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Experiment - XII


Experiment - XII
Power is the rate of work being done. Power = work done / time taken

To have a better understanding of the watt as a unit of power of the relationship between the watt and the standard horsepower.

Bathroom scale Meter stick Stopwatch

Locate a straight staircase at least 1.5 meters in vertical height and preferably with a railing. There should also be a clear area of at least at both the top and the bottom of the stairs. Measure the height of one step and multiply with the number of the total steps, and record the data as the total height Use the bathroom scale to measure the weight of the first person. Set the stopwatch at zero. Ask the first Now, thats called Power!!! student to run up the stairs as fast as possible. Start the watch when both feet of the student have left the ground floor and stop the watch when both feet are at the top floor. Record the time.


Data and Calculations Table:

Data Table

NAME A. Joey B. Tyler C. Justin C. Dylan D. Michael E. Dalton G. Cassandra G. Tyler H. Stephen H. Kyle H. Brandon K. Alexander K. Jacob L. Daniel M. Shane N. Josiah N. Jack R. Nasir R. Noah R. Jacob R. Jared R. Daniel R. Kacey S. Cameron T. Cooper Y. Haley 2

Weight (N) 929 575 610 596 777 929 515 823 744 569 612 574 687 670 628 720 612 490 649 1085 630 504 769 745 715 524

Height of stairs (m) 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5

Time (s) 5.99 13.9 8.52 6.72 6.47 6.35 6.28 5.71 6.64 8.08 5.79 6.75 5.38 6.24 5.38 5.14 5.44 9.09 6.97 6.19 5.97 4.67 7.74 4.70 4.57 6.89


Calculations Table

NAME A. Joey B. Tyler C. Justin C. Dylan D. Michael E. Dalton G. Cassandra G. Tyler H. Stephen H. Kyle H. Brandon K. Alexander K. Jacob L. Daniel M. Shane N. Josiah N. Jack R. Nasir R. Noah R. Jacob R. Jared R. Daniel R. Kacey S. Cameron T. Cooper Y. Haley

Power (W) 1008 283 465 876 781 951 532 937 728 458 692 553 830 698 759 911 777 350 652 1142 686 701 646 1031 1069 590

Horsepower 1.35 .380 .624 .772 1.05 1.27 .714 1.26 .976 .614 .928 .741 1.11 .936 1.02 1.22 1.04 .470 .870 1.53 .919 1.09 .866 1.38 1.26 .663

Question: What do physicists enjoy doing the most at any games?

Answer: The 'wave'.


1. Using the equation in the section 6.5 of the text, compute the Power output in watts of each student listed in the data table. Soln:

Power (watt) = [Force * d] / t 1. R. Nasir = [490 * 6.5] / 9.09 = 350 W

2. Convert the wattage of each participant into horsepower equivalents. Soln:

Horsepower = Power / 746 1. R. Nasir = 350 / 746 = .470 Hp

1. What is the relationship between the horsepower of the participant and the Watts definition of horsepower? Soln: Both are finding a way to measure the power of working object.


2. List several sources of error in this experiment? Soln: Several possible errors in this experiment are: 1. Measuring the exact time. 2. The participant might not try the possible strength. 3. The calculations 3. How does this experiment illustrate the relationship between force and distance in the power equation? Soln: This experiment showed that, if the time is constant, the higher the force the greater the horsepower and the same with the distance. This proved that the force and the distance travelled are directly proportional to the horsepower.

R: The purpose of this lab was to have a better understanding of the watt as a unit of power of the relationship between the watt and the standard horsepower. E: In this lab the entire student of our class had to climb 6.5 meter high staircase as fast as possible. And the time taken was recorded. Then we calculated the work done by each of them then divided by the time taken by them which gave us their power. Then we divided the power by 746 to find the horsepower. R: Result of this lab was: 1. Higher the weight (force) the higher the power. 2. Higher the time taken the lower the power. U: The uncertainties of this lab are: 1. Measuring the exact time. 2. The participant might not try the possible strength. 3. The calculations N: the new thing I learnt in this lab is: 1. Less the time taken higher the horsepower. 2. 746 powers are called 1 horsepower.

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