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WHEN HOPE SEEMS TO FADE: Rejoice! There is growth from every difficulty We face challenges every day.

How we react in the face of adversity will be a reflection of our true character. It is essential to stay calm during the storm in order to complete the project at hand. This clarity will boost your confidence, allow you to see the larger picture and ultimately produce positive results. An instant is just a moment in time. A lifetime lasts forever Do not sweat the small stuff. Simplify your life. Dont go through life wasting your energy being frustrated or offended over small issues. Respond to lifes issues with wisdom, patience and laughter. Love and Pray for your enemies This is a very difficult premise for most of us to understand. When we think of the hurt and pain our enemies have caused why would we love and pray for them? We need to look above ourselves and see them as equal. If we offer prayers to those who offend us, then our prayers will be heard. To persecute our enemies is to persecute the one person who offers us forgiveness. Gods mercy will always shine upon us when we move in the direction of love. See the positive Wake up every morning with a grateful spirit. It does not matter what circumstances lie ahead, if you start your day with a smile and stay focused on the positive, the mountain will not seem as steep. Be disciplined and know brighter days are ahead. Tough times dont last, tough people do. Look through the eyes of a child Its very magical looking through the eyes of a child. Sometimes its not what you seen in their eyes but what they are feeling in their heart. They become so transparent with their emotions they can lift your spirits with their smile. Keep focused on their innocence and live veraciously through their eyes. Be thankful for your health, home and family It is the little things we take for granted. Be grateful for what you have instead of being discouraged by what you do not have. If you are not satisfied with your lot in life you have all the power to make a change. It is yours to keep or yours to change. If you keep doing the same thing you will always get the same results. Pray everyday Find solace in prayer. The foundation of love and peace lies in the discipline of daily prayer. Believe there is something much larger than life itself. Find the connection with the spirit to guide and lead us through our lives. Forgive unconditionally

You do not need a reason to forgive. We are all subject to hurt throughout our life and sometimes it is difficult to overcome. It takes courage and pride. If we want to live a joyful life then we must forget the past, live for today, choose happiness and forgive unconditionally. Walk in the rain Are you in a hurry? Slow down and enjoy the rain and what it represents. A day without rain is a day without life. We use an umbrella to symbolize protection but guard yourself from hiding under the shelter where you will miss discovering your true potential, fulfillment and happiness. Admire the Sun Rays Admire how gloriously everything shines with the glow of the sun rays. Feel the warmth of the rays as they wrap themselves around you and enlighten your spirit. Let the warmth of the sun seep into your soul and give you peace. I hope these quotes have channeled your energy and allowed your wisdom to prevail. I try to live by this quote everyday: "Life is a journey not a marathon and we need to enjoy the ride"

Friends are not only the people who accompany you at your ups and downs, but also the ones who are with you when fall and rise. These quotes are to let us see and appreciate our friendship: A friend forgives your defects, and if he is very fond of you, he doesn't see any. One of the greatest joys in life can be formed in having a friend. Our lives are filled with simple joys and blessings without end. And one of the greatest joys in life is to have a friend. Life is hard as it is. Too many rough roads to travel. Too many chains to untangle. But no matter how cruel the world maybe, life becomes less harder when you got a good friend. Even though friends are far apart, we know, true friends are close at heart. There is never a season where friendship becomes less important in living. Never an age when we don't need the warmth of smiles, memories, laughter and giving. It means a lot to merely know a friend is by your side to comfort you when things go wrong and help you stem the tide. Ritter Friendship is a living thing that lasts only as long as it is nourished with kindness, sympathy and understanding. Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 A friend accepts us as we are yet helps us be what we should be; a friend affirms us when we're weak and gives us strength to let us free. A real friend warms you by his presence, trusts you with his secrets, and remembers you in his prayers. The gold of human dignity lies hidden in every human soul, waiting to shine through if only we'll give it a chance. Norman Vincent Peale Friendship is composed of a single soul inhibiting two bodies. Aristotle Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love Sometimes we take our friends for granted, forgetting to thank them, praise them, or tell them how much they mean to us. Must be because they're always been there. But isn't it quite sad to have found the time to tell them but they're no longer there to listen? True friend is hard to come by. So if you got a friend treasure her like a rare kind of jewels. cil

Thank you Father for my precious friend, a gift from you. Someone with whom to share my joys and defeats and a love centered in you. Amen If I had a single flower for every time I think about you I could walk forever in my garden. Claudia Grandi Unconditionally, selflessly, through thick and thin, despite the odds, a friend will always be a friend. Then there are friends who sail together through quiet waters and stormy weather helping each other through joy and through strife and they are the kind who gives meaning to life. A friend will joyfully sing with you when you are in the mountain top, and silently walk beside you through the valley. Thank you, Father, for my friends who loves me. Give me the courage and your grace to be a loving friend in return. May we learn to keep you at the center of our relationship. Amen We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is a last drop that makes it run over; so in the series of kindness, there is a last one that makes the heart run over. Samuel Johnson A Friend understands those contradictions in your nature that leads other to misjudge you. With him, you can breathe freely. The essence of friendship is likened to gold panning, where its purification process passes through several delicate ways before the finest kind prevails. Friendship is a cozy shelter from life's rainy days. Father, thank you for putting into my life the dear friends that add so much sunshine. Amen When you have a true friend, value your friendship. Do whatever you can to keep it. Good friends are hard to come by. cil Some people make the world more special just by being in it. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me, and just be my friend. Albert Camus Friendship defies age and ignores distance. It weathers the hard times and shares the good. Everyone that flatters thee is no friend in misery. Richard Barnfield Friendship speaks honestly when called upon and kindly without asking. E. Lou Milton

A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him, I may think aloud. Ralph Waldo Emerson To be a friend is to experience a solemn and tender education of soul from day to day Blessed are they, who have the gift of making friends, for it is one of God's best gifts. It involves many things, above all, the power of going out of one's self and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another. Thomas Hughes A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you today just the way you are. Every day, you discover the sweet little things that make your friend a dearer part of you.

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