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List of PlugIn IDs

The following plugin IDs have problems associated with them. Select the ID to review more detail. Plugin id# 11111 11002 10287 25220 22964 10223 53335 11936 10884 19506 10114 12053 35371 54615 45590 # of issues 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Plugin name RPC Services Enumeration DNS Server Detection Traceroute Information TCP/IP Timestamps Supported Service Detection RPC portmapper Service Detection RPC portmapper (TCP) OS Identification Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Detection Nessus Scan Information ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Date Disclosure Host Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Resolution DNS Server hostname.bind Map Hostname Disclosure Device Type Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) Severity Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found Low Severity problem(s) found

Port rpc-status (650/tcp)

Plugin ID: 11111

RPC Services Enumeration Synopsis An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host. Sinopsis Layanan ONC RPC berjalan pada remote host. List of Hosts Plugin Output The following RPC services are available on TCP port 650 : - program: 100024 (status), version: 1

Description By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by sending an RPC request to the remote port. Deskripsi Dengan mengirimkan permintaan DUMP ke portmapper merupakan mungkin untuk menghitung ONC layanan RPC berjalan pada port remote. Menggunakan informasi memungkinkan untuk menghubungkan dan mengikat setiap layanan oleh mengirim permintaan RPC ke port remote.

Solution n/a Solusi \Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2002/08/24

Plugin last modification date: 2011/05/24

Port rpc-status (647/udp)

Plugin ID: 11111 RPC Services Enumeration Synopsis An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host. Sinopsis Layanan ONC RPC berjalan pada remote host. List of Hosts Plugin Output The following RPC services are available on UDP port 647 : - program: 100024 (status), version: 1

Description By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by sending an RPC request to the remote port. Diskripsi Dengan mengirimkan permintaan DUMP ke portmapper merupaka mungkin untuk menghitung ONC layanan RPC berjalan pada port remote. Menggunakan informasi memungkinkan untuk menghubungkan dan mengikat setiap layanan oleh mengirim permintaan RPC ke port remote.

Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None

Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2002/08/24 Plugin last modification date: 2011/05/24

Port rpc-portmapper (111/udp)

Plugin ID: 11111 RPC Services Enumeration Synopsis An ONC RPC service is running on the remote host. Sinopsis Layana ONC RPC berjalan pada remote host. List of Hosts Plugin Output The following RPC services are available on UDP port 111 : - program: 100000 (portmapper), version: 2

Description By sending a DUMP request to the portmapper, it was possible to enumerate the ONC RPC services running on the remote port. Using this information, it is possible to connect and bind to each service by sending an RPC request to the remote port. Diskripsi Dengan mengirimkan permintaan DUMP ke portmapper merupaka mungkin untuk menghitung ONC layanan RPC berjalan pada port remote. Menggunakan informasi memungkinkan untuk menghubungkan dan mengikat setiap layanan oleh mengirim permintaan RPC ke port remote. Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui

Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2002/08/24 Plugin last modification date: 2011/05/24

Port rpc-portmapper (111/udp)

Plugin ID: 10223 RPC portmapper Service Detection Synopsis An ONC RPC portmapper is running on the remote host. Sinopsis ONC RPC portmapper berjalan pada remote host. List of Hosts Description The RPC portmapper is running on this port. The portmapper allows someone to get the port number of each RPC service running on the remote host by sending either multiple lookup requests or a DUMP request. Deskripsi RPC portmapper berjalan pada port ini. Portmapper memungkinkan seseorang untuk mendapatkan nomor port dari setiap RPC layanan yang berjalan pada remote host dengan mengirimkan baik lookup beberapa permintaan atau permintaan Dump.

Solution n/a

Solusi Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada CVE CVE-1999-0632 Plugin publication date: 1999/08/19 Plugin last modification date: 2011/11/15

Port (0/tcp)
Plugin ID: 19506 Nessus Scan Information Synopsis Information about the Nessus scan. Sinopsis Informasi informasi yang di dapat kan dari scan nessus List of Hosts Plugin Output Information about this scan : Nessus version : 4.4.1 (Nessus 5.0.0 is available - consider upgrading) Plugin feed version : 201204150437 Type of plugin feed : HomeFeed (Non-commercial use only) Scanner IP : Port scanner(s) : nessus_syn_scanner Port range : default Thorough tests : no Experimental tests : no Paranoia level : 1 Report Verbosity : 1 Safe checks : yes Optimize the test : yes

Credentialed checks : no Patch management checks : None CGI scanning : enabled Web application tests : enabled Web app tests - Test mode : some_pairs Web app tests - Try all HTTP methods : no Web app tests - Maximum run time : 60 minutes. Web app tests - Stop at first flaw : CGI Max hosts : 80 Max checks : 5 Recv timeout : 5 Backports : None Scan Start Date : 2012/4/17 8:50 Scan duration : 123 sec

Description This script displays, for each tested host, information about the scan itself : - The version of the plugin set - The type of plugin feed (HomeFeed or ProfessionalFeed) - The version of the Nessus Engine - The port scanner(s) used - The port range scanned - Whether credentialed or third-party patch management checks are possible - The date of the scan - The duration of the scan - The number of hosts scanned in parallel - The number of checks done in parallel Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ad

Plugin publication date: 2005/08/26 Plugin last modification date: 2012/03/06

Port (0/tcp)
Plugin ID: 25220 TCP/IP Timestamps Supported Synopsis The remote service implements TCP timestamps. Sinopsisnya Layanan remote mengimplementasikan TCP timestamps. List of Hosts Description The remote host implements TCP timestamps, as defined by RFC1323. A side effect of this feature is that the uptime of the remote host can sometimes be computed. Diskropsi Remote host ini menerapkan TCP timestamps seperti yang didefinisikan oleh RFC1323. Sebuah efek samping dari fitur ini adalah bahwa waktu hidup dari remote host terkadang dapat diperhitungkan. Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui See also Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2007/05/16

Plugin last modification date: 2011/03/20

Port ntp (123/udp)

Plugin ID: 10884 Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Detection Synopsis An NTP server is listening on the remote host. Sinopsis Server di NTP bisa didengarkan pada port ini. List of Hosts Description An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server is listening on this port. It provides information about the current date and time of the remote system and may provide system information. Deskripsi Sebuah NTP (Network Time Protocol) server mendengarkan pada port ini. Itu memberikan informasi tentang tanggal dan waktu dari remote sistem dan dapat memberikan informasi sistem.

Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2002/03/13 Plugin last modification date: 2011/03/11

Port (0/tcp)
Plugin ID: 12053 Host Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Resolution Synopsis It was possible to resolve the name of the remote host. Sinopsis Memungkin untuk menyelesaikan nama dari remote host. List of Hosts Plugin Output resolves as

Description Nessus was able to resolve the FQDN of the remote host. Deskripsi Nessus mampu menyelesaikan FQDN dari remote host.

Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2004/02/11 Plugin last modification date: 2011/07/14

Port dns (53/udp)

Plugin ID: 35371

DNS Server hostname.bind Map Hostname Disclosure Synopsis The DNS server discloses the remote host name. Sinopsis Server DNS mengungkapkan nama host remote. List of Hosts Plugin Output The remote host name is :

Description It is possible to learn the remote host name by querying the remote DNS server for 'hostname.bind' in the CHAOS domain. Deskripsi Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk mempelajari nama remote host dengan query remote DNS server untuk 'hostname.bind' dalam domain CHAOS.

Solution It may be possible to disable this feature. Consult the vendor's documentation for more information. Solusi Dimungkinkan untuk menonaktifkan fitur ini. Konsultasikan vendor dokumentasi untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2009/01/15 Plugin last modification date: 2011/09/14

Port (0/tcp)
Plugin ID: 54615 Device Type Synopsis It is possible to guess the remote device type. Sinopsis Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk menebak jenis perangkat remote. List of Hosts Plugin Output Remote device type : general-purpose Confidence level : 70

Description Based on the remote operating system, it is possible to determine what the remote system type is (eg: a printer, router, general-purpose computer, etc). Deskripsi Berdasarkan sistem operasi jarak jauh merupaka mungkin untuk menentukan apa jenis sistem remote (misalnya: printer, router, tujuan umum komputer, dll).

Solution n/a Sulusi Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2011/05/23

Plugin last modification date: 2011/05/23

Port (0/udp)
Plugin ID: 10287 Traceroute Information Synopsis It was possible to obtain traceroute information. Sinopsis Memungkin untuk mendapatkan informasi traceroute. List of Hosts Plugin Output For your information, here is the traceroute from to :

Description Makes a traceroute to the remote host. Diskripsi membuat traceroute menjadi the remote host. Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None Factor resiko Tidak ada

Plugin publication date: 1999/11/27 Plugin last modification date: 2012/02/23

Port (0/tcp)
Plugin ID: 11936 OS Identification Synopsis It is possible to guess the remote operating system. Sinopsis Memungkinkan untuk menebak sistem operasi remo List of Hosts Plugin Output Remote operating system : Linux Kernel 2.6 Confidence Level : 70 Method : SinFP The remote host is running Linux Kernel 2.6

Description Using a combination of remote probes, (TCP/IP, SMB, HTTP, NTP, SNMP, etc...) it is possible to guess the name of the remote operating system in use, and sometimes its version. Deskripsi Menggunakan kombinasi probe kecil, (TCP / IP, SMB, HTTP, NTP, SNMP, dll ..) memungkin untuk menebak nama dari sistem operasi jarak jauh yang digunakan, dan terkadang versinya.

Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui

Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2003/12/09 Plugin last modification date: 2012/04/06

Port (5666/tcp)
Plugin ID: 22964 Service Detection Synopsis The remote service could be identified. Sinopsis Layanan remote dapat diidentifikasi List of Hosts Plugin Output The service closed the connection without sending any data. It might be protected by some sort of TCP wrapper.

Description It was possible to identify the remote service by its banner or by looking at the error message it sends when it receives an HTTP request. Deskripsi IMemungkin untuk mengidentifikasi layanan remote dengan melihat pada pesan kesalahan mengirimkan ketika menerima permintaan HTTP.

Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui

Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2007/08/19 Plugin last modification date: 2012/04/14

Port dns (53/tcp)

Plugin ID: 11002 DNS Server Detection Synopsis A DNS server is listening on the remote host. Sinopsis server DNS mendengarkan pada remote host. List of Hosts Description The remote service is a Domain Name System (DNS) server, which provides a mapping between hostnames and IP addresses. Deskripsi Layanan remote adalah Domain Name System (DNS) server, yang menyediakan pemetaan antara nama host dan alamat IP.

Solution Disable this service if it is not needed or restrict access to internal hosts only if the service is available externally. Solusi Menonaktifkan layanan ini jika tidak dibutuhkan atau membatasi akses ke host internal dan hanya layanan ini tersedia secara eksternal.

See also Risk Factor None Faktor resiko tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2003/02/13 Plugin last modification date: 2011/03/11

Port (0/tcp)
Plugin ID: 45590 Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) Synopsis It is possible to enumerate CPE names that matched on the remote system. Sinopsis Memungkinkan untuk menghitung nama CPE yang cocok pada sistem remote. List of Hosts Plugin Output The remote operating system matched the following CPE : cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6

Description By using information obtained from a Nessus scan, this plugin reports CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) matches for various hardware and software products found on a host. Note that if an official CPE is not available for the product, this plugin computes the best possible CPE based on the information available from the scan.

Deskripsi Dengan menggunakan informasi yang diperoleh dari scan Nessus, plugin ini melaporkan CPE (Enumerasi Common Platform) cocok untuk berbagai hardware dan produk perangkat lunak yang ditemukan pada sebuah host. Perhatikan bahwa jika sebuah CPE resmi tidak tersedia untuk produk ini Plugin menghitung CPE terbaik berdasarkan informasi yang tersedia dari scan.

Solution n/a Solusi Tidak Diketahui See also Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada Plugin publication date: 2010/04/21 Plugin last modification date: 2012/03/15

Port (0/icmp)
Plugin ID: 10114 ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Date Disclosure Synopsis It is possible to determine the exact time set on the remote host. Sinopsis Memungkinkan untuk menentukan waktu yang tepat set pada remote host. List of Hosts Plugin Output

The remote clock is synchronized with the local clock.

Description The remote host answers to an ICMP timestamp request. This allows an attacker to know the date that is set on the targeted machine. This may help an attacker to defeat all time-based authentication protocols. Deskripsi Jawaban remote host untuk permintaan ICMP timestamp. Hal ini memungkinkan penyerang untuk mengetahui tanggal yang ditetapkan pada mesin yang ditargetkan. Ini dapat membantu penyerang untuk mengalahkan semua otentikasi berbasis time protokol.

Solution Filter out the ICMP timestamp requests (13), and the outgoing ICMP timestamp replies (14). Solusi Menyaring permintaan ICMP timestamp (13), dan Balasan keluar ICMP timestamp (14).

Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada CVE CVE-1999-0524 Other references OSVDB:94 CWE:200 Vulnerability publication date: 1995/01/01 Plugin publication date: 1999/08/01

Plugin last modification date: 2011/11/15

Port rpc-portmapper (111/tcp)

Plugin ID: 53335 RPC portmapper (TCP) Synopsis An ONC RPC portmapper is running on the remote host. Sinopsis ONC RPC portmapper berjalan pada remote host. List of Hosts Description The RPC portmapper is running on this port. The portmapper allows someone to get the port number of each RPC service running on the remote host by sending either multiple lookup requests or a DUMP request. Deskripsi RPC portmappe berjalan pada port ini. Portmapper memungkinkan seseorang untuk mendapatkan nomor port dari setiap RPC layanan yang berjalan pada remote host dengan mengirimkan baik lookup beberapa permintaan atau permintaan Dump.

Solution n/a Solusi Tidak diketahui Risk Factor None Faktor resiko Tidak ada

Plugin publication date: 2011/04/08 Plugin last modification date: 2011/08/29 Scan Time Start time: End time: Tue Apr 17 08:50:09 2012 Tue Apr 17 08:52:12 2012

Number of vulnerabilities High 0 Medium 0 Low 19 Remote Host Information Operating System: Linux Kernel 2.6 DNS name: IP address:

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