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Ch 21 and 22 Notes:

Reform: Populist Campaign: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Graduated income tax Secret Ballot Public Ownership 8 hour work day Cheap money (silver) Popular election of senators Single term for Pres Initiative Reforendum (getting rid of a law) and Recall (rid of a person)

-like religious revival; in Midwest- labor unrest ELECTION OF 1892: Dem: Grover Cleveland- wins Rep: Ben Harrison -Populists get 1,000,000 Clevelands Second Admin: -countrys economy in terrible shape -money unstable, over-extended Panic of 1893: -bad depression: banks lose money; -20% of workers out- labor unrest -Eng pulled $68 mil out of stock from RR- took gold out of circulation in AM -Harrisons admin broke- spent $100 mil surplus -Cleveland believes in laissez-faire- no well-fare Boom and Bust Economics: cycle of ups and downs over the years

GOLD ISSUE: -poorest countries: all on silver standard -cheap money: silver; want to use it -Cleveland: wants gold; will get opposition -contacts JP Morgan: tells him to but gold to resupply gold in Am -bought 65 mil- rebuilt supply -Pawn of Wallstreet- Cleveland: pro-business; public finds out; gets blame- unpopular STRIKES: Cleveland calls troops: unpopular to break strikes Coccyx Army: -led march to Washington -unemployed construction workers to protest lay off of govt const project -chased out of city- looks unsympathetic WILSON GORMAN TARIFF: -new low tariff- 600 amendments -actually didnt lower them- doesnt lower prices -Cleveland doesnt like it- doesnt sign or veto- sits 15 days- Pocket Veto- public mad Federal Income Tax: 2% on people making over 2,000 Supreme Court threw it out DEPRESSION: Made People: 1. President needs more power 2. Move away from laissez-faire 1894 CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION: -gain by Republicans- 1.5 mill for Populists

ELECTION OF 1896: Rep: William McKinley -gov of swing state Ohio, blames depression on Dem, for gold standard -spends $7 mill- doesnt like campaigning; poor speaker Mark Hannah: campaign manager; great job; Advance agent of prosperity- mckinley Front Porch Campaign: Mckinleys campaign; reads from front porch -political pilgrimage- take the train to Ohio; 20,000/day; mil visit Dem: William Jennings Bryan- Dark Horse Candidate -Gold vs silver Dem -Richard Bland- front runner -Bryan: great speaker; boy orator of the platt gives speech condemning gold standard -traveled- looked like Protest revivalist- not appealing to cities, Catholics, Jews -for silver and reform- stole Populist reform list Populist Dilemma: run candidate or support Bryan? -danger- Dem take over Pop members- put support in Bryna -party disappears; Dem absorbs MCKINLEY WINS ELECTION- Dem and Pop thought they would win- wide margin Silver Issue: -quickly dies: 1. economy recovers- depression over 2. Currency Act Passed: every paper dollar must be backed by gold -Republicans: dominant for next 30 plus years

US TERRITORIAL EXPANSION: -not an empire or colonies Jingoists: American overseas expansionists

Why Want an Empire? 1. 2. 3. 4. Nothing left in West to conquer Empire nice for trade and raw materials National pride- big leader Crusading Morality: belief that we had a moral obligation to help 3rd world countries

The Influence of Sea Power on History Alfred Mahan- book; big affect on Am expansion and Germany -wants to increase trade, Panama Canal, promotion of big US navy Isolationists: dont want expansion; will get involved in wars; unconstitutional? Only Place left is Islands: SOMOAN ISLANDS: -Pago Pago: natural harbor; traded for exclusive right for port (also sold to Germ and Eng) -crisis averted- typhoon; Eng withdrew, split island with Germany HAWAII: -1820 AM missionaries- Christianity and mumps- kill 80% of island -kids make plantations (dole, del monte) taken 2/3 of land -economy tied to land; 1875- pineapple/sugar: in for free- no tax -in return, Us gets pearl harbor as naval base McKINLEY TARIFF: -took sugar off duty free list- if US owned- wouldnt have to pay tax -lobbyists push for annexation- Anti- Am riot in Hawaii- marines rush in and annex it- 1897 CUBA: Splendid Little War Forgotten War Spanish-American War: -Cuba- Spanish; Sugar- to US -Am depression wrecks economy; led to revolt against Spanish Butcher Weiler: SP commander; tried to crush rebellion, locked supporters in conc camps

Why Am Gets Involved: 1. Crusading morality 2. Jingoists- Am expansion William Randolf Hurst/ Joseph Pulitzer:: big in newspaper; jingoists Yellow Journalism: Purposely distort the news- make war in Cuba seem a lot worse Frederick Remington: military western artist -hired to go to Cuba to draw for newspaper; gets there- nothing there you suppl y pics, ill supply war- hurst LOME AND MAINE BATTLESHIP: -Spains ambassador to US; wrote a letter to friend complaining about Us/McKinley -senator steals it and Hearst prints it- calls McKinley cheap politician -we send Am battleship for goodwill trip -blew up Maine and killed US sailors- 260 -Spain blamed, could it be Am or Cuba -divers see it was an internal explosion - McKinley tries to avoid war- criticized by Roos-as much bone as choc clair -US gives Spain ultimatum- dont take it; offer to buy new ship, comp for sailors, and give Cuba more voice; US doesnt accept- declares war TELLER AMENDMENT: Wants to make intentions clear- Am is not going to keep Cuba; tacked onto Dec of War Teddy Roosevelt: asst sec of war; sends navy into Asia to leave immediately for Phillipines -Am navy tries to sneak into Manila bay, 1 ship catches on fire; no Sp forts open fire- old guns BATTLE OF MANILA BAY: Dewey: sinks all 10 Sp ships; 1 Am dies, no ships hit -not enough troops to invade; drop anchor until army comes in August Emilio Aquinaldo: Leads phillipino revolt against Sp. Am wont let them into Manila Bay- revolt against Am

ARMY: -in bad shapre; 28,000; old officers and weapons -ask for volunteers- get too many- over 300,000 -issue troops wool uniforms ROUGH RIDERS: Cavalry regiment- Western riders and E polo riders Led by Leonard Wood and Teddy Roosevelt William Shafter: Commander of army; overweight/out of shape Werent enough ships to take everyone- rough riders not assigned- sneak on and took spot Daquiri Bay: Army heads to Santiago; no landing; row men ashore in lifeboats- army full of amateurs BATTLE OF SAN JUAN LINE: -line of trenches, fences, ridge; army needs to capture Joe Wheeler: commander; got Yankees on run Shafter: suffering from heat- at HQ; hesistates to ok attack; Sp attacking us- L Wood goes to HQ -Roos calls R.R and they charge- army follows; Roos fears losing glasses -attack works- Roos big hero; #1 problem is WATER Demoralized Spanish: sunk all 4 ships; Spanish give up Puerto Rico: Sp fire few shots and give up; Nelson Miles- Am commander 5,500 men die in month in Cuba- 319 from combat; bad food, water, disease, heat Embalmed Beef: tinned beef in gray juice; made men sick and killed them TREATY OF PARIS: 1. Cuba goes free 2. Guam, P Rico, Philippines go to US 3. US compensates Spain- 20 mill 1901- US troops still there; L Wood governor; Cuba not ready to rule itself

PLATT AMENDMENT: Cubas freedom with strings Allows US to interfere with international affairs- reserve right to stop it -couldnt enter foreign treaties, borrow $ w/o US permission -made them give US port at Guantanimo

ANNEXATION OF PHILIPPINES: Big debate: Isolationists(dem) didnt want to have to protect it- across world; possible wars Some thought it was unconstitutional ANTI-IMPERIALISTIC LEAGUE: Against acquiring an emperor- Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie, Samuel Gompers -McKinley say Phil. Not ready to be ready to be free Henry Cabot Lodge/Mark Hannah: Rep pushing treaty in Senate- passed by one vote William Jennings Bryan- makes annexation big issue- Isolationists

PHILIPPINE INSURRECTION: Thought they would get freedom Revolt: fight in one stand up battle- beat; start geurilla warfare -very nasty war- machetes; mil civilians die in war; 71,000 in Phil after one year; 160 mil cost Elwell Otis: commander; quits after one year Arthur McArthur: takes over position Aquinaldo: Phil leader captured -TURNING POINT OF WAR- convinced him our rule would be helpful -goes on tour and convinces revolt to die- Am modernizes Phil William Taft: becomes governor; 5000 soldiers die

CHINA: Ancestrial worship- slowed progress down; opened dorrs- resisted modernization; Japan prog. JAPANESE-SINO WAR: Mainly naval; Japan beat China- need to control Chinas coast Spheres of Influence: Everyone imp in Europe had one; not US; specific laws in area had precedence over Chinese -only friend was US- promoted free trade OPEN DOOR POLICY: By John hay; sold it to Eng- open trade in China BOXER REBELLION: Boxers: nationalist Chinese socialists; want China for China- began attacking foreigners -International army sent to interior- 2 months fighting Boxers Huns: nickname of cruel German troops -Chinese govt didnt do anything- neutral; rebellion crushed- excuse to drop open door policy

PANAMA CANAL: Sp-Am war increased trade- need canal deLoppseps: French company- began building canal; bankrupt after 3 years; workers killed; 1/3 built $109 mill worth of work to sell to US- commissioners want to use Nicaragua Varilla: engineer; lobbys Wash to build in Panama; put 50,000 in Rep campaign funds, offer it fo 40 mil -uses Nic. volcano as reason not to build there- changes back to Panama(owned by Colombia) HAYE-HERRAN TREATY: -give colomibia 10 mil upfront, quarter mil in rent -Col says no- wants 25 mil- everyone upset; Roos wants to say he got canal built Varilla organizes revolt in panama- writes Dec of Ind, Const, and flag Revolt: bribed 500 Col soldiers, fire dep leads revolt; Am battleship in harbor; transport with troops -American gives Panama diplomatic recognition and protectorate; offer them the same deal Canal: architectural marvel; finished in 1914

William Gorgas: Dr; makes malaria-mosquito connection; saves canal building ****US earns distrust from cen/south Am countries*** later give Col 25 million

POPULIST MOVEMENT: 1st reform in rural areas PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT: urban effort of reform -all independent reform groups- specialized; dont work together- both pol parties involved -WASP group- reformers; upper/ mid; well-educated; believed in Dem system- want gov to do it -intellectuals leading reform- writers; journalism- successful second -appeal for reform in CHEAP MAGAZINES; before hard back books- not working -advertising- main source of revenue

MUCK-RAKING MAGAZINES: -McCluwers- big magazine -about a dozen- Cosmopolitan; hired writers to investigate issues -writers became reformers; only dug stuff up- no solution 2 Series of Articles: The Shame of the Cities: Critical look at corrupt govt in cities; esp St Louis Written by Lincoln Steffens History of Standard Oil: Ida Tarbell- author; wrote for 5 years; sensation; sets off 15 years of stories -some doubled as novels- ex The Jungle

Frank Norris: muck-raker; wrote: The Pit: weak market and Chicago board of trade The Octopus: trade out west

MUNICIPAL REFORM: Give govt back to the people- gov is responsive to machines/industry -machines have complete control in cities- immigrant vote -Repeaters: voted more than once Cleaning up: 1. Commission Gov- kind of popular 2. City Manager Gov: interview and hire trained to run gov 3. State Central Committee- state gov; shared power with top machine boss in state; had them for county too; gave better voice- more votes 4. Direct Primary: give people chance to get person in; State gov 5. Direct Election: direct vote of the people 6. Secret ballot WISCONSIN IDEA: Fighting Bob Fallottee: Republican; swings around; progressives copy play 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wanted state to regulate R.R. and public service companies Income tax Restrict work of lobbyists Worker compensation- injuries Conservation departments Uses women

-Joe Folk, Hireman Johnson, Woodrow Wilson: adopt similar programs

WOMENS RIGHTS: Mostly working for suffrage/right to vote Wisconsin-1890; women get to vote- Western states first- view all equally 1905: 17,000 women in suffrage movement; 1919- 2 mil 1916: Dem convention- women line up in white w/ gold sashes;didnt say anything- want to vote 19th Amendment: gave women right to vote Immigrants and Blacks: Not in movement- nothing changes; racism everywhere Klan dies but activity still out

BOOKER T WASHINGTON: Set up Tuskegee Institute: vocational tec college for blacks -why train for fields without job opportunity- taught agriculture, welding -accepts role white give blacks WILLIAM DU BOIS: Leading black educator- PhD from Harvard; a fighter- wants change; cofound of NAACP ATLANTA COMPROMISE: -agree to go the way Wash suggested- work hard, prove worth, change minds -will take time- DuBois wants it now Teddy Roos: Invited B T Washington to eat dinner there- race riots; South outraged -old NY fam money- popular; health probs as a kid- horrible eyesight -homeschooled- influence by mom- wants to serve public/join politics- help fellow man Mom and wife die w/in 8 hours- gave his child to sis -works as police commissioner, sec of nay, joins army- famous rough rider; -want to put him as VP to ruin his career- Rep cant control him; McKinley gets shot and dies -becomes Pres- Progressive National Leader- perfect time- right in Prog movement -first forceful Pres since Lincoln- changes office TR and BIG BUSINESS: -reform- fighting monopolies; trust buster breaks 44 monopolies -good trust- good product, fair price, cooperation with gov Poor trust- opposite NORTHERN SECURITIES COMPANY:RR holding company -controlled by JP Morgan group; owned all RR from Chicago to Seattle -Roos won Supreme Court case- opened door to break all monopolies 1907 Business Panic: Businesses blame it on breaking monopolies

1902 COAL STRIKE: everyone heated home with coal -miners wanted 20% raise, union recognition, 8 hour work day; wont talk -could cause problems even death w/o heat -Roos uses power to SETTLE dispute- says have to talk or army will mine coal -Gov Arbitrator: settles it; neutral; didnt please anyone- 10% raise, 9/h work day, no union rec ELECTION OF 1904: Rep: Roosevelt: campaigns everywhere; Square Deal: progressive reform Dem: Alton Parker- NY Fed Judge- wins solid south ROOSEVELT WINS 30 to 1- thought country wanted reform 2nd TERM: -spent fighting monopolies esp RR -ineffective Interstate Commerce Commission 1906 HEPBURN ACT: -Roos proposed to strengthen ICC; Senate doesnt pass- Roos says he will ask for new low tariff -pass watered down version- strengthens ICC a little Jungle Published: Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act -moving away from laissez-faire CONSERVATION: -Roos big into- creates reseres and parks by executive order -wilderness in vogue 1908- 70,000 visited; 1916- 335,000 visited- due to cars Purist: dont want roads or things leading to it; want to preserve pure beauty of nature Multi-Use: add roads or access to nature for all Giford Pinchot: helps Roos set aside 150 mil acres into US FOREST SERVICE- looked over land CONSERVATION CONGRESS: called to White House- meeting; met to conserve land; 41 conservation dep set up

ELECTION OF 1908: Roosevelt announced he wasnt running- greatly reduced power and efficiency Rep: Taft- sec of state; Dem; William Jennings Bryan TAFT WINS TAFT ADMIN: -not a leader; ambition was S Court -stressful admin- political failure; Rep split; lose next -cause him and Roos to fall out- gained a lot of weight TAFTS SUCCESSES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Broke up more trusts than Roos Mann Elkins Act: expanded ICC Set up Dep of Labor Graduated Income Tax and direct election of senators

WHY REP SPLIT: all avoidable 1. Tariff: Payne Aldrige Tariff a. New, high tariff by conservatives; Taft best tariff passed makes prog mad 2. Conservation: Richard Balinger- Dep of Interior a. Starts se3lling some land from forests to development- Pinchot cant stop it b. Pinchot wants investigation to find something to fire him c. Bal taken bribe from JP Morgan- Alaskan Coal fields d. Taft doesnt fire either one; Pinchot goes to Congress- then fired e. Taft looks anti-conservation and anti-progressive 3. House Speaker: Joe Cannon a. Conservative; blocking progressive legislation; progressives want to decrease power b. Norris Resolution: decreases power; Taft says nothing during fight- leg matter Roos: out of country in Africa for 7 months; in Europe- visited by Eli Rute: Taft doing okay; -wants him to stay away from Taft NEW NATIONALISM: Progressive reform by Roos 1910 CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS: -Roos campaigns for freidns in NY- asks Taft to join; wont; they lose- Roos blames it on taft Roos announces he will run for Pres in 1912

New Progressive Leader: Bob Lafolliet: senator; wanted Presidency; Laf/Roos power struggle- Roos wins Insurgents: progressive wing of republicans Direct Primary: Roos beating Taft by large margine; machines didnt want it- controlled election -Taft got all votes and gets nomination; Roos robbed- storms out Bull/Moose Party- Progressives- leave with Roos and hold own convention Dem: Champ Clark replaced by Woodrow Wilson(gov of NJ) ELECTION OF 1912: Roos shot in Milwaukee- gave speech anyways; Roos/Taft spend all time fighting each other Dem: Woodrow Wilson- NEW FREEDOM prog reform plan WOODROW WILSON WINS Woodrow Wilson: Princeton, tought law, Pres of school, very smart -hated military- wouldnt compromise New Freedom: called special congress to pass it 1. Tariff- Underwood Simmons Tariff- lowered rates up to 40% 2. Banking reform- watned new fed banking -sets up Fed Bank Reserve: divide country into 12 reserve districts in charge of money supply, interest rates, control over other banks 3. continue trust busting policies by Roos Clayton Anti-Trust Act: made interlocking directories and holding companies illegal -made it a lot more difficult to get injunctioin -Labors Magna Carta- by Gomper Fed Trade Commission: looked into trade Fed Highway Act: matching funds spent on roads Fed Farm Act: made $ available for farmer- worker comp for fed employees, 8/h work day for RR Wilson- needs to win over Rep progressives 18th: prohibition; 19th: women right to vote

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