb11\sl-410\slmult0 \tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\ nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Military or other special tribunals that do not use the duly established procedure of the \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 legal p rocess shall not be created to displace the jurisdiction belonging to the ordina ry \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judicial bodies; \par\pard\qj \li180 0\ri1248\sb2\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 4.\ul0\nosupers ub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 There shall not be inappropriate or unwarranted interference with the judicial process nor \line\tab \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 shall decisions by judicial bodies be subject to revision except through judicial review, or \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\p ard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg10}{\bkmkend Pg10}\par\pard\qj \li2161\sb0\sl-420\sl mult0 \par\pard\qj\li2161\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2161\ri1253\sb234\sl -420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 the mitiga tion or commutation of sentence by competent authorities, in accordance with \up 0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 the law. \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb119\sl-276\slmult0 \u p0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 5.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f 3\fs24 All judicial bodies shall be independent from the executive branch. \par \pard\ql \li1800\ri1251\sb34\sl-410\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex100 6.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The process f or appointments to judicial bodies shall be transparent and accountable and \lin e\tab \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the establishment of an independent body for this purpose is encouraged. Any method of \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex 100 judicial selection shall safeguard the independence and impartiality of the judiciary. \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1248\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\ charscalex100 7.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 No per son shall be appointed to judicial office unless they have the appropriate train ing \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 or learning that enables them adequa tely fulfil their obligations. \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1235\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\tx 2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 8.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub \cf2\f3\fs24 Judges or members of judicial bodies shall have security of tenure until a mandatory \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 retirement age or the expiry of their term of office. \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1247\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\ tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 9.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\n osupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The tenure, adequate remuneration, pension, housing, tr ansport, conditions of physical \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 and socia l security, age of retirement, disciplinary and recourse mechanisms and other \l ine \tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 conditions of service of judicial officer s shall be prescribed and guaranteed by law. \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1248\sb0\sl420\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 10.\ul0\nosupersu b\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judicial officials facing disciplinar

y, suspension or removal proceedings shall be entitled \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\ charscalex103 to guarantees of a fair hearing including the right to b e represented by a legal \line \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 representat ive of their choice and to an independent review of decisions of disciplinary, \ line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 suspension or removal proceedings. \par\ pard\ql \li1800\ri1244\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscale x100 11.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The procedures for complaints against and discipline of judicial officials shall be \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 prescribed by law. Complaints against jud icial officers shall be processed promptly, \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscale x100 expeditiously and fairly. \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb25\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex100 12.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 States shall endow judicial bodies with adequate resources for the performance of their \par\pard\qj \li2161\ri1255\sb26\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charsca lex100 functions. The judiciary shall be consulted regarding the preparation of the budget and its \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 implementation. \par\pard\qj \l i1440\ri1239\sb405\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 There are two cla sses of normative standards within the international framework. The first are \l ine \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 obligatory and impose positive duties on the St ate, first to her citizens, and secondly to the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex1 05 international community. The second sets are not obligatory, but buttress the first set. Their \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 utility lies in their use as tools for the reconciliation of conflicts in the law (as interpretation aids) \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 and as targets for reform. The second set n eeds to overcome political doubts in Kenya. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw1224 0\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg11}{\bkmkend Pg11}\par\pard\qj \li144 0\sb0\sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ ri1251\sb245\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\ fs24 Some of the standards covered in these international conventions, guideline s and principles are \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 part of the constitutional an d legislative guarantees in Kenya, that is, they are formally part of the \up0 \ expndtw0\charscalex102 law. To the extent that the state has ratified t hese conventions, there may be room in \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 interp retation to conclude that other standards can be read into existing guarantees. In so far as \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 not all the standards are guaranteed o r are part of the law, it could be stated that the normative \up0 \expndtw-3\cha rscalex100 principles in Kenya are incomplete or inconclusive. \par\pard\qj \li1 440\ri1243\sb407\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 That is the starti ng point for opining that in Kenya, the normative principles for judicial \ line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 independence and accountability are not fully developed. There is room not just to defend \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 j udicial independence and accountability, but to promote and to develop such normative \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 principles. \par\pard\qj \l i1440\ri1240\sb8\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Secondly, there i s the test of practical compliance with those principles that are actua lly \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 guaranteed and are formally protected. The viol ations that occur are of two types - continuing \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 vio lations that arise from a deficiency of normative principles, and secondly, seri ous violations \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 in disregard of constitutional and legislative guarantees. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1 440\sb265\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs 24 International Principles on the Role of Lawyers \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1253\s b6\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The common law system, together with its doctrine of stare decisis, technical rules of procedure \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 and the adversarial nature of proceed ings, depends on trained professional pleaders. It is from the \up0 \expndtw-5\c harscalex100 cadres of these trained lawyers that judges are also appointed. \pa r\pard\qj \li1440\ri1249\sb406\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 What ever the nature of the case, whether a suit for divorce or an application for th e prerogative \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 orders of habeas corpus; wh

ether the discharge of bankruptcy or suit for workman\u8217?s \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 compensation, court proceedings are designed with legal representation in mind. The right to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 access to a lawyer is therefore an integral part of the common law system, buttressed b y the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 common law tradition that the lawyer is never justified to withhold his services, unless ethical \line \up0 \expndtw0\c harscalex102 grounds so demand. This right has now expanded to require legal rep resentation in all cases \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 where the interests of justice so demand, at public cost, in the case of any individual who while \ line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 forced to seek recourse before the courts, is prevented by reason of her indigence from paying \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscale x100 the costs of a lawyer. In calculating the interests of justice, different c ourts have justified legal \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 representation at public cost on different grounds, but the two most common include the first \pa r\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg12}{ \bkmkend Pg12}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl -420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1243\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\cha rscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 principle that legal representation in cr iminal proceedings and in complex civil matters should be \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex107 insisted upon, and secondly, in all cases where the remedy sought is with in the exclusive \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 jurisdiction of courts, for inst ance the enforcement of fundamental human rights and the issuance \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 of decrees for the dissolution of marriage. \par\pard\qj \li1440 \ri1243\sb405\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 International law also recognises the right to independent legal representation as a fundamental \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 right of access to justice. Moreover, the right to compe tent, independent legal representation, at \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 public c ost if need be, is now an integral part of the right to a fair trial. In order f or lawyers to \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 perform their proper role as envisage d under international law, and in addition within common \up0 \expndtw-2\charsca lex100 law practice, the following principles are now considered sine qua non co nditions; \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1800\sb244\sl-2 76\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 1. \tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscal ex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Principle of independence of the lawyer\ul0\no supersub\cf2\f3\fs24 - defined as \par\pard\li2780\sb149\sl-276\slmult0\fi67\tx 3332 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 i.\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 ability to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation,\par\pard\li27 80\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi552 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 hindrance, harassment or improper interference;\par\pard\li2780\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx3332 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 ii.\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 ability to travel a nd to consult with their clients freely both within their own\par\pard\li2780\sb 142\sl-276\slmult0\fi552 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 country and abroad; and\pa r\pard\ql \li2712\sb135\sl-276\slmult0\tx3332 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 iii. \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 not to suffer, or be threatened with, prosecu tion or administrative, economic \par\pard\qj \li3332\ri1247\sb6\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 professional duties, standards and ethics. \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1245\sb6\sl-413\slmult0\tx2161\tx21 61\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 2. \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex 103 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Principle of self discipline\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\ f3\fs24 - that the responsibility of disciplining individual lawyers \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 who violate the professional code of ethics, conduc t and professional responsibility is \line \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 exe rcised by the independent body responsible for lawyers and representing their \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 interests. \par\pard\ql \li1800 \ri1242\sb10\sl-410\slmult0\tx2218\tx2161\tx2161\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-3\c harscalex100 3. \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Pr inciple of confidentiality\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 - that communications bet ween the lawyer and his client \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 are privil eged and the lawyer may not be compelled to reveal information obtained from \li

ne \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 his client for any purpose other than the p revention of commission of a crime. Secondly, \line \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscal ex105 to ensure the lawyer has full access to all relevant information held by t he State and \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 needed to ensure adequate representation in the case. \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1257\sb2\sl-420\slmult0\tx216 1\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 4. \tab \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul 0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Principle of non-association \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs2 4 - that the lawyer is separate from the client. Although the \line\tab \up0 \ex pndtw-3\charscalex100 lawyer is required to be faithful to the cause of his clie nt, and to act in the best interest of \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\pap erh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg13}{\bkmkend Pg13}\par\pard\qj \li2161\sb0 \sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2161\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2161\ri124 1\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 his client at all times, this is a professional duty, and the lawyer should not be perceived \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 as having a personal stake or affini ty with the client\u8217?s cause. \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb119\sl-276\slmult0\tx76 58 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 5.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\c f1\f2\fs24 Principle of right of audience before the court \tab \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex101 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 - that subject to professio nal \par\pard\qj \li2161\ri1247\sb42\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 obligations, the right of the lawyer to free expression in the court and to be heard \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 individually and directly by the judge, is a n integral aspect of representation. \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1250\sb12\sl-410\slm ult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 6.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Principle of legal aid \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 - that it is the responsibility of the state to pa y the costs of \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 competent legal representa tion on behalf of indigent individuals who qualify for legal \line \tab \up0 \ex pndtw-3\charscalex100 assistance. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\p ard\ql\li1440\sb265\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 It is the respo nsibility of the state to ensure the independence of lawyers. \par\pard\ql \li14 40\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb268\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\c harscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Structure of the Kenyan Judiciary \par\ pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\p ard\ql\li1440\sb12\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Courts in Kenya \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1238\sb10\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \u l0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The Judiciary comprises the High Court and the Court of Appeal established under the \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Consti tution and subordinate courts established under statute. The Court of Appeal is the highest \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 court with defined appellate powers ov er all orders, rulings and judgments of the High Court as \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex100 may be defined by parliament. This court has 11 judges together with the Chief Justice Evans \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Gicheru who is an ad hoc appea l judge and a Judge of the High Court of Kenya. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1244\sb40 5\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 The Court of Appeal is a superior court of record with its seat in Nairobi, and a circuit system \line \up0 \expnd tw0\charscalex100 permitting it to sit in the 8 provincial headquarters. It has its own registry and administration \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 system, but shares staff with the High Court. Currently, there is no lady judge on this court. The \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 court determines appeals in an une ven number comprising not less than three judges. Routine \line \up0 \expndtw-4\ charscalex100 procedural applications, for instance, for extension of time, may be determined by a single judge. \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 In certain cases, for instance, in order to depart from a previous decision a full bench ma y hear \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 proceedings. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1 251\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 The High Court is a superior court of record with unlimited original jurisdiction by virtue of \line \up0 \e xpndtw-4\charscalex100 Section 60 of the Constitution. It has such number of jud ges as parliament may from time to time \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 decid e, currently 50 puisne judges. A puisne judge is any judge who is lower in ran

k to the \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Chief Justice. A civil or criminal case heard by the High Court in its original jurisdiction is heard \par\pard\sec t\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg14}{\bkmkend P g14}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmul t0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1252\sb248\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 by one judge. A criminal appeal is heard by two judg es, and if no decision is agreed, by three \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 judges. Constitutional cases are heard by an uneven number comprising not less than thre e \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 judges. By virtue of the constitution, the High Court also has a special jurisdiction as an Election \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex10 4 Court. Finally, it has a general supervisory power over all subordinate courts and a power of \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 judicial review over ministerial, administrative and quasi-judicial bodies. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1248\sb401\sl-4 20\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 The High Court has its seat in Na irobi and other place the Chief justice may appoint. \line \up0 \expndtw0 \charscalex104 Subordinate courts are magistracy courts with the lowest being th e District Magistrate Third \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Class and the hi ghest being the Chief Magistrate. In between, there are the following levels: \p ar\pard\ql \li1800\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1800\sb243\sl-276\slmult0 \ up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\ f3\fs24 Senior Principal Magistrate Court \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb144\sl-276\slm ult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 2.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersu b\cf2\f3\fs24 Principal Magistrate Court \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb144\sl-276\slmu lt0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub \cf2\f3\fs24 Senior Resident Magistrate Court \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb124\sl-2 76\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 4.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nos upersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Resident Magistrate Court \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb144\sl-276 \slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 5.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosup ersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Kadhi\u8217?s Court \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb144\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 6.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf 2\f3\fs24 District Magistrate Court First Class \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb144\sl-2 76\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 7.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nos upersub\cf2\f3\fs24 District Magistrate Court Second Class \par\pard\qj \li1440 \sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1246\sb6\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw1\charscalex100 The President appoints judges of the High Court and Court of App eal from Advocates selected \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 from the bar. Relevant qualifications for such appointments are: \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1250\sb401\sl420\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\ fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Being or having been a judge in a court with unlimited original jurisdiction in the \line\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 Co mmonwealth or in the Republic of Ireland, or a judge of a court having appellate \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 jurisdiction in appeals from such cour t \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1253\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscale x100 2.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Attainment of a t least 7 years practice experience as an Advocate of the High Court of \line\ta b \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Kenya \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1259\sb382\sl-420\s lmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Appointments to the judiciary are based on formal and informal rules. Under the constitution a \line \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex100 judicial service commission, whose members are appointed by the President , recommends or \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 nominates individuals whom t he President may appoint judges. In practice the President abides \par\pard\sect \sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg15}{\bkmkend Pg 15}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult 0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1248\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 by informal political rules and appointments tend to be overwhelmingly sensitive to existing \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 political realities. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-400\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1256\sb 37\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Once appointed, a judge holds of fice during good behaviour until he or she attains the mandatory \up0 \expndtw-3 \charscalex100 retirement age of 74. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1241\sb8\sl-415\slmu

lt0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Removal of judges is effected through a judicia l tribunal of peers who investigate allegations of \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 misconduct and make recommendations to the President. Acting upon these recommen dations, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 the President may remove a judge or reinst ate her to office. Magistrates do not enjoy security of \up0 \expndtw0\charscale x100 tenure. The Judicial Service Commission regulates the appointment, promotion, retention, \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 administrative transfers, d iscipline and removal of magistrates. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \p ar\pard\ql\li1440\sb244\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupe rsub\cf1\f2\fs24 Judicial Service Commission (JSC) \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-4 20\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1247\sb6\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charsca lex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The Constitution establishes the Judicial Ser vice Commission, which has regulatory powers over \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscal ex100 the subordinate courts, and is responsible for hiring and firing magistrat es. The JSC comprises: \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li18 00\sb263\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\f s24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Chief Justice (Chairman) \par\pard\ql \li1800\ sb124\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 2.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Attorney General \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb144\sl-27 6\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosu persub\cf2\f3\fs24 Chairman of the Public Service Commission \par\pard\qj \li18 00\ri1256\sb42\sl-400\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 4.\ul0\nosupe rsub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Two persons who are for the time being designated by the President from among puisne \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-2\ch arscalex100 judges of the High Court and the judges of the Court of Appeal \par\ pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-412\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1253\sb19\sl-412\slmult 0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 The mandate of the JSC includes appointment of pe rsons to hold or act as judicial officers, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 ex ercise of disciplinary control over judicial officers, and removal of judicial o fficers. The \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 composition and mandate are comparable with those in a number of Commonwealth \line \up0 \expndtw0\ch arscalex103 jurisdictions. As all the appointments to the JSC are also president ial appointees, the JSC is \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 subject to executi ve predisposition. The Committee on the Administration of Justice (Kwach \line \ up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Committee) in 1998 recommended the inclusion of inde pendent bodies, in particular the Law \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Society of Kenya (LSK) and the Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA). It also \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 recommended that representatives of the High Court and Court of Appeal be elective. The \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 C onstitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC) recommends in the Draft Constitut ion \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg16}{\bkmkend Pg16}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440 \sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1257\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndt w0\charscalex108 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 (September 2002) that the JSC Chai rman be a full time position and that a secretariat be \up0 \expndtw-4\charscale x100 established. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb 263\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Chi ef Justice \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1244\sb 24\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The C hief Justice is appointed by the President. He sits in both the High Court and t he Court of \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Appeal, is the principal judge in both courts and is also the administrative head of the judiciary. \up0 \expndtw-3\cha rscalex100 No criteria are laid out for the appointment. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri 1244\sb11\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 Once appointed the Chief J ustice enjoys security of tenure and may not be removed unless a \up0 \expndtw-2 \charscalex100 question of his removal has been investigated by a tribunal which then recommends the removal. \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 No criteria are laid down for removal either on grounds of ill health or misconduct. \par\pard\qj \l i1440\sb0\sl-412\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1241\sb17\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex107 In addition to judicial and administrative tasks, the Chief

Justice has some legislative and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 political functio ns. He is required to promulgated rules for instance under Section 84 for the \u p0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 enforcement of fundamental rights and freedoms. He a lso appoints members of the Rules \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Committee which m akes civil procure rules. Politically, he administers the presidential oath of \ up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 office and appoints the medical tribunal that can re commend the removal of the President for \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 health re asons. This tribunal reports to Parliament through the Chief Justice. \par\pard\ ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb265\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \exp ndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Industrial Court \par\pard\qj \ li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1255\sb18\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \e xpndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Created in 1964 by statute, t his court deals with industrial disputes. Its jurisdiction is couched in \line \ up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 mandatory terms in order to prevent labour unrest an d before resort to the right to strike. The \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 p resident of the industrial court is at the level of a High Court Judge and requi res similar \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex101 qualifications before appointmen t. The judge sits with at least \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex101 2 other membe rs who are \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1258\sb2\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex103 appointed by the ministry concerned with labour. Appeals from the Indust rial Court lie to the \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 High Court. \par\pard\ql \li 1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb243\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3 \charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Courts Martial \par\pard\sect\sectd\f s24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg17}{\bkmkend Pg17}\par\ pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\p ard\qj\li1440\ri1251\sb248\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nos upersub\cf2\f3\fs24 These courts are established by virtue of the Constitution u nder statute. They are purely military \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 courts with jurisdiction over individuals who fall under the armed forces laws. A cour t martial \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 has limited criminal jurisdiction u nder military law, and not the civilian criminal law, which is \line \up0 \expnd tw0\charscalex104 applicable in all cases. Staffed by military cadres, appeals f rom the court martial lie with the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 High Cour t. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264\sl-276\slmu lt0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Experiences in Jud icial Independence in Kenya \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb268\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Key Tenets in Judicia l Independence in Kenya \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1236\sb31\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The independence of the judici ary in Kenya has historically been associated with the concept of \line \up0 \ex pndtw-1\charscalex100 personal independence of judges. Structural independence h as historically been less prominent \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 and is n ot formally secured by the Constitution. Fiscal autonomy for the judiciary has n ever been \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 formally guaranteed, even though the intention in the omission was not to permit \line \up0 \expndtw0\c harscalex100 unconstitutional control through resource starvation. In practice, the judicial budget, fixed by \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 bureaucrats wit hin the treasury, has mostly been inadequate. In 2003, it was a mere 4% of the \ line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 national budget. As a result, the courts have been in a perpetual resource crunch even as the \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex 100 demand for judicial services increases. Secondly, and until 2000, court empl oyees in non-judicial \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 roles were hired by th e Public Service Commission as civil servants, and could not be dismissed \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 even for non-performance by the judiciary. Over th e years, the judiciary reached an agreement \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 with the treasury to retain part of the monies collected by the courts in court fees and recovered \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 costs. It is not certain w hat figure is thereby retained and to what use it is put. However, fines \line \ up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 collected through criminal proceedings must be surr endered to the treasury. Fines, together with \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102

budgetary appropriations have always been subjected to scrutiny through the Con troller and \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Auditor general whose reports ha ve in the past disclosed evidence of financial mismanagement \line \up0 \expndtw -3\charscalex100 in the judiciary. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\ pard\qj\li1440\ri1249\sb20\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Formally , the constitution sets out a constituent list of personal independence guarante es leaving \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 the details to be regulated by sta tute. At the same time, judicial independence is 100% a legal \line \up0 \expndt w-4\charscalex100 concept. It did not arise from organic historical practices a nd has no foundation in the traditional \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 justi ce and socio-cultural systems of the country. Judicial power is not d efined in the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Constitution, nor is its excl usive function vested in the judiciary although section 60 of the \par\pard\sect \sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg18}{\bkmkend Pg 18}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult 0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1242\sb250\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Constitution establishes the High Court and vests it with unlimited original jurisdiction. Secured \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex1 00 aspects are security of tenure, the judicial oath of office and the system of judicial accountability \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 through appeal, case review and revision. Within professional judiciaries, these accountability \lin e \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 measures, which are present throughout the Common wealth, have enjoyed success and are \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 therefo re well founded. When a judge writes a judgement, the knowledge that it will be subject \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 to scrutiny through law reporting, o r at appeal or revision, motivates good quality judgement as \line \up0 \expndtw -1\charscalex100 well as the diligence of the particular judge. At the same time , the judge enjoys immunity from \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 being sued f or bona fides error in judgement. This form of judicial accountability has also \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 traditionally been strengthened through parti cipation of judges in national and international \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscale x100 judicial colloquia, as fora where each judge is subject to peer review, but also enjoys access to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 legal/judicial experti se in the easy ambience of professional courtesies among peers. In other \line \ up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 words, through these measures and possibilities of p eer review, the credibility of the judiciary \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 even among lay society is enhanced. In patronage systems, where the professiona lism of judges \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 has dissipated, coupled with the absence of law reporting and peer review, judicial credibility has \line \up 0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 collapsed, compelling arguments for the creation of m easures of accountability externally to the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judiciary. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1247\sb406\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\chars calex100 The Constitution permits parliament to prescribe the number of judges a nd their terms under \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 statute. There is no sy stem for periodic review of either the number of judges needed, which has \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 remained at 11 for the Court of Appeal since 1963. Only the number of High Court judges was \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 in creased from 30 to 50 in the last few years. To date, members of the bar in Engl and, Scotland \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 or Ireland, and elsewhere in t he Commonwealth are eligible for appointment as judges of either \line \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex100 the High Court or Court of Appeal. Through an Africanisation programme of the 60s and 70s, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 the judiciary was one of the last governmental institutions to be Africanized. Even then, the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 sympathies of the African judges as with the ir European predecessors remained class based and \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscal ex100 Eurocentric. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1258\sb407\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndt w-2\charscalex100 The Constitution also permits Parliament to create and abolish subordinate courts and to define \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the terms of magistrates. In reality the subordinate courts in existence are still structu red on the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 basis of the judicial system creat

ed by the East African Order in Council of 1897. This Order \line \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 established native Courts, Muslim Courts and Colonial Courts a t the subordinate level. In time, \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15 840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg19}{\bkmkend Pg19}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-4 15\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1245\sb2 48\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 thes e have developed into the Magistrates Courts and the Kadhis Courts. In some plac es within \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the North Eastern Province, the distr ict officers and commissioners continued to perform \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex103 magisterial functions. Until 2000, the lower subordinate courts worked i n tandem with the \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 district administration, even sh aring disbursement tracks. True native courts, which administered \up0 \expndtw1\charscalex100 justice according to tribal custom, have never received parliame ntary recognition, even though \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 customary law is con sidered a source of law in Kenya. Administrative officers still perform \up0 \ex pndtw-2\charscalex100 magisterial functions in the District magistrates Courts i n some places, even though the practice \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 has abated with the growth in number of lawyers. In practice, there is interdependence bet ween \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 magistrate\u8217?s courts and district admini strators, particularly in rural courts. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1242\sb407\sl-413 \slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 The interdependence and mutual reinforceme nt roles of personal and structural independence \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscale x100 guarantee that shortcomings in one have a negative implication on the other . In Kenya, the use of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 resource allocation to the judiciary, resulting in low pay for magistrates and court employees, \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 created a culture of resource acquisition through increments in court fees and corruption. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-412\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1235\sb16\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 The Draft Constitution has attempted to consolidate the normative principles regard ing the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 constituent elements of the independence of the judiciary. Its indoctrination is toward the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex1 00 Latimer House Guidelines for the Commonwealth. In connection with structural independence, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 the draft Constitution provides for; express grant of judicial power to the judiciary; fiscal \up0 \expndtw-4\chars calex100 autonomy of the judiciary and control over monies allocated to the cour ts and freedom of judicial \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 officers to express the mselves and to form professional associations. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\s lmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb265\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 We ak judicial independence and accountability not contested \par\pard\qj \li1440\r i1253\sb33\sl-411\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Weaknesses in judicial in dependence and the perversity of judicial corruption are no longer at \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 issue. Since 1998, the judiciary beginning with its ow n inquiry that was chaired by the Appellate \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 J udge Richard Kwach, has consistently established that perceptions of corruption within the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judiciary were validated by pract ice at all levels, from the highest judges of the Court of Appeal, \line \up0 \e xpndtw-2\charscalex100 to the lowest paralegals. The absence of judicial account ability is also not contested. In a follow \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 u p committee established to evidence judicial corruption and headed by High Court Judge Aaron \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Ringera , a partial purge was r ecommended and implemented. To date, the purge remains partial \line \up0 \expnd tw-3\charscalex100 and the only method of institutionalising accountability offe red by the judiciary so far is another \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\pap erh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg20}{\bkmkend Pg20}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0 \sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri124 1\sb245\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Ringera style committee of the judiciary, perhaps organised periodically every t wo years. In a \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 peer review exercise, eminent juris ts from the Commonwealth reported in 2002 that complaints \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex103 of weaknesses in independence of judges and lawyers, and their

accountability were \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \u8216?extraordinary\u8217? fo r a modern judicial system. What shocked the experts\u8217? panel even more was \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 the rebuff to their report issued by former Chief Justice Bernard Chunga, which was \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 char acteristic of a political party apparatchik rather than a sober judge. \par\pard \qj \li1440\ri1192\sb406\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Outside the judiciary, the realisation that judicial independence and accountability were u nder \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 threat was first noted in the 1970s by academics such as Prof. Ash Pal Ghazi . Undermining the \line \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex100 judiciary was then only a corollary to the systemic change of the con stitutional government to \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 consolidate power in the person of the president, and indeed for some time, the judiciary was left \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 to function freely. Nonetheless it was skewed toward conservatism in its approach to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex100 constitutional dispute settlement in recognition of the political realit ies of the times, so that in \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 Republic vs. El Mann, Chief Justice Kitili Mwendwa ruled that the constitution should be \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 interpreted in the same manner and breath as any other legislative enactment. From El Mann, the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex 102 courts continued to deny the constitutional character of fundamental rights, notwithstanding \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 some rays of inspiration.Ho wever, legality was the premise of accumulation of power, and both \line \up0 \e xpndtw0\charscalex100 Kenyatta \u8217?s and Moi \u8217?s administrations were ke en to change or adopt new laws to justify their \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex1 00 undemocratic actions. In time, the structural relationship between th e judiciary and the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 personalised executive shifted from a complex mix of tolerance and patronage to one of \line \up 0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 subordination and corruption. The role of the judiciar y by the time political pluralism was \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 reintro duced in 1990 was to uphold the legality of executive actions, and to refrain ev en when \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 able, from interfering with the abus e of power. Hence in David Onyango Oloo vs. Republic, the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\ charscalex100 Court of Appeal upheld a conviction of 6 years imprisonment agains t a university student whose \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 thesis was labe lled seditious. With the ascendance of corruption and voluntary patronage with in \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 the judicial arm, the capacity of th e judiciary to control the legality of public activity \line \up0 \expnd tw-5\charscalex100 deteriorated. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1246\sb410\sl-410\slmult 0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 In 1988, the courts declared the constitution wa s inoperable. In Kamau Kuria vs Attorney \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 Gene ral, the applicant sought to have his passport released to enable him travel to the US to \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 receive a human rights award. Chie f Justice Miller in this infamous decision stated that Section \par\pard\sect\se ctd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg21}{\bkmkend Pg21} \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \ par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1236\sb253\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0 \nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 84 of the Constitution was inoperable as the rules requi red to be made regarding procedures for \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 the e nforcement of rights, had not been made. The person whom the Constitution obliga ted to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 make the rules was the Chief Justice h imself. Justice Dugdale used this reasoning to reach the \line \up0 \expndtw-1\c harscalex100 same conclusion in Maina Mbacha and 2 others vs. Attorney General. Indeed, Justice Dugdale, a \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 contract judge we nt ahead to read a pre-typed ruling during a mention of this case, which sought \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 to prohibit ongoing criminal prosecutions against the applicants on the grounds that the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\ch arscalex100 proceedings were a violation of the right to fair trial guaranteed b y the constitution. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ ri1238\sb15\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 Court decisions between 1990 and 2004, compared with those in the 70s and 80s also reveal \up0 \expndtw0

\charscalex100 decreased impact on the legitimacy of the law in public life. The low credibility accompanying \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 electoral decisions i n the pluralist 1990s are a useful indicator. In Kenneth S. N. Matiba vs. \up0 \ expndtw-2\charscalex100 Attorney General, the applicant, a presidential aspirant , sought to challenge his detention without \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 trial u nder security law. The High Court dismissed the application only on the ground s that the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 application did not cite the provisions of the constitution contravened.In Kenneth Stanley Matiba \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex100 vs. Daniel Arap Moi, the Court of Appeal dismissed an election petition filed by the petitioner \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 who claimed he had won the 1992 election on the technical ground that the petition was signed \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex105 by his wife and had not been personally served on the respondent , then the head of State.In \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Musikari Kombo vs. Atto rney General, the applicant contended that the election court was civil \up0 \ex pndtw-2\charscalex100 in nature and could not impose criminal sanctions, without affording the applicant the guarantees \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 of fair tri al. The court ruled that Section 84 was only relevant for the protection of rig hts \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 guaranteed between sections 70 - 83 and not any other sections of the constitution and that the \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 a pplication must pinpoint the exact provision. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\sl mult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1251\sb15\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex10 6 Increasingly in the 1986 - 90s, the role of the courts was to effect a display of an objective \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 machinery, which was however unavailable for the majority of people outside the patronage \line \up0 \expndt w0\charscalex103 state, and whose primary duty was to protect this patronage fro m alternative uses of the law. \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Principally, t he judiciary ensured the patronage state could not be challenged by a Kenyan wit h \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the intention of enforcing even basic cons titutional duties such as the duty to provide security or \line \up0 \expndtw-2\ charscalex100 to protect the environment. Under strictly applied locus standi ru les and dubiously enforced nolle \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 prosequi po wers, the core of the patronage state was left undisturbed. In 1983 for instance , the \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmksta rt Pg22}{\bkmkend Pg22}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li14 40\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1244\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expn dtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 High Court set the philosophical foundation for private prosecutions in revising Richard Kimani \up0 \expndtw-2\ charscalex100 and S. M. Maina vs. Nathan Kahara to always require evidence of pe rsonal harm. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb263\s l-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 The court stated: \par\pard\qj \li14 40\ri1243\sb14\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \u8216?When an applic ation is made to conduct a [private] prosecution \u8230? the magistrate should a sk \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 himself: How is the complainant involved? What is his locus standi? Has he suffered injury or \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 dam age or is he motivated by malice and political consideration?\u8217? \par\pard\q j \li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1245\sb13\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 When the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) filed a private pro secution against Cabinet Minister \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 George Saitoti f or corruption in 1990, the Attorney General took over the case and terminated it \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 through his nolle power. In 1991, Aaron Ringera ( later appointed Judge), Philip Kandie, Nancy \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Baraz a, Nesbitt Onyango Ojwango all members of the LSK, sought committal orde rs for \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 contempt of court against Paul Muite , the chairman of the LSK and other council members on \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the grounds that as council members of the LSK, they had issued political statem ents in breach \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 of court orders prohibiting them fr om issuing such statements.The earlier orders had been issued \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex103 by Justice Dugdale on 14 March 1991 in an ex parte injunction applica tion. The applicants \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 contended that statements of the LSK council would be construed as representing the views of all \up0 \expndt

w-2\charscalex100 members including the applicants. The 7 respondents were held in contempt and fined Kshs.10, \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 000/- each. In the connected suit before Justice Dugdale , the orders were issued prohibiting the \ up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 lawyer\u8217?s society from issuing \u8216?politica l statements.\u8217? \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1235\sb407\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex103 The Judiciary was itself also a patronage wielding institu tion that was too weak to fight \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 clientelism and political factionalism. Justice Ringera and other independent minded judges can \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 today assert that they frequently found themselves victimized and intimidated by this hidden \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 power o f the judicial administration. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1250\sb8\sl-412\slmult0 \u p0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 From 1990, some non-governmental organisations and i nterest groups begun to pursue judicial \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 inde pendence and reform in terms of a democratisation campaign. The treatment of the judiciary \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 remained a secondary goal, one to be realised through constitutional reform, democratisation and \line \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex107 construction of the rule of law, which were the larger, more urgent goals pursued by the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 churches, politi cal parties and the labour sector. However, some interest groups, in particular the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Law Society of Kenya and the Kenyan Sect ion of the International Commission of Jurists begun \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\p aperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg23}{\bkmkend Pg23}\par\pard\ qj \li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\q j\li1440\ri1241\sb250\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupers ub\cf2\f3\fs24 to pursue judicial independence reform as a goal in itself, not s urprisingly as these organisations \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 are compr ised of lawyers. For the professional interest groups, judicial independence was part of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 a rule of law strategy the centrepie ces of which were judicial performance and legal sector \line \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex102 reforms aimed at stabilising the law and its hitherto dysfunctional i nstitutions. By 2004, more \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 broadly representa tive organisations had joined the judicial reform camp. Some were still \ line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 interested in judicial reform in its connectio n to dismantling the one party era legacy. Others \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscal ex100 were still concerned with rule of law strategies as the justification for judicial reform. Yet others \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 introduced a new angle to judicial independence and accountability under access to justice \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 strategies, particularly pro poor judicial service delivery, aiming to expand the reach of judicial \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex 102 services to indigent and marginalised groups. Such a judiciary must of nec essity face critical \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 examination and restru cturing as part of the institution building goals of the democratic \l ine \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 transition. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\sl mult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul 0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Experiences in the Appointment of Judges in Kenya \par\ pard\qj \li1440\ri1244\sb9\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosu persub\cf2\f3\fs24 In a quantitative survey carried out by ICJ Kenya in 2001, mo re than half of the lawyers and \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 litigants qu estioned stated they believed judicial appointments were influenced by criteria other \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 than merit and seniority or distinctio n at the bar. In 1998, the judiciary\u8217?s own investigation led by \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 appellate judge Richard Kwach, mediocrity in judicial performance was described as a serious \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 probl em. When recommending the removal of various judges and magistrates, the 2003 Ri ngera \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Committee, another internal judicial i ntrospection, called for meritorious appointments. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1253\s b0\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 That the appointments to the judi ciary have been driven by considerations other than merit is \up0 \expndtw-3\cha rscalex100 therefore not contentious. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1249\sb407\sl-413\s lmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 In the appointment of judges, the constitut

ion lays down little in terms of normative standards. A \line \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex100 person is eligible for appointment if he has attained the qualificati ons stipulated. The process \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 leading to the a ppointment, in particular vetting and consultation, was left to ordinary legisla tion. \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 In theory, the Judicial Service Commiss ion has a constitutional role to play in vetting and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex104 making consultations, in order to guide the political process of preside ntial appointment of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 suitable nominees to the High Court and the Court of Appeal. In practice hardly any \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 consultations take place. In fact, the Law Society of Kenya has in the past lamented the \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\p aperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg24}{\bkmkend Pg24}\par\pard\ql \li1440\s b0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\ri1 190\sb253\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs2 4 appointment of lawyers as judges while disciplinary complaints were pending ag ainst them, \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 obviously the result of non cons ultation of the bar or even mala fides appointment. \line \up0 \expndtw0\chars calex104 Political patrons used to influence appointments to the Bench. When va rious judges were \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 removed for misconduct, p oliticians and other patrons lamented their communities were being \line \up0 \e xpndtw-4\charscalex100 targeted. Appointment as much as removal, have always car ried tribal connotations with the urge \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 to cre ate a judiciary that represents the country\u8217?s tribal make up overriding me ritocracy as a \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 priority. \par\pard\qj \li144 0\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1242\sb13\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndt w-2\charscalex100 In practice, appointments to the High Court were until the 198 0s predicated on seniority based on \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 years in legal practice as an Advocate calculated from the date of admission to the bar. In fact, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 seniority is a rule at both bar and bench that many lawyers continue to promote for use as a \line \up0 \expndtw-3\ charscalex100 valuable, Commonwealth guide to elevations or promotions from the High Court to the Court of \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Appeal, and to ap pointment as Chief Justice. Seniority has its advantages. It is predictable and is \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 significantly respectful of peer review a nd recognition. Once patronage considerations emerged \line \up0 \expndtw-1\char scalex100 as the most useful indicator of who should be appointed, judge seniori ty was rendered useless. \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 Hence, Madan, who wa s at his time the most senior appellate judge, became the first to be \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 overlooked when his junior was appointed Chief Justice . In June 1988, Richard Otieno Kwach \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 became the first lawyer to be appointed a judge of the Court of Appeal directly from pr ivate legal \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 practice. Justice Kwach joined r anks of judges some of whom, like Justice Gicheru (appointed in \line \up0 \expn dtw-1\charscalex100 1982) and Justice Riaga Omollo (appointed in 1985), had rise n from the High Court and in the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 case of the latter even from the magistracy. Justice Abdul Lakha (now deceased) was the sec ond \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 lawyer to be elevated to the Court of Ap peal directly from private legal practice. Without doubt \line \up0 \expndtw0\ch arscalex102 elevations from private practice to the highest court sealed the cof fin of seniority as a useful \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 indicator of ap pointment and promotion. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1236\sb408\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \ expndtw-1\charscalex100 Justice Amritlal Shah was elevated to the Court of Appea l on 30 December 1994, after serving \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 for only one year as a High Court Judge, having been appointed on 30 December 1993. Prior to \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 his appointment in 1993, he had been a lawyer in p rivate practice who had acted in such capacity \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 for former President Moi in the election petition filed by Stanley Ngindo Matiba w hich was \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 allowed in the High Court but was reversed on appeal. Justice Torgbor who heard the election \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 petition was subsequently forced out of the Bench. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\pa

perw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg25}{\bkmkend Pg25}\par\pard\q j \li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1243\sb250\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersu b\cf2\f3\fs24 While discouraged, promotions of magistrates to the High Court oft en outstripped appointments \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 from private practice. Because in theory and practice magistrates are not personally independent \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 from the executive, and neither do they enjoy any guaran tees as to security of tenure, the \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 magistracy is i n general perceived as an arena of executive acquiescence in order to be rewarde d \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 with elevations to the High Court. Moreover, the perception remains that magistrates carry with \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 them to the High Court, an attitude of executive supplication. However, magistrates were also \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 elevated because they were familiar with case management and judicial administration \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex 100 procedures which are important considerations. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-4 12\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1237\sb16\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charsc alex100 In May 2000, William Tuiyot was elevated from the magistracy to the High Court. Prior to his \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 appointment, Mr. Tuiyot (now deceased) as magistrate had conducted the criminal trial of Koigi \line \u p0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 wa Wamwere and others on charges of robbery with vio lence. Many observers felt this trial was \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 pol itically motivated, beliefs reinforced by the admitted fact of Mr. Koigi \u8217 ?s kidnapping by \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 security agents from Uganda. In the event, the state failed to adduce sufficient evidence to \line \up0 \exp ndtw-1\charscalex100 convict Mr. Koigi and his co-accused. However, rather than render an acquittal as per the law, \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Mr. Tuiy ot substituted the charges and convicted Mr. Koigi of robbery, even though no ev idence \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 had been led for that charge. The LSK insisted his elevation was a political reward for his \line \up0 \expndtw-3\ charscalex100 conduct of the Koigi trial. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult 0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1246\sb15\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 In 1997, Zacheus Chesoni was appointed Chief Justice of Kenya. Before his appoint ment, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Chesoni (now deceased) was the chairman of th e Electoral Commission of Kenya. Before his \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 heavyhanded tenure at the electoral commission, Chesoni had been a judge of the High Court \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 who had been forced to resign due to his inso lvency. His reinstatement to the Bench, and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 simulta neous elevation to head the judiciary were unprecedented in the Commonwealth and \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 drove irrationality in judicial appointments to t he fore. Justice Chesoni only served for two years \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 before dying of a mysterious illness. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1255\sb10\sl-410\s lmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 In his place, Bernard Chunga was appointed Chief Justice in September 1999. This appointment \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscal ex100 led an apoplectic LSK to consider an international action against Kenya. P rior to his appointment \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 as a judge, and simu ltaneously, head of the judiciary, Bernard Chunga was the Directory Public \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Prosecution (DPP) who had won infamy for conducti ng secret criminal trials in the night against \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex1 00 individuals charged with subversion and political offences (particularly subs cribing to proscribed \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0 \sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg26}{\bkmkend Pg26}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \ par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1239\sb253\sl-413\sl mult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 societies like mw akenya). Most of these suspects were tortured and once convicted became \up0 \ex pndtw-1\charscalex100 celebrated as prisoners of conscience. The chambers in the administrative Nyayo House building \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 where suspects were held and interrogated pending trial were opened as a torture museum in \up 0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 2003. Even the International Bar Association protested his appointment adding their voices to \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 shocked loc al activists who kept the domestic conscience. Chief Justice Chunga was forced t

o \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 resign once a tribunal was formed in terms of th e Constitution in March 2004, to enquire into the \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 question of his removal. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li 1440\sb265\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\f s24 Experiences with Removal of Judges in Kenya \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb144\sl-27 6\slmult0\tx4404 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Betwe en independence and \tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 2004, the removal of judges from office was always extra \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1235\sb9\sl-416 \slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 constitutional. The provisions for the re moval of a judge set out in section 65 of the Constitution \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex102 were never adhered to. Under Section 65, a judge of the High Court or of the Court of Appeal \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 may be removed for incapacity to perform his duties or for misconduct. When the question arises \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex100 as to the removal of a judge, the Chief Justice shall advise the President to appoint a tribunal to \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 investigate th e question. The tribunal shall then make its recommendations to the President, w ho \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 may in accordance, dismiss or reinstate the jud ge under investigations. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1252\sb405\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \ expndtw0\charscalex100 The removal of judges was facilitated in the case of cont ract judges, by the termination of their \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 con tracts and non-renewal. The constitution does not provide for contract judges an d for express \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 protection of tenure for contra ct judges. In default, the practice developed that the President \line \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex100 could dismiss contract judges at will, as though they were c ivil servants, simply by terminating \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 the con tracts. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1247\sb14\ sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 In the case of judges appointed with security of tenure, removal other than by death was by \line \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex105 forced resignation. Chief Justice Kitili Mwendwa, the first African C J, was forced to resign \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 following allegations of his involvement in an attempted military coup against the Kenyatta \line \up 0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 administration. Chief Justice Madan was removed by ab rupt termination of his contract after less \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 t han two years in office. Observers point out that his removal followed the decis ion in Stanley \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 Munga Githunguri vs. Attorney General, where the High Court stayed criminal prosecutions \line \up0 \expndtw-1 \charscalex100 against Githunguri following a lapse of 8 years and repeated assu rances that the matter had been \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh1584 0\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg27}{\bkmkend Pg27}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420 \slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1265\sb234 \sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 put to rest. In delivering the unanimous decision, Madan CJ, reversing Mwendwa CJ in E l Mann, \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 had stated: \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-41 0\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1239\sb19\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscal ex107 \u8216?We also speak knowing that it is our duty to ask ourselves what t he use is of having a \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Constitution if it is not ho noured and respected by the people. The people will lose faith in the \up0 \expn dtw-2\charscalex100 Constitution if it fails to give effective protection to the ir fundamental rights . The people know \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 and believe that destroy the rule of law and you destroy justice, thereby also destroying t he \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 society. \u8230? The courts of justice must ref lect the opinion of the people.\u8217? \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \ par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1248\sb21\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 The t wo other judges who comprised the three-judge bench, Justice Sachdeva and Justi ce \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 William Mbaya were also subsequently forced to resign. Chief Justice Cecil Miller, who \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 r eplaced Madan, died in office after an infamous reign, during which he declared the Bill of \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Rights to be suspended and permitted a mendment of the constitution in 1986 to abolish security \up0 \expndtw-3\charsca lex100 of tenure for judges. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\q

j\li1440\ri1250\sb15\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 In 1993, Justi ce Torgbor was forced to resign when he was informed his contract would not be \ up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 renewed. The judge had sat in the two-judge bench w hich allowed the election petition filed by \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Stanley Matiba against Daniel Arap Moi. The decision was overturned on appeal. Mr. Moi\ u8217?s \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 lawyer in that case was subsequently appoi nted judge. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1248\sb406\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\cha rscalex100 On February 21, 2003, a Tribunal was announced to investigate Chief J ustice Bernard Chunga \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 and if necessary, recom mend his removal. Bernard Chunga was suspended and Appeal Judge \line \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex105 Evans Gicheru appointed Acting Chief Justice as per the compu lsory procedure under the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Constitution. A few days later, Bernard Chunga resigned and Justice Evans Gicheru was \ line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 confirmed in line with the seniority ru le, as Chief Justice on February \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 24, \up0 \ex pndtw-3\charscalex100 2003. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1252\sb8\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Contemporaneously, High Court Judge Samuel Oguk against whom evidence of corruption was \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 allegedly he ld by the defunct Kenya Anti Corruption Authority was summoned. The judge \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 attempted to circumvent the ministerial summonses, which were indeed unlawful, by seeking the \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 intervention of the beleaguered Chief Justice Chunga, who sought to protect him. Eventually, the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 police arrested him and star ted his criminal prosecution for abuse of office. The compulsory \line \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex100 removal procedure was not invoked in this instance. This tri al was the first indication that the \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paper h15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg28}{\bkmkend Pg28}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\s l-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1248\ sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Ki baki administration would use extra constitutional measures if possible against individual \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 judges who might normally be removable through the compulsory procedure, but as necessitated \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex 100 by exigent political circumstances. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb243\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosu persub\cf1\f2\fs24 Removals in 2004 through the Tribunal Procedure \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1234\sb31\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 \ul0\nosupersub\ cf2\f3\fs24 In 2004, 5 of 11 Judges of the Court of Appeal and 17 of 30 judges o f the High Court were \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 suspended and two separ ate tribunals appointed by the President to determine the question of \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 their permanent removal from office for bad behaviour as contemplated by the Constitution. The \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 dec ision to suspend the judges was made on the basis of complaints submitted by mem bers of the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 legal profession and public to a judicial committee appointed by the Chief Justice and chaired by \line \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex103 High Court Judge Aaron Ringera (the Ringera Committee). A t the time when the Ringera \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 committee wrote i ts report, it did not inform any of the judges of the nature of complaints \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 received. It had neither the mandate nor th e power to entertain counter-submissions or \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscale x100 explanation from affected judges. Similarly, the Constitution did not discl ose whether the nature \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 of the role at the ti me the Chief Justice advises the president to suspend a judge, is administrative \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 or judicial, and in particular, whether the Chief Justice is required to afford the affected judge an \line \up0 \expndtw-3 \charscalex100 early opportunity to learn of the complaints and make any stateme nt. In future, clarity of the role \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 and the p roceedings at this stage could be provided by legislation. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1233\sb13\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw4\charscalex100 Before the constitutional tribunals started their operations, se veral of the judges under suspension \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 were pre

ssured to resign by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional affairs and judic ial \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 administration through the withdrawal of their office facilities and perks, and the threat of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex104 eviction from official housing. Those who opted to resign were assured and subsequently \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 allowed to retain their ful l retirement pensions. In justification of the humiliating withdrawal of \line \ up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 offices, housing, official security and cars, the R egistrar of the High Court Mr. William Ouko, \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 subsequently appointed a judge of the High Court, explained in a public stateme nt that the judges \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 had been \u8216?interdict ed\u8217? and as such the withdrawal of facilities was procedural. The Constitut ion \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 does not provide for the interdiction of judges, nor does it stipulate whether suspended judges \line \up0 \expndtw0\char scalex100 ought to be allowed to retain their status and perks until a constitut ional tribunal recommends \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 their permanent re moval. Again, such loopholes could be sealed by legislation. \par\pard\sect\sect d\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg29}{\bkmkend Pg29}\p ar\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \pa r\pard\qj\li1440\ri1246\sb248\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\n osupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 What begun as a constitutional practice in the rem oval of judges deteriorated with the \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \u8216?i nterdiction\u8217? of judges into unconstitutional procedure, with all but 2 of the appellate judges and \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 5 puisne judges under sus pension blackmailed into compulsory retirement. The lengthy delays in \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex100 the completion of tribunal investigations are cited as another example of unconstitutional \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 practice in the removal of judges. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1246\sb405\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw-1\charscalex100 The procedures for removal were bogged down by sev eral problems. First, comparative \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 preceden t in use of the tribunal removal procedure reinforced the complete lack of domes tic \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 experience in its use. Secondly, th e tribunals relied on logistic support of regular police \line \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex100 investigators as though the cases were criminal rather than o f a special nature. Third, the Law \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Society of Kenya declined to offer its support, including adamantly refusing to submit its own \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 investigation report to the tribunal inv estigators. Moreover, interested organisations failed to \line \up0 \expndtw-1\c harscalex100 provide the legal expertise needed to complement an understaffed, u nder-equipped tribunal. At \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 the regional level , the Kenyan precedent in the removal of judges through the constitutional \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 procedure has been criticised as a bad example, w hile much lament has gone into the so-called \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 blackmail retirements. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1 440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li144 0\sb112\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Experiences with Discipline and Retention of Judges in Kenya \par\pard\qj \li14 40\ri1251\sb31\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\ f3\fs24 Beside removal for misconduct, the constitution does not define any prin ciples for the discipline \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 of judges in Kenya. That question was also left to legislation which was never enacted. It should \up0 \ expndtw0\charscalex102 be noted that the fact of removal is not a disciplinary p rocess, but a constitutional safeguard \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 against abu se of political power. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1235\sb408\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex103 In practice, the disciplining of individual judges has beco me the responsibility of the Chief \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Justice. Part of the reason is historical and has to do with the seniority rule of promotion and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 appointment, and part of it is based on the peer r eview system. The scope and intention of \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 disciplin ary measures vary with each Chief Justice between Kitili Mwendwa, who asked \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 individual judges to tender their resignatio

ns, and Evans Gicheru who advised the President to \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 form investigative tribunals. In the extremes between promotion and necessity of removal, \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 several shades of misconduct are address ed by administrative action. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\p ard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg30}{\bkmkend Pg30}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\sl mult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmu lt0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1242\sb253\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex10 0 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Serious misconduct not warranting in the view of t he Chief Justice, the appointment of a tribunal \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex1 00 or demand for resignation, has been addressed by the mechanism of station transfers to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 provincial towns. Tran sfers in their punitive sense are a product of the class bias and Euro -\line \u p0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 centrism of the forbear African and European judges who regarded stations outside Nairobi and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Mo mbasa as hardship zones. Where transfers do not work, the Chief Justice has been known to \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 withdraw judicial work from individ ual judges, or conversely, to overload their case diaries \line \up0 \expndtw0\c harscalex106 deliberately. Since the time of Chief Justice Cockar, attendance by judges in domestic and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 international confere nces has been subject to the approval of the Chief Justice. Refusal affords \lin e \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 another means of disciplining judges. When the LS K nominated High Court Justice Khamoni \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1240\sb0\sl-415\sl mult0\fi62 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 for its award in 2003, he was refused p ermission to participate at the ceremony honouring g him. \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex100 In 2002, the Registrar issued a confidential circular authorised by the C hief Justice to remind \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 judges they were bound by t he Official Secrets Act . Chief Justice Gicheru has been more tacit in \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex102 gagging judges against \u8216?media incitement\u8217?. Whate ver the punishment, what stands out is the \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 unlimit ed nature of the discretion of the Chief Justice. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-41 2\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1239\sb1\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscale x103 That discretion has also been used to reward loyal judges with preferential treatment, in the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 allocation of pool cars, and ch oice of workstation, as well as the possibility of international travel \up0 \ex pndtw-1\charscalex100 to attend seminars and judicial colloquia. Indeed, the sys tem of rewards has worked better than \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 the stick sy stem. Many judges admitted while insisting on anonymity that they had been \ up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 transferred for punitive purposes to stations in Bun goma, Meru and Embu. In one notable \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 incident, Justi ce Aaron Ringera while accepting honours from the LSK admitted that Chief \up0 \ expndtw-3\charscalex100 Justice Chunga had summoned him to his office to berate and intimidate him, telling him he was \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 nothing spe cial. Such information is not openly admitted save in the case of retired judges , or in \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 revelations made against former CJs. \par\ pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1239\sb20\sl-410\slmult 0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 In April 2000, Chief Magistrate Aggrey Muchelule was transferred to Meru for refusing to abide \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 by a circular issued by Chief Justice Zacheus Chesoni not to release suspects on dr ug charges on \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 bail. The Mombasa leadership of the L SK cited the transfer as retribution for disregarding the \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex100 order. Considered a punitive station, Meru is referred to in judicial cir cles as Siberia. For his \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 entire duty station in Me ru, the magistrate was forced to reside in a hotel. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\pa perw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg31}{\bkmkend Pg31}\par\pard\q l \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\l i1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb232\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Integrity Committees \par\pard\qj \l i1440\ri1234\sb32\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf 2\f3\fs24 The intention of judicial officers is now pegged firmly to good behavi

our, in particular ethical \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 personal conduct and the avoidance of corrupt practices. Attempts to define what constitutes \up0 \expnd tw-1\charscalex100 disciplinary misconduct have been made through the Judicial C ode of Conduct. However, while \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 it has been accepted by all judges and the judicial administration, the Code of Conduct is not \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 enforceable, and it is still not clear where and how a c omplaint can be lodged on the basis of its \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 provisi ons. This is an important area that needs clarification. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb 0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1250\sb20\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\c harscalex100 In April 2005, an integrity committee appointed by the Chief Justic e commenced its work. The \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 mandate of this Ringera Committee styled Ethics and Governance Sub-Committee of the \up0 \expndt w-3\charscalex100 Judiciary is to: \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb121\sl-276\slmult0 \up 0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3 \fs24 Collect information relating to the integrity of the Judiciary \par\pard\ ql \li1800\sb124\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 2.\ul0\nosupersub\ cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Investigate all cases of alleged corru ption, unethical behaviour and other lack of integrity \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri12 38\sb26\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3 \f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Study and report on the case for in-house intermediary disciplinary measures, and the \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscale x100 process of punishment for breaches not warranting removal of a judge from o ffice \par\pard\ql \li1800\ri1238\sb9\sl-410\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex100 4.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Exam ine and report the orderly and efficient method consistent with the rules of nat ural \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 justice for conducting investigatio n or inquiry into the fitness of a judicial officer to hold \line \tab \up0 \exp ndtw-2\charscalex100 office or the guilt of a paralegal staff in corrupt or unet hical practice \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1244\sb19\sl-400\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expn dtw-2\charscalex100 5.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Deliberate and report on the contents of the \u8216?Litigants Charter\u8217? to aid the comprehension \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 of the process of the court by litigants \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1251\sb4\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up 0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 6.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\ fs24 Study and rationalize the previous Committees\u8217? reports on the reform s in the Judiciary \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 and recommend a codif ied and comprehensive reform matrix to entrench integrity \par\pard\qj \li1800\r i1251\sb17\sl-400\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 7.\ul0\nosupersub\ cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Report its findings and recommend to the Chief Justice any remedial action and \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\c harscalex100 necessary reforms by or before 30th September 2005. \par\pard\qj \l i1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1251\sb22\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw-4\charscalex100 It will be critical to resolve the serious procedural comp laints against the modus operandi of such \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 committee s and the suspension of judicial officers based solely on their findings, before the \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 integrity committee winds up its work. The co mmittee itself is tasked to do so, but its findings \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 and recommendations will supposedly be part of the same report making adverse \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 recommendations against judges. \par\par d\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg32}{\bkmk end Pg32}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\ slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1243\sb253\ sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 One of the terms of reference requires the committee to rationalize previous committee \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 recommendations and codify them into a \u8216?comprehensive reform matrix\u8217?. While the NGO-speak \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 may have found its way into the terms, it is unclear wh at specifically will happen to reforms \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 propos ed by previous committees. They appear to be suspended pending the comprehensive \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 reform matrix. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-

276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex1 00 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Public Land, Honours and Judicial Independence. \ par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1248\sb10\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul 0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 As members of the ruling class, judicial officers, like the military brass frequently receive state \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 honours. In Kenya, all Chief Justices past and present have been awarded the pr esidential honour \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 of Elder of the Burning Spe ar, EBS. What privileges accompany the EBS honour are not fully \line \up0 \expn dtw-2\charscalex100 known, but the bearer is permitted by custom and practice to repeat the initials EBS, after his or \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 her na me in similar fashion with the prefix Sir of knighted Englishmen and women. Ordi nary \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 appellate and puisne judges (High Court judges) similarly receive such singular honours by dint \line \up0 \expndtw-3\c harscalex100 of their position. The decision to award honours is political, and an unchecked prerogative of the \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Head of Stat e. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1250\sb406\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex10 0 In the 1980s, another practice developed of conferring preferential treatment to judicial officers \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 in the allocation of sta te resources, primarily privatised public and government owned land. \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Lands which were owned by the government were nominally held in trust for the public use and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 benefit . However, the Moi administration frequently used public lands to buy patronage and \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 support in exercises known popularly as \u8216?land grabbing\u8217?. Such lands were used for speculation, \line \up0 \e xpndtw0\charscalex102 and often sold back to government owned enterprises at rid iculously fixed prices, in another \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 dimension of looting and primitive accumulation. It is known that several serving and form er \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 judges received parcels of public lands b ecause their names featured in reports of the Controller \line \up0 \expndtw-3\c harscalex100 and Auditor General. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\p ard\ql\li1440\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub \cf1\f2\fs24 Role of lawyers in judicial Accountability in Kenya \par\pard\ql \l i1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb268\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw4\charscalex100 Radicalisation of Bar - Bench Relations \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs2 4\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg33}{\bkmkend Pg33}\par\pa rd\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-416\slmult0 \par\par d\qj\li1440\ri1243\sb245\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosup ersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Bar - Bench relations in Kenya have witnessed dramatic seesaws in cordiality and cooperation. \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 In the 1970s, the bar antagonised the judiciary by its demands for rapid \u8216?Africanization\u82 17? of the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Bench. The growing number of qualified African advocates presented an increasingly rich pool \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex1 00 for appointments to replace contract European judges. At the time, the Attorn ey General and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 later Minister for Constitution Affairs Mr. Charles Njonjo was dead set against quick \up0 \expndtw-3\ch arscalex100 \u8216?Africanization\u8217? of the bench. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri12 42\sb405\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 In the 1980s, relations de pended on personal amity between the Chief Justice and the LSK \up0 \expndtw-2\c harscalex100 leadership, but since both shared rule by seniority, disputes tende d to be resolved quietly. When \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Cecil Miller was ap pointed Chief Justice, the LSK adopted a containment and even appeasement \up0 \ expndtw-2\charscalex100 policy rather than exposure and confrontation campaign. Diplomatic overtures were pursued by \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the LSK leade rship through a \u8216?committee of elders\u8217? to restore the security of ten ure provisions \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 that had been abolished. \par\pard\ qj \li1440\ri1245\sb406\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 From the ear ly 1990s, and with the onset of electoral politics within the LSK, the approach \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 became more overt and confrontational. At th e heart of the gagging suit filed by Aaron Ringera \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charsca lex100 in 1991, was a judicial influence to rein in the LSK leadership. From tha

t point on, the LSK has \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 approached its judic ial oversight role with more fight and fanfare, than before. Indeed, during the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 constitutional review process, the LSK in bac king proposals for a total purge of the judiciary \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscale x102 adopted a scorched earth policy. In pursuance of this policy, the LSK has i nsisted it will not \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 permit judges who are pur ged on corruption grounds to obtain practising certificates to work \line \up0 \ expndtw-5\charscalex100 privately as advocates. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\ slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Peer Review and Awards \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1256\sb 11\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Thro ugh their professional association, lawyers appear to have combined their tradit ional peer \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 review approach to judicial accou ntability with NGO style strategies, in particular investigating, \line \up0 \ex pndtw-1\charscalex100 documenting and reporting. But as a professional and statu tory body, these latter strategies are \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 limit ed and have had only modest successes. For instance, while the LSK embarked on a parallel \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 process to investigate corruption i n the judiciary, it has declined to make its report public, and \line \up0 \expn dtw-2\charscalex100 has taken no further action after submitting the same to the Chief Justice. The ordinary tasks of \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 the la w society in promoting judicial accountability have been pursued in more traditi onal ways, \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bk mkstart Pg34}{\bkmkend Pg34}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1254\sb248\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 in particular the bar-bench relations committee which acts as a public relations department, and \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 since 2000, through an annual award for hardworking jud ges. Only two judges have received the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 award to date - Justice Khamoni and Justice Ringera. Criteria for the award are not cl ear, and \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 unlike the ICJ Kenya which has an i ndependent nominations committee for its Jurist of the Year \line \up0 \expndtw0 \charscalex100 Award, the LSK council makes the determination. The impact of the award in the judiciary has \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 not been ascertai ned; it is not easy to assess the impact after only a few years. For its part, t he \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 judicial administration under Chief Justic e Bernard Chunga dismissed the award, insisting the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex105 lawyers association lacked the standing or comprehension to award individ ual judges merit \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 awards. \par\pard\ql \li144 0\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb244\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\ch arscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Court Boycotts \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri12 37\sb30\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 One form of judicial accountability that has been attempted but appeared abando ned is the court \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 boycott. In India, the bar associations at state level created the court boycott as a mechanism for \line \ up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 pressuring judges accused of corruption to resign. I n Kenya, the majority of trial lawyers are \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 av erse to boycotts citing the shortage in judicial manpower and lengthy case delay s, but also \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 attuned to their client\u8217?s commercial interests. Nonetheless, in October 2002, the LSK mandated a \line \up 0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 nationwide boycott of the courts to protest against th e use of judicial power to disrupt the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 consti tutional review process. In addition, the lawyers held a street protest march, f or the first \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 time ever, borrowing from NGO t actics. The boycott itself was a success, although had it been \line \up0 \expnd tw0\charscalex102 extended to more than one day, it would certainly have failed. The first reason for its failure \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 would have been the absence of protection mechanisms for lawyers who found their listed ca ses \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 dismissed or adjourned indefinitely for failure to attend court ostensibly for boycott purposes. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb

0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charsc alex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Internationalisation of Judicial Accountabil ity \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1257\sb10\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 More accountability work is done through volunteer lawyer based NGOs such as the Kenyan \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ Kenya) which have the expertise, and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 more importantly the financial resou rces and political neutral history to track judicial \line \up0 \expndtw2\charscalex100 independence threats and reforms. Since 2001, ICJ Kenya has laun ched an annual report on the \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judiciary and conducted more than \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 8 perceptions studies of judicial corruption and \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1261\sb18\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 accountability. Moreover, the ICJ Kenya through its co nnection with the global ICJ contributes \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 to the biennial Attacks on Justice, a publication of the Centre for Independence of Judges and \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\b kmkstart Pg35}{\bkmkend Pg35}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\q j\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1243\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Lawyers, based in Geneva. A ttacks on Justice chronicle incidences that undermine judicial and \up0 \expndtw -3\charscalex100 legal independence in each country globally. \par\pard\qj \li14 40\ri1254\sb9\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 In 2002 and in conjunc tion with the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC), the \up0 \expndtw1\charscalex100 ICJ Kenya invited eminent jurists from the Commonwealth to form an advisory panel on judicial \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 independence. The Ad visory Panel of Eminent Commonwealth Judicial Experts then performed \up0 \expnd tw-1\charscalex100 a peer review exercise during which they met with and intervi ewed judges, magistrates, lawyers \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 and various publ ic officials. It noted: \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1 440\ri1243\sb15\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \u8216?We are persua ded that lack of transparency in the manner in which judges are appointed has \u p0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 undermined public confidence in the quality of those named to judicial office. \u8230?We recommend \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 the adoption of a clearly established transparent appointment process with clearly stated criteria \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 under the authority of a restructu red Judicial Service Commission.\u8217? \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1239\sb10\sl-410\ slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 The report of the panel of experts was damn ing, but was swiftly rejected by the judiciary even \line \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex100 though many of its findings were mirrored in reports of judicial committe es. Nonetheless, the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 CKRC adopted a number o f key recommendations made by the panel of experts, in particular; \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1258\sb2\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 1.\ul0\no supersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judges are entitled to freedo m of expression, association and assembly and shall be free \line\tab \up0 \expn dtw-3\charscalex100 to form associations that respect their interest \par\pard\q l \li1800\sb99\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 2.\ul0\nosupersub\cf 3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Constitution should provide for remunera tion and other terms for judges \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1258\sb26\sl-420\slmult0\ tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosuper sub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judges should be immune from suit for any bona fides act or omi ssion in the exercise of \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 their power \pa r\pard\ql \li1800\ri1248\sb0\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex104 4.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judges shall devote their full time and attention to their judicial duties and shall not \lin e\tab \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 engage in any business, trade, profession or other activity inconsistent with judicial \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex1 00 function. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb244\s l-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Disquali fication of Judges \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1241\sb12\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 One final accountability task that i

s unique and indeed exclusive to individual lawyers, is the \line \up0 \expndtw0 \charscalex104 opportunity for a trial lawyer to apply or request for a trial ju dge to recuse herself and stop \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 conduct of tri al in the interests of justice. Strictly speaking, this is not an aspect of judi cial \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 control by lawyers, but rather a continu ation of the legal duty owed by a lawyer to her client. \line \up0 \expndtw-2\ch arscalex100 While a judge may voluntarily decline to hear a case, and is require d to do so where there may be \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 a conflict of interest with the judicial role, the situation where the trial lawyer openly mak es the \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkst art Pg36}{\bkmkend Pg36}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1 440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1253\sb250\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 judicial withdrawal a matter of the court record is rare. An application for a judge to disqualify \line \up0 \e xpndtw-2\charscalex100 and cease a matter when made on frivolous grounds has bee n held to amount to serious contempt \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 of court . And so it should, since it must be in strict relationship with the duty of the lawyer to \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 preserve the independence of the court, rather than to shop for a convenient forum by pressuring \line \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex100 judges to disqualify themselves. Clever lawyers have succeede d in getting judges to disqualify \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 themselves without disrupting proceedings, and even more importantly, antagonising the judg e \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 concerned. Advocates who asked judges to re cuse themselves have on occasion been jailed for \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscale x100 contempt. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264 \sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Partic ipation of Lawyers in judicial Corruption \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1245\sb10\sl-41 5\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Lawyers are s uited to fighting judicial corruption because due to their daily contact with th e \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 courts, they have unique knowledge of its existen ce and incidence. But it is also true that their \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 u nique knowledge may be based on participation as accomplices rather than as vict ims. The LSK \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Committee investigating judicial corru ption discovered that in a number of cases, incidences of \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex105 judges receiving bribes from litigants involved lawyers representing eith er the judge or the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 litigant as a conduit or fixer /negotiator. Particularly for corruption at the levels of High Court and \up0 \e xpndtw-1\charscalex100 appellate judges, individual lawyers involved in an offic ial capacity in the suit had knowledge of \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 judicial overtures even when they themselves did not participate, but also took no action to stop \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 the bribery. In the case of subordinate co urts, the Committee discovered that comparatively \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 smaller numbers of lawyers were involved as conduits or negotiators. \par\pard\q l \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb244\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expn dtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Obstacles to Judicial Accountabi lity in Kenya \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1238\sb32\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex103 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The judiciary needs to be independent and accountable in order to serve the twin missions of \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 guaranteeing access to justice to all and very importantly, equal justice for a ll. In Kenya, the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 legal and judicial systems had cr eated and in turn were affected by great inequalities between \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex102 those who had access and those who lacked it. One of the reasons for public scepticism in the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 capacity of these systems to control corruption and redress human rights violations for the \up0 \expndtw1\charscalex100 benefit of all Kenyans lies in their perception as instruments o f the regime to reward cronies and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 punish competiti on for power. For the great majority of Kenyans, the judiciary has remained an \ up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 inaccessible institution hidden from public view by complex rules and anachronisms and unequal \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 to dem ands for fair judicial services. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh158

40\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg37}{\bkmkend Pg37}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-41 3\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1240\sb25 3\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The fi rst problem with the judiciary accounting for itself is related to its credibili ty. Nobody \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 could reasonably expect that judge s who existed to protect patronage have been converted into \line \up0 \expndtw0 \charscalex103 the vanguard of democracy after December 27, 2002 when power chan ged hands through the \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 ballot. Politically, it continues to be desirable to remove incompetent and corrupt judges and to \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 ventilate the halls of justice with fresh air aft er decades of intransigence against the Constitution. \line \up0 \expndtw0\chars calex102 The removal of judges and their replacement with credible individuals w as a cardinal point of \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 judicial reform agree d by a majority of Kenyans both lawyers and non-lawyers. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb 0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1243\sb11\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\c harscalex102 As part of a review process however, personnel change in the judici ary seemed to create more \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 problems than it resolved . The problem with en masse removals is the risk of undercutting \up0 \expndtw0\ charscalex100 security of tenure and establishing a practice of replacement of j udges with every new political \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 administration. A se condary risk exists of creating short term and even medium term case \up0 \expnd tw-3\charscalex100 backlogs through shortage of skilled, experienced personnel. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1240\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 The method of dismissal is dragged out and both the tribunals set up to investigate judges are \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 immobilised by litigation pursued by the very judges they are investigating. The appointment of \line \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex100 new judges has been criticized as influenced by new politica l considerations. At the same time, \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 residual elements of the ancient regime at the top of the judicial administration, but al so among \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 paralegal staff may militate agains t more and thorough going reforms. Prof. Julio Faundez makes \line \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex107 a good illustration of this problem in the context of Namibia, w here the first independent \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 government in 199 0 inherited a civil service bureaucracy whose allegiance was to the departing \l ine \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 white power. With such machinery, the governmen t was unable to pass affirmative action \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 legi slation for the labour market until after eight years. The extent to which the K enya judiciary \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 can implement reform will ther efore depend on the leverage that pro-reform actors external and \line \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex106 internal to it have as against those threatened by change. I n this scenario, what undermines \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 democratisa tion will also undermine judicial reform towards independence and accountability . \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1256\sb6\sl-410\ slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Moreover, and logically, the inept bureaucr acy of the legal/judicial system which is still largely \line \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex100 in place has become preoccupied with demonstrating performance results and removing \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 administrative inco nveniences that impede results, rather than with the rationale of the existence \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 of the judiciary, its constitutional philosop hy and its role in democratisation and the rule of law, \line \up0 \expndtw0\cha rscalex100 which are the concerns of pro judicial reform activists within the co nstitutional review process. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\p ard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg38}{\bkmkend Pg38}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\sl mult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1237\sb248\sl -415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Reducing case backlog is certainly important, but it is a technical aspect of independenc e reform \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 at a time when the greater question is acc ess to justice and enforcement of rights by poor \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 K enyans. Both Chief Justice Chunga\u8217?s and Justice Oguk\u8217?s removal from the bench in 2003 were \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 influenced no doubt by polit

ical motives, but from the viewpoint of reformers, the process of \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 removal was justified by inefficiency and bureaucracy of the for mal legal system. In the cases of \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 judges who chose to face off at the tribunal, Justice Waki was reinstated, while all the other \u p0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 pending investigations are embarrassingly incomplete one year later, and are immobilised in \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 litigation. Moreover, political questions regarding judicial power remain inconclusive and may \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 not be concluded merely by adoption of a new c onstitution. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1240\sb10\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\char scalex103 Bureaucratic ineptitude or unwillingness, rather than a lack of proble m awareness, must be \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 blamed for the absenc e of implementation of pro independence and accountability \line \up0 \ex pndtw-2\charscalex100 recommendations, particularly when they have been made by introspective judicial committees. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\ pard\ql\li1440\sb265\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersu b\cf1\f2\fs24 Implementation matrix\par\pard\sect\sectd\sbknone\cols2\colno1\col w3729\colsr160\colno2\colw8211\colsr160\ql \li1546\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ ql \li1546\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql \li1546\sb20\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \exp ndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Nature of Key\par\pard\qj \li15 46\ri400\sb9\sl-432\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Recommendation \line \ up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Improvement of\par\pard\qj \li1546\ri99\sb3\sl-412\ slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 terms and conditions \up0 \expndtw-3\chars calex100 of magistrates and \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 paralegal staff\par\pa rd\qj \li1546\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj \li1546\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pa rd\qj \li1546\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pard\qj \li1546\sb0\sl-413\slmult0 \par\pa rd\qj \li1546\ri281\sb29\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Recruitmen t to be \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 based on merit and \up0 \expndtw-3\charsca lex100 promotions\par\pard\ql \li1546\sb114\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\chars calex100 Advisory Panel, 2002\par\pard\column \ql \li3889\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \pa r\pard\ql \li3889\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql \li20\sb20\sl-276\slmult0\tx17 78\tx3353 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Proposed By:\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charsca lex100 Action by:\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Status of\par\pard\ql \li334 8\sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 implementation\par\pard\ql \li20\sb156\sl-276\slmult0\tx1778\tx3353 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Kwach\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 JSC and CJ\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Inco mplete.\par\pard\ql \li20\sb142\sl-276\slmult0\tx3353 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex 100 Committee\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Magistrates\par\pard\ql \li3348\ sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 forced to resort\par\pard\ql \li3348\sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 to strike in\par\pard \ql \li3348\sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 March 2005\par\pa rd\ql \li3348\sb141\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 and\par\pard\ql \li3348\sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 subsequently\par\par d\ql \li3348\sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 interdicted.\par \pard\ql \li20\sb161\sl-276\slmult0\tx1778\tx3353 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Kwach\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 JSC and CJ\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscale x100 Incomplete,\par\pard\ql \li20\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\tx3353 \up0 \expndtw-3\c harscalex100 Committee\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 although\par\pard\ql \l i3348\sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 advertisement\par\pard\ ql \li3348\sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 of paralegal\par\p ard\ql \li3348\sb141\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 postings start ed\par\pard\ql \li3348\sb137\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 in 200 1. {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop7672\shpright1546\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz110\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 96}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(96,826);(96,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3673\shptop7672\shpright3769\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz112\shplid1 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 96}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(96,826);(96,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1546\shptop7682\shpright3673\shpbottom8085\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz120\shplid2 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2127}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 403}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,403);(2127,403);(2127,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1546\shptop8085\shpright3673\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz135\shplid3 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2127}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 413}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,413);(2127,413);(2127,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3783\shptop7672\shpright3889\shpbottom8085\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz166\shplid4 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 106}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 413}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,413);(106,413);(106,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5426\shptop7672\shpright5522\shpbottom8085\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz168\shplid5 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 96}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 413}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,413);(96,413);(96,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3783\shptop8085\shpright5521\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz170\shplid6 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1738}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 413}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,413);(1738,413);(1738,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3889\shptop7682\shpright5425\shpbottom8085\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz178\shplid7 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1536}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 403}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,403);(1536,403);(1536,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5531\shptop7672\shpright5642\shpbottom8085\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz209\shplid8 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 111}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 413}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,413);(111,413);(111,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7000\shptop7672\shpright7101\shpbottom8085\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz211\shplid9 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 101}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 413}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,413);(101,413);(101,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5531\shptop8085\shpright7101\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz213\shplid10 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1570}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 413}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,413);(1570,413);(1570,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5642\shptop7682\shpright7000\shpbottom8085\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz221\shplid11 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1358}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 403}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,403);(1358,403);(1358,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7111\shptop7672\shpright7217\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz252\shplid12 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 106}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(106,826);(106,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8725\shptop7672\shpright8825\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz254\shplid13 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 100}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(100,826);(100,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7217\shptop7682\shpright8724\shpbottom8085\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz262\shplid14 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1507}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 403}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,403);(1507,403);(1507,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7217\shptop8085\shpright8724\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz277\shplid15 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1507}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 413}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,413);(1507,413);(1507,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 126322 56}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop7653\shpright1450\shpbottom7672\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz309\shplid16 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop7653\shpright1450\shpbottom7672\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz311\shplid17 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop7653\shpright3774\shpbottom7673\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz313\shplid18 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2324}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2324,20);(2324,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop7653\shpright3793\shpbottom7672\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz315\shplid19 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3793\shptop7653\shpright5521\shpbottom7673\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz317\shplid20 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1728}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1728,20);(1728,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop7653\shpright5541\shpbottom7672\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz319\shplid21 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5541\shptop7653\shpright7101\shpbottom7673\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz321\shplid22 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1560}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1560,20);(1560,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop7653\shpright7120\shpbottom7672\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz323\shplid23 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7120\shptop7653\shpright8825\shpbottom7673\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz325\shplid24 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1705}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1705,20);(1705,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop7653\shpright8845\shpbottom7672\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz327\shplid25 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop7653\shpright8845\shpbottom7672\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz329\shplid26 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop7672\shpright1450\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz331\shplid27 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(20,826);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop7672\shpright3794\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz333\shplid28 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(20,826);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop7672\shpright5542\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz335\shplid29 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(20,826);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop7672\shpright7121\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz337\shplid30 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(20,826);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop7672\shpright8845\shpbottom8498\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz339\shplid31 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 826}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,826);(20,826);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop8498\shpright1450\shpbottom8517\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz678\shplid32 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop8498\shpright3774\shpbottom8518\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz680\shplid33 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2324}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2324,20);(2324,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop8498\shpright3793\shpbottom8517\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz682\shplid34 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3793\shptop8498\shpright5521\shpbottom8518\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz684\shplid35 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1728}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1728,20);(1728,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop8498\shpright5541\shpbottom8517\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz686\shplid36 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5541\shptop8498\shpright7101\shpbottom8518\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz688\shplid37 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1560}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1560,20);(1560,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop8498\shpright7120\shpbottom8517\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz690\shplid38 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7120\shptop8498\shpright8825\shpbottom8518\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz692\shplid39 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1705}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1705,20);(1705,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop8498\shpright8845\shpbottom8517\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz694\shplid40 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop8517\shpright1450\shpbottom11830\shpfhdr0\sh pbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz696\shplid41 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 3313}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,3313);(20,3313);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop8517\shpright3794\shpbottom11830\shpfhdr0\sh pbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz698\shplid42 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 3313}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,3313);(20,3313);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop8517\shpright5542\shpbottom11830\shpfhdr0\sh pbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz700\shplid43 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 3313}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,3313);(20,3313);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop8517\shpright7121\shpbottom11830\shpfhdr0\sh pbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz702\shplid44 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 3313}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,3313);(20,3313);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop8517\shpright8845\shpbottom11830\shpfhdr0\sh pbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz704\shplid45 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 3313}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,3313);(20,3313);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop11830\shpright1450\shpbottom11849\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz972\shplid46 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop11830\shpright3774\shpbottom11850\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz974\shplid47 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2324}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2324,20);(2324,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop11830\shpright3793\shpbottom11849\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz976\shplid48 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3793\shptop11830\shpright5521\shpbottom11850\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz978\shplid49 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1728}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1728,20);(1728,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop11830\shpright5541\shpbottom11849\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz980\shplid50 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5541\shptop11830\shpright7101\shpbottom11850\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz982\shplid51 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1560}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1560,20);(1560,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop11830\shpright7120\shpbottom11849\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz984\shplid52 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7120\shptop11830\shpright8825\shpbottom11850\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz986\shplid53 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1705}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1705,20);(1705,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop11830\shpright8845\shpbottom11849\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz988\shplid54 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop11849\shpright1450\shpbottom14337\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz990\shplid55 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop14337\shpright1450\shpbottom14356\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz992\shplid56 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop14337\shpright1450\shpbottom14356\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz994\shplid57 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop14337\shpright3774\shpbottom14357\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz996\shplid58 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2324}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2324,20);(2324,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop11849\shpright3794\shpbottom14337\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz998\shplid59 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop14337\shpright3793\shpbottom14356\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1000\shplid60 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3793\shptop14337\shpright5521\shpbottom14357\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1002\shplid61 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1728}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1728,20);(1728,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop11849\shpright5542\shpbottom14337\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1004\shplid62 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop14337\shpright5541\shpbottom14356\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1006\shplid63 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5541\shptop14337\shpright7101\shpbottom14357\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1008\shplid64 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1560}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1560,20);(1560,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop11849\shpright7121\shpbottom14337\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1010\shplid65 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop14337\shpright7120\shpbottom14356\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1012\shplid66 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7120\shptop14337\shpright8825\shpbottom14357\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1014\shplid67 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1705}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1705,20);(1705,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop11849\shpright8845\shpbottom14337\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1016\shplid68 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop14337\shpright8845\shpbottom14356\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1018\shplid69 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop14337\shpright8845\shpbottom14356\shpfhdr0\s hpbxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1020\shplid70 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} }

{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart P g39}{\bkmkend Pg39}\par\pard\li1546\sb0\sl-276\slmult0\par\pard\li1546\sb0\sl-27 6\slmult0\par\pard\li1546\sb0\sl-276\slmult0\par\pard\li1546\sb0\sl-276\slmult0\ par\pard\li1546\sb104\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx3889\tx5642\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\ch arscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judges to devote full\tab \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 Commonwealth\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 CJ and\tab \up0 \ expndtw-3\charscalex100 No prohibition\par\pard\li1546\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\ tx3889\tx5642\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 time to judicial duties\tab \ up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Experts panel;\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 in dividual\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 yet.\par\pard\li1546\sb136\sl-276\slm ult0\fi0\tx3889\tx5642 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 and shall not engage\tab \u p0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Ringera\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judicial\p ar\pard\li1546\sb143\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx3889\tx5642 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex 100 in any business\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Committee\tab \up0 \expndt w-3\charscalex100 officers.\par\pard\li1546\sb156\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx3889\tx56 42\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Judges to be free to\tab \up0 \expndtw-3 \charscalex100 Commonwealth\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 CJ and\tab \up0 \e xpndtw-3\charscalex100 Never\par\pard\li1546\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx3889\tx5 642\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 assemble and to form\tab \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 Experts panel\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 individual\tab \ up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 implemented.\par\pard\li1546\sb141\sl-276\slmult0\f i0\tx5642\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 associations\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\ charscalex100 judicial\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 KMJA\par\pard\li5642\sb 137\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 officers.\tab \up0 \ expndtw-3\charscalex100 complains CJ\par\pard\li1546\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi5671 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 undermining it.\par\pard\li1546\sb161\sl-276\slmu lt0\fi0\tx3889\tx5642\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Creation of an\tab \u p0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Kwach\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 CJ\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 CJ Order for\par\pard\li1546\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\t x3889\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 enforceable code of\tab \up0 \expndtw -3\charscalex100 Committee;\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 declaration of\par \pard\li1546\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx3889\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex10 0 conduct\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 LSK\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex10 0 wealth in 2000\par\pard\li1546\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi5671 \up0 \expndtw-3\cha rscalex100 ignored. No\par\pard\li1546\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\fi5671 \up0 \expndtw -3\charscalex100 enforceable\par\pard\li1546\sb141\sl-276\slmult0\fi5671 \up0 \e xpndtw-3\charscalex100 Code.\par\pard\li1546\sb157\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx3889\tx5 642\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Restructured JSC\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\ch arscalex100 Constitutional\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Constitutional\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Constitution\par\pard\li3889\sb137\sl-276\slmult0\ fi0\tx5642\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Review organs\tab \up0 \expndtw3\charscalex100 Review\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 review process\par\pard \li5642\sb141\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx7217 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 organs\tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 incomplete.\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-413\slmult 0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1244\sb41\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 C riticisms against new appointments, some of whom are now being pressured to quit the bench, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 indicate that the institutional mec hanism for proper appointments remains non-existent. \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex103 Although the LSK was nominally consulted on new appointments, it insists the consultations \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 were very late and inconclusive. As the judiciary becomes more technocracy focussed in its \up0 \expndtw0\chars calex100 reform agenda, and less willing to cooperate with external stakeholders , coupled with this weak \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 institutional framework, i t is certain that pro independence re form will remain confrontational, \up0 \ex pndtw-3\charscalex100 adversarial and therefore delayed and inconclusive. \par\p ard\qj \li1440\ri1258\sb408\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Part of the problem with judicial reform remains ideological. There is little unanimity

among \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 government officials, politicians and the judicial hierarchy on the ideological objective of \line \up0 \expndtw-3\ charscalex100 judicial reform. The result is incongruous measures. Some of these measures are concerned with \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 fundamental ref orm culminating in a new supreme court and the decentralisation of the CJ\u8217? s {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop1440\shpright1450\shpbottom3096\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz284\shplid0 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1656}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1656);(20,1656);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop1440\shpright3794\shpbottom3096\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz286\shplid1 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1656}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1656);(20,1656);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop1440\shpright5542\shpbottom3096\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz288\shplid2 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1656}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1656);(20,1656);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop1440\shpright7121\shpbottom3096\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz290\shplid3 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1656}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1656);(20,1656);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop1440\shpright8845\shpbottom3096\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz292\shplid4 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1656}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1656);(20,1656);(20,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop3097\shpright1450\shpbottom3116\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz548\shplid5 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop3097\shpright3774\shpbottom3117\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz550\shplid6 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2324}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2324,20);(2324,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop3097\shpright3793\shpbottom3116\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz552\shplid7 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3793\shptop3097\shpright5521\shpbottom3117\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz554\shplid8 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1728}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1728,20);(1728,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop3097\shpright5541\shpbottom3116\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz556\shplid9 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5541\shptop3097\shpright7101\shpbottom3117\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz558\shplid10 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1560}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1560,20);(1560,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop3097\shpright7120\shpbottom3116\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz560\shplid11 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7120\shptop3097\shpright8825\shpbottom3117\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz562\shplid12 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1705}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1705,20);(1705,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop3097\shpright8845\shpbottom3116\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz564\shplid13 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop3116\shpright1450\shpbottom5185\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz566\shplid14 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2069}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2069);(20,2069);(20,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop3116\shpright3794\shpbottom5185\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz568\shplid15 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2069}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2069);(20,2069);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop3116\shpright5542\shpbottom5185\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz570\shplid16 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2069}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2069);(20,2069);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop3116\shpright7121\shpbottom5185\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz572\shplid17 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2069}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2069);(20,2069);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop3116\shpright8845\shpbottom5185\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz574\shplid18 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2069}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2069);(20,2069);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop5185\shpright1450\shpbottom5204\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz863\shplid19 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop5185\shpright3774\shpbottom5205\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz865\shplid20 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2324}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2324,20);(2324,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop5185\shpright3793\shpbottom5204\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz867\shplid21 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3793\shptop5185\shpright5521\shpbottom5205\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz869\shplid22 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1728}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1728,20);(1728,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop5185\shpright5541\shpbottom5204\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz871\shplid23 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5541\shptop5185\shpright7101\shpbottom5205\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz873\shplid24 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1560}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1560,20);(1560,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop5185\shpright7120\shpbottom5204\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz875\shplid25 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7120\shptop5185\shpright8825\shpbottom5205\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz877\shplid26 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1705}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1705,20);(1705,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop5185\shpright8845\shpbottom5204\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz879\shplid27 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop5204\shpright1450\shpbottom7692\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz881\shplid28 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop5204\shpright3794\shpbottom7692\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz883\shplid29 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop5204\shpright5542\shpbottom7692\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz885\shplid30 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop5204\shpright7121\shpbottom7692\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz887\shplid31 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop5204\shpright8845\shpbottom7692\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz889\shplid32 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 2488}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,2488);(20,2488);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop7692\shpright1450\shpbottom7711\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1085\shplid33 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop7692\shpright3774\shpbottom7712\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1087\shplid34 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2324}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2324,20);(2324,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop7692\shpright3793\shpbottom7711\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1089\shplid35 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3793\shptop7692\shpright5521\shpbottom7712\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1091\shplid36 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1728}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1728,20);(1728,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop7692\shpright5541\shpbottom7711\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1093\shplid37 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5541\shptop7692\shpright7101\shpbottom7712\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1095\shplid38 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1560}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1560,20);(1560,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop7692\shpright7120\shpbottom7711\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1097\shplid39 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7120\shptop7692\shpright8825\shpbottom7712\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1099\shplid40 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1705}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1705,20);(1705,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop7692\shpright8845\shpbottom7711\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1101\shplid41 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop7711\shpright1450\shpbottom8954\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1103\shplid42 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1243}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1243);(20,1243);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop8954\shpright1450\shpbottom8973\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1105\shplid43 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1430\shptop8954\shpright1450\shpbottom8973\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1107\shplid44 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1450\shptop8954\shpright3774\shpbottom8974\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1109\shplid45 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 2324}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2324,20);(2324,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop7711\shpright3794\shpbottom8954\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1111\shplid46 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1243}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1243);(20,1243);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3774\shptop8954\shpright3793\shpbottom8973\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1113\shplid47 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft3793\shptop8954\shpright5521\shpbottom8974\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1115\shplid48 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1728}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1728,20);(1728,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop7711\shpright5542\shpbottom8954\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1117\shplid49 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1243}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1243);(20,1243);(20,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5522\shptop8954\shpright5541\shpbottom8973\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1119\shplid50 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5541\shptop8954\shpright7101\shpbottom8974\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1121\shplid51 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1560}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1560,20);(1560,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop7711\shpright7121\shpbottom8954\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1123\shplid52 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1243}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1243);(20,1243);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7101\shptop8954\shpright7120\shpbottom8973\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1125\shplid53 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 19}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(19,19);(19,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7120\shptop8954\shpright8825\shpbottom8974\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1127\shplid54 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 1705}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1705,20);(1705,0);(0,0)}}

{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop7711\shpright8845\shpbottom8954\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1129\shplid55 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 1243}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,1243);(20,1243);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop8954\shpright8845\shpbottom8973\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1131\shplid56 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }} {\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8825\shptop8954\shpright8845\shpbottom8973\shpfhdr0\shp bxpage\shpbypage\shpwr3\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shpz1133\shplid57 {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{ \sn geoRight}{\sv 20}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 19}} {\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,19);(20,19);(20,0);(0,0)}} {\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768} } {\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\s p{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\s p{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}} }}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart P g40}{\bkmkend Pg40}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\s b0\sl-416\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1237\sb245\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 powers. Others are concerned with ad ministrative matters, from stenography to court reporting to \up0 \expndtw0\char scalex106 public ablution facilities. The rationale is to remove inconvenience b ut not to affect power \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 relations within the judicia ry or with other structural arms of government. Some are concerned \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex102 with anti-corruption initiatives, such as the anti corruption co urts and the Codes of Ethics and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 wealth declaration s. Donors are willing to put their money here. There is little motivation to \up 0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 proceed with judicial reforms that will face politica l attrition. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb264\s l-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Weak Acc ountability through Judicial Reasoning \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1244\sb11\sl-413\s lmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 A critical area of judicial reform and accountability that has not received much attention is i n the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 area of accountability through judgments. A judge accounts for her findings by judicial reasoning \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex1

02 and arrival at conclusions. This is a critical area of special competence, di fferent from making \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 political and other policy typ e findings. A reasoned judgement, even when erroneous in law or in \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex105 fact, provides the basis for determining the logic of the judgem ent, the ratio decidendi, and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 importantly, the grou nds for appeal. The reasoning permits lower courts to distinguish the \up0 \expn dtw-2\charscalex100 precedent when certain specificities can be pointed out to b e different. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-414\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1243\ sb13\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 Judicial corruption prevents a judge from providing a sound reasoning in the judgement when \up0 \expndtw0\char scalex100 doing so will not support the conclusion and will moreover dramatise t he inexplicable contrast \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 between reasons and the co nclusion in judgement. Moreover, it permits lots of room to vary the \up0 \expnd tw0\charscalex100 conclusions when cases with similar facts arise. Unreasoned ju dgements make it impossible to \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex108 say why a judge reac hed a given finding, hence complicates review or appeal from such \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex104 judgements. An unreasoned determination of a superior court will not bind lower courts and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 hence cannot be the basi s of predicting outcomes at lower courts, permitting judicial officers at \up0 \ expndtw-3\charscalex100 those levels rent seeking room and opportunity. \par\par d\qj \li1440\ri1247\sb408\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 As seen e arlier, Kenyans suffered deprivation of their rights from judicial decisions reg arding the \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Bill of Rights that either trunca ted the meaning of the rights therein, or narrowed down access to \line \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex100 courts through courts declining to exercise jurisdiction or restricting legal standing. With often \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 cited exceptions such as the decision in Stanley Munga Githunguri, the great majori ty of \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 decisions in the period 1975 - 2005 are poorly elaborated and reasoned leading Prof. Yash Pal \line \up0 \expndtw0\char scalex102 Ghai to conclude that Kenya had not witnessed any great jurisprudence since Chief Justice \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\s l-240{\bkmkstart Pg41}{\bkmkend Pg41}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \pa r\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1243\sb234\sl-420\slmu lt0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Madan. With the new judicial appointments of 2004, expectations are high that judicial \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 reasoning will become entrenched leading ultimately to insightful jurisprudence from Kenyan \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 courts. T his remains to be seen. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1 440\sb243\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs 24 Late and Slow Law Reporting \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1238\sb30\sl-415\slmult0 \ up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Tied to judicial reasoni ng is law reporting, which permits a judgment to be disseminated for \up0 \expnd tw-1\charscalex100 precedent and peer review purposes. For all of the 1990s, Ken ya did not report even decisions of \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 its highest co urt. While law reporting has been re-introduced through a statutory council form ed \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 for the purpose, there is considerable backlog t o clear. Moreover, it will not amount to a useful \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 accountability device if a law report is not easily accessible. \par\pard\ql \li 1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb244\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3 \charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Weak Application of International Sta ndards \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1244\sb32\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex 106 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Judges can misconceive their role when they appl y their own values in the face of societal \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 oppositi on and judicial reasoning assists litigants to understand why the judge arrived at a \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 particular decision and whence she obtained he r values. The power to apply international law \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 dir ectly to extend and modify the domestic regulation can serve as a powerful basis for judges to \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 derive values. Unlike the South Af rican Constitution of 1996, which is an example of a \up0 \expndtw-1\charscal ex100 constitution that is open to international standards, the Kenyan Constitut

ion is not a useful guide \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 to judges on the treatmen t of international standards. The power of a judge can be considerably \up0 \exp ndtw0\charscalex103 enhanced when through judicial activism, minimal protections of rights are read into existing \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 regulation and e nforced accordingly. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1240\sb5\sl-416\slmult0 \up0 \expndt w0\charscalex103 In order to open up judicial decisions to regard for internatio nal standards, the proposed draft \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 constitution borr ows from empowering clauses of the South African Constitution 1996. In \up0 \e xpndtw-1\charscalex100 addition, the draft also borrows the institution of the S upreme Court, which it is contemplated to \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 vest with original jurisdiction to invalidate a law enacted by Parliament and to render a dvisory \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 opinions. This court will not function as intended if the reasoning of judgements and subsequent \up0 \expndtw-3\charscale x100 law reporting are not entrenched. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \ par\pard\ql\li1440\sb244\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosup ersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Low Status of Judicial Reform in Policy Priority \par\pard\sec t\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg42}{\bkmkend P g42}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmul t0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1237\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 While the need for fundamental reforms of the judici ary remains undisputed, so far as measures \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 cannot be common cause, support for and priority of judicial reform outside the legal s ector, and \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 to some extent within, have fallen to b elow even that for prison reform. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1238\sb7\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 It is important to interrogate the involvement of political motives in support for internally \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex105 motivat ed judicial and legal reform measures. Provided that these measures remain outsi de \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 formal constitutional and statutory guarantees, they must of necessity depend upon political ones. \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 It is not difficult to foresee how they will work, nor is it misplaced to concl ude that they will \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 work to the extent political in terests determine, meaning they will in principle continue or extend \up0 \expnd tw-3\charscalex100 political patronage over the judiciary at a new premium \par\ pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\p ard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\par d\ql\li1440\sb257\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\c f1\f2\fs24 Separation of Powers \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1243\sb9\sl-416\slmult0 \ up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Kenya\u8217?s constitut ional scheme is founded on the doctrine of separation of powers, in terms of the \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 theoretical framework described earlier, with som e variations that result from concentration of \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 pow er in the executive. The Constitution of Kenya reserves executive power in the P resident and \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 legislative power in Parliament, which consists of the President and the National Assembly. \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex1 00 Equally express reservation of judicial power in the judiciary is absent, and the exclusivity of \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judicial power can only be inf erred. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1237\sb7\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex 100 According to the government website, the judiciary is the \u8216?wing of gov ernment that is charged \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 with the duty and the powe r to adjudicate on controversies between individuals or between the \up0 \expndt w-3\charscalex100 individual and the state on issues relating to property and li berty\u8217?. This is not the judiciary\u8217?s own \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex10 0 website, which is still to be uploaded if it exists, but the government\u8217? s. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1245\sb402\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex10 0 From the rather incomplete web page, the rationale of the judiciary to governm ent is clear. The \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 government envisages the judicia ry as a functionary of government, not as a custodian of the rule \up0 \expndtw5\charscalex100 of law and the constitution. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1252\sb0\sl413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Recently, the doctrine of separation of powers has received judicial recognition, although it is \line \up0 \expndtw-4\

charscalex100 still not clear how the court would enforce its orders against par liament. Between 1990 and 2004, \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 the judiciar y held on several occasions that parliament enjoyed supremacy over the constitut ion \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 in its law making power, and that its ma ndate was to uphold laws made by parliament, that is, \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\ paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg43}{\bkmkend Pg43}\par\pard \qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\ qj\li1440\ri1248\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 \ul0\nosupers ub\cf2\f3\fs24 until Njoya when the constitutional bench nominally limited parli ament\u8217?s power to exclude \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 changing the consti tution. \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-410\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1248\sb19\ sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 In terms of the constitutional norm ative structure, the President can control judicial power via the \up0 \expndtw0 \charscalex103 appointment of subservient judges, under funding and withholding of funds, the removal of \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 judges and the promotion of judges to the Court of Appeal. In rural courts, disbursement of funds \up0 \e xpndtw-2\charscalex100 occurred through the provincial administration accounting office of the District Commissioner, \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 falling unde r the President\u8217?s office. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1241\sb7\sl-414\slmult0 \ up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 A quaint problem with separation of powers is that a s with the executive wherein power is \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 concen trated in the person of the President, with the judiciary, all administrative de cision making \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 power is concentrated in the Ch ief Justice. The Chief Justice creates divisions of the court, \line \up0 \expnd tw0\charscalex103 allocates judicial work, transfers judges and magistrates at w him, approves participation in \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 workshops and seminars by judges and magistrates, approves international travel including the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 pursuit of LLM courses, approves housing an d travel schemes for judges, influences hiring and \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charsca lex100 firing and negotiates salaries with magistrates, is the spokesperson and chief liaison officer of the \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 judiciary, dete rmines work stations, swears in the President and helps to monitor his health. I n \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Kenya, the union of judicial and administra tive chieftainship in the Chief Justice is complete. \line \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex102 Because institutional criteria are non-existent and no officially design ated deputy exists, the \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Chief Justice exerci ses personal power and discretion. Kenyans in turn are meant to trust in the \li ne \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 wisdom and benevolence of this \u8216?Father of Justice\u8217?. In 2001, the Chief Justice arbitrarily named \line \up0 \expndt w-2\charscalex100 Presidents of the Court of Appeal and of the High Court, thus creating extra constitutional offices \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 where other countries had constitutional ones. Today, nobody refers to those positions. \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 Anecdotal evidence suggests that some Chief Justices have demanded to see judgements in draft \line \up0 \expndt w-4\charscalex100 before their delivery. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1257\sb410\sl-41 0\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Is the concentration of power in the Chi ef Justice aimed at achieving efficiency and effectiveness \up0 \expndtw-4\chars calex100 in running of the institution? Affirmatively not, since the most wildly administered judiciary was \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 in the firm grip of Ch ief Justice Miller who authorised the abolition of judicial tenure. \par\pard\se ct\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg44}{\bkmkend Pg44}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-420\slmu lt0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1245\sb234\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Who does the Chief Justice account to? How? Access to information held or controlled by the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 Chief Jus tice is notoriously difficult, particularly when the Chief Justice does not answer \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 correspondence. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri12 48\sb7\sl-412\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 These are the fundamental qu estions at a time of political transition when executive interference \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex100 with the judiciary is seldom attempted. Several proposals hav

e been made to decentralise power \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 from the CJ, and all are in gestation. The most common is the creation of the office of the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 Deputy Chief Justice who will also be the head of the Hi gh Court as the CJ heads the Court of \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Appeal or Su preme Court. The Deputy should be appointed simultaneously with the CJ and may \ up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 be the CJ in waiting. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1245\s b10\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 Other suggestions are to create presidents of the High Court and Court of Appeal without \line \up0 \expndtw-2\c harscalex100 designating any as the deputy. In addition, the CJ would have one t erm in office of not more than \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 10 years. \par\pard \qj \li1440\ri1257\sb402\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Another pr oposal is to remove the CJ from the JSC and appoint a permanent judge chairman, and \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 then have the JSC administer the judiciary thr ough a secretariat. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1238\sb9\sl-410\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw 0\charscalex100 What these proposals aim to do is to separate administrative fro m judicial functions leaving the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 Chief Justice with out the administrative means to cajole, sweeten, threaten and/or intimidate \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judges to do his will. These proposals are open for di scussion. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb265\sl-2 76\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Lateral app ointments \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1246\sb10\sl-414\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charsc alex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Separation of powers calls upon judges to do judicial work and not clean up the mess created by \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 executive mistakes. In England, the practice developed of naming judges to comm issions of \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 inquiry to remove the burden of dealing with a political problem to apolitical actors and thereby \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex100 cool the crisis down. Judges have an innate appeal to commissions of inqu iry. They are seen as \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 independent, and are apolitic al. They are persuaded by facts rather than political motives. They \up0 \expndt w-1\charscalex100 are also insulated from public pressure. However, routine appo intment of judges to commissions \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 which the public p erceive as cover ups usually results in the denigration of the judicial role and \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 the lowering of the judge in the esteem of the pu blic. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmksta rt Pg45}{\bkmkend Pg45}\par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li14 40\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\ri1232\sb248\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expn dtw0\charscalex102 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 In Kenya, most commissions ha ve been cover-ups. Secondly, the President has always \up0 \expndtw0\char scalex100 summoned judges to serve in these commissions. Thirdly, no judge has e ver had the guts, in the \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 absence of an enabling in stitutional mechanism, to decline such appointments. \line \up0 \expndtw-2\chars calex100 In the case of Justice Aaron Ringera, his was a lateral appointment to an executive organ charged \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 with investigating and p rosecuting corruption. Until the courts ruled there was a violation of \up0 \exp ndtw-2\charscalex100 separation of power doctrine, thereby converting it from a merely political to a juridical doctrine, \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex107 the judge was in effect a prosecutor. When the judicial finding was made, Ringera simply \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 reverted to the bench where some of the files he pr epared to prosecute would have come up \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 before him on criminal appeal, forcing him to disqualify himself. He has since been reappoi nted \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex103 to head the new anti corruption agency and has resigned from the Bench. Justice Bosire ably \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 chai rs the Goldenberg Commission of Inquiry, the highest profiled corruption scandal in Kenya. \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex106 Before his appointment as Chief Justice, Justice Miller chaired the Njonjo Commission of \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 I nquiry of 1985, charged with rooting out political treachery. \par\pard\qj \li14 40\ri1251\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 Some activists have ca lled for a ban on the appointment of serving judges on commissions of \up0 \expn dtw-4\charscalex100 inquiry. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\q l\li1440\sb244\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\

f2\fs24 Recommendations \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1236\sb10\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw0\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 The independence of the judicia ry is seen contextually within the country\u8217?s constitutional and \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 legal system. This must still comply with the normative framework. In addition, it is today \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 situated within a complicated transitional setting where judicial reform is aimed not ju st at \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 strengthening judicial independence, bu t also correcting and redressing past errors. If judicial \line \up0 \expndtw-2\ charscalex100 independence and accountability reform continues to be situated wi thin a broader constitutional \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 and legal refor m setting, results may be difficult or slow to achieve, pegged as they will be t o \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 settlement of political questions. Moreove r, and as with the existing constitutional framework, \line \up0 \expndtw-2\char scalex100 the mere enactment of new legal rules affecting the judiciary may have the effect of complicating \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 the situation ra ther than achieving reform. There may be no consensus on the content or scope of \line \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 the rules. Then there is the methodological question - how best to achieve the results - whether \line \up0 \expndtw0\chars calex100 by constitutional change, legislation or judicial administration change . A corollary question is \line \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 how the choice of m ethodology affects the political system, and what groups will be affected. \line \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 These factors have been considered in making the recommendations. \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-2 40{\bkmkstart Pg46}{\bkmkend Pg46}\par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\p ard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\par d\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb108\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Clear normative principles in the constitution \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1245\sb10\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\ charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Ultimately, the Constitution must expr ess clear principles and their constituent parts regarding \up0 \expndtw0\charsc alex100 the independence of the judiciary. That means more promotion work is nee ded regarding what \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 these principles are and what th ey mean. Such promotion work must be implemented together \up0 \expndtw0\charsca lex102 with defending existing measures for judicial independence, and ought ide ally to target policy \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 makers within the executive and parliament. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1239\sb0\sl-420\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\ch arscalex100 Some of the weaker principles that will need to be rethought and ent renched include the vesting \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 of judicial power and control of the courts, the appointment and tenure of judges and magistrates \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex104 and the status of the magistracy, the role and position of the Chief Justice and the joinder of \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 judicial and administrative roles. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1243\sb387\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 Legislation is required to ensure judicial indepen dence on discipline, transfers etc. The \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 const itutional principles must be affected through legislation and subsidiary rules. Because the \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 existing theoretical framework is minim alist, the legislation has also been minimalist, a weak \up0 \expndtw-3\charscal ex100 inspiration for behaviour given the judiciary\u8217?s positivist past. \pa r\pard\ql \li1440\sb121\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Legislation is needed to address -\par\pard\ql \li1800\sb144\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4 \charscalex100 1.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Appoi ntment, retention, promotion and removal procedures under the tribunal system. \ par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1257\sb6\sl-420\slmult0\tx2161 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex1 00 2.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Decentralisation of administration of the judiciary, including court divisions, transfer of \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 personnel, recruitment, retention, dismissal and dismissal of magistrates. \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb119\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw-4\charscalex100 3.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 Continuing judicial legal education. \par\pard\ql \li1800\sb124\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 4.\ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf

2\f3\fs24 Case management and processes. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult 0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb12\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 Better links with other African and other judicia ries and legal experts. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1249\sb31\sl-413\slmult0 \up0 \ex pndtw-4\charscalex100 Peer review is undermined by the low exposure of Kenyan ju dges to the international system and \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 standards rel evant to their work. This must be a question of costs, but it is also due to the culture \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 of subservience to the Chief Justice. Lin ks with African and Commonwealth judiciaries and legal \up0 \expndtw-5\charscale x100 experts ought to be cultivated and used. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\sl mult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb245\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul 0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Access to justice/accountability \par\pard\qj \li1440\r i1260\sb42\sl-400\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\f s24 Far more Kenyans are outside the mainstream judicial system, than are within it. Moreover, the \line \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 great majority of those w ithin are those forced to deal with the criminal jurisdiction. Judicial \par\par d\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg47}{\bkmk end Pg47}\par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-415\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\sb0\sl-415\ slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1246\sb248\sl-415\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw0\charscale x100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 independence and accountability are rule of law concepts, whose institutional aspects have been \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex100 at tended to far more than the access to justice aspects. This is why codes of cond uct have been \up0 \expndtw0\charscalex102 adopted but not as the enforceable ba sis for ordinary people making complaints. Yet access to \up0 \expndtw-1\charsca lex100 justice is a fundamental human right. Access to justice should be used in creasingly as a measure \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 of the development of the independence and accountability of the judiciary \par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24}

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