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Sources: Abu Bako: Onyechi Daniel: Emmanuel Kure: Steve Ogan: - Establishing Gods Altar Everywhere -Praying Through the Gates of Time - Expose and Destroy - Faulty Foundations - The unseen problems - Practical Prophetic Prayer and Warfare -The Apostolic Invasion - Building Rainbow Thrones

Jesus, the King of kings; the Lamb of God, is said to have seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth (Revelation 5:6) Isaiah 11:1-5 No earthly king can do without the seven Spirits of God. THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Spirit of His Lordship. The Spirit of Knowledge. The Spirit of Understanding. The Spirit of Wisdom. The Spirit of Counsel. The Spirit of Might. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord.

THE SPIRIT OF HIS LORDSHIP This is the Spirit of majesty, sovereignty and absolute authority to whom an earthly king must submit his crown and throne. He is subject to the commandments of the Spirit of

Gods Lordship and does not make any provision for disobedience whatsoever.

THE SPIRIT OF KNOWLEDGE Through the Spirit of Knowledge, a king can acquire facts on the purpose of his throne and its redemptive gifts and agenda. The Spirit knows the plans of God for the kings realm. THE SPIRIT OF UNDERSTANDING This is the Spirit that puts all the facts together. It interprets the facts in order to enhance righteousness and justice on the throne. THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM Kings who rule by wisdom do the right things at the right time. THE SPIRIT OF COUNSEL A king must be tuned to the Spirit of Counsel in order to check out the validity of every counsel he receives. THE SPIRIT OF MIGHT The Spirit of Might gives the king the grace of longevity and durability on the throne. It gives him the strength to carry the burdens of his office with dignity and grace. THE SPIRIT OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD It is this Spirit that serves as a restraining influence in the life of the king. It prevents abuse of authority.

1 Samuel 8:10-22 describes how a king without the seven Spirits of God will operate. These are the actions of satanic kings.

God has given us all we need for life on earth. (2 Pet. 1:3 , Eph. 1:3) We shall get them when we are able to defeat the Kings that are keeping them from us. Jesus taught us in Matt. 11:12 that the violent take it by force. Read Matt. 12:29 Luke 11:21-23

The blessings you want are under the control of a strongman who is well armed. The strong man is the king in charge of the territory whom you must defeat in battle before you can take what you desire. Whether it be a desired spiritual experience or physical blessing. Satan is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4) The king we must overcome is indirectly Satan or more directly demons, principalities, powers, satanic princes and princesses. PRAYER EXERCISE 1 Thank you Lord for the revelation on satanic kings. Every satanic king that has stolen my blessings, I pursue you; I overtake you and recover all, in Jesus name. I take up the sword of the Holy Ghost and cut your dirty hands off my blessings in Jesus name. You king that is blocking my progress, I release the whirlwind of God - let it fall violently on your head, in Jesus name. I release thunder, earthquake, storm, tempest, and devouring fire to completely destroy your kingdom and your soldiers in Jesus mighty name, Amen. Based on 1 Sam. 30:8, Jer. 23:19-20, Isa. 29:6 (This prayer is taken from Expose and Destroy by Onyechi Daniel)

Human beings can function as satanic kings. God asked Ezekiel to prophesy and judge some wicked women in Ezekiel 13:17-19. These wicked women would sew magic charms on their sleeves. They made veils for the head of people in order to hunt souls. They would kill people who should not die and they would keep people alive who should have died. As intercessors we must prophesy and judge the wicked kings we encounter every day. Pillars The first pillar - The King Rev 4:1-4 Ps. 74:12 Whoever possesses the gate of the kingship possesses the kingdom. The gates of the kingship include - The Presidency - The Judiciary - The Legislature Isaiah 33:22

There is only one king who completely and always walks in the seven spirits of God. He is Jesus, the King of kings. The Lamb of God is said to have seven horns and seven eyes which the seven Spirits of God are sent out into all the earth. (Rev. 5:6).


The Second Pillar - The Throne

Righteous thrones are covenant thrones. They are secured by a covenant relationship with the Almighty God. They are preserved by their divine link with the Rainbow throne in heaven. Most thrones today are occupied by earthly kings who have covenants with the kingdom of darkness. Sometimes thrones are occupied by kings who claim to be born again. Such kings are enthroned with great enthusiasm and determination. They aim to influence their thrones with their Christian values. This aim is usually not achieved because the throne itself is not cleansed of the fundamental satanic covenants upon which it is established. We see this happening today in Haiti. No Christian can successfully sit upon a satanic throne without first uprooting the covenants, altars and demonic paraphernalia that undergird the throne. Read Psalm 11:3 A throne must be cleansed and brought into a new covenant with the Almighty God before a Christian king is able to rule successfully The Almighty God rules from a throne. The golden altar is before the throne. (Rev. 8:23). The authority and power of any throne is based on the altar that supports the throne. Some thrones exist in the spiritual realm (Gods throne, Satans throne) . Other thrones exist in the physical. However, for those thrones that exist in the physical, they have spiritual parts that are more important than the physical parts. The spiritual part controls the physical part. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Gods throne. (Ps. 89:14) When Satan fell from heaven he set us his own throne in the spirit realm and began to takeover earthly thrones through which God would have extended His righteous reign on the earth. This is how we now have the throne of iniquity which devises evil by law. (Ps. 94:20). Read Isa. 14: 5-8 When we deal with the throne of iniquity the earth or sections of the earth will be at rest

and quiet (Isa. 14: 7). The land will sing (verse 7) and even the vegetation will have a joyous song (verse 8).

Prayer exercise 2 By the blood of Jesus I come under the throne of righteousness of Jehovah. I violently resist every throne of iniquity. Whether you are trying to reign over me from the heavens, the air, the land, and the waters or form the bottom of the sea, I come against you in Jesus name. I expose the altars behind your evil thrones. I dry up the satanic oil that has sustained you and I judge you by fire from your root, in Jesus name. I cut into pieces any spirit that is operating from your throne. I set your throne on fire. I set the figure on the throne on fire. I set the altar supporting every throne of iniquity on fire. I burn with unquenchable fire the demons that supervise the influence and operations of every evil throne, in the mighty name of Jesus. (Based on Job. 22:28, Jer. 5:14, Ezek. 6:4-6 and Rev. 12:11) This prayer is taken from Expose and Destroy by Onyechi Daniel. For physical thrones, the laws, ordinances, customary rites and dedications that set them up, or practices that go on from them, could make them thrones of iniquity. Some such thrones have spiritual influences that go beyond the political boundaries of such thrones. A particular throne may be righteous, with godly influence, until a particular ungodly king comes. The throne of King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20 was godly until Manasseh ascended the throne in 2 Kings 21. The evil that King Manasseh did upon the throne brought Gods judgment that was experienced during the reign of King Jehoiakim, his fourth generation descendant (2 Kings 24:1-4). This is how some thrones in many nations have brought trans-generational curses and destruction upon the areas under their spiritual jurisdiction. The evil foundations of a throne must be properly dismantled, before it can be sanctified and dedicated to God. Let us look at the principles involved. The third pillar of the kingdom is - The foundation. Ps. 89:13-14; 97:2 Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of Gods throne. Foundations are built on stones. There must be at least three stones, the chief corner stone and two others. Jesus is our chief corner stone Ps. 58:1-2 , 2-10, Ez. 11:1-2

Altars, Gates and Covenants are the foundation stones. To destroy any structure successfully we must destroy the foundation. Altar - A place where sacrifices are offered to some deity. Gate - Any port of access used for the purpose of both entry and exit. These ports of access could be in the spiritual realm, the realm of the soul or the realm of the physical. They could be visible or invisible. Isaiah 28: 5-6 When we pray for the land and we seek to deal with the principalities that rule in that land we must address the gates from which they rule, the gates through which they enter the land. The entry point of every city is where the covenant of that city is kept. Covenant - A contract. Most thrones today are occupied by earthly kings who have covenants with the kingdom of darkness. These thrones must be cleansed of the foundational covenants upon which they were established. No Christian can successfully sit upon a satanic throne without first uprooting the covenants, altars and demonic paraphernalia that undergird the throne. There are seven specific covenants by which a throne can be secured for perpetual generations. These are:

1. The covenant of Life and Peace. 2. The covenant of A New Priesthood. 3. The covenant of Divine Health and Healing. 4. The covenant of Fruitfulness. 5. The covenant of Divine Protection. 6. The covenant of Longevity. 7. The covenant of Extra- Territoriality.

The fourth pillar - The Scepter Isaiah. 14:5 Ps. 125:3 Ex. 8:20

Where there is no scepter there is no authority. The scepter is the staff of office. Without it the king has no legal right to sit on the throne. The scepter that rules over a people determines their behavior.

A Scepter of staff is one of most ancient symbols of authority.

The fifth pillar - The Council of Elders Every rainbow throne must have a council of elders. Rev. 4:4 The 24 elders were like a shield around Gods throne. The 24 elders served in the midst of an angelic company identified as four living creatures. Rev. 4:6-9 The Lord God Almighty is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He has all authority and has no need for any assistance. Yet, He chose to surround His throne with a council of elders. God is showing us a pattern. Earthly kings need to have their advisory council. No throne can survive without a prophetic company of righteous elders.

The sixth pillar - The messengers. Micah 5: 10-15, Eph 4: 7-16 Here we have Apostles, Prophets and Priests, (the human aspect) and Angels (the spiritual aspect). For every altar there is a messenger who is the supervising spirit. The seventh pillar - The subjects - those that are ruled.

(Adapted from Faulty Foundations - the unseen problems by Onyechi Daniel) STEP 1: WANTED!: A BURDEN BEARER

Usually some people will notice signs of captivity or that things are not working well and they will start to pray. Usually God will answer such prayers by passing the burden on someone who will be prepared to take concrete steps to bring down Gods intervention. Such a person would respond to Gods advertisement in Ezekiel 22:30-31. Such a person would be of the Nehemiah Company (Neh. 1:4) STEP 2: SPIRITUAL MAPPING

Spiritual mapping involves observation, study/research and obtaining revelation from God. The burden bearer(s) would take on the initiative to do spiritual mapping in order to get the strategic information necessary to wage war with knowledge. (Prov. 24: 5-6) Investigate properly the history of the throne and all the past kings. The names of the past kings and what they did while on the throne. STEP 3: PREPARE A DELIVERANCE TEAM

The burden bearer(s) will seek the Lord for guidance in bringing the deliverance team together. The team will review the spiritual mapping report . The team must take time to seek the face of God and receive strategies from God. Ask God to reveal hidden things about the throne and uncover the foundations of the throne to you. STEP 4: MOBILIZE MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY

The burden bearer(s) will need to get in touch with the members of the community to educate them and secure their cooperation and to agree to a date for the program. The members of the community must be told why the program is necessary, their part in it (including prayer and fasting) and the expected benefits to them and the unborn generations. STEP 5: SOLEMN ASSEMBLY

The vision of a solemn assembly shall be in line with Joel 2:15-19. During the solemn assembly the members of the community will be repenting of their own sins and the sins of their ancestors to fulfill Gods expectation in Leviticus 26:4042. There must be repentance of present and ancestral iniquities. The sins of idolatry, bloodshed, slavery, wickedness, and all other sins must be properly and diligently atoned for. The king must renounce all covenants that have been made upon the throne by himself and his predecessors. Deal with all past dedications of the king and the thrones to Satanic powers. Deal with the covenant of death over the throne (Isaiah 28:16). STEP 6: DESTRUCTION OF SATANIC ALTARS / ARTIFACTS

Those things that were offensive to God and that attracted His anger upon the community and upon their land must be destroyed. Deut. 12:1-3. STEP 7: NEW COVENANTS MUST BE MADE WITH ALMIGHTY GOD

Having destroyed the old covenants that sold the community to Satan, new covenants should be made between the community and God. Relay the foundations of the throne with the Word of God. Psalm 138:4, Psalm 89:14, Isaiah 32:1-2. Let the king make a covenant with God upon the throne to serve God with a perfect heart all the days of his life. Let the king declare that his throne has become the throne of Jesus Christ. Make a decree that no king will reign on the throne again who will not do the will of God. Pray for the king from Isaiah 11:1 and anoint him sitting upon the throne. Let us look at the covenant that King Asa and his people entered into with God after a national deliverance and reformation in 2 Chronicles 15:8-15. At the end of this exercise God will roll away the communitys reproach, give them break through and rest from their enemies in line with Joel 2:19-27 and 2 Chronicles 15:15. The speaking from evil thrones has successfully converted the righteous into doing unrighteous acts - frustrating their initial godly plans. This is what has gone wrong with righteous Christian kings, presidents, governors etc. We must seek to redeem thrones and offices, if we want to see better performances from Christian leaders. Some thrones are made evil because of the people found close to the thrones, the advisers. Such thrones will not be righteous until we deal with such wicked people. (Proverbs 25:5) Before Paul could evangelize the governor, Sergius Paulus, he had to deal with Elymas the sorcerer. (Acts 13:6-12) Prayer exercise 3 I rebuke every wicked person operating from any throne to hinder my ministry, business, finance or other interests. I frustrate your devices so that your hands can not carry out your wicked plans. I curse your eyes to go blind in Jesus name. If you are not appointed unto salvation and if you do not repent, let the sword of the Lord devour you in Jesus mighty name. (Based on Prov. 25:5, Job 5:12, Acts 13:48, Ps. 7:9-13) This prayer is taken from Expose and Destroy by Onyechi Daniel.

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