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Expand MATLAB? And importance of MATLAB 2. What is clear all and close all will do?

3. What is disp() and input()? What is subplot(), stem(), plot()?

2. What is xlabel(), ylabel(), title()? 3. What do you mean by time scale? Generate the following figures What Operations can be performed on Signals and Sequences?

2. Define Causality and Stability? 3. Define Scaling property and give its importance. 4. Define Shifting property and give its importance. 5. Define Folding property and give its importance. 6. Give the expressions for finding the Energy of a Signal/Sequence? 7. Give the expressions for finding the Average Power of a Signal/Sequence? 8. Perform all the operations on the following Sequences a. x(n) = {1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 } b) x(n) = {2 3 4 5 6 6 5 4 3 2 1}

9. Find the Energy and Average Power of a Signal defined a. x(t) = 10*U(t) What is an even function? 20*U(t 2) b) x(t) = 1.5*t2U(t)

2. What is an odd function? 3. What do you mean by real part and an imaginary part ? What is Convolution? 2. What is the importance of convolution? 3. What is the difference between Linear and Circular Convolution? What is Correlation? 2. What is the importance of Correlation? 3. What is the difference between Correlation and Convolution What is Linearity and give the condition for a system? 2. What is Time Invariance and give the condition for a system? 3. Check the linearity of the following systems a. y(n) = [x(n)]2 b. y(n) = exp(x(n)) c. y(t) = 7x(t) + 5

4. Check the Time Invariance of the following systems a. y(n) = a [x(n)]2 + b x(n) b. y(t) = x(t + 7) What is an LTI System? 2. Define Stability? 3. Specify whether the system is stable or not a.

x(t) = 2.5 *exp(t) U(t)

b. x(n) = 0.5*(-0.5)^n U(n) Define Gibb s Phenomenon?

2. What is the importance of Gibb s Phenomenon? Give the expression for Fourier Transform?
2. 3. 4. Give the expression for Inverse Fourier Transform? Find the Magnitude and Phase of x + i*y? Find the Fourier Transform and find its Magnitude and Phase Spectrum a) x(t) = U(t) c) x(t) = 2sin(10t)U(t) b) x(t) = r(t) d) x(t) = exp(-|t|)U(t)

What is Waveform Synthesis? 2. What is the difference between Analysis and Synthesis? 3. Find the Inverse Laplace Transform of a) 1/(s+2) c) (s +2s +9)/(s(s +9)) 4. Find the Laplace Transform of a) x(t) = (1 e-2t)*U(t) c) x(t) = 10cos(t) 20sin(20t) Study the details of sym() function? b) x(t) = U(t) d) x(t) = a U(t)
2t 2 2

b)1/s3 d) 18/(s (s + 9))

2 2



2. Study the details of laplace() and ilaplace() functions? 3. Study the details of pretty() and factor() functions? 4. Study the details of Heaviside() function? 5. Study the details of Residue() and roots() functions? 6. Study the details of ztrans() and iztrans() functions? 7. Study the details of dimpulse() function? 8. What are Poles and Zeros? 9. How you Specify the Stability based on poles and zeros? 10. Define S plane and Z plane? 11. What is the difference between S plane and Z plane? Define Gaussian Noise? 2. Define Mean and Skew? 3. Define kurtosis and PSD? 4. Define CDF and PDF ? 5. What is the difference between CDF and PDF Define Sampling Theorem? 2. Define Replication property? 3. What is Impulse train? . What is a Noise and how many types of noises are there.

2. What is Gaussian noise? 3. What is Correlation? How many types of Correlations are there? 4. What is the difference between Auto and Cross Correlation 5. What is the importance of Correlation? What is a Noise and how many types of noises are there. 2. What is Correlation? How many types of Correlations are there? 3. What is the difference between Auto and Cross Correlation 4. What is the importance of Correlation. Define Fourier Transform and its inverse? 2. What is the importance of Correlation? 3. What is the difference between Convolution and Correlation? 4. What is the importance of power spectrum? Find the Fourier Transform of the following signals a. x(t) = exp(-2*t)u(t) b. x(t) = rect(0.5*t) c. Trapezoidal function

6. Find the Auto Correlation of the above signals Define Random Variable and Random Process? 2. Define Mean, Median and Mode? 3. Define Auto Correlation? 4. What are the types of Random Process? 5. What is a Stationary Process? 6. What are the conditions for the Random Process to be WSS? 7. What are the conditions for the Random Process to be SSS?

DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (DSP) VIVA QUESTIONS: 1. What is sampling theorem? 2. What do you mean by process of reconstruction. 3. What are techniques of reconstructions. 4. What do you mean Aliasing? What is the condition to avoid aliasing for sampling? 5. Write the conditions of sampling. 6. How many types of sampling there? 7. Explain the statementt= 0:0.000005:0.05 8. In the above example what does colon (: ) and semicolon (; ) denotes. 9. What is a) Undersampling b) nyquist plot c) Oversampling. 10. Write the MATLAB program for Oversampling. 11. What is the use of command legend? 12. Write the difference between built in function, plot and stem describe the function. 13. What is the function of built in function and subplot? 14. What is linear convolution? 15. Explain how convolution syntax built in function works.

16. How to calculate the beginning and end of the sequence for the two sided controlled output? 17. What is the total output length of linear convolution sum. 18. What is an LTI system? 19. Describe impulse response of a function. 20. What is the difference between convolution and filter? 21. Where to use command filter or impz, and what is the difference between these two? 22. What is the use o function command deconv? 23. What is the difference between linear and circular convolution? 24. What do you mean by statement subplot (3,3,1). 25. What do you mean by command mod and where it is used? 26. What do you mean by Autocorrelation and Crosscorrelation sequences? 27. What is the difference between Autocorrelatio and Crsscorrelation. 28. List all the properties of autocorrelation and Crosscorrelaion sequence. 29. Where we use the inbuilt function xcorr and what is the purpose of using this function? 30. How to calculate output of DFT using MATLAB? 31. What do you mean by filtic command, explain. 32. How to calculate output length of the linear and circular convolution. 33. What do you mean by built in function fliplr and where we need to use this. 34. What is steady state response? 35. Which built in function is used to solve a given difference equation? 36. Explain the concept of difference equation. 37. Where DFT is used? 38. What is the difference between DFT and IDFT? 39. What do you mean by built in function abs and where it is used? 40. What do you mean by phase spectrum and magnitude spectrum/ give comparison. 41. How to compute maximum length N for a circular convolution using DFT and IDFT.(what is command). 42. Explain the statement- y=x1.*x2 43. What is FIR and IIR filter define, and distinguish between these two. 44. What is filter? 45. What is window method? How you will design an FIR filter using window method. 46. What are low-pass and band-pass filter and what is the difference between these two? 47. Explain the command N=ceil(6.6*pi/tb) 48. Write down commonly used window function characteristics. 49. What is the matlab command for Hamming window? Explain. 50. What do you mea by cut-off frequency?

Viva Questions
1. What is the range of frequencies for discrete time signals? 2. What do you mean by convolution? How it is performed? 3. Give an example for power signals? 4. Write the condition for stability? 5. How do you check for linearity of a discrete time system? 6. Express impulse sequence in terms of unit-step?

7. A sequence x(n)is of length L1 and a sequence h(n)is of length L2 .then what is the Length of the sequence y(n)=x(n)h(n) 8. Define DTFT? 9. What is the necessity of analyzing a signal in frequency domain? 10. What are the steps involved in Linear convolution?

Viva Questions
1.What is the difference between Linear convolution and Circular convolution? 2. Write the even an odd positions of a complex sequence? 3. Write the nature of frequency spectrum of following signals? a) Discrete and aperiodic b) Continuous and periodic 4. What are the steps involved in circular convolution? 5. Write the time shifting and frequency shifting properties of DTFT? 6. Write the condition for symmetry of a complex sequence? cos 2 7. The phase response of a discrete time system is then the time delay sin 2 3 of the system is? 8. Find the power of a unit step sequence? 9. Write the even and odd positions of a real signal? 10. When a discrete sinusoidal signal is said to be periodic? 11. What is recursive and non-recursive system?

Viva Questions:
1. What is FIR system? 2. Draw Ideal characteristics of following filters? i) High pass ii) Low pass

3. Why FIR systems are preferred over IIR systems in practice? 4. How FIR filters are designed? 5. What is Fourier series method of designing FIR filter? 6. What is the disadvantage of this method? 7. What is Window function? 8. What are various Window functions? 9. Write the expression for Rectangular window function? 10. Write the expression for hamming window function? 11. Write the expression for Hanning window function? 12. Distinguish between FIR and IIR filters?

13. Define group delay? 14. Define phase delay? 15. What is the condition for an impulse response to be symmetric? 16. Draw the anti-symmetric impulse response sequence for N even? 17. Draw the symmetric impulse response sequence for N odd? 18. What are the differences between Ideal filters &practical filters / 19. Why the phase response of FIR filters is always Linear? 20. Write the formulae for group delay and phase delay if phase response ()is known?

Viva Questions:
1. How IIR system is described as a system? 2. What is impulse invariance method? 3. What is bilinear transformation method? 4. What is the relation between s-plane poles and z-plane poles in IIM? 5. What is the relation between s-plane poles and z-plane poles in BLT method? 6. What is the advantage of BLT method over IIM method? 7. Why the phase response cannot be preserved if a system is transformed from analog to Digital using BLT? 8. what is the condition for transformation of a filter from analog to digital? 9. Write the magnitude function of butter worth LPF? 10. Write the formulae for order of Low pass Butter worth filter? 11. Write the formulae for order of Low pass Chebyshev type 1 filter? 12. What is the transfer function of butter worth Low pass filter if order is even? 13. How poles of butter worth filter can be calculated? 14. How poles of Chebyshev type-1 filter can be calculated? 15. What is the geometry formed by poles of butter worth filter? 16. What is the geometry formed by poles of Chebyshev filter? 17. What is the frequency transformation formulae for converting a Low pass filter With cutoff frequency c to a High pass filter with cutoff frequency c in s-domain? 18. If Ha(s)=s/(s+2) then H(z) can be obtained from IIM ?

19. Draw the approximate magnitude response characteristic of Low pass butter worth Filter 20. Draw the approximate magnitude characteristic of Low pass Chebshev type-1 filter?

Viva Questions:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Write the formulae for order of Low pass Butter worth filter? Write the formulae for order of Low pass Chebyshev type 1 filter? What is the transfer function of butter worth Low pass filter if order is even? How poles of butter worth filter can be calculated? How poles of Chebyshev type-1 filter can be calculated? What is the geometry formed by poles of butter worth filter? What is the geometry formed by poles of Chebyshev filter? What is the frequency transformation formulae for converting a Low pass filter With cutoff frequency c to a High pass filter with cutoff frequency c in s-domain? If Ha(s)=s/(s+2) then H(z) can be obtained from IIM ? Draw the approximate magnitude response characteristic of Low pass butter worth Filter Draw the approximate magnitude characteristic of Low pass Chebshev type-1 filter?

Viva Questions:
1. What is the difference between DFT and FFT? 2. An analog signal that is to be spectrum analyzed is sampled at 1 KHz and the number 3. Of samples is 490.find the frequency spacing between samples 4. State Sampling theorem? 5. How many non trivial multiplications are required for computing 16 point DFT through DITFFT? 6. What is the speed improvement factor above question? 7. How do you find linear convolution through circular convolution? 8. Write any two symmetry properties of DFT? 9. State Time shifting property of DFT? 10. How many complex additions are required to compute 16 point DFT? 11. What is time aliasing?

Viva Questions:
1. Define Z-transform? 2. Write the relation between Z-transform and DTFT? 3. Write the differentiation property of Z-transform? 4. State Initial value theorem? 5. State Final value theorem? 6. Define ROC? 7. Define one sided Z Transform? 8. State time delayed and advanced properties of one-sided Z transform? 9. What is the ROC of causal and non-causal signals? 10. When does the ROC become a circular region in imaginary plane? 11. When does a system described by H (z) is said to be stable? 12. What are the types of realization of IIR system? 13. What are the types of realization of FIR system? 14. What is the Z transform of Unit step function? 15. Which method is preferable for realizing a discrete time system with Minimum no of multipliers? 16. What are the advantages of parallel realization? 17. What is the disadvantage of discrete form-1 realization? 18. What is the ROC of a stable system? 19. What is the relation between DFT and Z-transform? 20. What is the advantage of FIR over IIR?

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