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Networks for water supply, waste water, fire
hydrants, road lighting and complements on
Project Stage Building Discipline Type Number Rev.
4340710 2 T900 C RPT 0002 A

adpi ownership
Report Reference Sheet
To: Dr. Mohamed Shlebik
Secretary of Civil Aviation Authority
Civil Aviation Authority

Prepared by: ADPi Team

Approved by: Philippe DELAPLACE

ADPi Designers and Planners

Address: Orly Zone Sud
91 204 Athis-Mons Cedex
Tel: + 33 1 49 75 50 00
Fax: + 33 1 49 75 13 91


Project identification number: 4340710

Document identification number: 4340710-2-T900-C-RPT-0002-A


Rev Date Modifications Writing Approving

A 30 July 2008 Initial submittal ADPi Team P. DELAPLACE

Project : Tripoli International Airport Development Ref : 4340710-2-T900-C-RPT- Date : 30 July 2008
Doc Title : Landside infrastructure report – Part 2 Version : A Page 2/20

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1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 4

2 DRAINAGE .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Design basis ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Results of hydrological calculation.................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Dimensioning of the hydraulic structures ........................................................................................................ 6
2.5 Discharge and rain water treatment ................................................................................................................. 7
2.6 Treatment Options ........................................................................................................................................... 7

3 WATER SUPPLY NETWORK ................................................................................. 8

3.1 Drinking water supply ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Treated water supply...................................................................................................................................... 10

4 WASTE WATER NETWORK................................................................................. 13

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Assessment of the Waste water discharge ..................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Sizing Criteria................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.4 Waste Water Sewerage Network Dimensioning............................................................................................ 14
4.5 Summary of Waste Water calculus:............................................................................................................... 15

5 FIRE HYDRANTS .................................................................................................. 16

5.1 Design basis ................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Locations ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Supply network.............................................................................................................................................. 17
5.4 Water flow rates and storage ......................................................................................................................... 17
5.5 Pumping Station............................................................................................................................................. 17

6 ROAD LIGHTING................................................................................................... 18
6.1 Design basis ................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.2 Illuminance and luminance ............................................................................................................................ 18
6.3 Electrical diagram.......................................................................................................................................... 18
6.4 Lighting fixtures ............................................................................................................................................ 19

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This reports details the design basis and preliminary designs for the landside infrastructures
associated with the new passenger terminal and VVIP buildings of the Tripoli international
airport. It covers the following projected installations in the airport:
- Water supply network
- Sanitation network
- Fire hydrants
- Road lighting

This report also presents an update on the rainwater drainage networks, which was presented in
the Landside infrastructure report – Part 1, ref 2-T900-CRPT0001. The update covers the
following items:
- rainwater flows collected on the terminal building roof and discharged landside have
been included
- the treatment/discharge has been simplified and detailed (infiltration basins)
- networks are proposed as culverts instead of pipes

This report does not cover the utilities plants such as waste water treatment, potable water
supply, etc. Those utilities do not form part of the present study. However, where applicable and
to facilitate coordination some indication on the performances of these utilities have been given
(for information only).

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2.1 Introduction

The longevity of the road infrastructures and additional installations are conditioned, by:
- The drainage of the platform of the roadways;
- The drainage of the immediate surroundings.
The study of the drainage requires to address the following issues:
- The correct design of the hydraulic crossing structures;
- An easy and fast technique of execution of the drainage ditches collecting the immediate
surrounding and surface waters coming from the platform;
- A good drainage of water flows on the platform with sufficient slopes thus allowing a fast
discharge of water towards the ditches, avoiding the infiltrations.

2.2 Design basis

2.2.1 Areas collected:

The runoff water comes mainly from roofs of the terminal and surrounding buildings, car parks
and various roads.
Hence the watershed water resulting from the cumulative sum of the surfaces of these areas:
• Surface car parks: Sp = 2x4 = 8 ha
• Surface roads: Sr = 9 ha.
• Surface roofs: St = 2x3,5 = 7 ha
The network rain water projected can also collect rain water pipes bringing rainwater collected
from the passenger terminal on the airside.

2.2.2 Calculating the flow:

The formula to be used for the calculation of the flows is the following:

Q = (Ka/3.6). C.I.A
• Ka = abatement coefficient
• C = streaming coefficient
• I = intensity of the rains in mm/h
• A = surface of the catchments area

2.2.3 Coefficient of abatement

This coefficient is given according to the dimension of the catchments areas. In this case, the
surfaces of the catchments areas are all lower than 25 km ². The value considered is 1.

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2.2.4 Coefficient of streaming

- For the flows resulting from the ground, the coefficient of streaming to be
considered is 0,3.
- For the flows resulting from the covered ground, the coefficient of streaming to be
considered is 0,95;

2.2.5 Intensity of the rains

The intensity of rain is taken as 90 mm / h in TRIPOLI region.

2.3 Results of hydrological calculation

The above formulas give a total flow for the whole of the contributing surfaces of:
Q= 3.5 m3/s

2.4 Dimensioning of the hydraulic structures

Dimensioning is carried out by means of the formula of Manning-Strickler

Q = K.R2/3. S. I1/2
• Q = flow in m3/s
• K = coefficient of roughness
• R = hydraulic ray in m
• S = surface in m ²
• I = slope in m/m
This flow is collected in box culvert of different size following the flow surface received and the
slope used:
If we adopt for the majority project a slope of 0.35%, the flow capable for each box culvert is:
• Box culvert 0.6*0.6 m2: 0.42 m3/s.
• Box culvert 0.8*0.8 m2: 0.9 m3/s.
• Box culvert 1*0.8 m2: 1.22 m3/s.
• Box culvert 1.5*1 m2: 2.8 m3/s .

The principle and detail of drainage are shown in the drawing 2-T900-C-G1-0001.

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2.5 Discharge and rain water treatment

The rain water collected by the network of drainage will be poured in a basin of infiltration. The
dimensioning of this basin is based on the peak output volume Q = 3, 5 m3/s. A standard
hydrogramme with a basic time of 3 hours and a time of assembled from 1 a.m. will be applied to
determine the maximum volume of the projected basin, which is approximately 20.000 m3. The
nature of the ground enables us to confirm that this volume will infiltrate in the ground for one
very limited length of time (sandy ground with a high coefficient of permeability).

2.6 Treatment Options

Any adjustment leads to a change in the environment, and development of urban areas and the
road network is no exception. Disruptions caused by the construction and operation involve both
surface water and groundwater, and can alter the physical characteristics of natural area or
physicochemical qualities of the water, causing changes in populations of animals and plants
that depend on it.
In fact water runoff from roofs and pavement can carry several chemical pollutants degraded or
deposited such as copper, rubber, zinc and oil.
Hence, to maintain the balance of bioclimatic regions adjacent to our project, it is preferable to
carry out a treatment of such water before discharge into the environment.
In this objective, we proposed to deviate and treat the first flood of rain water before being
poured in the basin of infiltration. The flow of the first flood was evaluated, for a time which does
not exceed 5 to 7 minutes, with 600 l/s (that is the one sixth of max. flow).
Two storm outfalls will be projected at the entry of the basin of infiltration to deviate the first flood
(that is to say 2X300 l/s) towards two prefabricated decanter-desoilers (with a climbing speed of
2 m/h) to treat the first flood before being poured in the basin of infiltration which have a
dimension of 20.000 m3 (that is a basin of an average surface of 130mx80m and an average
height of 2 m).

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3.1 Drinking water supply

3.1.1 Introduction
The areas to be supplied with water are the followings:
• Eastern Terminal
• Western Terminal
• VIP Area
• Control Tower
The source of the (drinking) water is to be the water treatment plant located at the Technical
zone near the Power station.
The lowest pressure required will be 3 bars.
The maximum speed allowed at the water supply system will be 2 m/s.
The maximum speed allowed at the level of the distribution pipes will be 0.75 m/s.
The water supply will be by direct discharge into the network. Consequently, the regulation
system is to be of Hydro heavy surge bladder vessel.
The objective of the following section is to determine the skeleton of the distribution network in
this zone

3.1.2 Water demand

Water demand for each Terminal respectively, is 700 m3 (Terminal Building specifications).
The request for water peak hour for each Terminal is 200 m 3 including 50 m3/h for the reserve
fire tanks. (Terminal Building specifications).
Besides that, the calculations will take into consideration a water demand of 2,5 l/s for the VIP
area and the control tower respectively.

3.1.3 Dimensioning hypotheses

• The Peak Daily Factor (Cpj) adopted is 1,3.

• The Average Daily Consumption (Qjm) is estimated to 1 400 m3/d.
• The Maximum Daily Consumption (Qjmax) is Qjm x Cj = 1 820 m3/d.
• The Peak Hour Factor (Cph) adopted is 1,6.
• The Maximum Hour Consumption (Qhmax) is 400 m3/h.
• The average hour consumption (Qhm) is Qjm / Cph = 250 m3/h.
• The Loss Factor (in the network) Kp adopted is 1,2.

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3.1.4 Discharge baseline for the System dimensioning

The supply system being based on a Direct outlet in the network, the dimensioning discharge
will be:
For retaining structures: Qjr max = Kp Qjmax = 2 180 m3/d
For distribution structures: Qhd max = Kp Qhmax= 480 m3/h = 135 l/s
Besides that, an additional demand of 2,5 l/s for the VIP area and 2,5 l/s for the Control tower is
taken into consideration.
The pumping station and the supply networks shall be dimensioned for a total discharge of
140 l/s.

3.1.5 Pumping station

This item does not form part of the present scope of study. Main performances for the pumping
station are given for information only, based on the network layout presented here. They shall be
checked and if necessary updated by the Contractor in charge of this utility. Figures are given to
give a first idea of the utility required.
The supply of the water from a water treatment plant will be with a pumping station that has the
following characteristics:
ƒ Discharge Q = 140 l/s Power = 75 Kw
The station is to control the pressure of the water network to regulate it at 3 bars.
This station will be equipped with two pumps (1+1) with identical characteristics:
ƒ Unit discharge q = 140 l/s
The operation of the pumps will depend on the Terminals water demand. At peak demand, the
two pumps will be operating.
The control system will be of Surge bladder vessel type.

3.1.6 Dimensioning of the distribution network

The dimensioning of the water network stated here-after summarizes the size specifications of
the pipes and the pressures calculated at the level of each of the distribution zones.
The distribution network is composed of:
ƒ 150 ml of Ø 400 HDP RP10 connecting the pumping station to the line feeding the two
Terminals (East and West).
ƒ 2 200 ml in Ø 315 HDP RP10 feeding the two Terminals
ƒ 750 ml in Ø 90 HDP RP10 to be connected to the two pipe lines Ø 315 feeding the Terminals
and, the Control tower and the VIP area.

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3.1.7 Summary of Water supply calculations:

- Calculation of peak discharge and dimensioning -

- Distribution networks dimensioning (from raw water TP)

3.2 Treated water supply

3.2.1 Introduction
The treated water network is not part of the present scope of study, since is is tightly linked with
the sewage water treatment plant, which is out of the present scope.
However, the main characteristics and the description of the points to be supplied is given
hereafter, for information and coordination purposes.
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The irrigation of the parks and the landscape zones, as well as the water supply to exterior
architectural water ponds constitute a principal component in the project of the airport. These
zones are made up of the green planted zones and the water ponds (basins).
This section details the needs for irrigation, in order to locate and size the principal network of
irrigation, to define the various hydraulic components of the network.

3.2.2 Water resources

In order to save water, the treated water from the waste water treatment plant will be used as a
source for irrigation and water supply of the described zones.

3.2.3 Water requirements

For the two terminals, the peak requirements for treated water are 160 m 3 / h. the distribution of
the needs by terminal is of:
• 50 m 3 / H for the basin
• 30 m 3 / H for watering

3.2.4 Design of the network of irrigation Guiding principle

The proposed treated water network consists of a pipe network in PEHD functioning with a
minimal pressure at the level of the terminal of 2 bars. Indeed, the networks of irrigation which
will be used at the level of the zones to irrigate and to be supplied with treated water can be of
the sprinkling type and will thus require a sufficient pressure at the head of the network.
Treated water shall be pumped directly into the network starting from the storage tank at the
waste water treatment plant location. Treated water supply

Main performances for the treated water are given for information only, based on the network
layout presented here. They shall be checked and if necessary updated by the Contractor in
charge of this utility. Figures are given to give a first idea of the utility required.

Water will be pumped starting from the storage tank located at approximately 1,2 km from the
zones to be disserved. The characteristics of the station of pumping are as follows:
ƒ Flow Q (m 3 / H): 160 m 3 / h
ƒ Power (Kw): 25 KW

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3.2.5 Distribution network Principlee

The whole of the network consists of buried pipe works functioning under pressure. The network
feeds technical rooms located upstream of the areas to irrigate, or to supply (water ponds). Types and class of conduits

The network will be composed of a main ND 315 and of two secondary pipes ND 200 which will
serve each one 80 m 3 / h. the conduits will be in PEHD class PN10
For the correct operation irrigation systems, the residual minimal load necessary at the level of
each catch shall be 2 bars, which will make it possible to practice the irrigation penny pressure
(in particular sprinkling) while connecting directly on the network.
Computer simulations were made according to the load at the head of the network and of the
diameters of pipes (defined according to the fixed speed limits).
The results of simulation selected are presented in the table below.
The network of irrigation thus will consist of:
ƒ 1200 ml in Ø 315 (PEHD)
ƒ 400 ml in Ø 20 (PEHD)

3.2.6 Summary of Treated water supply calculations

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4.1 Introduction

The sanitation system will cope with the waste water generated by the following areas:
• Eastern Terminal
• Western Terminal
• VIP Area
• Control Tower
The sanitation will be carried out through waste water collection facilities consisting in primary
pipes to drain the Waste water to the projected Treatment plant.
The present chapter is to address the layout (skeleton) of the zone distribution network and to
provide its cost estimate.

4.2 Assessment of the Waste water discharge

4.2.1 Waste water discharge rate

The Discharge rate is defined as the ratio of the waste quantity by the quantity of water
consumed. Indeed, the multiplier factor applied to the water consumed quantity determines the
potential waste water quantity.
The discharge rate adopted is 1.0 of the water consumption.
The project zone water demand was calculated based on the drinking water supply calculations:
The Drinking water daily volume will be as follows:
• The Peak Daily Factor (Cpj) adopted is 1.3.
• The Average Daily Consumption (Qjm) is estimated to 1 400 m3/d.
• The Maximum Daily Consumption (Qjmax) is Qjm x Cj = 1 820 m3/d.
• The average hour consumption (Qhm) is Qjm / 24 = 58 m3/h.
• The Maximum Hour Consumption (Qhmax) est Qhm = 200 m3/h (50 m3/h for fire- fighting

4.2.2 Waste water average discharge

The waste water average discharge will be as follows:

QmEU = Qjm x discharge rate = (1 400+2x2,5x86400/(1000x1,3)) x 1,0 = 1 732 m3/d (taking into
account the additional demand of 2,5 l/s for the VIP area and 2,5 l/s for the Control Tower).

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4.2.3 Waste water peak discharge

The calculation of the Peak discharge is based on the Maximum Hour Consumption Qhm =
150 m3/h :
• QphEU/T = 150 m3/h/terminal = 41,7 l/s/terminal
• QphEU/VIP = 27 m3/h/VIP = 7,5 l/s/VIP (Waste Water Hour Peak Factor Kph= 3)
• QphEU/TC = 27 m3/h /TC = 7,5 l/s/TC (Waste Water Hour Peak Factor Kph= 3)

The Maximum Hour waste water discharge will be as follows:

• QphEU/Tot = 354 m3/h = 98 l/s

4.3 Sizing Criteria

The waste water sewerage network will be dimensioned on the basis of the Peak Hour
Discharge and on the basis of the following rules:
• Minimum slope : 0,4 % and exceptionally 0,3 %
• Minimum Diameter : 250 mm
• Allowed speed : between 0,6 and 4 m/s

4.4 Waste Water Sewerage Network Dimensioning

The dimension specifications of the projected pipes are as follows:

ƒ 932 ml in Ø 300 PVC sanitation series (for the whole sewerage network) connecting the
treatment plant to the collecting pipes of the two Eastern and Western Terminals.
ƒ 1 300 ml in Ø 250 PVC sanitation series collects the waste water from the VIP area and
Western Terminal
ƒ 1 633 ml in Ø 250 PVC sanitation series collects the waste water from the Control Tower and
Eastern Terminal.

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4.5 Summary of Waste Water calculus:

4.5.1 Calculation of peak discharge and dimensioning

Eastern Terminal Western Terminal Total

C pj 1,3 1,3 1,3
Q jm 700 700 1400 m3/j
Q Supp 166 166 332 m3/j

T discharge 1,0 1,0 1,0

Q mEU 866 866 1566 m3/j
QpjEU 1126 1126 2252 m3/j
Maximum Hour waste water discharge

Qpmax EU 177,00 177,00 354,00

Project Qpmax EU 49,17 49,17 98,3

4.5.2 Calculation of Waste Water Discharge

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5.1 Design basis

Recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association “NFPA”.

• NFPA 1 – Uniform Fire Code

• NFPA 24 – Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances
• NFPA 415 – Airport Terminal Buildings, Fueling ramp Drainage and loading walkways.

5.2 Locations

Fire hydrants shall be provided on both the ramp and street sides of the airport terminal
buildings. Such hydrants shall be located so that no portion of the exterior of the terminal
building is more than 500 ft (152.4 m) from a hydrant
The external network of fire hydrants will be designed to serve the following buildings:
• The passengers terminals (East Terminal and West Terminal)
• The VVIP Terminal
• The Controls Tower
According to table I.3 of the ANNEX I of NFPA 1:
• A minimum of 6 fire hydrants are essential
• The average spacing between hydrants is 76 m
• The maximum distance from any point on street or road frontage to a hydrant is 46 m.
Hydrants shall be placed a minimum of 12.2 m (40 ft) from the buildings, according to NFPA-14.

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5.3 Supply network

Fire Hydrants shall be served by an exterior network.

For more reliability and a better pressure balancing, the network will be designed as a loop.
This loop starts from the pumping station plant.
The water supply networks shall be out of Polyethylene high density tubes.

5.4 Water flow rates and storage

According to Table H-5-1 of NFPA 1 (Uniform Fire Code) and regarding the class II construction
or higher and the covered area of the buildings, the minimum fire flow requirements is of 30,400
l/min for a duration of 4 hours.
A reduction in required fire flow up to 75 percent is allowed since the buildings are equipped with
an automatic sprinkler system.
The fire flow will be thus of 7,600 l/min for a duration of 4 hours.
A water reserve of 1,824 m3 is thus necessary for the fire hydrants.

5.5 Pumping Station

The pumping station will be equipped with a prefabricated booster with a set of pumps to ensure
the required flow and the necessary pressure for the hydrants. A stand by pump shall be added.
The water fire network inside the pumping room will be made of galvanized steel or PVC pipes.

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This section details the external lighting systems, including roadway and car park.
The external lighting shall provide the minimum value of illuminance and luminance for all the
roads, for the car park et for the viaduct ,the final position of each luminaries must be definite in
accordance with the cross section of the road. The external lighting works include the new
substation and all the trenches and manhole.

6.1 Design basis

• British standards BS5489-1(code of practice for design and road lighting- lighting of
road and public amenity area)
• Chartered institution of building services CIBSE
• Commission international off lighting CIE
• Institution of electrical engineers IEE
• Institution of lighting engineers ILE

6.2 Illuminance and luminance

According to CIBSE code for lighting and lighting guide 6

- Illuminance level (maintained average) for the road 35 lx
- Illuminance level (maintained average) for the car park 50 lx
- The luminance for the road and the car park 2 cd /m²

6.3 Electrical diagram

The lighting of the road and the car park will be supplied from the new power station. The start
up of this lighting will take place by contactors commanded from the BMS or by scheduled
programming and by a photo-electric unit, based on natural lighting.
The new power substation will be fed with 11Kv lines provided by the principal sub-station and
will be built near the intersection of the main airport access road and the access roads to the
East and West terminal.

The substation will be equipped with two incoming 11KV High Voltage cubical, 2 protection
transformer cubical and 2 separate transformers:.
• One transformer 800KVA/0.4 KV for the car park lighting.
• One transformer 630 KVA/5 KV for the road lighting.

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The car park lighting will be supplied directly in low voltage cable from the main distribution
board 0.4 KV of the new substation
For the road lighting and from the substation, the cable 5 KV will be laid in trenches and will feed
small transformers 5KVA/220 V installed in man holes placed on the road shoulder
The lighting fixtures for the road lighting will be supplied from the transformer 5KVA/220V
The lighting forthe viaduct can be supplied either from the terminal distribution board or from the
new external lighting substation with 400 v cable
As a base option the viaduct lighting will be supplied from the terminal building, but the Client
shall confirm whether this solution shall be kept, or of a supply from the road lighting system is
preferred (both are possible).
The cable for the external lighting will be laid in trenches placed on the road shoulder (see detail
of the trenches in drawings)

6.4 Lighting fixtures

The exterior lighting will include especially:

6.4.1 For road

Luminaire type Bellevue from Philips equipped with high pressure sodium discharge 250 W
fixed on one bracket in hot lacquered steel installed on a mast in hot lacquered steel height
10 (Luminaire type MM in drawing).

6.4.2 For car park

Luminaire type Francesca from COMATELEC with metal halide lamp 150 W
Mast in aluminium height 6 metres (Luminaire type NN in drawing)

Luminaire type CANDLE from THORN (Luminaire type RR in drawing)

Luminaire type BIARRITZ from PHILIPS with blue diffuser and Lampe 18 W (Luminaire type SS
in drawing)

Luminaire type BIARRITZ from PHILIPS with diffuser and Lampe 58 W (Luminaire type TT in

6.4.3 Viaduct

For the viaduct lighting a flat beam technology luminary will be installed on the two side of the
parapet of the viaduct.

In addition, the viaduct will be illuminate with for row of luminaries installed on aluminium
candelabrums of 8 m.

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6.4.4 Garden, plant and water basin

Floodlight type ESC 140 from WE-EF with high pressure sodium discharge 150 W (Luminaire
type OO in drawing ).

Floodlight type ETC 140 from WE-EF with high pressure sodium discharge 150 W (Luminaire
type PP in drawing ).

Immersed Floodlight with metal halide lamp 50 W type minidauphin from Thorn (Luminaire type
QQ in drawing ).

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