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JOB ANALYSIS A job may be defined as an assignment of work calling for a set of duties, responsibilities and conditions that

are diff from those of other work assignment. JA is a detailed and systematic study of jobs to know the nature and characteristics of people to be employed for each job. It is the determination of tasks which comprise the job and of the skills, knowledge, abilities & attitudes reqd of the worker for successful performance of the job. The process of job analysis is essentially one of data collection & then analyzing that data. This data may be classified as: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Job identification Nature of job Operations in doing the job Materials and equipment to be used in doing the job Personal Attributes reqd to do the job Relation with other jobs.

Objectives of Job Analysis (1) (2) (3) Work simplification Establishment of work standard Support of other personal activities

Used/Benefits of Job Analysis JA is an imp. Component of human resource mgt. system. IT provided imp. Inf. Which aids in redesigning jobs of org. structure. 1) HRP represent qualitative aspect of human resource req. I helped in determining the no. and kinds of jobs and qualification needed to fill these jobs.


Procurement, Selection and Placement: - To make employment prog. Successful, it is necessary to have clear statement of jobs to be performed and of the skills and knowledge that must be prescribed by the employee who will fill these jobs.


Placement- A clear understanding of job req. help in matching these with the abilities, interest & attitude of people.

4) 5) 6) 7)

Training & Dev. Job Evaluation Performance Appraisal Employee counseling - help in designing , redesigning of jobs by industrial engineer from time to time through study

8) 9)

Job Design Org Design Resp. commensurate was authority & accountability for various jobs can be specified so as to minimize duplication as


Safety and Health provided an opp to uncover and identify hazardous conditions and in healthy cov. Factor.

Steps in Job Analysis Eight major steps: 1) Organise and plan for the preg. 2) Obtain current job design information 3) Conduct needs research. The job analyst should investigate to determine which org. or staff people required job analysis. 4) Establish priorities in the jobs to be analysed. 5) Collect job data

6) Redesign the jobs 7) Prepare job descriptions and jobs classification 8) Developing job specifications. Techniques of Data Collection for Job Analysis The analysis of jobs required gathering data about the jobs 1) 2) 3) 4) Co recorded Interviews with workers Observations of workers on the job Self reporting by the worker

Personal Inverviewing PI of the job holders is an imp. Part of some commonly used job analysis system. For unstructured questionnaire the analysis tries to draw out a description of the job as the incumbent see it. Three types of interview. An initial int. provides most of the job inf. A verification is made after the result from the first int. have been checked with other A follow up int. to polish up the final draft. Preparation for the Int All int. should be notified in advance The questionnaire, the task no to be given to the candidate in adv. Obtaining Inf. Verification of Inf. Observation Method Under the method the job analyst watches and observes the ind. Performing the job and takes notes to describe the task and duties performed. If a particular job is simple and

repetitive, observation may be the only tech reqd. Use of OM is Ltd because many jobs do not have complete and easily observable job cycles. Record The analyst collects the inf. From the record maintained by the personal deptt. Certain inf. Are not made available from records. Critical Incident In this method job holders are asked to described incident concerning the job on the basis of their past exp. The incident so collected are analysed and classified acc to the job area they describe. Quantitative Method 1. Position Analysis Questionnaire It is a very structured job analysis questionnaire PAQ itself is filled in by a job analyst, person who should already be acquainted with the particular job to be analysed containing 194 items, each of which represent a basic element that may or may not play an important role in the job. 2. Mgt. Position Description Questionnaire- A standardized instrument designed specifically for use in analyzing major jobs. The 274 item questionnaire contains 15 sections. 3. Functional Job Analysis FJA is a worker oriented job analysis approach that attempts to describe the whole person on the job. It tries to examine fundamental components of data, people and things Which Method to follow? There are many ways to obtain the job analysis inf. The inf. May be obtained from ind. Workers or from group, from supervision or from observations of the job analyst. Expects agree that the choice of a job analysed method depends upon

the purposed to be served by the data. Problems in Job Analysis 1. Lack of support from Top Mg. 2. Single Method Job holders are a great source of information about the job but they are not trained or motivated to generate quality data for JA. 3. Lack of training 4. Distortion of Activities when training or preparedness does not exist job holders tend to submit duterted data. JOB DESCRIPTION JD is the immediate product of job analysis proceed. The data collected through job analysis provided a basis for job ded and job specifications. JD functionally describes what the job entact. It disclose that, how and why the job is to be done. It classifies the job into various subjobs and analyse the nature of each sub job.

Contents of Job Description 1. Proper Job title It is desirable that the job title should be short, definite and suggestive of the nature of the job. 2. Job Summary JS described the contents of the jobs in terms of activities tasks performed. 3. 4. Job Location It should be also be given in the description of the job. Duties & Responsibilities Most imp. Phase of res. And should be prepared very carefully. 5. Machined Tools and Materials M.T.E, Mat, reqd in perf of each job should

be included in the J.D. 6. Working Conditions Working conditions in terms of heat, light, save level, funds etc the job hazards should also be described. 7. Nature of Supervision The nature of supervision regd on each job should also be mentioned. 8. Relation to other jobs The jobs imm below & above are mentioned.

Characteristics of a Good Job Description 1. It should be kept update. Necessary adj. to be made from time to time. 2. Job title should be short, definite & suggestive. 3. Should clearly describe duties. 4. Job specifications should be clearly mentioned. 5. Should be descriptive but shed and concise.

Job Specifications A job specification is a document which state the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job properly. Job specifications translate the job descriptions into human qualification. Specification are intended to serve as a guide in hiring and to be used in job evaluation. A job specification should include 1. Physical characteristics 2. Psychological & local characteristics 3. Mental characteristics 4. Personal

Job Description/Job specification In contract to job description, JSP is a measuring rod of personal and it combines qualities reqd for acceptable performance of a particulars job like formal education, exp, psychological attitude etc. JD is summary of duties, responsibilities & feature of the job. Preparation of Job specifications JS are generally developed with coop of the P.D. and various supervisors throughout the org. The PM co-ordinate the working of JD & J.S. so he should see that the useful inf. Regarding the pref. of job diff. jobs. A deliberate & systematic attempt to structure the technical and social aspect of work so as to improve technical efficiency and job satisfaction. of spec. is obtained by studying actual practice in

JOB DESIGN: Job design is a process which integrates work content, the reward and the qualifications reqd for each job in a way that meets the need of the employees & org. Objectives of Job Design 1. To meet the req. of org such as high prod., technical efficiency and quality of work. 2. Second Obj is to satisfy the needs of the end employees such as job satisfaction. 3. The next obj. is to integrate the needs of the intt. With the reg. of org. Approached to Job Design 1. Traditional Approach The Org. allocates duties & resp. constuent with the common practice & traditions.

2. Scientific Mgt. Approach Dev. By F. V. Taylor In the app. Principle of SM form the based of designing the jobs in the org. SM approach offered the felt principles for designing the jobs in the org. a) Task Fragmentation b) Optimization c) Standardization 3. Specification - fail to take into consideration psychological need of worker. 4. Training - may lead to physical illness. 5. Responsibility 6. Monetary Rewards.

3. HR Approach This app. Concerned itself with the impart of employeed, social & psychological needs on prod. Social interact 4. Job Charactertive App Based on funding of Elgony Mayo, Fr. Herzberg, Stressed on Social & psychological need of the employee rather than on tech. aspects. Methods of Job Design Job is broken down into small 1. Job Simplification support so that employees can do there jobs without much specialsed training. 2. Job Rotation shifting of an employee from one job to another job within a working group so there is some variety and reliev from borden routine. Adv. Variety broaden the knowledge Excellent means of broadening the work experience of employees

Drawback 1) Leads to TRen dev. Cost and in productivity 2) Limited impact on employee motivation and productivity. 3) Job Enlargement Means assignment of varied tasks a duties of the jobs of employees are on the lane level. In the case there is enlarged is the horizontal dimension. Herzberg a pioneer is j.d. had characterized job enlargens as simply adding zero 10 zero meaning one dev of boring task is simply added to another. Adv in variety of jobs Provides whole need & identify with the task and the knowledge Reduced monetary. 4 Job Enrichment

Implied increasing the contents of a job or deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope and challenge in work JE is a motivational technique which emphasis the need for challenging and interesting work. It leads to a vertically enhanced job by adding functions from other org. level, making it conditions more variety and offer autonomy and pride to the job holder. JE is diff. from JS horizontal loading or exp. i.e. addition of more task of the same nature. JE involves vertical loading of functions & resp. which req. higher level of skills and competence. In order to enrich the job, the mgt should take the fel measures

(a) give suff. Freedom to emp in deciding about work method, pace (b) add new tasks (c) resp. (d) inc. partic (e) provide feedback to the emp. Adv. 1. Makes the work more int. 2. Use the rates of absenteeism 3. helps in motivation through opp. For growth and adv. 4. New skill of worker 5. Worker get higher job sat. Lin 1. Tech may not permit the enrich of all jobs. 2. Proves to be a costly process sometimes 3. It is difficult to say that all workers really want challenging jobs. Job Enlargement Vs. Job Enrichment 1. Nature - horiz. 2. Prepcede - to reduce monotony in certain Vertical loading to make the job mere lively, challenging & satisfying

sub jobs by lengthening the cycle of operation. 3. Need for skills may not call for acq. Or utilization 3) Call for dev. Of utilization of higher level skill, initiative and innovation

of higher level skill. 4. External Direction 4) Job holder need & Control Does not reduce the Need for direction & contract of the superior. less of external sup.

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