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Hnw thc Quran brIngs unIty tn

a!! nf thnsc whn bc!Icvc In thc

Onc Gnd
The Appioach of lhe Quian
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ln the |lght of the G|orlous Qurn and the (
) Sunnah
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Iiepaied ly:
The lean of IsIanic TooIs
Is!amic Prnpagatinn OIIicc in Rabwah, Riyadh
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Is!am at Ynur Fingcrtips
Hnw thc Quran brIngs unIty tn a!! nf thnsc whn bc!Icvc
In thc Onc Gnd
The Appioach of lhe Quian
The Quian (ieveaIed duiing lhe peiiod fion 61O lo 632) is lhe onIy look in
lhe voiId lhal slails vilh lhe slalenenl: In lhe Nane of AIIah, lhe
Conpassionale, lhe MeicifuI. Such a slalenenl of lhe souice is evidence of
hov univeisaI lhe nessage of lhe Quian is. The foIIoving veises convey a
sense of lhe unily lhal nol onIy incIudes MusIins lul ieaches oul lo hunanily
al Iaige vilh failh in lhe One Cod and noiaI puiposefuIness:
- UnIty nf thc BcgInnIng:
In lhe Nane of AIIh, lhe Conpassionale, lhe MeicifuI
||Have nol lhose vho disleIieve knovn lhal lhe heavens and eailh
veie of one piece, lhen ve spIil lhen asundei, and We nade eveiy Iiving
lhing of valei` WiII lhey nol, lhen, legin lo leIieve` (Quian, 21: 3O)
-UnIty nf Gnd (A!!ah):
In lhe Nane of AIIh, lhe Conpassionale, lhe MeicifuI
||Say, "He is AIIah, |Who isj One,
AIIah, lhe LleinaI Refuge,
He neilhei legels noi is loin,
Noi is lheie lo Hin any equivaIenl." (Qui'an, 112: 1-4)
-UnIty nf humanIty and thc ccntra!Ity nf mnra! cnnduct:
In lhe Nane of AIIh, lhe Conpassionale, lhe MeicifuI
||O nankind! Indeed, We have ciealed you naIe and fenaIe, and have
nade you nalions and liiles lhal you nay knov one anolhei. Indeed, lhe
nolIesl of you, in lhe sighl of AIIah, is lhe lesl in conducl. Indeed, AIIah is
Knovei, Avaie. (Quian, 49:13)
-UnIty nf Prnphcthnnd:
In lhe Nane of AIIh, lhe Conpassionale, lhe MeicifuI
||The Messengei has leIieved in vhal vas ieveaIed lo hin fion his
Loid, and |so havej lhe leIieveis. AII of lhen have leIieved in AIIah and His
angeIs and His looks and His nessengeis, |sayingj, "We nake no dislinclion
(lhey say) lelveen any of His nessengeis." And lhey say: "We heai and ve
oley, (We seek) Youi foigiveness, Oui Loid, and lo You is lhe uIlinale
ieluin." (Quian, 2:285)
-UnIty nf a!! thc bc!Icvcrs:
In lhe Nane of AIIh, lhe Conpassionale, lhe MeicifuI
||Indeed! Those vho leIieve (in lhal vhich is ieveaIed unlo lhee), and
lhose vho aie }evs, and lhe suppoileis (of }esus), and Salaeans, vhoevei
leIievelh in AIIah and lhe Lasl Day and doelh iighl, suieIy lheii ievaid is
vilh lheii Loid, and lheie shaII no feai cone upon lhen neilhei shaII lhey
giieve. (Quian, 2:62)
Thc csscncc nf Is!am !Ics In thc mnra! charactcr It trIcs tn Infusc In thc
IndIvIdua! daI!y !Ifc. Thc fn!!nwIng Is an cxamp!c frnm thc Quran:
In lhe Nane of AIIh, lhe Conpassionale, lhe MeicifuI
||5ay: Cnmc, I wI!! rccItc that whIch ynur Lnrd has fnrbIddcn tn ynu:
Do nol asciile divinily, in any vay, lo aughl leside Hin, and lhal you do
good lo youi paienls, and lhal ye sIay nol youi chiIdien lecause of poveily--
We piovide foi you and foi lhen--, and lhal you diav nol neai lo shanefuI
deeds, vhelhei open oi conceaIed. And lhal you sIay nol lhe Iife vhich AIIah
halh nade sacied, save in lhe couise of juslice. This He halh connanded you,
in oidei lhal ye nay discein. And appioach nol lhe veaIlh of lhe oiphan save
vilh lhal vhich is lellei, liII he ieach naluiily. Cive fuII neasuie and fuII
veighl, in juslice.
We do nol inpose on any souI a duly excepl lo lhe exlenl of ils aliIily, and
vhen you speak, lhen le jusl lhough il le (againsl) a ieIalive, and fuIfiII
AIIah's covenanl, lhis He has enjoined you vilh lhal you nay le nindfuI,
And (knov) lhal lhis is My palh, lhe iighl one lheiefoie foIIov il, and foIIov
nol (olhei) vays, foi lhey viII Iead you avay fion His vay, lhis He has
enjoined you vilh lhal you nay guaid (againsl eviI). (Quran, 6:151 to 153)
Source: vvv.isIaniclooIs.con

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