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Hello , Hi Good morning Good night Good-bye, bye See you soon See you later

Ol, Oi Bom dia Boa noite Adeus, Tchau At logo At breve

Please Thank you You're welcome

Por favor Obrigado De nada

Excuse me Sorry Congratulations Good luck

Desculpe, Com licena Desculpe Parabns Boa sorte

Hey What's up? How are you? How are you doing? How's it going?

Ei Como vai?, E a? Como vai?, Tudo bom? Como est? Como vai?


Examples: Affirmative form: I am a nurse (Eu sou uma enfermeira). Mary is a nurse (Maria uma enfermeira) = She is a nurse. My dog is cute (Meu cachorro fofinho) = It is cute. Mary and her sister are teachers (Maria e a irm dela so professoras) = They are teachers. We are engineers in Brazil (Ns somos engenheiros no Brasil). Interrogative form: Are you hungry? (Voc est com fome?). Are they American? (Eles so americanos?). 2

Is he a singer? (Ele um cantor?). Is he the doctor? ( ele o mdico?). Am I late? (Eu estou atrasado?). Is your dog tired? (O seu cachorro est cansado?). Negative form: Arent you hungry? (Voc no est com fome?). Isnt the teacher angry? (A professora no est nervosa?). Isnt your father a doctor? (Seu pai no um mdico?).

DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS: Os pronomes demonstrativos tm a funo de indicar algo. So eles: this (este/esta), that (aquele/aquela), these (estes/estas), those (aqueles/aquelas). O pronome this deve ser usado para indicar algo que est no singular eprximo do falante. Ex: This car is really cool. (Este carro muito legal). This is my new bike. (Esta a minha nova bicicleta). Ao se referir a algo no singular e distante, o falante dever utilizar o that. Ex: That is my new neighbor. (Aquele o meu vizinho). That woman is my friend. (Aquela mulher minha amiga). No entanto, ao se referir a algo perto, s que no plural, o falante dever utilizar o these. Ex: These tickets are too expensive. (Estes ingressos so muito caros). These magazines are interesting. (Estas revistas so interessantes). O those deve ser usado toda vez que o falante quiser demonstrar algo no plural e que est distante dele. Ex: Those are my classmates. (Aqueles so meus colegas de classe). Those kids are intelligents. (Aquelas crianas so inteligentes). Those nurses are dedicated professionals. (Aquelas enfermeiras so profissionais dedicadas). 3

LETS PRACTICE: A-Follow the model: a) Is he overweight? (thin) No, he isnt. Hes thin.

1- Is Alison short? (tall) _____________________________. 2- Are the children angry? (calm) _____________________. 3- Are you sad? (happy) ____________________________. B- Complete the questions with am, is or are and answer them: 1- _____ the woman thin? 2- _____those children happy? 3- _____the boy tall? C- Complete: Yes, shes a_____ woman. Yes, theyre____children. No, he isnt a _________.

A- What is this? B- What are these?

Its a mouse.


Theyre books. (near)

C- What is that?



D- What are those?



E- What is this?


F- What are these?


The correct position of adjectives:

He bought an expensive cell phone. Ele comprou um celular caro. He bought expensive shoes. Ele comprou sapatos caros. 4

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