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Team Search Web Archive stores visited Web Pages at the Entry

Mozilla Firefox- POW, ScrapBook support Offline Web Applications

POW in Internet Messaging.......................................................................................................................................... ...1

Message Cycle Streams and saves Time in Contact, Lead and Project Entry................................................. ........2
Stream Content flowing into IM Archives........................................................................................... ...........................2
Improve Stream Flow and channel it to the Aggregates............................................................................................ ....3
A Document Strategy guides building Core Content to feed the Aggregates........................................................ ..3
Organic Community or Spiral Growth................................................................................................. ..........................3
Issues of adapting the web framework to Team Resources............................................................................. .............4
Document Strategy Core Content.................................................................................................................... ............4
Building Core Content from Contact, Lead Information.............................................................................................. ...4
Project Management Team Archive and To-Dos...................................................................................... .....................4
Local Web Server to support the Document Strategy.............................................................................. ....................5
Why employ a local web server?.......................................................................................................... .......................5
What technologies offer solutions for a local web server?..................................................................... .......................5
What services do the local web servers offer?..................................................................................................... .........5
Firefox Extensions provide local Services.............................................................................................................. ....5
POW and Breadcrumbs................................................................................................................................ ................5
ScrapBook.............................................................................................................................................. ......................6
Web Servers to support local service for Offline Applications.......................................................... .......................6
Self-Installing Local Web Server for Windows:.................................................................................... .........................6
Offline Web Application for Experimenting and Learning........................................................................... ...................6
Implementation of a local Server to store Information Resources and support Project Team Management
Requirements..................................................................................................................................................... ..............7
Web Archive. Comparison between Breadcrumbs and ScrapBook........................................................................ ..7
Configure the Breadcrumbs Team Web Page Archive............................................................................... ................8
Breadcrumb Configuration............................................................................................................................ ................8
Installing Shared Directory or Files............................................................................................................ ...................8
Experience building and using IM with Breadcrumbs, POW and ScrapBook.................................................... ......8
Future Perspectives- Where’s it headed?.......................................................................................... .........................9
Try a simple POW Application............................................................................................................................ ..........9
Use Breadcrumbs and ScrapBook to bring on-line reading-> Home...................................................................... 10
Acknowledgements................................................................................................................................ .......................10
See Also............................................................................................................................................................... ...........10

POW in Internet Messaging

POW means Plain Old Web server and installs as a web server running in Mozilla Firefox. While useful for
developers; an application of POW named Breadcrumbs also offers teams the capability to archive
project and web documents locally.
Breadcrumbs integrates in Internet
Messaging projects to simplify sharing
team to-dos and facilitates archiving web
pages. It implements the advantage of
the message cycle and channeling
contacts into a single point of entry for
processing. Contacts from web research
and project management include
Internet, e-mail and documents. Typically
parallel systems manage contacts, leads
and projects within the different media.
Using a single point of contact unifies
the systems into one, which significantly
simplifies the infrastructure and makes
use easier for the user.

Common Point of Entry

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The Common Point of Entry utilizes the message cycle to combine contact and document flow. Both web
research and project management engage the Internet for information resources to channel into
aggregates driving web research, project management and sales cycle management. Using the Internet
to engage contacts produces information assets to qualify according to contacts, leads and projects.
Contacts provide insignificant value, while leads offer potential and projects focus on satisfying the
needs and demand to successfully complete project requirements and fulfilling the prerequisites for

Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird share Project and Team To-Dos and simplify Follow-up [IM]. URL >>>

Configuration Guide to share Team and Project To-Dos and Follow-up for Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox
[QIM] URL: >>>

Contact Management stores Internet, e-mail and document contacts and controls contact qualification.
Lead Management indexes contacts and sorts them for qualification. It minimizes needed resources by
eliminating contacts with minimal potential. Storage of these contacts should provide reliable and
expeditious access and use. Project Management identifies the critical problem and assembles team
resources to apply to the solution within the required deadlines, cost and performance. It builds an
infrastructure for the team to channel communication and network activities. Channel communication
feeds from Internet Messaging to drive the aggregates of knowledge base, Educational System and
Technical Support System. Team milestones complete by educating the user and using material directed
to his language, and supporting project implementation expediently and accurately. Uninterrupted feed
of the aggregates depends on access to archived material and material that qualifies as projects occur
needing the material. Contacts cannot be accurately qualified because future need cannot be predicted.
Hence storing contacts and leads for future use is essential for team success.

Value of Archiving
Research and project implementation produce masses of material requiring qualification. Efficiency
dictates sorting material for qualification and to qualify only that with potential. No use spending time to
document and qualify questionable material. Storage builds a pyramid of material with the masses at the
bottom of contact qualification. How can the streams of Internet and e-mail as well as documents be
stored efficiently for recall after occurrence of qualified need?

Message Cycle Streams and saves Time in Contact, Lead and Project Entry
Internet Messaging employs the principles of the Messaging Cycle to engage the Internet in the pursuit
of Web Research and Project Management. Engagement produces individual contacts and uncovers
sources with significant content pertaining to the question posed by the engagement. Within the
message cycle streams occur during engagement. Rich contacts produce volumes of potential contacts
to store and qualify. These sources continue to produce contacts developing value in connection to future
problems or applications. Often asking the right question brings masses of material to categorize, index
and store. Then a problem or project occurs where the material provides the critical path of use. Users
forums demonstrate an example. They produce a broad scope of information generated by similar
experience of other users, which obviously may become of value in similar situations. IM assists the user
by configuring streaming to automate cataloging and storing of the material. To continue with the
example: configuration of Saved Searches and Message Filters for these streams automates filing and
provides easy and fruitful access to the material. As described in [IM] and [QIM] Message Filters
automatically file the material in virtual folders and Saved Searches display the streams. Streaming
saves user time for sources that produce focused sources of potentially useable material. Similarly active
projects produce streams while the project management communication resolves issues. The project
source creates collections of communication and information items for categorizing, indexing, actioning,
filing and storing.

Streaming improves productivity for contacts, leads and project issues that collect on a daily basis. The
job of sorting them, documenting and filing them requires substantial time. Processing these contacts on
arrival saves time and keeps the Inbox clear. It maintains the focus on the essential issues and allows the
team member to concentrate on them.

Stream Content flowing into IM Archives

Streams produce assets flowing into the web framework. This perspective examines the assets
uncovered by team efforts and how to ensure proficient use as well as security.
- Web Archive. A web archive is a central storage of all pages visited. A team archive stores viewed web
pages and then provides a search engine to search historical contacts for information needed in team
activities including project management or web research. It stores the web pages in the original form
ensuring availability and prevents loss of material as well as finding sought-after web material. Indexing
of the material decreases time necessary to find suitable information, qualify it and complement it, then

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format it for use. Self-organizing systems within the web result in continual change in the content.
Security dictates access to potentially valuable material that may have future use. It recommends that
pages visited in the course of this path store for future use to prevent loss.
- Browse History. Messages cycling through the point of entry create a linear incline, which obeys a
significant property of spiral growth. This incline contains the complete research trail and stores links to
pages that later prove useful. An integrated search capability increases the value of web research by
establishing connections between the sources of team contacts. The browsing history records the
successive Internet contacts in a trail with the possibility of using analysis to refine and improve results.
- Search terms and key words guide a search path ascending the spiral incline and producing a trail of
the selected URL's. The search trail contains the URL, and relates the key words used to search to the
resulting contacts. It also records notes about the encounters. This sequential storage of surf search
results constitutes a complete research trail. Later searches apply the search parameters to improve the
yield and set surfing priorities.
- Bookmark storage continues to evaluate potential value by improving access to the stored material. It
indicates the priority of the content and links it for the user. Storing bookmarks of the web interaction for
later reference and processing stores the intuitive evaluation of the page usefulness. It integrates the
resources into current activities.
- Bookmark annotation improves the search usefulness by noting the search words and notes pertaining
to the contact. It records the keywords for later optimization and adaptation to guide the yield.
- Tagging bookmarks integrates bookmarks into the processes and enables categorization.

Improve Stream Flow and channel it to the Aggregates

Teams invest considerable work in preparing source content for productive use in to-dos and for use in
development or application to solve project problems. Incoming content categorizes and collects in
groups. Indexes divide material into useable collections. Often collections or categories network to
synergize creative solutions. Each source identifies by individual contact data and the content needs to
file for referencing and later use. Contact management collects key data, and project management
segregates the incoming stream, and sorts the information.

A Table of Contents (TOC) for the aggregate stores key information topics. Assembling the key words,
search words and into an index helps the users to find information relating to development or
management. It also identifies information found within the storage. Networking synergic relationships
between the source topics or other sources assists in connecting or linking potential ideas and concepts.

Refinement of the Source or expanding Contacts

Channeling evaluates and analyzes funneling sources to refine the parameters and focus the yield.
Search words participate as the search terms in Internet searches. They index the contacts resulting
from the searches. Relating the search words to the yield adapts the use of the search terms to filter the

Searches using Key Words or Search Words.

- The search path examines the search results. It allows the user to re-define search terms or exchange
them to filter unusable content.
- An extrapolation of the search path enables defining additional or new search terms
- Use the search results to define the parameters for new search engines or sources. Expand the search
engines used for the search
- Key words. Key words differ from Search words by the use. Search words participate in actual searches.
The key words collect as ideas pertaining to research topics and define the categories. The search path
gives a comparison between the key words and results. It’s use helps refine searches through a better
specification of search words.
- Stored searches define links to information. These searches store the terms used in a search, identify it
and use the search parameters to present the information to the user.

User experience is positive when succinct information clouds present resources containing information to
structure into a solution, resolution or construct an implementation. Filtering information removes
unnecessary and untargeted information. Positive experience requires that the filtered information
readily format into a feed targeted to the chosen audience. A user goes to the core content to filter the
information used to resolve the issues or continue development. This content drives the aggregates
informing the audience.

A Document Strategy guides building Core Content to feed the Aggregates

Organic Community or Spiral Growth

Teams or communities producing viable solution technologies demonstrate spiral growth as they tackle
the obstacles to implementation and innovate solutions. This growth is a manifestation of the message

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cycle. A document strategy fuels team growth. Team success installs a document strategy as it
progresses directed by the aggregate needs.

Positive User experience in prevalent models

This motivated a development to look at and use IM to improve the overall user experience. What is
positive? Easily find the information you're looking for is the most important factor in the usefulness and
growth of the project. Insert the incoming information expediently online into a CMS (content
management system) or Wiki. These two models lead the web frameworks. A CMS brings structured data
model and sophisticated search and discovery. A Wiki collects user material and presents it according to
proven key words. Installing a CMS offers a complete web site solution (style and layout, blog, most
popular entries, etc.) as well as some advanced features, like integrating e-mails into content or an
integrated project tracking system.

What is the overall documentation strategy? The answers to these questions and the discussions that
ensure determine the supporting infrastructure based on team need. Web frameworks offer
fundamentally two technologies to manage content. Observation shows that functioning teams and
communities install either a CMS or a wiki site. This infrastructure generally includes.
- Complete community contributed documentation including API references, examples, and How To
- Dynamically derived documentation from the code adding explanatory material. The community
contributes examples and general articles.
- A documentation team creates API reference and FAQs or application reports. The community assists by
contributing examples and general articles.

Issues of adapting the web framework to Team Resources

Web 2.0 redesigns within a CMS require extensive resources. Wikis reduce the team load to prepare and
produce the content. Implementation experience shows that it is usually not the software tool that
prevents having better usability on the site. The information generally resides within the community. It
depends on the effort necessary to divert the incoming streams of information, and information
generated by team development to feed the audience channels. Channeling the incoming information
through a common point of entry and using the IM to drive the aggregates downloads team resources.
Evolution is much easier to digest and needs much less energy for a community of contributors than
revolution. It's also much easier to earn trust that way. It centers the audience attention where the action
is. CMS offers tools for the static site, the wiki and the blog to share a common look & feel. Wikis share
some deficiencies in the way the web site and associated resources are composed, organized and how
'unified' it feels to the audience.

Document Strategy Core Content

Individual contacts and sources stream information into Core Content. Core Content collects
incoming information and stores it for a positive user experience and to enable productive access
for teams or communities to accomplish tasks. Information collects primarily either as documents,
Internet media, e-mails or data for storage in a database.

Building Core Content from Contact, Lead Information

Streaming collects contact data on arrival. The first implementation cycle in moving from a classical
contact management and sales project management system built two forms used within the web
framework. Contact Meta Data collected information on the contact communication and identified the
communication channels. It begins collecting information on the vocabulary used by the contact. It also
collects support needs to match up resources with contact needs. Project management (PM) information
stores in a complementary form and collects during the support cycle.

Contact, lead and project Meta Data includes:

Contact Data consists of data fields and stores in a database.
- Contact Data. Phone, Fax, E-mail.
- Feeds and media used: Web, Users Forum, Mailing List, Mailing List Archive, Users Group, Blog, Issue
- Support resources: Code, samples, Tools.

PM includes:
Information to drive the aggregates. See [BIA], [RDO] and [LDO]
Sales Consulting and Engineering Templates. See [SCT]
It collects the information on the Sales Cycle Management contact, lead, and project objects. See [QRO]

Project Management Team Archive and To-Dos

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Project Management (PM) assembles the information needed for sales consulting and engineering and
identifies the issues. It compares the issues with project resources to determine the customer benefit.
Aggregates assist in presenting the solution and the benefits in a language best fitting to contact needs.
Further aggregates ensure that services and support promptly fulfills project requirements.

Local Web Server to support the Document Strategy

Why employ a local web server?
Internet Research produces a wealth of material some of which matures in value over time. Web
evolution removes some of this material and it disappears from the web or changes the content. Both of
can degrade the content value. A local archive of material with potential value prevents loss or
degradation of material.

- A virtual filing system for documents. Incoming IM document stores Internet, e-mail and documents and
combines 3 different filing systems normally storing the different media. A local web server includes
Internet documents on the web and indexes or links documents and key e-mail archives.
- Office Automation uses a database to store information and insert the information into documents
generated for project management, technical management, financial management and business
administration as well as general correspondence. Generally the user interfaces with different systems
including the e-mail, database and Office Software as well as the Internet Browser. Often Internet assets
require the user to switch between the media to produce replies forcing the user into a different user
interface. A local web server allows the user to remain within the browser or e-mail to complete his tasks
without a medium interruption. Installing the local web server to complement the network file server was
the first step in the improvement of using IM to assemble core content for a document strategy.
- Local web servers support offline web applications and provide a user web framework to take web
applications offline or enable local use.

What technologies offer solutions for a local web server?

- POW is a Firefox extension that constructs a local web server in the browser and stores files locally.
- Typical web servers such as Apache also install for local use. LAMP servers are Unix distributions
containing an Apache web server, PHP and MySql. They are available in a Windows version as a WAMP
WAMP servers locally install a web server, and support typical web languages such as PHP, Perl as well
as others used for web applications.

What services do the local web servers offer?

Local web servers offer form processing offloading office automation, and integrate an editing and
document generation capability into the browser. It enables the user to perform office automation online
and offline as well providing an integrated user interface across the different media.
- They function as storage for information assets from project management and the Information
Resources. Drive for the aggregates uses material from the local storage.
- They function as a virtual file system that maps the network file system to folders in the browser where
ScrapBook is an example.
- Current scripting languages such as Perl, PHP or Java offer good database connectivity. They connect
the user to the database over the browser using forms.
- They offer a development environment for the typical languages like Perl, PHP, JavaScript, Java or Ruby
where the languages install in the server.

Firefox Extensions provide local Services

POW and Breadcrumbs

POW “Plain Old Web Server”. POW comes in two versions. The native version POW is the plain vanilla
flavor and Breadcrumbs adds the application of web storage. Breadcrumbs stores the web pages for
reference. They install as extensions in Mozilla Firefox. Because of Firefox limitations only one version will
install. POW uses .sjs for a server language which is server side JavaScript. POW functions best as a
programming environment. Its advantage is the ability to run any Web language you want, provided it
has a command line version. That includes Python, PERL, PHP, Ruby and AWK. Even XSLT, too. It
implements CGI scripts for form processing. The author provides scripts to start the
user with server-side JS, GET, POST, uploads, Cookies, SQLite and AJAX.

Here is the Main Page of the POW Wiki >>>

Gentle Introduction to POW SJS >>>
Wahoo’s Word Blog from David Kellogg » POW >>>
FireFox POW - Users Group | Google Groups >>>

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New POW Preview Version: You can find the preview version at The
preview version is good up to 3.5 b 99 (June 2009).

BREADCRUMBS uses the POW Platform and automatically stores visited web pages. It also offers a
search capability to search the stored web pages for terms. No update has been posted over the e-mail
users list.

ScrapBook installs as a Firefox extension and performs very well as a virtual web server and web
research project manager. An alternative to Breadcrumbs for use as team web archive is the Firefox
extension ScrapBook. It archives and organizes web pages and bookmarks. Notes add for the user as
well. When configured for Auto Save it saves web pages automatically for a web archive.
ScrapBook Homepage

Use the following installation guides for the Internet Messaging local web server to share team to-dos
and support web research and project management.

Configure Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird to share Project and Team To-Dos and simplify Follow-up [IM].
URL >>>

Configuration Guide to share Team and Project To-Dos and Follow-up for Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox
URL: >>>

Web Servers to support local service for Offline Applications

A web server installs with the server software and the developer chooses his development environment
including the programming languages. Installing a web server requires the server software and
programming language. Complete distributions save the administrator the task of individually installing
the different packages.

Self-Installing Local Web Server for Windows:

Save yourself time and experiment with a reliable installation that does not install in the registry and is
- BRILEIGH. Brian Hancock. >>> This is a nice distribution including the Apache 2.2 web server and
integrates the classic DataPerfect (DP) (Dos) database with Perl. Simply install the server. Then go to
Active Perl and install the Active Perl. This distribution offers the user a look at DP integrated as a web
based database for use in office automation. Take a further look at the developer’s site at to see how this
database integrates into the web and the extensive office automation it offers online or offline users. You
can also see how to web enable a broad range database applications.

Offline Web Application for Experimenting and Learning

You can download the DPWeb sample application, scripts, script libraries, and preconfigured Apache installation
package from my website at the URL: and run the enclosed installed
DPWebInstall.exe. The installer is just a file extractor. There are some notes and comments in the installer, but you
should just accept the defaults, and install the application into the default location which is C:\. This installer will unzip
the files into a new folder C:\DPWEB folder. It will not install files anywhere else on your machine, making it easy to
remove all traces later. Do not yet be tempted to install it to any other location that C:\ as the configuration of Apache as
well as the Perl scripts rely on this location.

You will also need to install PERL. Perl is a scripting language, and can be a useful addition to any PC. But in the case
of DPWeb it is a necessary installation. You can get the files for this from the website. Or go to this
page for the download for the latest version . Download and install
this package using the defaults. You will probably need to restart your PC after this installation.

Once both packages are installed

1) Open the C:\DPWeb\Apache Shortcuts folder
2) Open the Install folder and run the shortcut “Apache Install”
3) Open the Control Apache Server folder and run the shortcut “Start“
4) Open your web browser, and enter the URL http://localhost or http://127.0.1

If Apache has been correctly installed and the service started you will see a DPWeb opening page. There are 3 links on
this page. One to check if Perl is installed and running. One to give details of the web server and the installed Perl
modules, and the 3rd to start up the DataPerfect sample application.

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If you get this running on your local machine, and you have access to an computer networked to it, then find the IP
address of the local machine (open a command window and run the command: ipconfig /all and note the IP address.
You should be able to run the application from the networked computer by entering the URL in your browser eg

Note that if you play with it and break the configuration you can simply reload it all and get it back to the original
condition by running the DPWebInstall extractor again. The DP application is in the folder C:\DPWeb\DP26Y and the
scripts and library scripts are in the folder C:\DPWeb\Apache2.2\cgi-bin\ the root for the documents is
C:\DPWeb\Apache2.2\.htdocs If you get error while playing with it you can look at the Apache logs.
With permission from the Author.

For information and support on DataPerfect from the former WP visit:

Lamp servers are generally available in the Unix distributions. The first place to go is the distribution
source. . This tutorial discusses the setup of Apache, PHP and MySQL for both Windows and Red Hat
Linux Building a LAMP Server.. .
Quick Linux Server Installation. .

Wamp servers contain complete distributions for Windows environments. Try this article for an
introduction and some sources for WAMP servers:
install-php-on-windows/ Here is some more basic information: “Instructions for Apache, Perl/CGI, PHP,
and MySQL on Windows Installing and configuring Apache and ActivePerl in Windows.”

Implementation of a local Server to store Information Resources and support

Project Team Management Requirements
This article explains a stepped approach to implementation beginning with the construction of a common
point of entry in Internet Messaging. This entry point flows incoming information resources into the
unique combination of activities and Information Resources for storage and processing. Drive for the
aggregates of team knowledge base, Educational Systems and Technical Support Systems comes from
the resources and project management controls.

Development Environment or supporting the user with Internet Messaging

Previous discussion presented an overview including the two perspectives of development and Internet
Messaging to support the user with a common point of entry where he focuses on qualification of
required information resources. After leaving the Common Point of Entry, sorted information elements
feed the aggregates and audience feeds like the web site, wikis, or blogs. The following implementation
concentrates on fulfilling the needs of project teams striving to resolve project issues and fulfill targets. It
discusses experience in the implementation and points to continuing development. It does not neglect
the team developmental needs.

Web Archive. Comparison between Breadcrumbs and ScrapBook

Breadcrumbs offers a native web server programmed to automatically archive viewed web pages. The
search functions, but was not adequate for reliable and efficient use. It stores the web pages in a folder
where they index according to the URL. The documentation and communication do not reveal intensive
current activities by the developer. Nor does the Google Group reflect development activity or respond to
support questions on Breadcrumbs. During archiving, the index grew to an unmanageable size and the
support requests remained unanswered. Hence Breadcrumbs was removed and replaced with
ScrapBook. If the needed index and search stability could be maintained, Breadcrumbs would fulfill the
requirements. Please note that the group shows more activity with POW as discussed below (June 2009).

ScrapBook proves useful in organization, storing and application of web material for example in Project
Management and Web Research as illustrated in the project sources. It’s documentation proves adequate
and the programming stable and reliable. It organizes web pages well and configures easily. In addition
the user annotates web pages, and adds notes. Web pages store in numbered folders, which limits them
for further user development, and results in page duplication when used in auto-save. Breadcrumbs and
ScrapBook complement each other when used for sharing, duplicating only the automatic storage
aspect. ScrapBook stores and organizes the Internet content of the projects, Information Resources and
the aggregates of Technical Support Systems (Tss), Educational Development Services (Eds) and the
team knowledge base (Kb). Install the ScrapBook extensions of Integrated Search and ScrapBook

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Configure the Breadcrumbs Team Web Page Archive
Breadcrumbs stores the visited websites well, and puts them into a folder. It installs with a search engine
that queries the stored pages for the search terms. The options configure to search other Breadcrumb
installations as well. The searching delivers weak results because it misses pages. You can complement it
with Google Desktop. Configure the Desktop so that it indexes and then searches the Breadcrumb files.
This search produces more predictable results and of greater scope. The combination improves search
results. The author provided adequate programming examples to try POW out. They can be found at:
Main Page- Plain Old Webserver. POW uses “.sjs“ which is a server side JavaScript language. They cover
the basic functions of writing to the page, uploading, writing to file. Other functions for the developer are
available. Dual instances of POW and Breadcrumbs do not install because of Firefox problems.

Breadcrumb Configuration
The developer made the installation and configuration easy. After installing Breadcrumbs as a Firefox
add-on; go to Add-ons Breadcrumbs Options.
- You can add a password by checking the box. Then insert the login ID and the password. The server
installs as: http://localhost:6669/. Maintenance options include: erasing the index, erasing the web pages
and erasing them thoroughly. Then re-index the pages.
- Next is the Block List, which is important. Add any URL’s that should not be indexed.
- Then you can add the URL’s of shared Breadcrumb servers to search other team members over the
Internet. This builds a distributed search engine network over the Internet. The author encloses a link to
IP Chicken to test the workstation IP. It is best to use the link to test for the workstation IP and configure
that IP address instead of the default URL that uses http://localhost:6669 . Using the IP’s also function on
a network between workstations.

Installing Shared Directory or Files

Breadcrumbs Files store in
docs, and it is the usual root directory. In an active search installation; Breadcrumbs stores a large
number of folders and files. Each website opens a folder to store the site’s web pages. It is better for
back-up and stability reasons to take the files out of the profile folder. Using a shared folder for the team
messaging files puts Internet and e-mail files in a central location for easy administration. The author
provided an undocumented configuration to change the Breadcrumb root folder.

For the breadcrumbs directory, the undocumented feature is this.

Setup a Breadcrumbs_RootDirectory in the shared messages folder for example.
C:\ArcMessage\BreadcrumbShare. The Breadcrumb file copy into this folder resulting in:
In Firefox:
1. “Go to -> “about:config”” in the address bar.
2. Add a new string value with right-click.
3. Add the key, "breadcrumbs.root_directory", value "c:\" or something equivalent.
4. Close and restart Firefox. That moves the root directory.

In “about:config:”
Key = breadcrumbs.root_directory
value = C:\ArcMessage\BreadcrumbShare

The Breadcrumbs root is now C:\ArcMessage\BreadcrumbShare\Breadcrumbs\

Test it by trying a search. Changing the root directory includes the new folder location in the search. For
the Breadcrumbs search use: http://localhost:6669/search.sjs. If the search page appears, then the file
directory changed successfully.

Experience building and using IM with Breadcrumbs, POW and ScrapBook

An implementation of Sales Cycle Management moved from a classical database supported

infrastructure to the first steps of a web enabled structure. The configuration described above
accompanied it. Results from the implementation and the ensuing tests show that the investment of
resources amortized itself. A unified user interface demonstrated benefits for the user when employing a
unified desktop seeking to collect and combine information from Internet, e-mail and documents. Using
IM avoided the duplicate data entry typical for databases. Project management employed e-mail as a
primary means of follow-up. Completing the first stage built a basic document strategy that formats the
information resources and assets for media or feeds typical to team markets. Information resources feed
project management and drive the aggregates while the integration minimizes frictional losses.

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System experience:
- Web Archive. Breadcrumbs did not prove reliable as a search tool. It reliably stored the visited web
pages efficiently under the URL. Backup was easy. The Breadcrumbs search did not produce needed
results for web research. Replacing it with Google Desktop provided some relief. But this cycle replaced
Breadcrumbs with the ScrapBook equivalent feature. This feature proved reliable and the search
produced acceptable results to drive the aggregates and produce core content.
- Unification of Team Bookmarks. Current Mozilla technology offers no reliable way to integrate team
bookmarks. Forums recommend not networking SQLite files for Firefox 3. ScrapBook networks team
bookmarks within the team folders.
- Virtual File Server. ScrapBook controlled flow in the sales cycle management. It worked well with the
integration of Internet, e-mail and documents. The complete storage of PM and Information Resources as
well as the aggregates offered easy and clear document access. In this phase parallel storage systems
stored the 3 media types and the feeds recovered the information or documents to format for the media.
Folders or tags in ScrapBook, e-mail client and the network file system stored documents in
corresponding folders, which integrated in the workflow. ScrapBook sets up a logical storage system
storing either the document in it’s own storage or links it to the document storage with a link. Searching
the documents producing good recall results. Export, import and document organization went well.
ScrapBook proved 100% reliable. Information for content extracts well by annotating the pages for the
essential fragments.
- ScrapBook folders organize the project documents, and Information Resources. Equally it organizes the
aggregates in a common system.
- Logging notes documented research and project management comments, ideas and inputs for to-dos. It
documents the spiral ascending the incline.
- User annotation enables utilization and processing of the collected information. It also stores document
elements for use in core content.
- Templates. Data entry used identical templates for e-mail and Internet entry. ScrapBook template entry
implemented easily and well. It linked in the folder.
- Internet documents have yet to employ tagging for to-dos. No tagging methods proved to be the major
deficiency. Tags for e-mails control the to-do flow and permit the user to follow-up on actions. ScrapBook
did not offer an equivalent capacity.

POW proved reliable and flexible as it supports forms and easily installs as a web server in the browser.
However the threshold to implementation was too high for the first step. It is a candidate for the second
when the simple html templates replace with automated forms interfaced with a database.

Future Perspectives- Where’s it headed?

Database integration will integrate the Internet, e-mail and documents with automated forms in a user
interface. The forms connect to SQLite for persistent data storage. Forms provide the user with data
entry, visualization, evaluation and analysis. Data based support allows user to access html forms,
spreadsheets or the conventional document automation. A uniform tagging system for Internet, e-mail
and documents enables complete follow-up and an overview of all to-dos. The existing infrastructure
extends to make contact and lead management more accommodating for the user and extend the
document strategy so that the more difficult assets to integrate such as threads from user groups or
forums and project management issues feed into the content production. This extension makes the
information available over the feeds. A local web server will support offline web application for the user
and ensure a simple, unified user interface for web and offline application. Using a local web server will
also enable focused queries to eliminate multiplicity in the contact, lead and project entry steps.

Try a simple POW Application.

Go to Google Groups and Firefox POW Users- Group . Continue further to the Group “files”. From the
file list download the files “” Dirview lists the folders in a POW directory.

Copy in a subdirectory of the root directory htdocs for POW or Breadcrumbs. Directory
starts with the htdocs subdirectory. In the Addressbar use the command.
“http://localhost:6669/dirview/dirb.sjs?dir=breadcrumbs/pages=” this brings the directory of the
Breadcrumbs pages. Dirview is useful for listing the Breadcrumbs stored URLs.
Breadcrumbs Search
Changing the root directory includes the new folder location in the search. For the Breadcrumbs search

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Use Breadcrumbs and ScrapBook to bring on-line reading-> Home
If you use tutorials or other hypertext linked documents then Breadcrumbs stores the pages linked to the
index page. View the tutorial or document pages on-line, they automatically store in Breadcrumbs.
Capture the index page in ScrapBook. Calling up the index page and using the links connects to the
pages stored in Breadcrumbs. Then the entire link document reads from ScrapBook without an on-line
connection. A useful hypertext tutorial links online. But with ScrapBook and Breadcrumbs it stores locally

Thanks to Brian Hancock BRILEIGH, whose work, development and support substantially shortened the
way and the learning curve.

See Also
Internet Messaging extends the support for the Sales Cycle Management Team.

[BIA] Building Information System Aggregates to drive Strategic Business Development Team Resources
URL: >>>

Streamlining Sales Cycle Management with Internet Messaging URL: >>>

[QRO] Quick Reference to Sales Cycle Management Objects to drive Strategic Business Development
Aggregates URL: >>>

[RDO] Reference Linking Views, Data Objects and Transactions at the Common Point of Entry in Sales
Cycle Management URL: >>>

[LDO] Lead and Contact Data Objects, Transactions and Views participating in Sales Cycle Management
URL: >>>

[SCT] Sales Consulting Templates for use in a Team Knowledge Base for Customer Development URL:

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