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T24 Highlights


Release R200906
T24 Release Highlights

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

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T24 Highlights

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................ 3
All In One Account ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Term Redemptions ................................................................................................................................. 3
Arc-IB .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Environment verification and validation for ARC-IB 4TRESS installations............................................. 3
Single Sign on to automatically login to ARC IB ..................................................................................... 3
Enhancements to PRODUCT.ACCESS ................................................................................................. 3
Arrangement Architecture .......................................................................................................................... 3
AA principal Balances Types to update BM ........................................................................................... 3
Asset Management..................................................................................................................................... 4
FX Rates used in Cash Investment ........................................................................................................ 4
Management Information ........................................................................................................................... 4
Allow Transfer Pricing to be calculated from contract accruals .............................................................. 4
Money Market ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Online maturity process has been converted into TSA Service ............................................................. 4
Past Due Processing .................................................................................................................................. 4
Past Due in account module ................................................................................................................... 4
Securities .................................................................................................................................................... 4
SR.DECODE Service Based Process .................................................................................................... 4
Grouping of Orders ................................................................................................................................. 5
T24 Browser ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Request ID.1 Multi Value Field not Function .......................................................................................... 5
jRemote Integration in to Browser .......................................................................................................... 5
Display of Charts and Graphs as Images without SVG (in Browser and ARC-IB) ................................. 5
JMS Integration in to Browser ................................................................................................................. 5
Amendment to Button-titles .................................................................................................................... 5
Write permission constraints ................................................................................................................... 6
Enquiry Horizontal Rulers ....................................................................................................................... 6
Teller ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
TT.STOCK.CONTROL update for pay backs ......................................................................................... 6

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T24 Highlights

This document contains details of all new enhancements released from R09 to the release 200906.

All In One Account

Term Redemptions
SAR-2008-10-28-0009 200905
It is now possible to allow part redemption or pre-closure with effective date and allow the user to decide
whether interest is to be paid out to AZ account or Settlement account during part redemption.
Also, collection of charges can now be defined when part redemption or pre-closure is done through other
channels ( FT / TELLER).

Environment verification and validation for ARC-IB 4TRESS installations
SAR-2009-02-23-0003 200906
ARCIBDiagnostics is a diagnostic tool. This tool will now check the T24 server environment and gives a
report of what are installed properly and what are not.

Single Sign on to automatically login to ARC IB

SAR-2008-10-29-0008 200906
The purpose of this enhancement has been to implement Single Sign on to automatically login to ARC-IB
when the user clicks on the ARC-IB menu in the external system.

Enhancements to PRODUCT.ACCESS
SAR-2008-09-15-0009 200906
This SAR specifies enhancements to PRODUCT.ACCESS to effectively combine the two property classes.
ARRANGEMENT.PREFERENCES will no longer be used. The primary account and nickname functionality
will no longer be in the AA arrangement. The PRODUCT.ACCESS application will set variables which can be
used in ARC IB to control access to products and functionality.

Arrangement Architecture
AA principal Balances Types to update BM
SAR 2008-10-24-0037 - 200906
Formerly, the MI module maintains average balances used for MIS reporting; For AA this was not being

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The system is now able to update the balance movement for each principal balance of the arrangement
contract. For this, a new field MIS.UPDATE, has been added to the AC.BALANCE.TYPE to indicate if
balances of this type are required for MIS purposes. For each required balance type the movement is
extracted from the ACCT.ACTIVITY record for the account and balance type.

Asset Management
FX Rates used in Cash Investment
SAR-2009-04-06-0004 - 200906
Convention Rate routines can now be applied to Cash Investment processing within AM Cash Management.

Management Information
Allow Transfer Pricing to be calculated from contract accruals
SAR-2008-06-06-0002 200906
Transfer pricing entries based on contract accruals can now be raised for the modules MM, LD and MG and
on account accruals for the module AC with an option to specify whether to raise the transfer pricing entries

Money Market
Online maturity process has been converted into TSA Service
HD0911538 200904
MM contracts whose maturity date is today or less than today can now be matured online instead of in the
COB, if so required. This is achieved by using a TSA.SERVICE.

Past Due Processing

Past Due in account module
SAR-2008-01-13-0003 200902
When the credit limit is increased and this then results in accounts no longer being overdrawn, the PD
records corresponding to all the accounts attached to the limit would be cleared even though some of the
accounts may have debit balances. This is handled as a repayment of the overdue amount in PD.

SR.DECODE Service Based Process
SAR-2008-10-14-0002 200906

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The decoding of Statement Request messages within T24 to produce SR.HOLDINGS records has now
been included as a TSA.SERVICE agent SR.DECODE.

Grouping of Orders
SAR-2008-10-15-0004 200906
Formerly to Group the orders a phantom named EB.PHANTOM need to be run, this has now been replaced
by a new Service SC.GRP.ORD.SERVICE has been introduced to replace the EB.PHANTOM, to Group the

T24 Browser
Request ID.1 Multi Value Field not Function
SAR-2008-11-13-0001 200902
Previously, Browser did not support tabbed versions which have the same field defined in more than one tab.
This functionality has now been introduced in this SAR:
When a user changes the value of a field in any tab, this change must be replicated in all duplicates of the
field in all tabs in the version, including the main Tab.
When a user expands or deletes a multivalue group in any tab the expand or delete should be replicated in
all duplicates of the group in all tabs in the version, including the main Tab.

jRemote Integration in to Browser

SAR-2008-10-15-0007 200902
This ehnhancement covers the integration of the new remote interface to T24 in to ARC-IB Browser (and
hence Toolbox).
The jRemote functionality can only be utilized when T24 Browser is installed on an Application Server such
as JBOSS. jRemote will not function under a simple web server such as TomCat.

Display of Charts and Graphs as Images without SVG (in Browser and ARC-IB)
SAR-2008-11-17-0008 200903
Charts and graphs can now be displayed in png format, without the need to have a SVG viewer installed.

JMS Integration in to Browser

SAR-2009-03-04-0013 200904
From R09 onwards the remote JCA (Java Connection Agent) is the default connection method to T24. It is
an industry standard, JEE compliant, connection that is capable of leveraging all the proprietary features of
high end applications servers such as Websphere. All functionality previously available from the TC
connection mechanism will be available in this fast, resilient, and scalable architecture.

Amendment to Button-titles
SAR-2009-03-20-0005 200905

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This enhancement allows the users to put their own toolbars (with their own buttons including images and
text) on a Version or an Enquiry.

Write permission constraints

SAR-2009-04-14-0001 200906
The work path for publishing graphs as PNG images can now be parameterised.

Enquiry Horizontal Rulers

SAR-2009-04-06-0002 200906
The appearance of ENQUIRY results can now be further modified quickly and simply by defining horizontal
rulers to underline headers, drill down rows, data sub groups of data and explorer trees. A single background
colour for ENQUIRY displays can now also be applied in the same manner.

TT.STOCK.CONTROL update for pay backs
SAR-2008-12-18-0001 200906
This enhancement now allows the DR.UNIT and UNIT to accept negative values

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