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_1__ Tim


Tt asks students about their favorite food. Ss are to share their opinions among themselves, first. After 1 minute, Tt asks Ss individually about their favorite food. Tt then asks Ss about the different categories in food. Tt brainstorms and elicits ideas from Ss and writes them on the WB. Tt introduces the fruit category and quickly brainstorms with Ss on the types of fruit and writes them on the board. Tt asks Ss, Where can we buy fruits? Tt writes Ss answers on the WB. e.g. market, supermarket etc. Tt tells the Ss that he/she has a friend and the friend wants to buy some fruits and writes out some important points on the WB to help Ss to create a conversation between the salesperson and the friend. e.g. John Market , John + Salesperson, John Bananas Salesperson no bananas, grapes yes / 100 bht per bunch Tt asks Ss to help him/her to write out/create a conversation on the WB. Tt writes Ss ideas on the board. Tt adds some other alternative phrases that the Ss can also use. Tt then goes through the conversation on the board with Ss, drilling and checking them for correct pronunciation of words and phrases. Tt reads sentences/phrases, Ss repeat after him/her as a group. Ss are given a fill in the missing sentence/phrases worksheet A. Ss are asked to work on it individually for a few minutes. A time limit is given. When the time is up, Ss are asked to compare answers in pairs. Tt then goes through the answers with Ss. Tt explains to the Ss that they are going to have a conversation activity about a salesperson at a fruit market and a customer who wants to buy some fruits. They will be given some points to use to have a conversation with their partner. Tt then group Ss into pairs and gives each pair two pieces of paper containing information about A = Salesperson, B = Customer. Paper A will have some pointers about the fruits/price the salesperson is selling and Paper B will have some pointers about what the customer wants to buy. Tt explains that Ss have to act out the part in their paper and use the pointers given to have a conversation with their partners. Tt models the exercise with another Ss to give other Ss a better understanding of what they are supposed to do. Ss are given a few minutes to practice while Tt guides and monitors. Tt explains that they are going to have a role-play activity between a salesperson and a customer. Ss are to use what they have learnt to have a conversation about buying fruits at a market with their partners. Tt picks a Ss to model a simple conversation, emphasizing the use of TL. Some model fruits are used to illustrate a real market in the role-play. Tt then picks two Ss to model another conversation. Once Ss appear clear on what to do, Tt has Ss stand in two lines. Tt tells Ss in the first line that they are customers and they have to speak to the salespersons in the second line to buy some fruits. The salespersons are given a model fruit each to show what they have in their store. Ss begin their practice. Tt monitors and gives support where necessary. After the first group is done, Tt changes/exchanges the roles between the two groups and repeats the activity. Time limit = 15 minutes

St-St, S, or T-St

Objective for each stage

SWBAT share general information about food and its sub-category- fruits.

Materials & VAKT Marker pens

7 Presentation

T SWBAT point out the different places to buy fruits and to construct a simple conversation about buying fruits from the market. Market pens


10 Practice



SWBAT fill in the missing sentences/phrases in a conversation that includes the TL between a fruit seller and a customer. SWBAT ask and answer questions about buying fruits at the market using the TL.

Worksheet A


Paper A & Paper B


S-S T T-S SWBAT buy fruits at the market using phrases related to shopping. Model fruits




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To conclude, Tt tells Ss that that are good shoppers and sellers and they are ready to buy anything from the stores.

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