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Quantitative Questionnaire Based on information that you know, please kindly answer the questions below by filling in the

most suitable answer or choosing from the provided answers. SECTION A: Kindly fill in your self-information by ticking in the appropriate boxes.
a. Gender: Male 44 Female 44 b. Program: a. Mechanical Engineering b. Electronic and Electrical Engineering c. Petroleum Engineering d. Chemical Engineering e. Civil Engineering f. Petroleum GeoScience g. Business and Information System h. Information and Communication Technology c. Year: Foundation 44 1st Year 44 2nd Year 44 3rd Year 44 Yes No

4th Year 44

d. Did you study Science and Mathematics using English as the medium of instruction

SECTION B: In this section, the questions are all regarding the positive impacts of English for Teaching Mathematics and Science (ETeMS).. Kindly give your response to the questions by ticking in the boxes (YES)-which means yes/agree, or (NO)-which means no/disagree.
I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. I could speak English very well and fluently Yes No I could answer questions asked by my teacher very well Yes No I speak English with my friends in science and mathematics classes Yes No My teachers teach science and mathematics in fully English Yes No I always speak to my teacher in English Yes No I always speak English at home Yes No

SECTION C: In this section, the questions are all regarding the negative impacts of English for Teaching Mathematics and Science (ETeMS). Kindly give your response to the questions by ticking in the boxes (YES)-which means yes/agree, or (NO)-which means no/disagree. For, multiple choice question(s), please tick the most suitable answer(s). For, subjective question(s), please write your answer(s).
1. Do you know about PPSMI? Yes No 2. Do you have problems in learning science and mathematics in English? Yes No 3. What are the factors that contribute to the learning problems? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the competency level of teachers who teach Science and Mathematics in English? Bad Good Excellent 5. What is the achievement level of students in the PPSMI program based on their school locations (i.e. urban or rural)? Low Medium High 6. Does the change of the current science and mathematics medium of instruction may also cause cultural shock to the students? Yes No 7. Does PPSMI may create unfamiliarity to those concepts taught to them and may slow down or retard their science and mathematics learning? Yes No

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