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KI Checklist for Individual Interview with WMA/WMCA Executive Committee members

BDwbqb (UP) mvvrKvi MnYKvix bvg Facilitator: bvU jLKi bvg Note taker: mvvrKvi MnYi ZvwiL Date of interview mvvrKvi MnYi mgq Time of interview Mvg Village:

Di `vZvi bvg: (Name of the Respondent) mwgwZZ c`we (Position in the WMA/WMCA) : cavb ckv (Primary occupation): gvevBj b^i (Cell Phone Number):

eqm (Age): wj (Sex):

wkv (Education):

wZxq ckv (Secondary Occupations):

Section A: Formation of the WMA/WMCA

1. KLb cvwb eevcbv mwgwZ/KvAcviwUf MwVZ nqwQj? Kvb mvj? When was this WMA/WMCA formed? which year . 2. Avcwb c_g KLb GB cvwb eevcbv mwgwZ/KvAcviwUf Gi m`m nqwQjb? When you were its member for the first time? 3. GB msMVb Avcbvi eZgvb c`we wK? What is your current position in the WMA/WMCA?

4. cvwb eevcbv mwgwZ/Kv-AcviwUf-Gi GB c`wU Avcwb wKfve cqwQjb? (wbevPb/evQvB/ivRbwZK/mvgvwRK cwZcw? Ggwc/weWweDwWwe/GjwRBwW _K bwgbkb cqQb)
How did you get this position in the WMA/WMCA (e.g. election, selection, political influence/ local power structure influence? nominated by MP/BWDB/LGED, etc)? 5. Avcwb KZ w`b ci ci cvwb eevcbv mwgwZ/Kv-AcviwUf Gi wgwUsG AskMnY Kib? How often do you attend WMA/WMCA meetings?

a. wKfve wgwUswj nq? wKfve m`m`i WvKv nq? Kvi gvag WvKv nq? How are these
meetings are organized? How are the members notified? By whom?

b. MZ wgwUs KZ ZvwiL nqwQj Ges wK AvjvPbv nqwQj? AvjvPbvi g~j welqwj wK wQj? What was discussed during the last meeting? Date .)
Main points: c. GB wgwUs wj wKfve mwgwZZ Avcbvi KvRK mnhvwMZv Ki? In what ways do these meetings help you in your work?

6. Avcwb wKfve mwgwZi/KvAcviwUf wgwUs Gi wmvwj Mvg chvqi Abvb m`m`i AewnZ Kib?
How do you communicate the decisions of WMA/WMCA to the WMGs/villagers?

7. mwgwZZ KvR Kivi Rb ev wgwUs G DcwZ _vKvi Rb Avcwb wK Kvb aibi hvZvqZ LiP/fvZv ev mvbx cvb? hw` cvb, KZ cvb Ges Kv_vq _K cvb ? Do you receive any
remuneration/allowance for attending WMA/WMCA meetings and for providing services in WMA/WMCA? If yes, how much and from who? 8. GB mwgwZ MVbi mgq wKfve vbxq cfvekvjx ev ivRbwZK cwiPq viv cfvweZ nqwQj? GB cfve wKfve WweDGgwmG-Gi Kvhg cwiPvjbv I KZe cvjb myweav ev Amyweavi mw Ki? In general, in what ways do local power structure/ political affiliation affect the composition of the WMCA? In what ways may this help or hinder the WMCA to meet its function and responsibilities?

Section B: Function of WMA/WMCA and Polder O&M

9. mwgwZ/KvAcviwUf cavb Kvhg I `vwqZwj wK wK? eve Zviv wK KvR Ki? D`vniY w`b hgbmP eev, Lvj Lbb, cvvi givgZ| What are the main functions and responsibilities of
WMA/WMCA? How do they work in practice? Give examples. (Probes: irrigation services, re-excavation of khals, repairing and maintaining polder) 10. Lvj Lbb, evua I BP givgZ I iYveYi Rb Avcwb wKfve m` msMn Kib? (m`i Drm y wK, Kviv `q BZvw`)| How do you mobilize resources required for the maintenance of the embankment, canal and water control structures? (What sources, who provides etc) 11. KvAcviwUf Gi wK Kvb Avq Kivi Kvhg AvQ? hgb- Lvj wjR bqv, gvBvwWU Kvhg) hw` nvu nq, Kvb Kvhg Kib Ges wKfve Kib? Does this WMCA have its own income generating activities (Probe: leasing of embankments, khals, micro-credit) If so, which ones and how do they work? 12. GB Kvhgwj wK Avcbvi `vwqZ cvjb mnhvwMZv Ki? Kij wKfve? bv Kij Kb Ki bv? Do these activities help with your responsibilities with water management? Why or why not? 13. GBwji Kvb KwgwU ev mve-KwgwU AvQ? hw` bv _vK, Kb bB? Do you have committees and sub-committees? If no, why? If yes: hw` nuv nqt

a. KLb GBwj MVb Kiv nqQ Ges Kb? K ev Kviv KiQ? When were they created and why? Who created them? b. cavb cavb mve-KwgwUwj wK wK? Ges GBwj wK KvR Ki? What are the main sub committees and what are their functions? c. Zviv KZUv mvdj ARb KiQ? What have they accomplished so far?

14. cvvi Kvhg I eevcbvi Rb mwgwZ/KAcviwUf Gi KZ m` I UvKv LiP nq ? D`nviY w`b t MZ eQi KZ LiP -------UvKv. How much resources are being spent on O&M by the
WMA/WMCA? Give example last year Tk. 15. Kvhg evevqb I eevcbvi Rb DcKvifvMx`i KvQ _K Kvb civgk cvb wK bv? Have you received feedback from beneficiaries on your O&M contribution? 16. Avcwb wKfve Kvhg evevqb I eevcbv Kib? Kvb cwqvq Kib Ges Kviv cwqvi mv_ RwoZ

Kviv wg Zwi Ki/ Abygv`b `q Ges Kvb chvq Ki?

How do you carry out O&M? What is the process and who is involved who proposes scheme, who approves, at what level?

17. cvwb eevcbvq BDwbqb cwil`i wK aibi fwgKv _vKv DwPZ? Kb _vKv DwPZGes Kb _vKv DwPZ bq? Should the UPs have involvement in water management? Why or why not?
18. BDwbqb cwil` I cvwb eevcbvq mwgwZZ wZM, cvwK RbMvx I bvix`i c_K K ev Kviv

cwZwbwaZ Kib? cvvi I BDwbqb cwil`i wmvi Rb Kv`i `vwe. Ave`b I wbe`b Mvn Kiv nq bv? How does or can the Union Parishad represent the voice of the affected,
marginalized groups, women etc? Are there any people whose concerns are not reflected in polder/UP level decisions? 19. GB cvwb eevcbv msMVbKwgDwbwU AskMnY wKic? What kind of community participation does this WMO engage in? a. Avcbvi gZ RbMYi AskMnbK ejZ wK eySvq? KwgDwbwU ejZ wK eySvq? How do you define participation? What do you mean by community? b. vbxq RbMYi AskMnY cvwb eevcbvq wKfve DcKvix ev AcKvix nZ cvi? In which ways would it then be useful or not useful to have community participation in water management?

20. GB cvvi/BDwbqb wKwK GbwRI KvR KiQ? List NGOs working in the area
21. MU Lvjv ev e Kivi wmv MnYi cavb cavb mgmvwj wK wK? What are the major problems in deciding when and how to open or close the sluice gate? a. wKfve wewfb RbMvx hgb: wPswo Pvlx, avb Pvlx, gvQ Pvlx , gvwS, fywgnxb, gwnjv Gi dj wZM nQ? How are different community members affected by this (shrimp farmer, paddy farmer, home gardener, cattle rearing farmer, fisher, boatmen, drinking water, women, landless)?

b. cvwb eevcbv msMVb GB mgmv mgvavb wK fwgKv ivLQ? wK Kiv hZ cvi? What is this WMO doing to solve these problems? What can be done? 22. Lvj, cvvi Ges MU iYveYi KvR cavb cavb mgmvwj wK wK? What are the major problems related to maintenance of the khals, polder and sluice gates? 23. wjR wbq wK Kvb mgmv AvQ? (Ni wjR/Lvm Rwg wjR/Lvj wjR) wevwiZ ejyb| Are there any problems with leasing (Gher lease/ canal lease/ khas land lease)? Please give details.

24. BP MBU cwiPvjbvq mePq mvg_evb/cfvekvjx ew K ev Kviv Ges Kb? Who has the y strongest ability to influence the operation of water control structures? Why? a. GB cvvii Rb mgqi mv_ GB GjvKvi wK wK cwieZb nqQ? Kb I wKfve? (10, 20, 30 eQi)? How has this (ability of various groups) changed over time? (10, 20 or
30 years?) 25. Avcbv`i msMVb cvwb eevcbvi fvj KvR KiQ Gi ^c hyw wK? In what way would you argue that this WMA/WMCA contributes to good water management practices in the polder?

26. cvvi/yBP MBU/Lvji mgmv mgvavb WweDGgG/ WweDGgwmG wK aibi cwZeKZvi myLxb nq? What are the main constraints and challenges that the WMA/WMCA face in trying to
address problems of the polder?

Section C: mgvcwb AvjvPbv (Concluding discussion)

27. eZgvb Aev AevnZ _vKj AvMvgx 10 eQi GB cvvii wP Kgb ne (2022)? If things continue as they are now, what will this village/union/polder look like in 2022? 28. GB cvvi/Mv/BDwbqbi cvwb eevcbvi Dbqb wKfve Kiv hZ cvi? How can water management in this polder area/village/union be improved? 29. GB GjvKv ev miKvii c _K K `vwqZ wbj ev Pv Kij GB cwieZbjv me ne? Who in the community, in the local area or in the government should be involved in trying to make these changes so that they work? Additional comments by facilities

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