Anda di halaman 1dari 9



4i,*,,'1-," 1j,..e f.r,r"., (i bl.


d A. W fhotupson

4365 I . Of rhe partsol aniDah somcare simple:1owil, all suchas divide inro parts Dniformwilh rhemselves, flcsh into llesh;olhersare composile, as srch !s divideinlo partsror uniforn with rhenselves. for instance, handdoesnor as, the dividcinlo hands rhe iaceinLofaces. nor |0 A nd ol suchas these. some callednot par$ de.ely, bu1membc6.Sucharc are thoscparlsth.t. wljlc enlirein themselles, havewithin thomselvosother parts:as, nr inslance. hcad,fool, hand.lhearm asd *hole. rhechesl; these all in thc for are lhebselves entircplrls, and rhererrc olhcr parlsbelonging them. lo A11thoseparls rhat do nol suMividc into pans unifo.m with themselves are composed parts thar do so subdivide, inslancc, of fo. hard is composed flesh, of sincvs,ard bones. Ol rnimah, someresenbleone anotherin lll the; pans, whilc o1ho6have '5 parls whe.ein thcl dilTd. Sonetines Lhe parts are identical in form, as, lor yc rcscmbles another man\noseoreye,fleshUesh,and boneboneiand in like manncrwilh a ho6e. and Nilb all otheranimah qhich *e r0 reckon tobe ofone andthe samo spccisj asthc wholeis io the whole, each10 for so eachare the partsseverdlly. other calesthc partsarc idcntical. In saveonly for a dilTcrcncc the wry ofexce$ or defecl, is ihe case suchanimals arc ofonc in as in as gcnus. 'Scnusl nean. for instance. and the same By Bird or Fishjfor eachof thesc is subject dilTeronce rcspcct its Benus, therea.e ln:ny species to in of and ofnshes Among rheh. mosl of thc parts as a rule exhibil dirle.encesthrou8h @nrrariety prope.ties. ol such!s colourand shape. lhat some moreandsodc in are in . lcs dc8rec hesD I bjector thesame p.op.rtyi andaho in the wayof multiludeor rauness, magniludcor smaUnes, shortin the way of exce$ or def@t.Thus in r0 some texlurc of the lleshis sof1, oiheA 6rmi somehavea long biu, othc6'n the in ! shor!onei somchavcabundance fearheN. oi othershdveonly a smlll quantily. Ir happens furlhe. that. evenin thc cases are considering. we softe haveparts thrr olhershaveno1: instance. lor some hlvespuBand othersnot,some haveqests and o lhe. s nolibulasSe n e ra l .u l m,o s p a .!s n dtb o s chal8oto make a t a t upthebul kol e
fux' L Di(hcycr, Tcubi.r. L?ipzis,1907

tho bodyareeilhoridenticalwith ono.nother. diller lrom oneanother the wa! or in of conl.lriely and oi excess and defe.l. For the morc .nd rhc lss may be .ep.esencd exce$and defecl. as partsare neilheridenticalinform nordilTerins Therearesome anidah whose in the way oiexces or defeciibut theyare the same only in the way of!.alogy. as, for inslancc, bonc is only analoSous nsh bone,nail 10 hoof,handto claw.and b scalclofcathcr;for what thc lealherh ina bird, the scaleisin a fish. po$es are divenefrom.o. idenlical The parts,thcn,whichanimahscverally vith.oneatrother the iash above in ion describod. thcr aresofurlhermore the And in way of loql disposilionifor nany anidah have idenlical paris thal dillor in posilionifor insiance, somehaveleats in rhe breasr. orhe.sclose!o the thighs. Ofthe subslances a.e composed parlsuniiorm {i1h thedselves, that of some arosoll and moist.otbc6 are dry and solid.The moislare sucheilherabsolutely or so longas they are in thoir naturalcondilions, for instance, as, bl@d.serum, lard. suet,marow, spe.n, gau.niu( in suchas havei1,Resh and the liker and .lso. in a producls, dife.enlway, the waste asphlegm and the excrelions the bellyand the of bladder. Thc dry ard solidaresuch sinew, as skin,vein,hri.. bone, nail. horn Sristle, (a trm whichasapplicdlo thc pa.l involves ambiSuity. an whenthe wholealsoby virlue oi its iorm is designatod horn),rand suchparts as presenlan analogy10



sr L

Animah oneanother their nodesofsubsislence, thc; aclions, in in in then habils.and in their pans.Concerning we thesediferencos shallli6t spcak in broadand terms.and sDbsequenlly shalltrea! ofthe samewith closc we reltronco eachparticula.genus. to Ditrerencdaromanifosled modos in ofsubsistence, habils.andin aclions in rs follows:sorne lrimals livo in water and othc6 on land.And of thoserhat lile in 15 walersomedo in oneway.andsome anothor:thalis tosay.some so in liveandfeed in the water,takein and enil waler.and cannotlivc ildeprivedofwater, as is the casewilh the Srealmajorilyoffishes: olhersget the; foodand spcnd thcir daysin ,0 the wator,but do no1lake in waler bDl air, nor do they brin8 forlh in the water, Many of these crealures furnished are wilh feel,as the otle., lhe beaver, and the crocodilei someare iurnishodwilh wings,as lhe diver and the grebe;sone are deslitnleolfel, th wateFsnake, gel as Somecrealurcs lheir livingin thewaterand cannolexisl oulsideit: but ior all th4t do nor take in eilher ai. or for ,5 insran@, seaanemone the oysler.And of creatures the and that livc in thc watcr some ljve in thesoa.somcin.ive6,some in lakes. andsode in na.shes, the frog as Ofanioak that liveon landsome takc in air andemil il- whichDhenonena are termed'inhalalion' and 'exhalation'i lor insran@, ar. manardallsucb landanimak r0 as are fu.rishedwilh lungs. OlheA, igain, do not inhaleair. yc1live and frndtheir sustenance dry land;as,for inslance,lhe on wasp,lhe bee. andallotherinsects. And by inseclsI moansuchcrcarures havenotches their bodies. as on eithr on their beuis or on bothbacks and bellics.





A\ I M A L S



And ofland !niruls nran!. ashasbccnsaid,derivetheir subsisLencc from the war er buLofc rc a tu rc s l ti v ei n !n d i n h a te rrci noncde.i l csi rs,ubsi stence : rtd w lrom rhc laid Sonc annnahdr ti6r live in warer. rnd b) and by chlnsc their shdpe !nd ijvc 5 oulol tratcr,as is thc cascwith rivd wonns for our ofrhese grdfl! thc devclops.r I:urrhemo.e.sone anirndt\.rc sratronarl_ somchu"" Jn,r. St"Liuin,l !nd anihah a.e ioundin w e,, bur no sucl crcat!.e is tbundon tand.In rhc waterare nran! crc.rurcsrhrL tivc in closcrdhcsion an exrrnat objecL, js rhc ro !s casewitlr r0 scvdal k!'ds ol shel|ish (rhc sponscrctu. y appedrsto be cndowed wirh r c e( c ins ens i b i l i rl :.s s i s no i w h i c hi r i s rl e g e <thatthcdi mcutrl n r l i dch.hi nej r i s . 1. , c r . . diI h r ru \c ,n ., r.n .{ f.{ r, tr.p f i ,. d.r Ulhr r i c d rJ(,..d , rrc J t ..,c .rn re . i . b tccr ocrrJnIrer\ ru d1J ir at othcrtine\. as is thc with r spccies ofrhe \o caIed sca.neDoneifor $mc of thcse crcalure5 scekrhcir ilxj in rhc niShrtime toosc aid unauachcd. Ma.l c.criurcsarc unaLrachcd rDliontess, is rhecase bur as silh o]stcrsa.d 1 5 t he s oc a|c d h o to th u .i r. o e c rr s w i m.a \, ror,nrl arcej S hshes, nrol uscs. and !s rhe cr.lfish BuLsonre nrcvcby N.tkin8. !s rhe crab,ior ir is r lE nduie of t h . d e rru i e .l h o u Sh ti v e sn w a tcr, novc b),$al ki ng it i ro Oi hnd an'nuls sode !.c furnnhedNirh wings.such.s bir<ls .nd bees_ and r hc s ea. s olu rn n h c dn d i fe rc n rra v s o n efro n anothcri c i orhcN turnj \hcd i ;; are w r0 J eel. f t hc ai i m,ts rh a t.r. i u fn i s h e $ i th fc ctso-c * atk..omc O d c,ccp. so" ,; trriagle.8ut no.reature is abteonlj, to nroveb) flj,i.s. as ttre fisl is " " d rUteonty to s w' nr lor Lhe rh rl s q ,rh tc rth e n v i n s sc a n$al k, rhebathrs hcr. i !n r andrhe;cal hasIntcrlecr fcct. Smrc birds hive lccl ot tillte powcr,and a.e thd.fore c.|ed arr,/.r.r .Ihis ri lr r r lcbir d is p w c rfu t o n rh e w i rg ; u d , rs . rds rhar res;mbl c r drc i {erk-fored and nronS,wrrged. \uch rs the swxltowand rhe svifti tor alt rhese bf ds . c s em b tc n ern o rh e ri n rh c trh rb i tsa n d j , rhei . si ngs.rd l @ k o l i kc one anot hc i. T hc a p ,,J s ro b c s e e n t s c .$ n s, bur thc stri ft onty ( rt.l ate. r.i rl r0 wc ar her s uD D c rr r rl i s i s th e L j n rc h e in t w nd capture<l rhoush as a rulc, it is ! rare bi.d Sencrdl Agah, mdn! animrtsDNc by watking!s {.elt asb)rswinming. Fu heflnore, n osing dillercnccs ma.jicst in thcir nodcs the arc or living J nd I n r hr r : . ri ,,n . \n r,,c .rrr p (c " a . ...l rc d.r .ot r. r\. s!.rhcr IncJ be _ !8 r lur . . hc dqir l re tu r{ i n g . ..b .h r.!d ,,f..trtr.nrreq..rcr JnJ.omep-r.rtco, both.har.cre6 And oi rhesrcgarious. sonre sociat. are olhcB indepcndenl. Greg{riou\qqlures de, rnong birds.nrch rs thc pigcon. crane. the ..d LIre swan(no bird furnished wxh.rooked1Nlons eregariout.Offfearurcsrhal tivein is 5 *at er Danyk in d s o i ti s h e s a re s rc s a ri s lu s .!s theso-cal ed o ch mi grdnl s. unny, thel the pclamys. thc bonilo. and Man pa.hkesotborh chiracrem. Socialcrerrures su.h as hlvc somco.e common r.c jr obiecL vieF; rnd rhis
dcveto0{ . Dftrcl(erc\c\rnr .fd iJllo f!{ r L e s.;p { h ]DsDrni N

Such $cial creaLurc\ pro!'crly is not common to all$c!lur.s that are grcsarious 'I r c f f n . h ! b e r . r n c$ a \p r h ( :n l d r Jl "e 'r 'n ' d r e su b l e cll l r n f , ^ ! a i n . o l t h cse $ ci d l d e a tu r e s so m e su b m i tl o ! r u l cr 'o th cr s o a n e a n d r h e se l e r a l str s o l b cc su b D i l to ' N l cr ' th e , i . l o '. t t " . *. no rule -r"' whereas!.rs and nutrcious other crearurcs drcsubjecr lo \ome a re lrlached l1i I A nd rgain, boih oi Srcsdriou\ and ol solil!'r animd ls lired hone and orhcts arc nod.dic. e onnivorousl qhil\1 Also, sone .re carnilorous, somc graminivorcus so rhe spideB (for lhe bc' rcmc ieetl m a pcoliar die1. !\ lor in\rancc rhe bees and liles bY calching nieti livcs on honev N;d ccndin olher ssoets, and thc spidcr 'n' o th e 6 tr e r su 'c s o m e c r e d r u r c s l i vco n i sh .Ag r i n .so m ccr e a l u r e sca l ch r h ci r l o o d i1 un, {hcrees olhers do not go withoul orc: ol Somc creatures prolide thcdselres {ilh ! dwellinS othcrs ant. thc beei of the latler kj'd tb" ;"t,", ki"d ,- IL" ."1c. il. nxrusc, the 'rc litv ol dwclling place' sornc mdnv in\ecc .nd quid.upcds. Furlher, in 'espccl Lolocd on ihe surlatt as the lizard and thc snlleiolhers lire creaiu,c o*crruniqgromd, orhers donol g--0, f'" r,""""nd rhcdos Sonc makc ihensclves boles "t "iirr" dalliShr' Somc arc no.Lurnal, .s rhe o{lrnd thc bal: olhe6 live in the tlmc\ a.o ranc rnd some are sild: somc are al all Moreovcr. l o t'r h cl r cD d r i r l c's L a n c . . r . r n c r c - _ e r .'r d l \cm u l c:u l \e i .d r Fr r :l 'i Jn 'r l h J r ' h e 'e p h '1 r ' *o l r . r n r i , i n . , ca r r r c'.- 1 b ct,r 'd \r 'r 'cd 'Agai.. lighr' For' whcnevcr a lacc ol vc may rcgxrd aninxls in 'nolher to be found in n {ild condnion:as anim!ls is i()unddodcslicaLcd,the s.nre is 'l*xls goals and dogs' we lnd 10bc lhecasc silh horses.catLlc.Pigs.dontevs.r sheep sound shilc others are mule lnd some arc furrher. K,me emii spcech while olher arc endowcd wilh voicc: ol lhcsc laltcr somc havc trticukne some \oDc dre prone to \ilencq \onc lre musical i..,r i.uf,l": tu." 'nd "r"no"y, {ilhout cxceplion excrcise thcir power oi singing or unmusicali but a1l animals h r i r cr 'J'r 'c i 'h c\r \cs c h d r r r , , n g r - ! f \ ' n ."r - .\i o r L :r h r h c cu h a r ' \o m . n r h c m u L n l 'In q s r i . . . o n '..'c.,r ,.* 'r ,. i n r '. Ir 'd ..' .s rhe hooroc: rcnc ftequcnr rhe abodesofncn. as thcpiSeon' thc cockercl:ot hlA Some. again, are peculiarlv slldcious. ds the partridgeand whole rribc olcrows,lor birds ol this kind itdulSe but dre inclined 1;chastitt: as the rarcl! in scxurl r.tercour\e -Of ncar the snorc' marinc annnals, aeain, somc livc in Lhc open seds' some ibrher kind arc Furthernore. some .rc coDbative, olhes delensive Ol the olhers or reialialc*hcn subjccredtoillusase' 'nd or such asacr asrgerc$onuP.n rhcnselvcs agaii\r thc ldLt.r kind a'e sucrr ds nave some 'rea'" of suarding in the folloNine Animdls al$ difltr ftom one anorher in reBard 10 cha'acter


'Hcrdmgi,d 1o'ii,,rzon&







.especls. some are good-tempercd, stuggish, nor pronero ferocity,as thc ox: and r5 olhersa.c quick-rcmpered, lc.eious and unicachablc, the witd boarjsone a.e as intelliSent.ndrinrid.asLho sraS and ihe h!re;6orherra.e meanandbeache.ous. as rhe snalej olhersarc free and colrlgcous dnd, the lionj orhe.sare as thorcughb.ed and *ild and lreacherous. rhe wolf. (An animalis hiSh_bred as ifil a g(d nock. and an animatis thorough-bred doesnot deflect ifit froh ils naluralcharaclc.istics.) 20 Furthcr,somcare cmfty and mischievous, the foxj someare spiriledand as alitctioilrc and fawning. thedogrolhersare easy_rcmpered easiiydonesli_ as and the clcphdnlr olhersa.e cdutious and watchful,as tho g@seio$e6 are and as .lealous self-conceilcd, thc peacock. of all animalsmlilalone is capabte Bur of delibc . at i o n . x Many aiim.ts hdve meno.y, and arc capableof jnstructionjbtr1no olher c.carure cxceplm.n can rccaltlhepastar will. Wilh rc8ard!olheseveratgenera oianimah. pa.dcula.s ro theircharacters as and waysollilc {illbc discusscd mo.ep.ccisety lateron. 2 . Commoi ro all aiimals are rhe pans by which and the parrsinro which _ r0 theytlkc lbodilnd rhese.rceitheridenricalwilhoneanothcr, a;e djversein or tne v.ys abovc speciried: wit, citheridcnricalinforn, or va.yingin.especr exce$ to of ordclecl, or rcsembling another one anltogicalty, ditreringin position. or Funhermore, SreaL rhe majo.ilr of anihals haveother parisbesid* thesein common. whercby rheydischarge residuunottheir food but this is nol rrueof the a3e"r 11l. The parr by whichfoodis rlten in iscaltcdLhomouth.llnd rhepartinrowhichir N t.ten.1hc bellyrlhe rcnainderhasa grerl varietyofnames. Now rhc residuum idd is lwotoldin kind and suchc.eatures haveparls oi as recept've wet residuunarc found*i1h parrs.eceplive ol ofdry rcsiduum t@i bul 5 s uc h hav e h eta (e rd on o ta l l h a v eh efo .h e r.Thari s w hyanani mal hasa as t l be r ifit hasa bhddcri but those rhal havea bcuydo not a havea bladdc..For the pari receprivc oiset rcsidrumis lermod.btdddca, ftalofdry residuum.bely.. dnd 3. Oftte.esr, ag,eat mri}' have, besides pansabovo_nenrioncd, the a parr r0 lor fte edission thc sperm:and ofanimalscapable of ofgeneration cmitsinLo one anolhc..and lhe olhcr inro irrelt Thc la(er h terrned.fenalo..and thc forncr 'male'i but somcanimalshaveneithermale,o. fenale. Consequonlly, pans the connecbdwilh rhis iDnctjondiffer in form; for someaninah ha* ,*r othcrsan or8anan!togous ^ "".t thereLo. The abovemenlioned pans,rhen,a.e the moslindispensable annnah;rni, for 15 with someof lheb all aninals. and wilh othc6 anjmah for the mosi part, rre Onc sen5e. and onc atoie. is cohmon to all anidals the scffe ot tq,ctl Consequenlly, thercis no spccialnamefor lhe pa.! in which i1 hasirs seal;nnr somcgroups ofaninuh iLis idcnlic.]t, otheb tr,s anaroSous. in
'Dnrhclerexcn6 rndrh.hrre.

oi I *it and r 4. E ve. y ninalis supplied h noist ur c. if lhe anidalbcdcpnvcd lu.lher, evc.yanjmrl hr: dealhensuesi or the same naruralcauses by violence, by pansarcbloodandlein,rn(l These in anotherpart whichthe moisureiscontained. bu1 is sometbing coiiospond: in thcselarter the parlsrrc 10 in othe. animalsthcre imperfect. beingfibreand serum. ol Touchhasils sealin a p.rt uniiorm wilh ilscllas in rhe fleshor sotrcthins *irh in with with blood. the parrscharged the kind.andSeneraUy, lninah sDpplied ' qith blood.In olher animalsit hasi1sseatin partsualogous 10lhe p.rts charged in i! bldtdrbul in all cases isseated parlsthal a.e uniformwilh tbemselves on Tbc active faculties, thc conlrary. are sealcdin the pa.1slhat arc nol in thc trnifo.m:as,ld insrancc, businesoip.eparingthe foodis sealed tbc moulhlocorrcspond. in thewings,or in organs ot and the omce locomotioD the tee1, A8ain, someanimah are supplicdwilh blood,as man. thc ho^e. and dll rr or sucbanimalsas !re, *hen fullErown, eilher destiluteof fcc1.or rwo'foo1ed. fou.fooledr other animalsarc bloodles. snchas thc bee and the wasp.and, ol marinoanidals, rhe cutllc-filh. lhe craylish.and all suchaninah as havc more

ol othc6 oviparous. hervcrmiparous 5 Again,sodeanimahareviviparous. t hr hor t such S ome vi vipar ous. asm an, lhe sc,hcseal. andallot her aninals t ar e r r l are andthe so-.alled as aad, hair'coa1ed, ofmarineaninals,lhecclaccans. the dolphin, (Of selachia. lbcsclatler aninah, somchavea tubularair pasagclnd no 8ilh. as thedolphinand the whale:the dolphinwirh thean-pasagcgoing!hrou8hiLsback, ' gilh, as lhc otbershavcuncolered the whalcwith the air pasagcin i$ foreheadi and rays) sclachia. thesharks oul resulloiconception of Nhich What *e re.m an cgs is a certaincomplctcd lor theaninalthal is 10bedevelops from a par! ofil at first,whilc thc rcstserves loodas il devclopsA g.ubon lhe olhcr handisa thinEoulolwhich in its enLirett by thearimalin its entnelydevclops. diferenriationandgrowtholtheenbryo in somehatcheSgs lheir own inlerio., as lhc sel.chja: Ofviviparousanimals, in others enSender their inrerior. as man and the horse.Whcn thc resulr ol with is wiLhsome animalsa living creature broushlfor1h. is conception pcrlected, with otheN a 8rub. Of lhe eggs.sone have othe6 an cgg is brought10 1i8h1, eg8ihclls and are of two dillcronl colours.such as b;ds eggs; olhers arc ' oflhe sehchi!. Of the erubs,sonre sft-skinnedand oluniform colour,asthe eeSs Howcvcr.Nith are trod the fi6r capableol novemenl.othcrs are molionless. hereallerwhcn we comet{) phenomena musl spcakprecisely *e regard10thesc animah havcfeol lnd sone do not. Ol suchas hrve ree1, Furthcrmore, sonle as somcanimalshave1wo, is the catevilh oen atd bndsonlyi sode havefour. as nl bulallhavc. n r t nor thel i zardrndhedogisom chave e, as hecenlipcdcnndt hebeei Of srimming crcaturs thll dredesiilulcol l@1,sonehavefins,aslishcs:lnd on some havclour frns.t*o above ftc back,two belowot lhc bclly.!s Lhe :r of these

78 0





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nol wjngs nr rhis crc.lure is erceprional onir In novcs wirh lour fect d.d nJUr its vhenceit rcceives name,but alsobecrus. regard10lhe durationofitsexistcnce. it ! { Iousha qu3dr upcd hdswings lR) lll a. A l l rni malsm ove. likc,iour f oor ed d nunl f @r ed: 1hcv m ovecr os\ rhe hivc 1vo leet in advancer oab alonchr' corne.{isc. nd rninralsin general

'lj:x#lf i*riJrT"";:jn i:fl *.*.Hf,1{Hn:;*ffi

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AII cre ltur c s t hat . r e c apabt eof , bt , on

: i,tii,l i';:''-;;:"j::",ri:l I *irrl;i:, i;l','l ili:j:: ,, :t;,1t;t:,: :i;:".i;;Jl" ;,: ;t, 'l i[::::1;:!i i
l;i.,ii,?,""ii,1"_rj; " iil"; it*l',,-;J'ilil.ff : iri,:":f._ii!j,yi;;:,,1ff

f! gcncr a anim als. owhich hcrsubdilisionsll 0. c inr ot ol vcry cxt ensivc 6 NoN anot hcr . et aceans. all r hcst oi. onc. f i\ hes; dnd of ol rhci .ol l ovi nS :onc,bir ds: are crcalures bloodcd 'there is .nolher genus rhe hxrd shcll kind, which is callcdthe shelllishi of cr.vlish lerm, such!s Lhe desiSrircdby ! single rnotherolrhc $lt shcllkind, noL as and thc v!rious kiids oi cr!bs r.d lobstctsiand rnorh$ ol mollusc\. rhc iqo kinds ol cahnury and the curtl. fthi thdt of inscclsis difrerenr'AU thcsclrc and bloodlcss, $rch oi rhemds hivc fcct h3!e . largc numberol thcm:rnd oi the Ninss s w. U asf ccr ! i nsccrs$ c havc does Ol thc olhcf .nimlh lhcecncr! !renol cxlcnsiveFor in themonesf,ecres is but in onc mrn. thc spccios snnplc. nor conprchcndmdnr spccicsr but . whileot hcfcr ses dnit of dif lct cnr iat ion, r hc ol ddmi ui ne no dillocnt iat ion. {lengnartuns. spcclcs h.k pdrriculdr *ilh qinSs unpr o! idcd c'eat ur eshal xr c quadr upcdr land t S o,for i ns lincc, {)me of lhcm atc viviparous.,nd krne wnhout exception. bul ,rc bkJoded oliparous Such!s r.e rivitarousrtc han cortcd,andsuchrs arc oljp.rcus hale a holdslhc pl,ce ol scdles. ho.nylcscllarbn lhe tcssclhtn)n unn( t ided $i1h r A n N ni mdtl hat is bl, r ) dednd l$r cslr ial.bur is nat ur dlly genus: and .nimals of this gcnusPossestesscllation lect. bclonssro rhc scrrenr in ScrpenLs Scncfal are ovip.rousrrhe adder alonc is vivipfousr ibr not all lishcs !lso areviviProus lilitdrous anim.k !.e han co.lcd. rnd some m r r. A l l ani mrl\ .howevcr h. t r r e han coat cdf cvivipr niusFor onc ustr egar d and porcupincs car'yi lbr lhcse .s ! kind ol hair suchpricrl! hairs.s hcdgehog\ as perlorDlhc ofijccof hair,.nd no1ol feeL js tlrc cascwilh sinilar par$ spines 'n bur qurdrupeds are any spcc'es. In rhc Scnus that codbincsall viviparous appeualior. Thet r.c only namcdrs ,r wereone b) o.e, r\ n.n underno common tbc.c is xctualltr . thc is c.g the lion, th. st.B. the horse, doe,Nnd!J on; thouBh xniDals. such s t hehosc,t hc ! $ bush! - r ailed t sj ngl csenusiihccNscolt he callcd . in nr the ass, nul ., l h c jcnner and Lhc. ninr . ls t hat ar e callcd ules S) r ia. f r om ibr rhcl !.c nor sticrly ol thc samespecies. the! .esenblinemule\-LhouSh their nlre {ith andbrccdLo oncanolhct rnd dncuss wc For !ll theseredsons. musr trke aniDalssFcies b) spccics, scv$aUy thcir peculir.ities rh.n, havcbeenpur iorsdtd thus i. .8.nct.l Thesetrecedingslrrements. thal Nc and of ihe rroperties way,!s r lind oi forcl!sie ol the numbctofsubjects

i*i*i*t*l{il*.J:,t#i{*f-" "ilr.,'i;,3i,'t'ffi
jt,};i#F{; i:i{,,li *l:,;*t,Hi?,]:nx *il[i i# I








have to considerin o.der thaL we may 6rst Bet a clear nodon of their actual diaerences connronpropcrries. and by we sha discuss and Bl these natled wirh r0 greater dccuracy. After this we shallpa$ on to the discu$ionofcanses. ro do rhisvhen the For oi the derlik is conrplete thc merhodifor from them the is 'nlest'eatioithe pfcmisses subjecls and oiour pr@tbecomc clear. In thc lisl placewe must took to the constiruenr parrsof animals.For i1 is I5 rclative10these parts,ltrst and foremostj thal animahin their entiretydiffe. oncanorhe.: eilherin the itcl that soDchaverhisor thal, whitethcy havenot that o. thisj or b! pcculiarilics posirion of ar.angoment; by the dine.ences oi or o. thal havebccn previously mcntioned. dcpendins uponform,on exces,onanalogy,o.on conbar'etyofqualities. To bceinwith. Ne musl take into consideration pa.rsofman. For,just as the 2 0 lny S r ouplc s t sc o i n a S e a g a i na rt i thq h i c hi t i s most th s w fami ti ar,somusrw edoi n other malters.And. of cou6e, man is rhc animal with which we a.e the mosl Now lhe parrsa.e obvious enouSh pcrception. ro However, wirh lhe view of obse.v'ns due ordcr and sequcnce of combining rnd reasonwith perceplion, we ,5 shau procccd ihe p!.ts: li.sltr. the organic,and tl" "ft".*u.a. 7 . The chicl pa.1s inro qhich rhe bodyas a wholeis divided,arc rbe head. the neck.lhethor!x. rwolrms and 1woleg!. r0 Ol thc parrsof which the headh conposcd hair,coverod the portionh ca ed thc slull. Thc porrionofit is lermcdthe sincjpul. dcveloped for ir is thc lan ofatlthe bones thc bod) 10acqui.esotidity. the hindorpad is rermed in the occiput.and rhe part inrervening bcrween sinciputand the occipurh the rhe c.own. The brain lies underncath the sincipulrthe occiput is hollow.The skull ae11 consists cnli.ely of thin bone. rounded shape, conlajncd in and wilhin a wrappcroi T hos k ullha ! u tu re s :o n e . ;c u l a . to rm . n th ecaseofw omen;i n caseof s o tc i rhe men,asr gcnerat rutc.lhreemeering poinr.Instances a1a havebeen seen a man\ of 5 slulldevoidofsDlurealrogethcr thc skuUthe middte In tine,where hai. the crllcd the.rovn. In some clscsrhe partingis doubteithal is ro say,somenen are double-qowred, in rcgardro the bonyskult, in consequence;tlhe mr bur parliie of 8. T hc par ll h a t ti e s c l o w o s k u l ti s c a l l erheface: n thecaseofman b ri d bu!i r0 only,for the rc.n is not apptied a fishor lo an ox. In the facerhc pa.l lo belowthc sinciputand bcrween the eles is ternrcd rhe forehead. Wben m;n have rar8c fo.eheads, arc slow;whenrheyhavesmallones. arequicklymoved;whcn ther they thcy lalc broad ones,they aie ap1to be dist.aughliwhen they hsvo toreherds rounded. thcy are quicklempered.,

Siraighteyebrows lrea siSn I lhe are 9 Underneath forchead 1*o eyebrows. of suchas curvein losards tho noso. ha.shnes;suchr' of softnesof dispositionj the curveouttowa.ds tenples,ofhumour and dissimuhtjon. cone the eycs. These naturallylwo in numbcr.Elch are Underthe eyobrows of of thom hasan upperand a loweretlid, and the hairson thc cdges lhesearc lision is \ thc Tbe lerDedeyelashes. inncrpart oilhe eyeincludes moistpart whereby ollecled,lermed tbe pupil. aDd the pan surounding it called the irisi the pan oulsidethis is thc while. A pr.t ommon 10tbc upperand lo*e. eyelidis a pai. of oflhe nose. the olherjn the di.eclionoflhe templcs. and nicks, onein the dnection illhe sidctowardthe noslril Whenthese longlhey arc a signoibad disposilioni are bo flshy, in the caseof kitcs.'"they lre a siSnof dishonesty. as and cxcepting ostracoderns the AU the olhcr animalsare prolidedvilh eyes. all animlh haveeles,with the impe.fectcreaturesi all evenls, viviparous at olher exceptior ollho nole. And yet onemiShrasscrtthal,thoughthe nole hasnol eycs yel in the fullsense. il haseyesir a kind ofwar. Fo. in poinl ot tact il cannolsee. r0 i! visible externallyi whenlhe outerskinis removcd, is foundto but and hasno eyes havethe placewherc cycsare usuallysitualed,and lhe black parts of the eyes rightly siiuated,and all th placthal is usuallydevolcdon the outsideto eyes: and showing thar tbc partsare stuntedin developmcnl, the skin allo{ed to 8.os bu1 I 0 . Oi the eyelhe while is prolly muchthe samein all crearuresi vhat is called tbe dilfe6. In somei1 is black, in somedislinclly blue, in sone rr:'r g.eyishblue, in somogroenishr and this lasl colour is the sign of !n ercellent lor ofvision. disposition. is panicularlywell adapted sharpness and oidive6e coloure. 5 Mar is th only.or nearlythc only.crelrure.lhal haseyes ofore colouronly.Sorne ho(es haveblueeyes. Theorhe.shaveeyes Of eyes,sme arc largc. some snau. some mediumsizedi of thcsc, the prolrude, sometimos recede, mediumsized thc bcst.Moreover, a.c eyessomelimes Oflhose, the recding is in all eye somctims neilherprolrudingror receding. are Again, r0 animalsthemostacnle:bnl lhelasl kind arothc aignoflhe besrdisposilion. neilhc.. !o yesare sonelimesinclined10blink, sometimes sla.e,and somelimes The lasl kind are tbe sign of lhc best.a!ure, and of rhe olhers,tbe latlcr kind indicale.s idpudence. and thc lormerinde.ision. whorcby anioaI heaA,a an I I Furthermore. rhe.eis a ponionof the bead, whenhe saysthat part incapable is oibreathing,the ear. For Alcmaeon mislakon the g@ls inspi.ethroughtheir ean. Of the ear onepart is unnnmd, otherpart is 15 of callod the lobe: and il is eniirely composed gristle and flesh. The ear is boneis like thecar consfucledinle.nallylikc rhc l.umpet-shell, theinnermost and itself,and inlo it a1thc ond the soundnales its way,as into a jar. This d@snot ommunicateby any pa$agewilh the brain,bul d@ssowiththe palale,and! rein )tl wjlh the b.din,and it. extends from the brain towards Tbe eyesaho arc connecld







r". "iiii". *, " :i:il:l;:J,'fln'ffi::li;l1i,J"Ti;y;;'lj,H'*'"'-'"i VNiparcusmiDats, wih the cxception

-of thc seal,rhc dolphin,and Lhose , othcA which afrcr a similar tashionto ihcs

crch ol lhem lies!l thecndoia titrtevcin. Ot aninuls posessed carsmanis I hc of onll onr thal cannotnore this prn. Otc.earures posessd or

' ;1.T:iii'i il;]ilii::: I"l;iui: ;: L*: iT ;:::.i_:,t i1r; ,* ii',"!::"lT"i1: ill:;i:.lil,**ili:*i*:m*Ul, ll;:*11; ji:}il:ii"it: il:":l: :;',ii:,"X"i;,'li', :"lJ;::T:; flil'iil,1,#,i#;:il"1
q.cumferoce as rhc eyes. and no1in a planeaooye rhemds s tbe casc*jlb some qudrupeds.Otars, $mc are smooth, iome are snaggy, sonc are ofmcdium and

edh ,hf ,,,. n,.,; ;.;"i ,:, ;:;:;.-111:":';jj:ll .5 I ffl:.,:l;il 'o,

or elerllhing thal fleshin generalcan es. hardncss. can xlso perceivc totrgue 1!sre The tonsucis r0 warmthand cold,in any pan of i1.jusr as il can appreciatc ofmcdiun widthi thc h\t kind nadow.andsomotines broad. sonerimes sometimes l@scl) hung,and ihe Mo.eover. tongueis somotides and rhe clearesl. is the best whomumble and who lisp in lastonedras thecaseofthose somelimes epiSlotlis N is and the so_called of soft lind spongy. consisls flesh. Thc tongue rhat part {er That part olthe noDlh lhal splitsi.1o 1wobits is callcdthe tonsils: of and theguns arecomposed thatsplirsinlo man) bits.thc guhs. Boththe tonsils nesb.lnthe gumsarc lceth.conposcdolbone Inside the nouth is anotherPan. shapedlike ! bunch of grapes'a pillar il wirh veins. thn pillar getsnoislencdand inflamed is crlled tbe uvula. lf slrcaked lo and it thenhasa lcndcncy bringaboutsufocalion.' j |2. The neckis lhe tarl bctscenrhe faceand the lrunk loflhis lhe front a The fronl pa.!, conposedof pan is rhe larynr and rhe back plrt the gullet l is and grisrlc.throughwhich respirarion speech cffe.led is icrDed the wind pipei insidejuslin tront of thc chine.The part 10the thc parl thal is fleshyis thc 8u11e!. backorlhe ncckis the shouldeFpoint. Thcscthenare thc plrts 10bemct wilh beforeyou()me to thc thofax. To the t.unk thcreis a fronl parl and a backpart Nexl aftcr the neckin thc is a fionl parl is the chosl.virh a prir ol breans To eachoi the breasts altached and the shich in th. caseof femalcs Eilt pe.colalcsr rhe breaslis n 15 sol1.Milk is foundat timesin the malerbut silh ihe malcihe fleshoilhe breast and wilh the ienalc it is sponSy porous 1ough, the 13. Next aftcr the rhoraxand in fronl comes slomrch.and i$ rml thc parl below rhis navol. Underncatb root the bilate.alparth ihe Sankitheundivided and which is the regionol rhe pubesr thc navelis thc lMonen, thc cxtrenity ol and 20 tbe the hyp@hondriud: parl 6hmon to the h)'pGhondrium above navcl thc the llank is lhe grl cavrty. jt Scrling !s a bracc-gidleto rhc hinderparrsis lhe pelvis and hcnce getsns (;oo.r!ii) in appearancei thc lundadenl the of name(;'dtr), lor i1 is syhnetrical lbc part for restin8on is terned lhc butlock,and thc part whereon thigh pivolsis and lo The wombis d part pcculiar the femalor the penhispe.uliartothc male r5 This laltcr organ is cxlcrnal and siluarcd!t the exlrcmilv of the lrunk: it is te composed t*o separa prrlsrofwhich the extrenepart isliesbv hardlvllteBin ot tille. ol and round.bout il is a skindevoid anv sPecific lhc size,and is caued glans: which nevergrops losethe.again if it is cut any more than docstbe jd{ or thc f . is calledlher enumThe r 0 A eyel i d. ndthcconneiionbct wcenlhelat ler andlheglans ot .emainine p.ft of rhe pcnis is onposcd of g.isllei il is easilv suscepliblc
rlhc 1a{ r*o pamsraphs arcercitd by Dittmcyer 'Psk ishrly cxches rh. bracketed $

onliar, sodenorar al. md soderakcup. mediufr posr,i"", "i,i*ir,"."JJ.

the chestalonerhr windpip.. fy p"r""" omecred wilh rheherdjma tna."Oit irpu,riUr. ""0 ro live ""y ro, a -, wil houl using "rearure A A ain, s mc l i n g ta te s c e y me a n s oth en o se p ta b f thal i s.percepti onotodour. -, 15 And lbe admi$ of easy Dotion. an

,. t'.1,1iry!r1"-i1 i"m;;;;;.":;i#;'ilT"T'[liiiT:il1.'j,H":1i1 : respr.atron 1!re placeliom

;-*"ur. o"n,,i e i,, .".;J ;;il;:""JJ,lli"I".#;::"#:,iill

crelled by its m*m ihis is .n ourwlrd .ush of c"iJ";;;"";;;;;;;;;:,ri modeofbrcarh Ned s !n onen and reg!rdedassupernarural. Bothinhalation and ex halar iono. is h to n ro w a rdth e c h e s l ra n d s S

brea,h. rrhe nose ".," r"r,,r* ""J""lli":t;1":.::i ffi':i:"iTji:

e dr.a nd rhe crown is lc r m ed t he r em pt e. ACrin , rh er c r J par L ot Lhc r uunLen.

," ii.?l$::1;:;ifi:t i1i,il1't;itL,ii'""iJi,l ::: ifJ:;il.'11f;:::1",J:1;:i

arc froj and hindcr,r," rwojawsj rhe_;,11,'JllJ,i'lili,jjilllil ,he p,u iu'ir," , ili,"ill; "r,""r excephon Lhe of .iveFcrocodilci oearu.e moves uppcr rhis Ltre on"ty. Fudhe.norc. thcre

otcnpassagci th nosrrit for consists rwosepa.ale of ct,nn"r.. rrr" no.iir ol ri. clephantis andstrong, theanimat il lik tons rnd uses a t."a, ru, Uy.""", r'ti. "i

Jaw Ncxt after the mse cone 1wotips.codposcd of flesh. a.d iacitcoi morion. Thc

plns of rhenourh ,r," .""1,"i thcjawsandrips. iil" "."

T hr pd, r , { h ,,r,\rr,b r(o t rJ ,rei , rh ero n 8 u crhc\endri unl ,r,r,.cdrdt . . _ r t \ nm c r ' r in e rhe Up i \ p t1 !c do n ,h e i a r .u ,r-.e o t , t..e,..,^,r" " Lj " ,-i ;"








enlar8emcnri it prot.udes ard and .ecedcs tbe opposiie in way 10that of the car.I Undc.nerrhrhc pen6a.e r*o rcsriclcs. thc int%un*, and r, rcrmcdthc scrolunr. "ril*. ",ri",r,"i;, Testiclcs no1idcnliclt wirh desh.and a.e nor {rc attoSether divene from i1. Bul by and bl scshal in an accurale way rcgardrnS sucbparts. alt

14. The privyp!.1 of the fema is in chdracrer te opposite thar of thc male. , to In orherwords.rhc part underrhe pubesis houow, anj i,",. rt" ,t" ."i" pRxrudins. Fu her.thereis an urelhraoutsidethewoftt "."1". r.1",rr"*i 5 rb. tho sperm ofrhe andas an outletfor tiquid "r,"f,."*". Thc p!rt conmonto rhc necka.dchesris rhc throalj "_",",t",;;"r;;"i-""-"thearmpiris co;mon to . , de. m . r nd + ,{ td r,:d .d rh e a, ro s ro rni , c o mrn Jn rh18h," d,d" .;" . i ;;;,;; I ns r uc t hr gha n J b u l o _ t\ N rh eD e flru m d l d Lhc cnc l he pd l oul ' i dcl l e l hi th and "' r ' '0 bulr uc kri . r hr h y p .s ,d t Thc front l)lrrs otthe rrunk havcnow beencnumcrared. Thc prrr behindrhc chest tcrmedthv oacK. is ar a pai. of shourder_brades, back-bone. rhe and. .,-,^]-1..^ lli':a tevet undcrnellhon "t,,n:,* in tl wilh I

$hr 'r " ir r l es:rhefronr ,r r of 'hislalr er i.r h<\ hin. andhcpJr r b'hind r 'lhecdll D r .i ;c"r ano , enous.n 'om c . , 'es dt a{n ! psar d' Luq"r d\r \ ( hull'$ rh; fl e' h i ' drawn with larSehips,and in olhercases as behindlhe knoe, in the cascof people in atkle,duplicate eitherlce l ht The downwanls. loworeilrcmhv of the shinis the I ul a of D arr rhcl i mbr hd,conr ar n. m ul inI cr r \'t bonc'i' r hcluor ''lhe'1i'dcrldr pat t ided I con'r srol r oc\ 'hveI n luabcr ' ol hcetr r r her r onr ir r hedr L . i tretmt rsrhe hasno is the Eeshv Darlunderncath thoball:tbe uppe.part al the top is sinewyxnd

,0 idenricar throushou,,-e-r,,n;;;l;;;;J::.tJii"f*:ifiJt'j:lifi:ii:i
pansoo nor rescmbtc front ones, the neirhcrdo the lowt *ryii"i these uppe.and " "pp*, nly be said ro .escmDtc -", oneanothe.thus far, th!1, il the lrce be plunp d m*grc. LhcaMomenis plump o..""e"" to oni rhar1tlclessco(cspondto fte arms.and whe;eth;"pp". "o.",pona; r,,i".i ,"ri",ireii. usual! sho.l also.and whererhe fceraresnau ".-. rhc hand,".".r"rr ly. "".*.p""oi"eOl thc tinbs. oncser.formingr pair. isarms.To th. arn belonsrheshoutdo, upper-a.h.ctbow.rorcarm.and hand.To the hand ber""e ,r,. p,ri. _o 1t; n,; hnse6.The pa.t oflhe nnserrhar bends the knuckle, is t p,.t ir,,r i,;n"*iit" i, rhe ptalmx The thumb is sinste-joinred, oLhe. thc n"g_. " a*trl";J. i; bending bothof $e eh and ofthe iingerlates ptrc";*.a,I",lf "* arm bends rhc etbow. at The innerpan of the handis 1t" p"f_, ana i. n"J, "",.*,_""Air," drided by loints: in the caseot to;g-livedpeopre oy one o. two extending ""j .iglr aqoss,in rhc ca$ ot the shon-tived rwo, not so by extenaing. rrre;oinr tirwirn hand-and drm is the wris1. The oubidc or backof the hana ; *"*y, specitcdcsignation. ""j-r,",-",, arcthcr two parled limb, the te8.Of lhis limb $e doubte-knobb{(J pan u the thigh,rhestidin8pa.1isthc tncc cap. rheaouUe,Uonea i, tne r.*., pan
lRedii! ai\or@! for r4cotar

r5 scven-ribbed Lisyanswe hlve not received rrusrworrhy any evidence. v dr . r hc n h r,d 1 u n rc r" n J In w c r r.., r.", I I u* r.f" ,,,,i gr,,," 0. . ef t " r s ide. ""r Nuq r h c ri A h ra n d rh c l c fr \i d ; ,

lnd pa.1the ,ower or lrunk ,,",;;;; jill,,ll;#i :'J:, ;:TilH f Jl,',jj "."

-_ -

r0 .^.. 1e4'r

D afl i cul ;,appellJr ion: Jt r het oeoncput r ionFr henar landdnu'her r 'r ei'i'r 'r n'l r e\ r oc'Jr e$ r r h"ur 'cor 'on nglc lo nr d u t '. 1," i, in ' -t "xr r cm r r ] : r nd " tt' ^". thal is lhat{alkresting havethc insideollhe foot thick and not arched. Men lbat Thciointcomnon to ol on theentireundcrsu.tace rhcir leel areproncto ro8ucrv' thish and shinis the knce. Ther elal've Tbese.thcn, ar et hopar t scor ndot t ut hem aleandt hef em alesex olthc pdrtsasto up anddown,or io fiont and b!ck. or 10riEhl and left 'll r| DGition itrisasrecard'extcrnahmiehl safclvbe lel! !o mereordinarvpe'ccptionBul forall our relsonastheonc underlving previous tba1,we;usr lrca!ol thcnfor the sdme say. we must refer to them in ordcr thal a due and regular redarksrthal is 10 ion and ino'dcr lhat bv theirenumeral may se{uenoe beobse ed in our exposition palts in men dnd olher an'mrls rr du; attenlionnay bc subsequentlv Sivento those $at are dive6ein any wry liom onoanotncr. 1n In nan, abovtll olher animah lhc upperand lower Parlslre arranged lowerarelhesdde as fo. wilh their naturalposilionsi in hiD. upperlnd il lnlikem r nner t hcpar t sinf 'ont . bchind'r iehl i rtbccaseofth eunivcr seasawhole with naiure But in regard10otber animals'in some and left, arc in accordance bur do thes dislinctions no! exisi,and inolheA thevdoso. in a vagueNa) tsor case.s bul 1o the inslancc, headwirh all animalsis up and abovein rcspecl their bodi's: ro lhis parr uppernon in resPcct rhc as manalone. hasbeet said, oalurilv' unive6e. onc and ljnd thentheches! the back:the the Next aftcr the hcadcomcs neck. 'n the loins thesexurl @met hesrofrach, frontand the otherbehind N exrattcr these lhen and Darls, the haunches; the thigh and shiniand.hsllv, the iect r Thc Iess berd ironlwards, in thc dneclion of actual prog'essronand ofmotjon' and alsolie\ thal pa.r ollhe loot which is the moslelTective fronlwards lic but ;ls bending: the hccl iiesal1heback lnd thc ankle-bones h!e'all) edrwisc so left, and bendinwards: thlr thc convexttres r0 Thc armsarc situatcdto .ieht and the formdby bentarmt dnd l;ss aie practicallvfaceto fllce with one'nolher in rhe and As for the senses for thcorgrnsolsensalion, cvcs thcnosrrilslndthc of lhe scnse hearing,and thc orSanol lll tonSue, alike lre siluale{tlionlwardsr wirh thc eles Thc r\ circumfe'encc on the hea;ins, .r, is siiulted sidcwdvs. the samo to eycsin man a,e. ir proportion his size, 1ooneanotberthan in anv olher in rasteissccondi theothcrs han Ofmantsenses.touchis thc moslaccuratei bya greatnunber ofanimals. is surpassed

5 -

78 8



AN I M A I - S



_i r,"ii"*, a'ri"r in rhedi[e.enr animals. $nrccrcaLurcs brghcads "t "i"* u";,,,;. Fb. nave whilctheface betow is smalt p.opo.rion. u rhccasc in as wilhround_faced ;ni."rr, _." r,*" r,ur"i""j,
touchj.'n greatnajority ofanimatsit hrs thc a snau ho ow in irs ccnt.e.The caul aroundir is; lnd rhis brain-caut is

*.. ",,","*, ;:::.::;"i1.:i,.Li._i,i ", . ,r,.,.",.-- ,.;;;;t;t;; " .* holds aritc_ wilh-aildni.dts posessed a brain:anl 'jli of t,""l"i "i, "",r"o .+l-".llliiiiiii r"..*, ii".*il ;,;:i r,,,r". iiililil ili r0 stonser is".0 one neare.lhe bonej one "ili:fb-r" rr*rrr. n""...ii"i,,;" rhe round the r" jl_:"""ij; ;;;;; ;;";'i;; ::f il.; """";1,#L;,"llii.,il'il"ij r heback ofrhehead Nitha aninats is cmpty
In rnc rr..r t t dc e r t en. r r e bjJ r l t i/ . r l I nc fr o n r p a a o f r h c h e - d . \ n d r h . \ posescd thcr@f, and noluscs as we .

" *l;xxrr lj;:iinr.;rT i*#hri,:::,';:iiri*${ "ffii

is t har t he inn c . p .rrs o f m a n a re to consequcnce Lhar hus, t"u".."o,.' rs wc ver! 8real exlent unknown and thc

T he p x n s _ e n .th a r a .c e x th

, -"?i:il:;:,i::;::,1 :*il,.J]T'",1m:ml]:f*i_ t; if::ifi

0 suf the Abo". ;;,;i:,;,, ounds brain i'.; J:LliH:i which is tc.hed Lficsincipul.
r5 nearesr,ro nosr.itThc1wo the tarscst ones, rh.n,r_,ro" t".ra" th (
med idm+ /<d one\ nec t . , nd t hr \ r \ p

:Iiiiil:ti:,lli,:lti":h:1i:1,IfJ:;ffj,'j,I .,""i:lt":i;:#,Ti",f:
J; .:11 l..Tl:j ",irT: :T;::J";**j., ;.1:i:;:.:,i:i,":tl,,; IJ.,:
Insidc rhe neck i, whNr is termcd

""Jj" ""i.."*

quadrupeds, rwo tbe In thc cascof the ovipdra.suchas bi.ds and oviparous pa.$ of rhe orgdn lre separaled a dislancefrom one thal tbe to derlures dppear be lurnished to wnh a pair ollunSsiand from lhe windpipc. itsclf single. therebranchofllwo scp!ratcpartscxtendjng toeachoflhe lqodivisionsol what is desisnnled the lung. 11is arlachcdaho to thc grclt vein and 1() the {ith !ir.1hc liir paseson 10the hollowpartsol the Whcn thc windpipcis charged oig.isLle. whichneet!t an acuteanSle: lurg. Thcscp.rts havedilisions, composed from the divisionsrun p$sagesrhough the entire lung. giving oll snaller and smallerrdmiications. The heartalsois atlachcdrc the windpipe, connexions by of tdt. grisrle.rnd sinew:and a1 rhe point ol.junclurc therc is a houos. Whcn lhc windpiF is chargedwilh air. rhc cnlrancc of the air into thc hcart. though imperceplible someanimah,is pcrccptible in enough thc larseroncs.Suchare in rhe propertics olrhc trindpipc..nd il takesin dnd throwsout air onlr. and lakesin nothinsclsc cilhcr dry or liquid. or ehe il crusesyou pain until you shdu have .dughedup vhareverdly havegonedowr. The gullelcomnunicales thetop qith thc mouth.close at tolhewindpipc,and isatrached thc backboncand lo thcwindpipcbl membranous ligamcnts. and.t last finds i1s *ay through thc Didrill inlo the belly. h is composcd flesh-lile ol subs1!ncc. iseh\ric bothlensthwalsdnd b.eadthw,ys. dnd The stonachor manresedbles oia dog:fbr it is not duch biggerlhan lhc that bowel,but is somewhal like a bowelof morc than usualwidlhi rhen comesthc bowel, sirgle,convolurcd. moderatcly widc.Thc lowcrpart oflhe gur is likc rhal of! pi gi i ori 1n broad, . ndhcpaf tf r omi110 hcbut locks t hickandshon. caulis t t is Thc altachod the middleol the stomlch,lnd consisK 10 ol! fr!1} membrane. is rhe !s stonachs aresingleand whichhdveieethin bolh casewirh dlloLheranihdh whose






201T?tfl:rr r,:d i Ji.;;;;'ilT.:::,*,T:;'"*,T: t:d", "il ;ilil"j,lli:

._ . r0 -,*

n,ou,h. lhe bc,owapcnurc " illH;;'H"*:;ij:i::1,i1';ilii":#" *",the

};:Xlix"";:iliilT":illij,ji":Jl5*:1' r"""' -i'" "r" i'-iloip", is spa.insry srisrrc. supo,,,

";iil:il["':i,il:iix;ii"J::.T,;lilt rn t" oir.",

;,; ;l'll,llliiJ'":,-.T.xi;ffi11*Ji:l

The nesent er y oler lhe boweh; 1his is m em br anous br oad. . D, i is also and lurnslo fa1.It isarlached thcSrcalvcin and thc aorta,and rhererur throu8hrr r lo numbff ol vcins closcll packcdlogcthcr. cxtcndinglowardsthe region of thr u, bowels. beginning above!ndendingbebw. So duch fur the pftrperties the oesophagus, windpipe. the sLomach. ol the rnd

"I;: ll:l:l;ij;'-'i::'ff :::*'il;$*il jTJ:il*'x:Fril 1li'l: epaure a,aw;;;,'";i;ffi orueing

rl8-wjlt thmoulhilhe ofrhc tonsu;is arlachea cnd to r"

;ff:ti:,i;,J::1i'$ :;:.ti: :ilH::i1x"1".ffi:l;:tr: fl i:*llll jr ."." *" lT:,iiilil":ii:r,1il1""Ji,".::ii,lx*:h"1,;::';;::,.,lllt*lji:

:""tii:;"il1'l""lll1t. li'.;*;;;;;;;i;,;;i,; *i.J. lli,Li,iiilt,ii

l? . Ttc treart has three cavities.and is sirualcdabovethe luo8 ar rhe with a ialty and thick mcmbrane whcrcir \ division oflhc windpipc,.ndis providcd porlnh uponrl,c tustens !o the grealveinlnd rhe lieswiih its taperinS on por ao.l a, rnd Lhis r ion sidilar ly uat ed r elat ion t hechest dllaninr r l\ hr l is sit in 10 in t havea ches1. aUaninah alike,in those In lhal havea chestand in thosclhxl |rvc nonc, apcxolrhe hearrpoinlstbrwards, rhc although fact mighrpossibly this c\exr noliceby r change posilionunderdisseclion. rounded endoi rhc hc.,rris at '0 of The the rirp.The apexis b a 8re!Lerlent flcshyand close texrurc.rnd in thc ervides in of thehedrt e sinews. d r ulet hehe. r t is snuat ed r hc nt ( ] lc ( hcchesl rr As ii ol in dni drl s rhrt hr v. i chcst r r d in m in it is snur r cd llr llc r o ( hc lcli'h. ndside. . i l crni nS l i (rlc{r } f t odrlhc divisidr t hc br cr \ lsl, '{r ( l\ lhc lcf t br easl t h. '. r ol in rpl )crnrrl ol lhc ehcsl

.^ ,






T hc her rI A n u rta ,g e n drn ,r. s c 1 e tu t\h dpe i \ nor . rr eton8dred:facr,i r B in hcbo oh.rrha\rhree(avi ri es, : : T : ll. , , . , " lnr urn .n r\:rn s h rrp -p o i n re d d rl c n S h r-h d rd n crh etJ rSe \r t rhcrhree. teft-hdnd o o rhe onerhe least. and lhc niddleonc inrermediate size.A lt these in cavities, evcnrhet{osmalt oncs, connccred p{ssases arc by with the runs,and this rao is renaoco,ruitepiai, I none. . tr lc . . Li ,t\ An d b c to $ .a r c p o :n ro t ,1" .h." " ,, rh c ," ,h. t" .;" ,i " ;" ;i ; '' rner cN t unr e\ b n q i ,h rh cI.rJ t v c i nn e d ,{ h i l h rhe mesenrcr} tres;-" nd rhe " in middleoncthereis a connexion with the ao.1a.L6 P c s lgc . t ed ,l n rh eh e rfl i n rorh etu n e c n dbran.h tro . ofl i u,l dsrhe* i ndD rR doc , .r unnr s _d, td \e l I,c tu n sp d rJ t,cs ,rh a h e t D asde" . " i ,1,. r," ii" canah fron Lhchearrare uppermost: " ,,;" ," and rhcre is no-__.p",;*;:-;;," . i;; passages throughtheir havinga comhon wail .eceive Urert rna p-".s rt,. tt * to r0 th"e hca.tiandoneoflhc passa8es conveys ro rhe.ight caviry,anOtlJorfre, to rhe it wilh reg.rd to lhe g.earvcin dnd the.orta we shall, by and by. treatofrhcD tosclherin a disclssion devoted themaldrc. 10 In allanimah that rrc tu.nished wilh a tun8.and rhat are bothinlernallvand N6 "e ,r lr r ndlr \ Liv : r r r o r,.rtc ,L rB,.u td n J l ,rh c m o .r ri chrl ,uppri ed* i rrrt\r,i .ror , . r h, , , u p h ,i u r !) ,_ rc \rrrc . !t.n i 'nc , ur f n i to n g b) eLe4 \rnsteD ore n ad r h c s ,c d r\e i n T r.5 c $ h J "Ind rn e i r ro re emnri are ,s arroperrri r n r blJ r en: dld r hr \ d rr ,c d n rorte i r c i .,r o ) rh c r.,bse^dU of ot l r" A , ," ;;:" 1 5 lrom ani'nais under dissecrion. ot which organs our rhe blood has ;I ;;c;p; i m Dedi! r c ly dner d e .rh . Of lhc orhcrinrernatorSa.s hearlatone the conlains blood. And the tunShas .. btodd in itseffbut in its veins, rho hearthasbtoodin ror but ilsetf;for in each;fit; r0 threccrvilisit hrs bldrd.bul the thinnesr bloodis whatit hasin ils centralcavitv. Unde,r hr t un sc o n ,c ,,h e ,a c .c d i d p h ,rs m mi o,,n. rh o, ,,cnlpo( , ) ^. d " ,r" .r," ai . i r," ,,(. n . , d o dI h eb a c tb o n e . h a I h rnm rm btune,rhemi dote q l ol . l r hdr re ins , unninBr hr,,u s h r. J 4 d rh e J k p h ra g m i n i rhe ca\e of mdn a l hrcr;n _ ,r I, r oponr r t o t hcs rz .o l h r\ tr.rmc n .i s h r h ,n d ,i d e ti es r he d,a rh R Bmo rhe trver,dnd on rhe ,. r ndndidc lh. \ p te c n .d ti tcn rh c re , Und rn J a n i q ...rh J rd ,eprori dedsrrhrhereorE an\i n u . s a j : to r rl ,o m eq u a drupcd, rhese organ. hrvebcc, o r,\i ri o n I h e ,e re rr. a re\o n n ecrcd rh rheJromd(h rhe si b) " " , " . " ^" _ "lli" ' To " outwardview$e spleen manis narow ano ron8,resmbtinS of rhat oftho pr8.The Iivcr fo.1henon parrand in mosranimahjs p-"ia"a *i*, gi"rruiJo".; bu1thc Iatlc. is absent somc. in Thc liver ofa man is round{baped, and resembles rbar of the ox This occuB iD the caseof s*.;n"i"r ,l)o, i" x disticr oflhc chalcidicsc[lemcnrin Euboca sh*p ""i.uf,a*"ri.f ".g. " "";oi" the s"lrirJd;^i JndI n \ d\ o\ lc drr\ x In cq L " L tru l 1 e d ,L eo n e o tdrge h" -"rh" r tbrei A ncr, i \hcn rhe\ o t r er\ d. ahc eJ r e.\.o l n d c d . L n o e rrh c i mp re { i o nrh!r rh,. r,;r rhe anmat\. narurebut a srgnpeculiar themselves to
i i D ir .r cle r e r .r str h a sr h .e cca vits. .*nhrhcroi a.

qilh rl 1o Again,lhe liveris altached thegrealvein.bul it h.s nocommunicanon for ihe vcin that 8cs oll from the greatvcin goes.iShlthroughthe livcr, tbc aorla: alsojs connecr(l porlah oilhe liver.The spleen at a poinl the so caUcd otrfrom i1. thc for only*i1h thegr@1vein, a veinextendsto spleen After theseo.gars come the kidncys.lnd thesearc placdclose10 lhc lbrr tbc backbone. resedblcin characler sameorganit tho ox ln all animals aDd higherup r hantbc o1he.!r or wilh thisorgan,theriShtkidneyis silualed areprovided rhan ihe letlhand onc and is les moisi And this is has aho les falty subshnce loundin aUthc olheranioals alike bothfrom tho grea!veinandfionr loadintolhekidneys Fu.tbernore.pasages theaorta.only not inro thecavity.For thcreis a caviiyin lhe middleol lhe kidner. ofthe scal. creatures les in othersibut thereisnonein the case and biggerin some ihose ofihc ox,but nore solidthanin aiv resembling kidneys Tbis latb. animalhas in tha! lcad inlo thc kidneyslose thcmselves the other c.eature.The passages on I a lidneysthcmselves;andsignthat theyexicndno furlherrests subsranccoithe The kidncvs. lhe facl lhal thevrr@nrainno blood,nor is anv clot foundtherein have,as has becnsaid,a small caviry'3 From this calitv in the kidnev however. pasagos into the bladdcr;and o1he6springtiom the th6relead1wo@nsiderdble And rc the middle oi eachol lhe lwo kjdnevsis aorla, and conlinuous. thenar.ossi i right alongthespinclhrough vein.stretchinS atlachedahollowsinewy visibleextetdingto veinsarc lost in eilherloin. and egainbc@me by a.d by these ol off-branchings the veinsterdinato in the bladder'for the tbe flank.And these fiom ihe by lies atd is hcld in position theduclsstrelching bladder a1the extremily, urethrarand prerlv well all roundit is rr to alongthc stalkthal extends the kidneys, that rescmble someextcnl lhe ihoractc to by faslened fine sine{y membranes, diaph.agm. The bladderin manis lolerablylarge. pa.l ofil li thc To rhe slau(ofthe bladderthe privatcpart is allached, endmosl down, onc of the oPenitgs being a single united orificei but a liltle lower isgristlv and wilh lbc resricles rheotherqith the bladdcr'The penis communicaEs in the With jl areconnectcd lesLicles maleanindh, and the properties and sinewy. in we oftheseor8ans shalldiscuss ou. generalaccount. regaidto r) for are AU lhcse organs similarin the femalc; thereis nodiflercncein ca. oi lo except lospecr thevonb The appearancc this organ in theinterna organs, l in f.o6 lhe diagrams the,-lroroni"r, its posilior is overthe bowel, be invcstigaled overthe womb.Bul we musl rrealby and by of the womboilll andth bladde.lios lor the wombsof all fenale animalsare not fomaleanimalsviewedgenerally. coincide. ncitherdo then I@aldisposiiions identical. of internaland external, nan, and suchis their nature I'r' Thescare the organs, ard suchtheir localdisposilion.

L'OmnriigDnheyert addnior .xrn6 lhis se eice. 'Dnrmeyer

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