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alain badiou
Fifteen theses on contemporary art
1. Art is not the sublime descent of the infinite into the finite abjection of the body and
sexuality. On the contrary, it is the production of an infinite subjective series, through the finite
means of a material subtraction.
2. Art cannot merely be the expression of a particularity (be it ethnic or personal). Art is the
impersonal production of a truth that is addressed to everyone.
3. Art is the process of a truth, and this truth is always the truth of the sensible or sensual, the
sensible qua sensible. This means1: the transformation of the sensible into an happening of the
4. There is necessarily a plurality of arts, and however we may imagine the ways in which the
arts might intersect there is no imaginable way of totalising this plurality.
5. Every art develops from an impure form, and the progressive purification of this impurity
shapes the history both of a particular artistic truth and of its exhaustion.
6. The subjects of an artistic truth are the works which compose it.
7. This composition is an infinite configuration, which in our own contemporary artistic context is
a generic totality.
8. The real of art is ideal [elle] impurity conceived through the immanent process of its
purification. In other words, the raw material of art is determined by the contingent inception of
a form. Art is the secondary formalisation of the advent of a hitherto formless form.
9. The only maxim of contemporary art is: do not be imperial. This also means: do not be
democratic, if democracy implies conformity with the imperial idea of political liberty.
10. Non-imperial art is necessarily abstract art, in this sense: it abstracts itself from all
particularity, and formalises this gesture of abstraction.
11. The abstraction of non-imperial art is not concerned with any particular public or audience.
Non-imperial art is related to a kind of aristocratic-proletarian ethic: it does what it says,
without distinguishing between kinds of people.
12. Non-imperial art must be as rigorous as a mathematical demonstration, as surprising as an
ambush in the night, and as elevated as a star.
13. Today art can only be made from the starting point of that which, as far as Empire is
concerned, doesn't exist. Through its abstraction, art renders this in-existence visible. This is
what governs the formal principle of every art: the effort to render visible to everyone that
which, for Empire (and so by extension for everyone, though from a different point of view),
doesn't exist.
14. Since it is sure of its ability to control the entire domain of the visible and the audible via the
laws governing commercial circulation and democratic communication, Empire no longer
censures anything. All art, and all thought, is ruined when we accept this permission to
consume, to communicate and to enjoy. We should become the pitiless censors of ourselves.
15. It is better to do nothing than to contribute to the invention of formal ways of rendering
visible that which Empire already recognises as existent.
alain badiou
Thses sur lart contemporain
1. Lart nest pas la descente sublime de linfini dans labjection finie du corps et du sexe. Il est
au contraire la production, par le moyen fini dune soustraction matrielle, dune srie subjective
2. Lart ne saurait tre expression de la particularit, quelle soit ethnique ou moque. Il est la
production impersonnelle dune vrit qui sadresse tous.
3. La vrit dont lart est le processus est toujours vrit du sensible, en tant que sensible. Ce
qui veut dire : transformation du sensible en vnement de lIde.
4. Il y a ncessairement pluralit des arts, et quelles que soient les intersections imaginables,
aucune totalisation de cette pluralit nest, elle, imaginable.
5. Tout art est venue dune forme impure, et la purification de cette impuret compose lhistoire,
et de la vrit artistique, et de son extnuation.
6. Les sujets dune vrit artistique sont les uvres qui la composent.
7. Cette composition est une configuration infinie, qui, dans le contexte artistique du moment,
est une totalit gnrique.
8. Le rel de lart est limpuret idelle comme processus immanent de sa purification.
Autrement dit : lart a pour matriau premier la contingence vnementielle dune forme. Lart
est formalisation seconde de la venue dune forme comme informe.
9. La seule maxime de lart contemporain est de ntre pas imprial. Ce qui veut dire aussi quil
ne doit pas tre dmocratique, si dmocratique signifie : conforme lide impriale de la
libert politique.
10. Un art non imprial est forcment un art abstrait, au sens suivant : Il sabstrait de toute
particularit, et formalise ce geste dabstraction.
11. Labstraction de lart non imprial ne considre aucun public particulier. Lart non imprial est
li un aristocratisme proltaire : il fait ce quil dit, sans acception des personnes.
12. Lart non imprial doit tre aussi solidement li quune dmonstration, aussi surprenant
quune attaque de nuit, et aussi lev quune toile.
13. Lart se fait aujourdhui partir seulement de ce qui, pour lEmpire, nexiste pas. Lart
construit abstraitement la visibilit de cette inexistence. Cest ce qui commande, dans tous les
arts, le principe formel : la capacit rendre pour tous visible ce qui, pour lEmpire, et donc
aussi pour tous, mais dun autre point de vue, nexiste pas.
14. Convaincu de contrler ltendue entire du visible et de laudible par les lois commerciales
de la circulation et les lois dmocratiques de la communication, lEmpire ne censure plus rien.
Sabandonner cette autorisation de jouir est ruine de tout art, comme de toute pense. Nous
devons tre, impitoyablement, nos propres censeurs.
15. Mieux vaut ne rien faire que de travailler formellement la visibilit de ce qui, pour lEmpire,

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