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Hello everyone!! Wow! So many things have happened over the last few weeks.

I have so much I want to share with you! Fasten your seatbelts First, I just want to share with you how much of a blessing the students are to me. Its unbelievable how much they teach me. Over the last few weeks, God has been pressing on my heart to have a more teachable spirit and to be humble. And who does He use? Last Wednesday at our weekly leadership meeting, He was using the students to teach me. I was so humbled. I heard words of clarity, words of edification, words of challenge, and words of insight from these ones that our family loves more and more. I wish I could have recorded what was shared, but here is a snippetIt is not us doing all of these great things. But it is God. When we see growth over this past year in lives lived for Jesus, in numbers, in conversations, in prayers being given, in words of affirmation being shared that is God. Not us. But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4: 6-7 One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his templeHear my voice when I call, LORD; be merciful to me and answer me. My heart says of you, Seek his face! Your face, LORD, I will seek. Psalm 27:4; 7-8 Ok, enough about me and my journey of trying to be more like His son. Now for the testimony of God moving among this tribe and this campus; working, moving, and breathing among His people for Him. Let me just let you peer behind the curtain and see Birthday cake - Student M. lives in Centennial Hall along with one of our students who plans to be on leadership next year. Both students went on our spring break mission trip to Joplin, MO. When we got back from the trip, the girls needed a place to stay for two nights until the dorms opened. So Student M. and some of the other girls stayed at the BSU. And on one of those days M. continued a conversation of Jesus with one of our students and prayed for Christ to be her savior. Praise God!!!! That is a life with Him for eternity. Our prayer and our hope is that we can help her grow and help her to see that God wants her to know Him more and more. Truthfully, we are not so sure how things will continue in her life and that is a huge burden of prayer we are giving to God to continue to just show us and help us be ready as He moves and works to help her grow in His love. We are hoping to celebrate with her soon with a birthday cake! Buying bibles - After the Mission Trip, the BSU got to buy a new Bible. One was for another girl that went on the trip. She got into a conversation with one of our students who loves God and soon they were talking more and about the Bible and Gods love and soon they were off to the bookstore and bought a Bible. It was her very first Bible. And presently, she is still meeting with some of us and we are

continuing conversations of God and the Bible. Please pray with us that she will come to know Gods love and give all of herself to Him. Praying with other Lovers of Jesus at Truman I have gotten the chance to build a relationship with the Director of another Truman student ministry. We have shared conversations about life and being a missionary for Jesus, and now we are praying together for the campus. Very exciting. My prayer is that I will be able to build a relationship with the other ministers here a relationship that is genuine and to begin praying with them too for this campusfor revival. Student and wife pastor - We have a couple who have been married for 2+ years and have been an absolute vital part of Jesus being real here among this group of people who love God. This past month, the husband started working to fill in at a local church, and in shorthas now been ordained and will be their pastor for the next 1 years. His wife will be in the MAE program for that time. They have felt a call on their hearts to be missionaries long before college came. We are all so hugely excited for them, and yes, we did celebrate with cake!!! If you want to encourage them or pray for them just holler to my email They would be thrilled to visit with anyone. Please pray for them. It is a responsibility they have been very sober minded in taking on and very much are just following the Holy Spirits direction for the sake of His whole world. BSU Supporters everywhere - One of our students shared that her air mattress sprung a leak during the night. Stacey got us hooked up with a family who had an air mattress they were not using. I drive over to pick it up, and the dad asks Hey, can we have you guys over for dinner? We want to visit about what it means to be a disciple and how to live as disciplers. Please be in prayer for us and this family as we try to set up a time to meet with them. Our neighbor girl - We have been intentional about praying for and growing in our love for her and her mom who lives by us now, and her dad who moved across town. Well, a few weeks ago she shared that she was getting baptized. She said she started going to church with her dad on Wednesday nights. She also told us her mom is not a churchy girl. We are just praying for how to help this 2nd grader unpack all of this and know of God and baptism. She has asked to go with us to church on Sundays. Our daughter and her will be able to be in the same classroom when they promote everyone this summer. God please continue to pour out your Holy Spiritand to show up in whatever we are doing for you. Please help us have the courage to follow and to be totally submitted to you.

Missionary Commissioning Over the past few weeks, God in His grace has built in this tribe a desire for Him one that would say God, I dont want to be satisfied with just knowing something about you, just seeing you from a distance, or just being casually acquainted with you. But I have a passion to really seek your face, and to know who you are, and to know why I am here, and for everyone else to know younot about youbut to know you.

This desire has led 12 of us to covenant with God and with each other, that we will no longer just be members members of a campus ministry, members of leadership, members of His world-wide church but that we will be missionaries. Missionaries. We will be missionaries for God and for Jesus and for His Holy Spirit. We will be missionaries to our friends, to the people groups we are a part of, to all of Truman, and to the whole world. So, three weeks ago this group of 12 came together in front of their own peers and held a Missionary Commissioning service during our regular Tuesday night worship service. We want to be real, vulnerable, intentional, to be all for Jesus among the groups and people God has placed us in. We want to work with our whole heart to build real lives and show real grace and share real Truth Gods truth with them. We meet every week to debrief what is happening. We are now deployed we are sentwe are going. We will continue to meet weekly until the semester ends, and then again next fall. Please pray with us that we will help our friends and the ones we are sharing the Truth and His grace with, that they will come to know His love for them and move to give all of themselves to Him. This is nothing short of HUGE for these 12. Please pray for all of them. The weight and the reality of moving in this-is TREMENDOUS. It is exciting. It is seeing God moving, His Spirit being poured out. It is beyond our control, and outside of our abilities. And to see any of the ones we are sharing God with to come to know Himthat will be something Miraculousit will be God. It will be His love. It will be the good news. For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Father, we ask you in your grace, to begin creating in us a hunger for you and for your world. Theres no way we would kid ourselves to think we could muster it up that somehow we can dig down deep and pull up a real hunger for you and your world. Its not going to happen. Were at your mercy and so we ask you to do what we cannot do. We ask you to give us a greater desire for you and for everyone you made and love. We are so helpless that we must ask you to give us a desire with which to love and pursue youand your world. Amen.

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