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Kerry-Ann Williams 5-3

Literature April 19, 2012 SECTION A- DRAMA

1. a) The setting for the scene is that of a teachers lounge or staff room. b) The stage directions The lights come up and BLACK OUT are significant as they represent the beginning and end respectively of the scene. 2. Pats statements in lines 3-9 suggest that he harbours contempt for the school and his colleagues as he believes them to be below him due to their stupidity and mannerisms. This is shown in the lines 1-9 Things are bad but we get by ..........Money-grubbing capitalistic sex-fiend, bound to go to Heaven as he describes a place that is dreary and run-down and people that have no sense of class. 3. The dramatic effect of Chaplains entrance (line 10) immediately following Pats description in lines 7-9 is designed to instil a sense of apprehension in the audience as it is assumed that Chaplain has overheard Pats description of him and we wait to see what it is that Chaplain will do. 4. Two signals that the playwright uses to make the audience aware of the headmasters entry are the statement made by Chaplain in line 9 and Roscos picking up of the ping- pong paddle. 5. Two inferences that can be made from Russ Dacres actions as the bell goes are that he is eager to please and impress the headmaster by hurrying to classes and that he also wants to flee before a confrontation occurs within the staff lounge.

6. Chaplains statements in lines 15-17 and lines 24-29 are ironic in nature as the audience is introduced to a docile patient person who seemed to not believe in or practice strict disciplinary strategies. He then becomes someone who not only encourages harsh punishment but he also enjoys it. 7. a) The atmosphere created by the sound of the cane offstage is one of trepidation. b) The stage directions in lines 24-29 indicate the Chaplains position on discipline in school to be that of a necessity as he expresses pleasure during the caning of a student and also by the statements made by Chaplain.

SECTION B- POETRY 1. The use of the word too in line 1 tells us that the life of the speakers father was hectic and included waking up early in the mornings including Sundays. 2. Two images that show the effect of the weather on the old man in stanza 1 are line 2 Put his clothes on in the blueblack cold and lines 3-4 then with cracked hands....the weekday weather made. These images are effective as the use of the word blueblack indicates the battering and bruises the old mans body has sustained due to the cold weather. The second image is also effective as it shows the readers the results of moving from the extremities of cold then hot. These conditions have affected the old man in a major way as they cause cracked hands that ached. 3. From the poem, we have learnt that the old mans character was that of a tenacious person but he seems to be unable to express his feelings and was therefore treated indifferently by the persona. 4. In the last two lines, the speaker conveys a feeling of regret and solemnity as they regret how they treated their father. This is portrayed through the lines 1014 Speaking indifferently to him....of loves austere and lonely offices. The persona feels ungrateful for not being more caring towards the man who has provided him with all his basic needs. 5. One example of a metaphor in the poem would be the chronic angers of that house (line 9). This is effective as the emotions felt in that house gave way to an almost helpless anger that was like a sickness and took on a life of its own, which is reminiscent of a chronic disease or illness. This comparison allows us to be able to see that the persona and their father each had a fear of each other. The fathers fear seemed to be on how to raise his child in the right way while the childs was that of the fathers reaction to his child. 6. The poet uses contrast to create the mood in the poem by employing a flashback technique which shows the readers the childhood of the persona and writing in the present tense to show the maturity of the persona as an adult. These are effective as the opening lines are nostalgic and are therefore showing the readers a time when the persona was appreciative of the old man. The poem then transgresses to puberty when most teenagers commit rebellion against parents as a method to obtain their own way and parents show the most emotion due to the fact that their children are growing up and also over the increasing fights between the two generations. Lastly, there is a retrospective look on the life lead by both the persona and the old man. The greatest resonance of this emotion is found in line 14 as the persona wonders how love is so lonely.

SECTION C- PROSE FICTION 1. Two expressions that show that Miss Dorcas is physically attractive are Everybody in the district knew Miss Dorcas was the best looking among all other girls (lines 1-2) and Knowing how to be warm and modest, rounded and curved in all the right places, she was the most appealing from Negril to Mount Point (lines 2-4). 2. Three phrases in paragraph 2 that illustrate the intensity of Grannys response to Miss Dorcas suitors are but her granny threw him out, but her granny threw him out and all other men...practically came to blows with granny. 3. The aspects of Miss Dorcas character that are revealed in the statement Miss Dorcas had been quick to learn (line 18) are that she was an observant person and was able to easily adapt to her surroundings. 4. Mr Bills behaviour in paragraph 3 shows that his character is one of a loving and trustful nature. 5. The writer prepares the reader for Miss Dorcas downfall when he states that Granny got Miss Dorcas a place in the backra-house and that Mr Bill gave her the responsibility of managing the servants and everything and she became the mistress of the household. This places her under tremendous amount of stress which weighs heavily on her and is the cause of what happens next. 6. In paragraph 1, Miss Dorcas is treated as a source of pride for the community as she is proclaimed to be the best looking girl with a good personality, in addition to comporting herself in the proper way. However, in paragraph 4, Miss Dorcas has become an embarrassment as she attacked Mr Bill and was taken to a hospital when he told her he wanted to marry a backra girl. 7. A title for this extract could be Miss Dorcas Downfall. The reason why this title would be suitable is that the main event, which is the breakdown of Miss Dorcas, are due to many events and actions that occur throughout the extract.

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