Anda di halaman 1dari 19



sr : )/25/ t+t4

Znd ilevlslon





MEDllUl't: }{A.TORFAIRBAIRN IIe ls speaklng to the Ca.meraorew. FAIRBAIRN: fn a senste, thl-s plcture ls for fooIs... Beoause you ghould. neyer be wlthout a plstol or a knlfe. Hovrever, ln oase you are oaught unarned,, fodllshly or .otherwlse, the tactlcs shown here w111 lnareage your ohances of oonlng out al1ve. CLOSEUP:FAIRBA]RN FAIRBAIRN: They are not cleslgns6 to conpete wlth the boxer or f,udo expert; they are for pulIlng yourself out of a Jam. llhen youtre tuq caugbt, youtre down, and yo u rre a g oner lf you dontt attaok. ...A Jrd ke e p ln nLnd, ltts Gutter Flgbtlng: n4y rneans, falr or foul, to aave your llfe. ldlED. CIOSE: FAfRBAfRN IIe rpresentsr the taotlos,

na.ulng eaoh rweaponn as he shows Lt.

FATRBAIRN: Herr are your weaponst: +,he Tlgert s 01aw, the Chln trab, the Edge of the Hand BIow, The Canera PANS d.own as be puts out lrls FAIRBATRN: and the Boot. FULL SHOT: FAIRBAIRN I{e looks off-scene, notlons foot. \

to one of the taudlencer.

:fTlflll;t. Nm, r need

A b18, powerful

(he seleots one) ...]olltrg btg enough..o.. young nan enterg

.. Hof,e..

soene from beblntl Calaora.



BfG CIOSEUP: FAIRBAIRNT RfGIIT HAIID S Th e h a n i l l s te n se d lnto a Tlger f s Claw. T h e T tg er ts FATRB.&TRN: Claw ls well naned.

T^IO-SHOT: FAIRBAfRMND OPPOIIENT Ti g e rrs C l a W g o e s slovr ly to opponentf s eyes, and. taps o n th e m. Op p o n e n t r eacts to the pr essur e on his eyes. FA]RBAIR}I: r\tlth the flngers rJ.g!.d, s:rlst Iookeo and. hand tensed.r Bo after th e e yes. I{EDfrJ}f: F'AfRBAfRN He p u ts u p h l s l e ft hanil, str lkes at lt wlth hls r l g h t - th e T l g e r''s Claw. The thum b of hls left ha n d re p re se n ts o p ponentts nose. He follows thr u Opponent watches. wl th h l s w e l g h t a n d r ecover s. FATRBATRN: P ra ctl ce agalnst your left hand, and follow through. wlth your welght. ITTLL SI10T: FAfRBAIRI-I Al'D OPPON$I{T Fa l rb a i rn a ssu me s a ttbsaten' t attltude, faclng his op p o n e n t. FAIRBATRN: Decelve your opponent. llake h l m th l nk youtr e out on your fe e t. ltr owbr lng the Tlger r s Claw up fron the ee1lar and p rrt vi ci ous br ute f or ce behlnd. lt. He strlkes out sudclenly, alrlng his blow at opponentr s rghadowt face. FAIRBATRN: It wlll knock your opponent out. B u t yo u nust attack wlth sur pr lse. and r epeats, He re co ve rs fro n p r evlous lllustr atlon almlng at opponentts face, this tlme pulllng.his p u n ch , to l l l u stra te the effeot upon opponent. (A n a l te rn a te su g gestlon ls to enact thls at slower than nornal speed., undercranklng Ca.srera to recoril lt effect. ) at n o rma l sp e e d , g lvlng lt a m or e r eallstlc



MED. CTOSE: -rilA.IRBAfRN AlilD OppOttrEt{T F a l rl a l rn re co ve rs to lllustr at,e the Chin Jab. FAIRBAIRN: A va rl a tl on of the Tlger r s Claw l s th e Chln .' ab, also a knockout p u n ch , b ut used. r r hen close ln. CI,OSETIP:FAIRBAIRNIS RIG}IT HA}ID EIe has tensed lt for the knockout blow, eo that the heeL of the hand ls up. I{e taps lt wtitr hls left sur face, and, d.r ives l u o d -to _ p o l n t o u t i.ts str lklng ls slowry to hls left hand. which servei as the target. FAIRBAIRN: Use the heel of the hand as a strlklng surface and. drlve it to opponentfs Jaw wlth a follorv through end the flngeis to the eyos. He turns to hls opponent and trlustrates how lt flts onto hls face; camera PANS T0 forrow actlon. He then cl e n ch e s h l s fl st an.l. taps hls knuckles, polntlng out the strlklng aree on the f1st. The flsi is arawi back g n d , w l th t!" g p e n 1eft hand ser vlng agaln as tar get, tra ve l s a sl x l n ch d.lstance wlth gr eat- speed to tdr g6t . FATRBAIRN: ft ts a rarn-rod knockout punch, muoh nore effeotlve than a blow wlth the f1st. T h l s a ctl o n 1 s re peated. vr lth the chln Jab: heel of the ri g h t h a n d u p a g a lnst hls 1eft hand- - the tar get. I{]0D. CLOSE: CHfilT .rAB T0 JA,rf Falrbairn ho-lds hls arms rpr his rlght hand about six lnobes fron opponentf s face, palm down. He sud.d.enly co n ve rts th l s l n n _ocent pose into the chln Jab to opp o n e n tts Ja w , p u l l l ng hls punch. FAIRBAIRN: This blow only travels a few lnches. a natter of




(cont t. ) l{11D. closE: CHTN JAB TC JN,]' (Sl,OTr}{OTTON) (T hLs aotlon should. be r ehear sed to so An o th e r a n g ]e . effect, t l re o p p o n e n trs re actlon that lt has a r eallstLc wlttr Camera speed guaged acoordlngly for Slqu L,lotton 'tte see how Falrbairn follows through, his clarlty.) welght golng behlnd the blow. DTSSO],WTO:


RfGfU IIAND AND FOREARI{ BfG CLOSETJP: Falrbalrnt s hand, ls movlng up and down llke FAIRBAITTN: Thls is the Edge of the Hand Blorrt g l ve n w l th a chopplng- ltke actlon of the forearm from the elbow. Ch o p p i n g n o tl o n sto ps; hand ls held st1lI. and

an ax.

FAIITBAIRN: your fingers stralght Ilold th u mb e.r eot. rl g l d ,

Then the left hand. index flnger polnts out the strlk-lng surfaoe on the eclge of the rlght hanct: fron knuckle Jolnt to wrlst, and back to center of thls arear FA]RBAIRN: Iilt wlth thls part of the hand: half l{ay between the knuckles and the wrlst. l[EI). C],0S8: EDGE 0F TIE HA]ID BL0'r,' Falrbalrn hlts the paln of hls left hand wlth ',^rardEdge of the lland Blow a oouple of times. FAIRBATRI'T: Strlke wlth a firlI forea blow and follow through. This ls d yn a mi te .

a down-





( C o n tt . ) 1./ATST SHCT: FAIRBAIRN hlts hts otrn f orearm ancl blceps wlth the f'airbalrn Edge of the $and BIow. FATRBATRN: Try lt on the bone of your left forearn, pulIlng your nunch, and yo u ca n get an ldea of lts effect. l(ED. CL0SE: FARBAIRN AIID ODP0l,rElllll O p p o n e n t co me s l n , takes a gr lp on Fair balr nt s upper r l g h t a rm. F a l rb a l rn lllustr ates the blow whlch, nade w i th h l s l e ft h a n d ., wi0l br eak opponentt s ar n. FAIRBAIRN: ff your opponent grabs your clothes, the Edge of the Hand Blow, d.elivorecl wlth a chopping rnotlon d.ownfrorn the elbow, wl1l causs a compound fracture of h1s forearm. THREE-QtrARTER FAIRBAIRN : Opponent steps aslde whlle Falrbalrn ll-lustrates the backhand. use of the Edge of the Hancl Blow: outward wlth elther arn. FATRBAIR}I: fts a l te rnate use ls a whlp- llke notlon from the elbow outward, w l th fu l l for ce behlnd lt, TIIRgg-OIIARltsTt FAIRBAIRItr ( nfff"At : nI SI,0,'I ltOTf 0N )

FAIRBA]RN: Any opponent ls yor,.rs wlthLn re a ch o f your ar m- - fr ont,, o r b a ck. IIEDfIJT{: FAT.RBAIRN A}Il] OPPO}m}n IIe drags hls opponent back, dellvers Edge of the Hand Bl o rrvto h l s n e ck. This he does slowly, pr lnclpally to point out target area on the neck and. head. i,{htp lt FATIIBANI}I: out to your opponentr s n6ck. . . .



( C o n tt . ) CLOSEUP: OPPO}IETfT| IIEAD S Falrbalrnr s hand potnts out the target area on the slde of tbe head. FATRBAIRN: ....And herll be out anywhere fron two to four hourg. CLOSE SITOT: FAfRBAIRII He turns to Camsra, demonstrates Edge of Hand Blol o n h l mse l f. FATRNARN: Try lt on yourself -- but pull your punch -- ln thls rnarurer -a n d yo u r ll see what f m ean.. T"VO-SI{OT: FATRBAIR}I AI 0PPONIN}IT Falrbalrn f11cks hls of Hand BIow slowly out to o p p o n e n tts n e ck, Ju st his Adam r s Apple. FAIRBAIRN: An tnch belov'r the -rdamrs Apple rv1 l l k1 11 hlm,


}[$DII].{: FAfRBAIRN Opponent ls stand.lng by. a uth o rl ty.

FaLrbaLrn speaks vrlth

FAIRBATRN: B u t, th ese thr ee blows ar e of no value unless conblned lvlth a klck. H e p o l n ts to h l s rl g ht foot.

FAIRBAIRIII: Itrs so unexpected lt glves you the elenent of surprtse. CLOSETJ?: FHET F al rb a i rn h o l d s u p hls r lght


ln flghtlng


FATRBAIRN: Donrt be afreid to use your feet. D l rty fl ghting has a better chance o f l vl n n lng because ltr s unor thoclox.



( contt. ) ],[ED]IIlf: !'AIP.SAIRN AM OPPONENII su d o e n l y kicks opponent who ls caught totally I al rb a i rn ln n o ce n t a n d o ff g uar d.. I{ is lnstlnctive r eactlon thr ow s attack. h 1 .n o p e n to fu rth e r I' alr balr n r ecover s, speak s . FAIRBAIRN: See whet I r:aean? FUII S}IOT: FATRBATRII . tfh tl e o p p o n e n t w a tches, j"alr balr n facos Camer a to 11lustrate the klcklng technlque. I{e places hls feet t e n l n o h e s a p a rt, tur ns hls r lght toe ln and. adr ances upon the Caneia. He klcks forward with a pawlng motion and a smash-rlolvn blow of the foot. FAIRBAIRN: 'dhen practlcing this nethod, o f a ttack, stand. wlth yolr r feet a b o u t ten inches apar t. Tur n your rlght foot ln, so, and klck wlth a flick.

re su xl e s h l s sta r tlng pos1tlon, polnts to the outsld.e of h l s b o o t, a n d repeats the klcklng attack. FAIRBAIRN: U se the outslde of your boot and follov'r through. Brlng the welght of yonr body onto yo u r klcklng foot.

FUIL SHOT: SfDE /'J[G],E FAIRBAIRN AI'ID 0PPONENT Falrbalrn attacks hls opponent wlth the three d.lfferent They are the HIGII IifCK, FI-ICK IfiCK, and. types of klcks. the SI-{ASII DO'IJN lfiCK, each of whlch ls photographed flrst l n n o rma l a ctl o n , and then ln ST,O1' .' IIOTfO]I the follolv l ng as d l a l o g u e ru n s o ve r the footage: . T'AIR,BAIR}I: A d a p ted fr on Chlnese boxlng, b h e kl ck ls alm ed. at opponent, anlnvhere from hls walst Covln. T h e b est attack ls a com blnatloh klok wlth tbe boot and. a blolv of b h e h and. Falr balr n conblnes ther n

( ',T h e n e l l ve ri n g d the klcks, wl th h a n d b l o w s. )



( Contt. )


FAIRtsAIR}T: Thers ls no hard and fast rule for vrhat comblnatlon .of blows and ktcks to sse whon. The choloe will depend upon the clrcumstancesr strch as opp o n e n tt s position, and the conditlon o f te rra ln. Always' - st,r ive for that e sse n tl al of sur pr lse. Keop on going 1 n . D o nr t r r r or r y about stance. Ther e w o n rt b e any tlne for thlnklng. Lnd, w h e n yo u get ln ther e, scr ape hls leg and smash d.ovinon h1s lnstep.

DISSOL'IT TC: 6. '.TAI$I SHoT: FAIRBAIRN IIe 1s speaking to hls raudlendet. EIr*.BAIFIN: Yes, yourre saylnr, but whatts the o th e r feJlor v dolnt all this tlme? (he gestures to stregs hls polnt ) T h a tfs exactly ny polnt: DONTT GIIIE I1N.4A C}IA-IITCE DO ANYTI{INGT LooK TO hero. . . . I{e backs away from Camera as opponent enters ln baokgrd..

nrLL STTOT:FAIRBAIRIT Al:lD OPPOlrgNf H e l s d .e n o n stra tl n g to Cam er a; polnts to hts opponent, b e cko n l n g h i n to w a rd hln. Opponent assumes wr estler t s stance and approaches. FABBAIRN: S u p p o se hef s a goocl wr estler . ff f l e t h l n coma ln and get a double Nelson orl [1o... ( opponent co.nresin, applles the I-Ielson) ..,ffn a goner. l[ED. CLOSR FAIRBAIP.N: Op p o n e n t re l e a se s hold.; Falr balr n

contlnues talklng.

-nAIRB;lIRN: Once f let hin take the, I have to flght on hls terms. Then t s a questlon of how goocl f B.B.. . lt



( C o n rt . )

FAIITBAIP.N: (CON! ) T. hls gpeolalty. Youtre already 19 u Jan; d.onrt glve h.lm any nore ad.vantage.

IitILI, SII0T: FAfRBAIRIV AND 0PPOI{E}]T Tbey back toward one another, to center of stage. They turn around., sud.denly encounter one another. Fairbalrn l s sp e a kl n g to 0 a re r a. FATRBATRN: You have to slze up your opponent a n d a tta ck wlthln a spllt second. You are caught unarmed; your only chance is elther: to start the trouble or get away from lt. IIEDICI{: F, ,IRBAIIIN Al"D OPPONE}flt F ai rb a l rn h e sl ta te s, Iets opponent take offenslve. FAIRBJ.TR}T: If yo u l e t hln attack flr str Vou are on the are ln for it. H e p u sh e s h l s o p p o n ent away, contlnues to speak, and u se s th e fl l ck kl ck to sur pr lse hls opponent. FAIRBATRN: Take the offenslve rvlth a fllck klck. l.mD. closE: FAIRBrrIp.If AIID gppOl\rE}flI F ai rb a l rn g rse p s o p ponents' ar m so as to hold hln in the posltlon he assuned rvhen reactlng to the klck, polntlng o u t th e d .e fe n sl ve a ttltud.e. FAIRBAF.}I: A rnan on the d.efenslve ls usilally off-ba1ance, back on hls heels. L o o k h o vr l neffectlve he ls, wLde open to any of the three bLows.



(Conrt. ) MaJor Falrbalrn feigns use of the tbree blqvs: Tlgerrs Claw, Chln trab and Edge of the Hand. Blo$r. IIe then turns to Camera. FTJIJ, SHOT: TA]RBAIRN AIID OPPONEI{T FAIRBAIRN: Iller11 denonstrat.e that o. . . . tells hln to try to llft

. Falrbalrn turns to opponent, hln off the ground.,

FIr.IRB^IIRN: (to opponent) Grab ne arounil the walst ana try to llft ne off the ground. As the opponent starts to d.o eor Falrbalrn h1s neck wlth hls thumb. pushes ln on

CI,0SEIIP: OPPOIIEIITTS HEAD Falrbalrn Ls preselng ln on opponentts neok gland. FATRBAIRN: Rrsh the gland ln your opponantrs
tleOk. . . .

Then he pushes up on opponentrs nose, whtoi head. back. FA]RBAIRN: Tbls throws . . .Pr.rsh his nose, hls head baok. Then he pulls h ea d b a ck.

throlrs hls,

baok on opponent|g ear, also tbrorlng FAIRBAIRN: ...o.P, pull baok on hls ear.




(conrt. )
lviED. CIOSE: !'AfRBAIRN AIiID OPPONENT ' r thlIe F a i rb a l rn stl l l h a s a hold on opponentts ear . h e ta l ks h e l n d l ca te s postur e of opponent, and. nods l n th e i ti re ctl o n o f the feet. FAI?.BAIR}T: T h e se trl o k s have no pr actlcal value but they show horu an opponent, back on his heels..... CLOSEUP:OPPOITEIITTS I'4ET They are flat on the ground.. FAIRSAIR}I: balanoe, canrt even you off the ground.. llft L[EDIi]],i: FAIRBAIRN A]ID OPPONEI$T Opponent, is tugglng to no avall to llft t h e g ro u n d .



FAIRBAIRIII: Y o u rre n o t m uch good when youtr e o n th e d e fenglve. They break, and assurne the posltlons back toward. one another. ' agaln ln whlch they

trtrLL SHOT: FAfRBAIP,II AllD OPDCITEIiT . to w a rd center of stage, they tur n and sudde nl y Ba cktn g l n t d.l so o ve rr o n e a n o ther . Now, wetll FA]RBAIR}I: try that agaln....

N ow , se e l n g h l s o p p onent, ther e ls onJ.y a spllt- second h e sl ta tl o n b e fo re F alr balr n unleashes hls attack: klck, t l g e rf s cl a w , ch i n Jab, eilge of the hand blow. Opponent l s sn o th e re d . F a l rb alr n r ecover s, laughs as he helps h l s o p p o n e n t u p r p a ts hin on the back, anl pushes him o f f-so e n e , b e cko n i n g to another as he d.oes so. FAIRBAIR,}T: Okay. You t re d.eatl.. (he beckons) Cone on ln here, Jlm.



l.EDllDf : FAIii.BMRN AhID JII{ Jfua enters tcene, beglns to put up hls drrkes and to s p a r a Ia b o xl n g . He is r eaIly a pug char acter : fl a t n o se , ca u l l fl o wer ear s, sever al teeth misslng ln front. He shows trainlng Ln the art of pugllism. F a l rb a l rn l o o ks h l m over , speal<s. FAIRBAIR}I: Y o u rd pr obably size him up as a boxer, lvouldnrt you? CtOSniP: JII{ H e g l ve s u s a sl l l y

gr ln,

r eveallng

the a b s e n o e o f t e e t h .

l.,ED. CT,OSE FAIP.BAIRII AND Jn'r : Fa trb a l rn p o l n ts to iflnts left,

br lngs h l s J a w t o i t .

I'AIRBATR}I: HdlL murder t io, you sa18

":, fri"u;t";lfll,'i" a L n" t ill s Therets no defense ag

it it b e cause you d.onr see t cornlng..... fiILL SI{0T: FAIRBAfRN AI{D Jn1 Falrbalrn ret{eats, then suddenly attacks wlth hls foot, Jlm recoils, drops his' Just tlckl"ng Jlmts shlrt front. g u a rd .. I'ATRBAIRN: A g a i n the answer ls: take the l n l tl a ti ve. Sur pr lse w111 wln To deal wlth an erpert for you. o f th l s type, attack wlth the l e g s a ncl feet. F a i rb a l rn g o e s i n a fter Jlr n with a klcklng attack.

CLOSE SHOT: FAIRBAfRNTS ATTACK l'/fTH FEts;T Hs scfapes Eimt s leg and eoraes d.ownvrlth hls Jlmf s f oot. F.A,IRBATP.N: Scrape the shln down, and smash the snall bones of the instep and hers yours.




(Con t. ) A l'tEDIlIl,{: FAIRBAf-RI{ AI{IJ JD:! J l n l s b e n t o ve r a s a r esul- t of the foot attack. Fair balrn lllustrates how open Jtm ls to a hand, blow, to flnish hl-m off . PATRB.O.IR}I: T h l s w l DI br lng hlm down so a blow can be d.ellver ed. fl n l sh l n g



AND Jn,{ 5'rJLl SI{0T: FAIP.BATP.N Falrbairn stralghtens trln up, pats hin on the head as He looks to other slde of Camer a, h e g o e s o ff-so e n e . c a l l s 1 n l .l a rtl n . FAIRBATRN: Now, you p-robably are wonderlng about Judo.. !.. CI,OSEII? FAIRBATP.II : H e 1 s sp e a kl n g to h l s

r aud.lenoet.

FAIRBATRItr: The Judo nan has oonfldence because he thinks you are afrald. of hlm. But ltrs the samestory... FIII,I SI{0T: FAfRBAIRN A}ID }{AP.TrI\T l.'Iartln ls crouched. low. FAIRBATR}I: Ju mp th e gun; beat hln to tt; conblne the kick with the Tlgerrs Claw. F a l rb a l rn p o u rs a l l t o u se h l s Ju d o . over l\far tln, r vho doesnr t get a chano e

-r'JLL SIT0T: FAffi,BAIRII AID llA,RTIlI (nmgAf FAIRBAIRN: Y o u mu s t attack - - attackt Oth e ru l se, your r e sunk.

ATTACK flT SlOrii liOTfON)



(Con't. ) CLOSETJPS: TIIIERCTJT KICK, CLAI^I, EDGE OF IIAM BIOW (SLOtll l,tOTfON) FAIRBAIRN: H e r s n o t so tough, unless you l e t h l m take the offenslve. T h e l i l e a ls: d.onft let hln put hls hand.s on yor I : . TP E T O:


T11'0-SHOT: FAGB/'IRII AID I{AIiTIN L f a rtl n g ra sp s F a l rb air nts ' ur r lst, .star ts to put a hold o n l t. But if FILTP.BAIRN: he gets your wrlst.... rclawr to opponentrs

Falrbalrn suddenly wheels, hls left eyes, and klcklng. .

FAIRBATRII: ...9o for hls eyes and use your fe e t. K eep your seJ- f fr ee to attack. l"4EDIIIld: FAIRB.|TfRN AIID I'TAF.TIN F atrb a l rn re tre a ts fr om his attack, c o u n te r a tta ck.

spar s to avold.

FATRBAIRN: Ilever al1ow a tnan Thls ls war. to put hls hanils on you. But if . . . . l,{artln takes !'alrbalrn hts wrLst. by surprtse, mshes 1n anit grabs

FAIF.B/I.IRN: l l .f opponent d.oes gr ab Xour use brute force and put everyth l n yo u have lnto your attack. UED. CLOSE: FAfRBAIRIT AND IIAF.TIII l,{artln has a grlp on Falrbalrnrs lvrist. FlrIiitsAfP.N: I I e c a n r t h o 1 d .y o u r w r l s t . . . .


breaks tt.

g. (Con't. ) M a rtl n th e n g ra sp r Falr balr nr s wr lst wlth both hands.

r,tffT*ttilXr,u". o. . .6vrl
' CLOSEIIP: tsREaKINGTIRIST IIOID F a l rb a l rn rs l e ft h a nd enter s, goes up uniter opponentr s grasps h1s own rlght hand. and Jerks lt free two hands, f r om o p p o n e n tts h o L d.. CLOSEIIP: BREAICIIG llRIST HOID RE\TERSE Opponent takes holil agaln wlth tvro hand,s, thls tlne wlth h l s th u n b s u n d .e rn e ath. Falr balr n agaln r eaches under and breaks the hold....slowly so you can see what happens to opponentts hands. FATi]BAIRITT: And., lf your opponentr s thumbs a re u n d er r ylathr theytr e golng to bE-ffiken. 10. IEDrIJI{: I'AfRBAIRN A:l") }"ARTIN Falrbalrn gets rid. of llartln by upg pattlng hln on the f a nn y o n h i s w a Jr o u t. Flr st opponent enter s again, g r a b s F a l rb a l rn rs n eclc wlth one hand. FA]RBAIR,}I: Dontt worry about a strangle hold on your throat, elther... Falrbalrn fierel;' turns awBlr from the ho16.

F.LTBAIRN: ...JBSI walk away from lt. H e re tu rn s. Op p o n ent takes the hold agal- n ad, F al rb a l rn a tta cks a s he gets out of the hold.. FAITTBAIR}I: B u t a tta ck as you d.o lt g a l n th e offenslvel - to thls tln e,

\r 15.


I'ISD. CI-OSE: SID? lIltrGLE, FAfiiBAfRlI AITD OP"0}IEI\rT Opponent applies the usual style of Bear Hug from behlnd.. FAIRBAIRN: To break the usual type of Bear Hug.,..., Ir,[ED.CLOSE: FRO]IT VIS;',r, FAfRBAIR]tr He r elaxes, I l e b e g i n s to b re a k the hold. Ieft shoulder. FAIRBATRN: ...$O 1lnp...., nIG HAIID CLOSEUP: GRABB rl g h t h and yanks what he flniis F al rb a l rn rs crotch. FA:RBATRIT: . . . g r e b o p p o n e n t rs t e s t l c l e s . . . ruln hln lf you carlo... IIED. CLOSE: FRONTVfTlg Falrbalrn pulls opponent down to hls rlght vrhlIe pushlng w i th h l s l e ft a rm a galnst the r lght slde of opponentr s neok. Pull w l th tlme sl d e arm. FILTRBAIR}I: him d,own to your rlght h 1s left ar n, at the sFme pushlng agalnst the rlgfut o f hls neck wlth your left

r alslng


in opponenttg

I\.@D CIOSE: SIDE Vlgfl, OPPOIIEIIT . H e l s b e n t o ve r w l th hls head. near the floor . Falr balr nt s l e f t h a n d g o e s to th e eyes, hls foot to the faoe. FAIRBATRN: Go after hls eyes wj-th your left hand., and kick h1n ln the faoe, H e ts n o fr lend of your sr you knovJ.



( C o n t .)
FULI $iOli: FAfP.BAIFiIT IJID OPPOIIEI'IT of breaklng fron Repeat the routlne actual speed.



Bear IIug,

FATRBAIR}I: Always have the Etlge of the }Iand Blow ?eaily. ....Hererg a ohance to go'for the back of the neok. DTSSOIVE TO:


TIILI SH0T: FAIRBAIRN /J.!D OPPOIIF:DIT Falrbalrn balances on hts toes, rocks a blt, then goes ln a f t e r o p p o n e n t w tth klck, of the hand blow and chln J a b . IIe re co ve rs a n d cintinues spaklng. FATRBATiili: The lmportance of baianoe cannot b e to o str ongly str essed.. You have lt as long as you are on yo u r to e s . It glves you an attacklhg attltuile. ....You nust have lt to put the nost lnto the K l ck, T l ger i s C1aw, ,Edge of the Hand.Blow and Chln Jab. CIOSEUPS: i',EAPO}IS The Tlgerts Claw, bhln trab, Edge of the Hamoer Bloi.r and K l o k a rs re p re se n te d agaln as Falr bair n speaks. FAITiBATRN: You nuEt galn the advantage by a tta ckl n g , Use these weapons wtth surprf se, bruto f orce and. d.etern-tnation, ancl they w111 serve you weIL }BD. CIOSE: IAI}IBATRN I I e ad d re ssre s C a me ra . FATRBAF.N: I;i'ith then, yourll elther come thru or you wonrt know the dlfference o




-QEj{n TT'n : I'ATR.BAG.r.T TFIREE Repremandlng hts taudiencer . -I''ATRBAIRN: You may get hurt, sure..... You were a 1?oo1to get caught unar.!o.ed. He takes out hls fighting knife, lrdfiIds it viciously.

FnntBAIi?Ii: Look -,vhat you could have done to the boxer, the wrestler, or the Judo filan. Iie puts the fighting pocket knife. knife quickly a-way, takes out a

CI,OSTIP: FTTfRBAIRII I{e ho1ds up the pocket knife,





forgot vo'1*pocket


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