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Adjective Adjective is the word that names aquality or that defines a noun e.g green, pretty, bad. Adjectives can be put before uncountable nouns or countable nouns. There are seven kinds of adjective. They are : 1. Qualititative adjective. It modifies nouns, for example : tall, clever, diligen, busy. 2. Distributive adjective It is referring to individuals, member of a class, for example: each, very, either, and neither. 3. Possesive adjective It is referring to possesion, such as my, your, his, her, its, our,your, their. 4. Demonstrative adjective It is used to point a noun, e.g. this, that, these, those. 5. Interrogative adjective It is used to ask about noun. Examples: who, whose, what, which,whwn, whwre, how 6. Quantitative adjective It is a modify the amounts of noun, for example: some, any, many, much, a few, a little 7. Color adjective It is to modify the color of nouns, such as blue, green, orange, violet, purple, scarlet.

Forming adjective Noun + suffix a. Noun+al e.g nature (alam) ratio (akal) b. Noun+less e.g taste (rasa) job (pekerjaan) c. Noun+y e.g win (angin) blood (darah)

natural (alamiah) rational (masuk akal)

tasteles (tidak berasa/hambar) jobles (tanpa pekerjaan

windy (berangin) bloody (berdarah)

d. Noun+ful e.g hope (harapan)

hopeful (penuh harapan)

power (kekuatan) e. Noun+ous e.g delight (kenikmatan) mistery ( rahasia)

powerful (kuat)

delicious (nikmat) misterious (penuh rahasia)

Verb + suffix a. Verb + able e.g obtain (memperoleh) break (memecahkan) b. Verb + ive e.g depend educate

obtainable (bisa diperoleh) breakable (bisa pecah)

depensive educative

adjective with prefix a. Im + adjective e.g polite (sopan) possible (mungkin) b. Il +adjective e.g literate (paham huruf) legal (mungkin) c. Ir +adjective e.g religious (beragama) regular (beraturan) d. In +adjective e.g adequate (cukup) human (manusiawi) e. Un +adjective e.g afraid (takut) accustomed (terbiasa)

impolite (tidak sopan) impossible (tidak mungkin)

illiterate (buta huruf) illegal (tidak sah)

irreligious (tidak beragama) irregular (tidak beraturan

inadequate (tidak cukup inhuman (tidak manusiawi)

unafraid (tidak takut) unaccustomed (tidak terbiasa)

A. Reading comprehension There are many different reason why people become ill. Some disease are hereditary, some acquired at birth, and others develop later for a number of reason. Infectious disease, such as influenza, tuberculosis and typhoid fever are caused by minute organisms called bacteria and viruses. Some others disease, such as goitre, diabetes melitus, and kwasiorkor are caused by body deficiencies of certain nutrient. FUNCTION SKILLS A. Understanding Grammar of English Adverb modify verbs, adjective, and time/frequency. There are three types of adverbs: adverb of manners, adverb of frequency, and adverb of place. 1. Adverb of manners It is modify how someting happens. Adverb of manners is usually formed by adding ly to the adjective. Adjective adverb of manners Slow slowly Polite politely Fluent fluently Diligent diligently Example: His english is fluent He is a polite boy He is a quick worker : he speaks english fluently : he speaks politely : he works quikly

Some adjective have function as adverb without changing the form. Adjective Early Fast Hard Late Example: He is a fast runner Jeandy ia a hard worker The rain was late : he runs very fast : he works hard : they came late adverb of manners early fast hard late

Two forms with different meanings Some adverb have two forms, one ending with ly and the other without-ly. Each has different form and usage.

Adjective Last Hard Late Rare High Just Example: she worked hard last week. the birds fly hight they came late last nigh

adverb lastly hardly lately rarely highly justly

: he hardly has any money : he is highly respected : I havent got mails lately

2. adverb of frequency it is modify how often someting happens. Adverb of frequency answer a question of how often. Always-almost always-usually-normally-frewuently-often-sometimes-generallyseldom-hardly-ever-never. Position of adverb in sentences a. after-be : he is often late. Iam always with you b. After auxiliary : she will always be late in the morning He will always sleepy in the class c. Before verb : I never met him when I was in jakarta 3. adverb of time it is toexpress time or frequency : example : tomorrow, today, yesterday,soon, never, usually, always,yet. 4. adverb of place it is to express place such as at home, at school, in the library, in the dining room, at the restaurant. Etc B. Understanding verbal of english How to express feeling of sdness, sympathy, or condolences. Dialog 1 Susi Nomo

: why are you sad, nomo? : Ive just lost my bike. I lost it yesterday. I forgot to lock. It when I left it outside

Susi Dialog 2 Harry Tati Harry Tati

: oh. Iam sorry to hear that. : tati, suryas father died last nigh. : oh, Iam sorry to hear that. Lets go and see him to condole. (when they met surya, in turn they said) : you have my sympathy. : you have my sympathy, surya


Ami is going to make a cake. She asks her sister, shinta, to do something for her. Here is a dialogue between them. Ami : shinta, I want to try out new reciple of a chocolate cake. Can you give me a hand? : chocolate cake....? Mmmm It sounds great. What do you want me to do? I think I spare you half an hour? Ami Shinta Ami Shinta Ami : please take the mixer from the cupboard. : here you are. : can you dry this bowl for me. : sure. : well, now III mix the yolks and the sugar first. Plug the mixer into that outlet, will you? Shinta Ami Shinta Ami : thats all I can do for you. Susi is coming for me. : thats okay, III manage. Dont forget to close the front door when you leave. : I wont. Bye, ami : bye. Be carefull!


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